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AOSR mourns the loss of Prof. Univ. Dr. h.c. Ion Nicolae!

– Founding full member, Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences –
President of the Section 2008-2012
(21 June 1939, Voicești (VL) – 27 August 2023, Bucharest)

Prof. Dr. h.c. Ion NICOLAE was one of the founders of higher education suitable to the requirements of the 21st century, harmoniously combining the Romanian school tradition with the Western one; he was the promoter of private university education management and the founder of Bioterra University. Through his academic vision, as well as through his scientific contributions in genetics and plant breeding, management and marketing in agritourism and food service, Professor Ion Nicolae has succeeded in promoting new directions both in the Romanian university curriculum and in the development of scientific research programs. Through the publication of books and articles of great intellectual stature, he has contributed directly to the development of knowledge in applied biology.

Prof. PhD HC Ion NICOLAE has distinguished himself through an innovative vision in the field of higher education in our country. Through his important positions in the Rectors’ Council and in the Management Board of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, he has contributed significantly to the implementation of strategic management and the awareness of the need to develop quality assurance and evaluation systems for university education.

Mister. Ion NICOLAE graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Bucharest in 1965, obtaining the title of agronomist engineer, with a diploma of merit, and followed a rich professional career in higher education, from preparator (1966-1967) to university assistant (1967-1971) at the Agronomic Institute “Nicolae Bălcescu”, now the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, discipline of Genetics, head of studies (1971-1974 and 1979-1990), university lecturer (1974-1979 and 1990-1993), university professor (1993) and PhD supervisor since 1994 in Romania. D. in agronomy, specializing in genetics and plant breeding, in 1969, with the thesis “Contributions to the study of the effect of ionizing radiation and mutagenic chemicals on the variability of soybean and malting barley” under the direction of Acad. Nicolae Giosan. In this context, he proposed and developed a new strategy to obtain high-yielding crops through mutagenesis.

For a period  of five years he worked in Algeria, National Agronomic Institute, where he revealed his teaching and scientific competence; he organized the laboratories of Genetics and Plant Breeding, experimental fields with field and horticultural plants.

For his contributions to Romanian and world scientific research, for his outstanding merits in structuring the material base, organizing teaching and scientific activity, representation abroad, creating the conditions for specialization and establishing international collaboration, Mr Ion NICOLAE has been awarded honorary diplomas and medals, diplomas of excellence and merit awarded by various universities, institutions and societies in Egypt, Canada, Azerbaijan and at the National Agronomic Institute, Algeria, He is designated “Man of the Year” 1997 (ABI, USA) and is listed with other personalities in “Who’s Who”.

Professor Ion Nicolae is the founder of Bioterra University, Bucharest, having held important managerial positions: Rector from 1999 to 2008, after which  he was elected founding President.

He has carried out a rich scientific research activity, which has resulted in numerous research contracts and the publication of more than 170 articles in national and international journals and 27 books.

He advocated for the “reform priorities” regarding the structuring of the entire higher education cycle, the generalization of transferable credits and the implementation of quality evaluation systems for the education process. For all these new reform directions, Prof. Dr. Ion NICOLAE, has developed a quality education platform, strongly anchored in the economic realities of Romania. The excellent material base, created through material and managerial efforts, is the guarantee of constant growth in the professional quality of future specialists.

Innovative ideas were related to changing the mechanism of university funding, moving towards private education and implementing strategic management in Romanian universities.

Mister. Ion NICOLAE followed the saying“the school is not walls but the spirit that reigns in it” (Carol I, at the opening of the Faculty of Mechanics in Timișoara). In this respect, it has taken care to have an excellent faculty, in which the younger generation is well represented.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists regrets the loss of a personality with a complex human and professional profile, with outstanding results in all areas of Romanian academia and scientific research.

God rest his soul!


Homage edition “The values of femininity” – Dr. Cristina Gârlea

On August 30, 2023, at 16.00, there will be an anniversary edition dedicated to Dr. Cristina Gârlea on her 75th birthday. This edition takes place within the framework of the scientific activity “The Values of Femininity” held at the Academy of Romanian Scientists.

Mrs Cristina Gârlea is the author of the founding documents of the National Commission “ONE HEALTH” of the Romanian Academy and is also the president of the National Scientific College of ANANP, as well as a member of working groups of MAI, MApN, MADR, MAE, UZPR. At the same time, she is on the editorial board of three specialized journals and has received plaques, diplomas of excellence and awards from DOE USA, IAEA Vienna, MAI, SGIM Rep. Moldova.

