“AI systems for modern and adaptive education” – AOSR symposium organised on the occasion of National Reading Day



Wednesday, 15 February 2023, 12:00 – AOSR headquarters

Acad. Florin FILIP – Romanian Academy
Prof. dr. eng. Larisa IVAȘCU – Polytechnic University of Timișoara
Prof. Răzvan BOLOGA – Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest

MODERATOR: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina BANCIU

The public debate organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists through ICAI – Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” brought to the attention of specialists in the field the analysis of the need for lifelong learning in Romania in the European context.

As Mr. Prof. dr. eng. Adrian BADEA, President of AOSR, in the word transmitted through Mrs. Vice President Doina Banciu, the conference is part of AOSR’s four projects, namely “Digital Transformation of Romanian Society”.

The academic event was attended by both physical and online research specialists who addressed artificial intelligence (AI) systems in relation to the need for lifelong learning, which is naturally also linked to the need for continuous reading.

In this regard, the AOSR event was organized on National Reading Day (15 February) under the coordination and moderation of Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu. Thus, the AOSR vice-president briefly outlined at the opening of the conference the need for continuing education with a focus on the role of educational and cultural institutions in supporting the general efforts of the administration to reduce the growing phenomenon of functional illiteracy. At the same time, he brought to the attention of the audience the need for young people to use reading, whatever its form and medium, to inform themselves and understand correctly and consistently the problems they face, both personally and professionally.

The important role of public libraries in shaping the digital literacy of citizens was also highlighted.

Academician Florin Filip outlined the milestones of the adaptive teaching-learning process dimension based on information and communication technology and stressed the professional support of all initiatives aimed at this topic.

Prof. univ. Răzvan Bologa presented an AI-based teaching-learning platform, which aroused great interest from the participants. In this context, the possibilities of developing projects of broad public interest were mentioned.

Prof. dr. eng. Larisa Ivașcu mentioned AOSR’s concerns for supporting e-Learning processes, recalling that even during the pandemic AOSR publishing published a very well documented book dedicated to this topic. At the same time, she said that the Technical University of Timisoara has serious concerns in the direction of modern and adaptive education.

Florin Jianu, President of the National Council of Small and Medium-Sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), also spoke about the concerns of the institution he leads to achieve the European objectives that all employees in SMEs should have at least a minimum level of digital skills.

Prof. Ion Popa, Dean of the Faculty of Management – ASE Bucharest, reiterated his institution’s interest in new forms of teaching-learning, in which AI is an increasingly prominent vector.

Victor Vevera, Director General of ICI – Bucharest, mentioned that the institute has foreseen in its scope of activity the development of courses and tools on new technology platforms.

The event was also attended by Mireille Rădoi, Director General of the Central University Library (B.C.U.) “Carol I” and Daniel Fodorean, Dean of the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest.