Scientific Symposium “The Union of the Principalities, national significance and historical scope”


On the occasion of January 24, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences and with the support of the Iasi Branch of the institution, organizes the scientific symposium “The Union of the Principalities, national significance and historical scope”. The event will take place on Tuesday 24 January 2023, starting at 12.00 noon online. The event will be attended by prominent historians, personalities of Romanian education, science and culture.

The symposium will be opened by Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, and will be moderated by Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, President of the Historical and Archaeological Sciences Section.

The Symposium agenda includes the following lectures:
– Prof. Dumitru Vitcu,
Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, The genesis of the Unionist program (Society “Unirea” from Iasi);
– Prof. Stefan Vergatti,
Valahia University, Targoviste, England’s attitude towards the Union of the Romanian Principalities;
– Prof. Dr. Jipa Rotaru,
Focsani Commission;
– Prof. Ion I. Solcanu,
Establishment of the Second Science Section of the Faculty of Philosophy to train civil engineers, mechanics and architects by transforming the Royal School, 1860;
– Dr. Horia Dumitrescu,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza and Focșanii
Col. (r) Dr. Marius Nicoară, A.O.Ș.R. associate member, The people of Buzo during the Union of the Romanian Principalities
Prof. Stoica Lascu, corresponding member of AOSR, Dr. Constantin Angelescu: “The Union of the Romanian Principalities, the decisive act that crowned centuries of work of aspirations and laid the first foundations of today’s Romania
The agenda of the event remains open.

We invite you to take part in the Symposium, a framework for scientific reflection on a major event in Romanian history. The login details are:
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Meeting Link

12:00 Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, Presentation of the Symposium Programme
12:10 Prof. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR – Opening speech
12:20 Prof. Dr. Dumitru Vitcu, Stefan cel Mare University Suceava
Theme: the genesis of the unionist program (Society “Unirea” from Iasi)
12:40 Prof. Dr. Ștefan Vergatti, University of Targoviste
Theme: England’s attitude towards the Union of the Romanian Principalities
13:00 – 13:15 Discussions
13:15 – 13:30 Coffee break
13:30 Prof. univ. dr. Jipa Rotaru
Theme: Focsani Commission
13:50 Ion I. Solcanu
Theme: “Establishment of the Second Science Section of the Faculty of Philosophy for the uninterrupted training of civil engineers, mechanics and architects by transforming the Royal School” 1860.
14:10 Dr. Horia Dumitrescu
Theme: Alexandru Ioan Cuza and the Focsans
14:30 Discussion, Conclusions