Collaboration protocol between the Academy of Romanian Scientists and S.C. Intervenții Active în Atmosferă S.A.


On 13.07.2022, the Academy of Romanian Scientists concluded a Protocol of collaboration with S.C. Intervenții Active în Atmosferă S.A. on topics in the fields of environment, agriculture, energy, economy and sustainable development. The meeting was attended by: prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, president of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President, Research Scientist I Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice President, Dr. Eng. Emil Sîrbu, general manager of ISAA S.A., and col. dr. eng. Adrian Constantin, ISAA advisor and President of the Military Order of Romania. The Memorandum was signed by representatives of the two institutions at the AOSR headquarters.

The object of the collaboration between the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”, and S.C. Intervenții Active în Atmosferă S.A. consists, according to the Memorandum, of a series of directions and activities: Development of a system concept in accordance with the system development strategy and the principles of the technology of realization of active interventions in the atmosphere and increase of precipitation; development of studies, procedures and documentations on the implementation of technologies in flood control; development of studies, procedures and documentations on the extension and implementation of technologies in the field of advanced agriculture of extinguishing large fires in forest masses; development of studies and projects on the implementation of technologies in the field of waste recycling and its introduction as raw material into the economic circuit; development of studies and documentation on the implementation of strategies for the generation of hydrogen from renewable energy sources (green hydrogen) to be used as an important energy vector; development of the programme for the implementation of the National Anti-Hail and Long-term Rainfall Increase System; to carry out strategies and research and development activities on active intervention technologies and other related actions; to carry out experimental programmes on hail control using ground-based generator technology; to collaborate within the Advisory Council in making and substantiating strategic decisions on the development of the National Anti-Hail and Rainfall Increase System.

According to the same document, the AOSR and ICAA propose that, based on the results of scientific research in the field of agriculture, forestry and environmental protection, to contribute to the development of the National Hail and Rainfall System, flood control, forest fire reduction, as well as the transition to a circular economy and the use of hydrogen as a new energy carrier.

In the implementation of the Protocol, the Academy of Romanian Scientists will be involved with its scientific resources in the fields of agriculture, forestry, energy, information and communication technology, while the IAA will contribute with its rich experience and expertise to carry out the activities and achieve the projected objectives.

At the end of the event, the President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, affirmed the AOSR’s concern for the involvement of science in all areas of existence, with emphasis on priority areas, stressing that scientific research has always been a vector of progress. The collaboration protocol, he said, provides a framework for the involvement of the AOSR in addressing issues of major importance for the environment, climate change, agriculture and the economy, and the institution will develop scientific support for the activities. The General Manager of S.C. Intervenții Active in the Atmosphere S.A., dr. eng. Emil SîrbuThe President of the European Commission, Mr. Karel Kinnock, stated that the Protocol concluded creates a space for collaboration between two representative institutions in specific fields of activity, which together can contribute through scientific and professional approaches, innovative solutions, based on significant national and international expertise, to new developments and evolutions in areas of priority interest for the environment, economy and society, for the daily existence of all, at the intersection of increasingly intense and unpredictable climatic phenomena (hail, floods, drought, fires).

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
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