Anniversary Valences of femininity – 5 years of monthly scientific events dedicated to women


The Academy of Romanian Scientists, together with the partners of the scientific events VALENCIES OF WOMEN, are pleased to invite you, on the occasion of the celebration of 5 years of monthly scientific events dedicated to women, to the Anniversary Event to celebrate female personalities in science, research, education, creation, art, culture, entrepreneurship, personal development, tradition.

The scientific event will be attended by personalities who have contributed to the 60 national scientific conferences, where diplomas of excellence will be awarded for their contribution to the scientific events.

The anniversary event will take place on Wednesday, 25.01.2023, at 16:00, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists – str. llfov nr. 3, where you will also enjoy special moments of classical music, art and communication.

During the 5 years of activity, 60 national conferences have been held with a participation of more than 140 ladies and gentlemen from Romania affiliated to 65 entities in the country and 21 persons from Europe affiliated to 22 scientific-cultural entities abroad.

“Valențele Feminității” held two national conferences with international participation, funded by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation through the National Agency for Scientific Research: “Research and Education for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” and “The Centenary of Romanian Science in the European Context”.

The “Values of Femininity” conferences celebrated International Women in Science Day, World Food Day, Earth Day, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and two two-month courses: Communicating, Connecting, Influencing John Maxwell Team and Laws of Personal Development.