AOSR has 35 members ranked in the top 2% most cited scientists in the world, according to ELSEVIER


35 members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists have achieved the feat of ranking in the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists according to the latest ELSEVIER report, using the SCOPUS database and h-index, hm-index, adjusted for the number of co-authors, citations in different author positions and a composite index (c-scor).

The AOSR member rankings of the top 2% of scientists in the world, taking into account publication impact factor, number of citations and authors, first and last author can be accessed HERE .

The table below lists the 35 AOSR members and their positions in the ELSEVIER rankings:

Pozițin the rankingFirst nameSectionCountry
Romanian members
14174Pop IoanmathematicsRomania
80936Berinde Vasilemathematics 
85109Mortici Cristinelmathematics 
108679Fetecau Constantinmathematics 
130550Ixaru Liviumathematics 
167330Gal Sorinmathematics 
25337Mihalache Dumitruphysics 
95807Dragoman Danielaphysics 
163019Delion Doruphysics 
201238Mirea Mihailphysics 
32922Gavrilescu Mariachemistry 
82665Grumezescu Alexandruchemistry 
33627Ducea Mihaigeonomy 
196049Antoniac Iuliantechnically 
88413Covic Adrianmedicine 
149229Popescu Irinelmedicine 
123843Andrei Neculaicomputing 
170125Iliescu Cipriancomputing 
 Members from abroad  
14422Reich SimeonmathematicsIsrael
41944Yamamoto MasahiramathematicsJapan
55606Mawkin JeanmathematicsBelgium
103613Altshuler BorisphysicsUS
181781Dogariu ArthurphysicsUS
32215Roco MihailphysicsUS
33753Brik MichailphysicsEstonia
45500Malka VictorphysicsFrance
46331Sagiv JacobphysicsIsrael
50980Suhonen JouniphysicsFinland
41172Schwendike FalkgeonomyGermany
5046Tonetti MauritiomedicineHong Kong
38174Lerut TonimedicineBelgium
103221Ardaillou RaymondmedicineFrance
116146Binet Jacque LouismedicineFrance
144736Zeevi AndreamedicineUS
92430Navon IonelcomputingUS