AOSR supports the issue of critical structures in libraries and museums at the “Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum” – Parliament Palace


The fifth edition of the international forum will take place at the Palace of the Parliament on June 14-16, 2022 “CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION FORUM – CIP FORUM ”, event organized by the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest, at the initiative of the IF Idea Factory Think Tank, under the High Patronage of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, with the support of Romanian parliamentary committees and ministries with competences in the field.

The agenda for the first day of the Forum also included the section “Culture, National Cultural Heritage and National Identity ”, chaired by Mr. Lucian Romașcanu – Minister of Culture, in which Prof. dr. Doina Banciu – Vice President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – was invited and supported the communication entitled “Ethics – NonEthics in Critical Infrastructure Protection for Cultural Institution in Digital Era ”; the topic of communication was mainly focused on critical structures in libraries and museums.

Acad. Răzvan Theodorescu – vice-president of the Romanian Academy and Acad also participated and had interventions. Florin Gh. philippic – President of the Section for Science and Information Technology of the Romanian Academy, Fr. Nicolae Dascălu (representative of the Romanian Patriarchate) as well as representatives of the European Parliament, of some state institutions and NGOs with attributions in the field of culture.

In the opening of the conference, Mr. Marcel Ciolacu – President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hunor Kelemen – Deputy Prime Minister, Adrian Câciu – Minister of Finance, Mihai Busuioc – President of the Court of Auditors, Sebastian-Ioan Burduja – Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Marian Neacșu – Secretary General of the Government, Dragoș Cristian Vlad – President of the Romanian Digitization Authority.

The forum is designed as an open platform for the community of leaders and decision-makers in the central government, as well as in the public and private sectors, security specialists.