“Ambassadors of Romanian Science” – Launch of “#HalateAlbe, People who make us well”


The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) organizes on Thursday 21 October 2021, at 17:30, the online launch of “#HalateAlbe, People who make us well”, which contains 108 interviews with leading personalities of Romanian medicine, author Ioana Brușten, journalist.

The event is both a tribute to the founders and the continuing physicians of the AOSR and a recognition of the excellence of contemporary medicine in Romania.

The launch will feature speeches by Acad. Irinel Popescu, Prof. Viorel Jinga, rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest, representatives of Radio Romania, of the publisher, as well as other personalities of medicine, present in the book to be launched.

This event is the first of a large project entitled “Ambassadors of Romanian science” through which AOSR will bring to the forefront outstanding personalities, real ambassadors of Romanian science and culture.

Moderator: Prof. Doina Banciu, Vice President of the AOSR.