Academy of Romanian Scientists – New York Branch, Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate of the Americas and Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York
invites you to the celebration of Romania’s National Day
This theme will be evoked through the following presentations:
1. Pr. Prof. univ. Dr. Theodor Damian – The sacred dimension of the national day
2. Prof. univ. Dr. Doru Tsaganea – Celebrating the Great Union
3. Critic and literary historian M. N. Rusu – The contribution of the Romanian exile to the achievement of the Great Union
The event will take place on Sunday, November 28, 2021, at 3:00 PM at the Church of St. Ap. Peter and Paul” at 27th Ave and 14th Street, Astoria (14-22 27th Ave., Astoria, NY)