“AOSR and DIASPORA in Science and Technology”


We invite you on Thursday, March 10, 16.00, to the session “Academy of Scientists (AOSR) and DIASPORA in Science and Technology” organized by the Brasov Branch of AOSR and the Brasov Branch of ASTR – Prof.Dr.Fiz. Doru URSUTIU, Prof.Dr.Ing. Ivan CISMARU, Prof.Dr.Ing. Cornel SAMOILA

LINK ZOOM connection
Meeting ID: 869 7576 6172
Passcode: 362219



Romania Time

Arthur Dogariu – Princeton USA

Honorary Member AOSR

“Remote optical diagnostics for aerospace and plasma physics”


Aristide Dogariu – Orlando USA

“Optics of complex environments”


Adrian Ionescu – EPFL Lausanne

”Technologies for future P3 Healthcare Digital Twins”


Simona Vasilache – Tsukuba Japan

“Cultural differences in approaching disciplines


Ramona Oros – EIT Digital Belgium

Presentation “EIT DIGITAL – projects and activities”


Strul Moisa – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ISRAEL

Start up: from disposable colon cancer detector to tunnel inspection robot


Diana Pop – TU WIEN

Presentation “TU WIEN – Institute for Microelectronics”


Dan Centea – McMater Canada

“Learning Factories” in universities, or the model for integrating elements of “Industry 4.0” into academia


DISCUSSION and closure


ARTHUR DOGARIU – Honorary Member of AOSR (Princeton, New Jersey, USA) – graduated from the Faculty of Physics (Măgurele) in 1990, and received his PhD in Physics from the University of Central Florida, School of Optics, in 1997. He is a current Professor at Texas A&M University and a Research Scientist at Princeton University in the United States, where his research topics include optical diagnostics and remote sensing using nonlinear and ultrafast optics. He is the author of over 90 publications, 200 scientific conference papers, and 6 patents. AD is a Fellow of the American Optical Society, a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and an Honorary Fellow of the AOSR.

ARISTIDE DOGARIU received his PhD from Hokkaido University and is currently an administrator and Pegasus Professor at CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida. His research interests include optical physics, electrodynamics, wave propagation and complex media. Professor Dogariu is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a recipient of the G. G. Stokes Award of the International Optical and Photonic Society.

is full professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL), Switzerland. He received his B.S./M.S. and Ph. diplomas from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania and the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France in 1989 and 1997 respectively. He held staff and/or visiting positions at LETI-Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique, Grenoble, CNRS, Grenoble and Stanford University, Stanford, CA in 1998 and 1999. He is currently Director of the Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory at EPFL. Prof. Ionescu has published over 600 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. His work has received the Andre Boldel Medal and IBM Faculty Award and multiple IEEE awards. Received an Advanced ERC Project for the development of low power technologies based on steep slope transistors. He is a member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW).

was born in Petroșani, Romania. He graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Computers of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, after which he worked for two years as a scientific researcher at the Institute of Transport Research in Bucharest. Her life’s journey took her to Japan, where she earned a PhD in engineering science at the University of Tsukuba. Here she is mainly involved in the university’s English language teaching programmes. Her students come to Japan to study social sciences or, in master’s and PhD courses, computer science. Her specialty is software engineering, but she has spent the last few years focusing on cultural differences in education, particularly in the teaching of IT subjects.

RAMONA OROS – was born in Brasov, Romania. She studied at Transilvania University in Brasov Romania, where she obtained a Master’s degree in International Business Administration and a PhD in Engineering Science in the field of Materials Science and Telecommunications. She started her career at Carinthia University of Applied Science – Villach Austria in 2021 as a researcher and member of European projects, and during the 6 years she became project manager. In 2018 Ramona continued her career at eseia – European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance in Graz – Austria as a project manager in the field of renewable energy and eLearning. Ramona is currently employed as a project manager and coordinator at EIT Digital Brussels – Belgium where she started her work as an innovation and support analyst in the EIT Digital Accelerator.

STRUL MOISA – He left Romania for Israel in 1977. However, immediately after December 1989 he returned to Romania, obtaining a PhD in Materials Science at the University of Brasov in 1999. In September 1991 he was the head of the Beer-Sheva delegation from Ben-Gurion University to the International Scientific Seminar “Modern Mechanical Design”, organized by the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. It was also the moment when he established his first contacts with Romanian academics, contacts that were developed year after year, their graph having a continuous ascending aspect. One of Dr Moisa’s guiding goals was – among others – to strengthen collaborative links with Romanian universities. It seems that the honorary title – Ambassador of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, to the universities of Romania, granted and reconfirmed by all the university’s rectors – is backed by a lot of hard work. Today, Ben-Gurion University of Beersheba has partnerships with almost all universities in Romania, and the Erasmus programmes are run with full seriousness.

In addition to his professional activities, Dr. Strul Moisa has also been involved in numerous extra-professional activities, including:

  • Member of the Israeli Association of Origins in Romania
  • Member of the Israeli Origins Organization in Dorohoi
  • Member of the Romania-Israel Friendship Association
  • Member of ACMEOR (World Cultural Association of Romanian Jews) etc.

– was born in Brasov. He received a bachelor’s degree in applied physics from Transilvania University of Brasov in 2009, a master’s degree in remote engineering and a master’s degree in international business administration from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Austria in 2011 and 2016 respectively. Until August 2012 she was employed as a researcher and project manager of grant-funded projects at the same university. For the next two years she was a member of the IT Junior Talent Program of Infineon Technologies IT-GmbH in the Unix R&D team in Klagenfurt, Austria, and was later recruited as an EU-funded project coordinator in the Power Management and Marketing department of Infineon Technologies Austria in Villach. Diana is currently employed as a manager and project coordinator at the Institute for Microelectronics – TU Wien, Austria where she coordinates more than 25 research projects and a team of more than 50 researchers.

– graduated from the automotive faculty, worked for 10 years in the automotive industry, first as a designer of automotive components and then as a founding member and then manager of the calculation and modelling department of the National Institute for Automotive Research in Romania. Dr. Centea’s academic career began in 1991 at Transilvania University of Romania as an assistant professor in the department of engineering design. After graduating with an MSc in engineering in the UK at the University of Bradford, he moved to Canada in 1997, where he worked as a sessional instructor, then assistant professor and later associate professor at McMaster University. Dr. Centea has been involved in developing the McMaster Learning Factory site, securing funding to build it, working with students on several projects, and co-authoring nine research papers related to teaching activities. His outstanding contribution to the development of the McMaster Learning Factory has been recognized internationally by being accepted as a member of the International Association of “Learning Factories” and receiving the Outstanding Industry 4.0 Education Award presented by the International Society for Engineering and Operations Management.