AOSR supports the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and all efforts to fight the pandemic


The Academy of Romanian Scientists strongly supports, both scientifically and civically, the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19. From a scientific point of view, the AOSR bases its position on the analyses and conclusions of the Medical Sciences Section of its structure, which includes personalities in the field, university professors, doctors and researchers, with national and international academic and professional prestige. From a civic perspective, in view of the unprecedented seriousness of the situation generated by the new coronavirus, AOSR intends to show solidarity with the Romanian state institutions on the front line of the fight against the pandemic and to get directly involved in the joint effort made by them to protect public health through all the measures taken and through the vaccination campaign. In this scientific, civic and moral framework, members of the AOSR, leading personalities of Romanian medicine, have already been vaccinated or will be vaccinated in the coming days.

In the next interval, in addition to continuing the vaccination process at the institution, The Academy of Romanian Scientists will organize, through the Section of Medical Sciences, a series of academic events (symposia, round tables in online format) on the topic of the pandemic, scientific and administrative measures to combat it, focusing on the need for large-scale vaccination of the population. In the context of the events, special attention will be given to the COVID-19 vaccines through multidisciplinary approaches that will analyse their mechanisms of functioning, effects, benefits and possible risks.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists considers such involvement in the national effort to fight the pandemic to be its scientific and moral obligation. Such a duty becomes a priority in the face of the diversity of opinions expressed publicly in relation to the pandemic situation, which does not lack fake news, conspiracy theories, coronasceptic positions, clear attitudes against vaccination and protective measures, which lead to thwarting the fight against the pandemic. The AOSR bases its direct involvement in this national process on its institutional mission enshrined in the Statute and in the Law of Functioning, on a history in the service of Romanian science and civilization of almost a century, starting with the founding of the Romanian Academy of Sciences in 1935 by a great physician and Minister of Education, Dr. Constantin Angelescu.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
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