The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) was awarded, on 31 May 2023, by the Dâmbovița County Council within the “Excellence Gala of Dâmbovița County 2023” for its contribution to the development of the county. Archbishop Nifon, AOSR member, underlined in the opening of the Gala the involvement of the academic environment in the development of the County.
The award was presented by the President of the AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, who in his speech presented a brief history of the Academy, as well as the collaboration with the Valahia University of Targoviste and the Dâmbovița County Council. Mrs. AOSR Vice President, prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu.
The Excellence Gala was attended by senators, deputies, Minister of Culture – Lucian Romașcanu, Minister of Health – Alexandru Rafila, as well as other dignitaries from the central administration, mayors, councillors and other local government officials.
The late Professor Ion Cucui, president of the AOSR Targoviste branch, was awarded a post-mortem prize for his entire activity.