AOSR members awarded GOLD medal at the INOVA 2024 International Exhibition of Inventions – Croatia


On October 16-19, 2024, the 48th edition of the INOVA International Exhibition of Inventions took place in Zagreb, Croatia.

The Romanian delegation to this prestigious event was composed of three members of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, namely DHC Augustin Semenescu – National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (U.N.S.T.P.P.B.), Corresponding Member – Scientific Secretary of Section VI – Technical Sciences, DHC Aurel-Mihail Țîțu – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (U.L.B.S.), Corresponding Member – Scientific Secretary of Section IX – Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences and Conf.univ.habil.habil.dr.eng. Andrei Victor Sandu – Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” (U.T.G.A.), Associate Member of Section III – Chemical Sciences.

Professor Augustin Semenescu has been nominated for the fourth time in a row as President of the INOVA Zagreb International Jury, and Professor Aurel-Mihai Tîțu and lecturer Andrei Victor Sandu were re-elected as members of the INOVA Zagreb International Jury. They also presented the inventions of teachers and researchers from the universities they represent.

Following the evaluation of the exhibited inventions and projects, they were awarded with GOLD medals, as well as the following special prizes from the Salon:

  • Engineering Award – team Prof. Iulian Antoniac and Prof. Augustin Semenescu (for achievements in the field of materials engineering) (U.N.S.S.T.T.P.B.)
  • Medicine Award – The team led by Prof. Mihail Aurel Țîțu (U.L.B.S.)
  • Ambassador Award – Conf. Andrei Victor Sandu (U.T.T.G.A.) – for his entire career dedicated to promoting technical creativity.

We mention that Iulian Antoniac, Corresponding Member of AOSR and member of the Council of Section VI – Technical Sciences is co-author with Prof. Semenescu of the 4 inventions presented for U.N.S.S.T.T.P.B. within INOVA 2024, which makes the number of medal winners at this prestigious competition of inventics to increase to four, even if Mr. Iulian Antoniac could not physically attend the award ceremony.

“In a global context marked by innovation and cultural diversity, Romania stands out as an important pole of creativity”, concludes Prof. Augustin Semenescu.

INOVA is an exhibition of inventions, new products and innovations. Throughout its long tradition of existence, INOVA has collected, promoted and presented thousands of domestic and hundreds of foreign inventions to the public since its creation in 1971. This year more than 400 innovations from 20 countries (Taiwan, USA, Malaysia, Romania, Poland, Indonesia, Thailand, UK, Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ukraine, etc.) were exhibited.