The event presents projects of major importance in the nuclear field, projects carried out under the leadership of Mrs Cristina Gârlea, scientific researcher grade I, among which we list:

– Commissioning of the TRIGA Pitesti reactor;

– Neutron measurements of EK-10 fuel exchange with C-36 at the VVR-S IFIN HH reactor;

– Construction of a 300 MWe module power plant equipped with fast reactors;

– Project on the decommissioning of the VVR-S IFIN-HH reactor;

– Project on the ecological reconstruction of the IFIN-HH Măgurele site;

– Project for the rehabilitation of Battery 14-15 (radioactively contaminated) Fortul Măgurele;

– Project on the Decommissioning Plan for historical landfills on  site Măgurele – Ilfov – Nucleu Programme;

– ecolRAD eurocontainers for radioactive waste project (S.A.Euro Foundry  Tech).

Dr Cristina Gârlea has also made a major contribution to the fundamental programmes of the Romanian Academy on biodiversity conservation, including:

– Reconstruction (ecological reconstruction, bioeconomy, NRRP, national strategy);

– Resilience (disaster minimisation, legislation – proposals);

– Digitisation (databases, database protection standards).

In this respect, case studies were carried out on: the cliff of the Danube in Galati, reconstruction in the Giurgiu area, repopulation of the Roșia Poieni site with droplets, management of the peri-urban area of the Capital (forts – peri-urban forests – historical radioactive waste).

AOSR deeply regrets the passing from this world of Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici

The Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses its deep regret at the departure of the late Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici (6 July 1923-20 August 2023). He was an illustrious personality of Romanian science, education and culture, a versatile and encyclopedic spirit, a man of the Citadel, an aristocratic symbol of our history. Throughout a life spanning a century, through a prodigious activity in the field of medicine, multidisciplinary scientific research and academic education, through an impressive scientific and cultural work, Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici established himself as a prestigious name of the Romanian scientific and cultural elite. Among the emblematic qualities of a long and fruitful life, as was his life, are those of: university professor, PhD in Neuropsychiatry and Geriatrics, neurologist, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Born on July 6, 1923, in Bucharest, descendant of the old noble family of Bălăcenilor, which played a significant role in the history of the Romanian Country, he attended the high school “I. C. Brătianu” in Pitesti, graduated from the University of Medicine in Bucharest in 1947, and in 1968 he obtained a PhD in Medical Sciences. Specialising in neuropsychiatry and geriatrics, he has developed a complex career, during which he has combined the medical profession with university professorship in an exemplary manner. He was a specialist neurologist at Colentina Hospital and at Dr. Cantacuzino Hospital, primary neurologist at Gheorghe Marinescu Hospital in Bucharest, primary geriatrician, head of department and general director at the National Institute of Gerontology, head of the Methodological Service of Neurology and Neurosurgery. At the same time, he was a preparator and assistant at the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Neurology of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, substitute professor at the Department of General Cybernetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest, professor of neuropsychology and anatomy of the nervous system, professor of history of culture and science, associate professor at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England), Pontifical University of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo of Santander (Spain), Catalan Medical Academy of Barcelona (Spain), College of Medicine of Paris (France). His areas of expertise were neuropsychology, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, neurogeriatrics, practical geriatrics, postmodernist neuropsychology, general cybernetics, neurocybernetics, human personality, general and behavioural genetics, anthropogenesis and genesis of culture, history of culture and science. As a physician and scientist, he was a pioneer in the field of neuroscibernetics and a continuer of the school of geriatrics founded by Acad. Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, who introduced geriatrics as a specialty in the Romanian health system. Until the venerable age of 100, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici remained involved and active in several fields, holding a number of positions: Testamentary Ephor of the Brancovenetian Settlements (Domnița Bălașa Church), Member of the National Assembly and of the National Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church, President of the Romanian Athenaeum Society, Honorary Director of the Institute of Anthropology “Francisc Rainer” of the Romanian Academy, Honorary President of the Ecological University of Bucharest, President of the Order of Malta Families in Romania, President of the International Anti-Drug and Human Rights Centre (C.I.A.D.O.) Romania.

Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici is the author of a prodigious scientific and cultural work, which includes books, monographs, studies both in specialist fields and in broader areas of science, culture and civilization. Among them: Elements of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, 1948; Elements of Neurocybernetics, 1967; Human personality – a cybernetic interpretation, 1972; Neurogeriatrics, 1984; Anatomists in search of the soul, 1981; Dialogues on the seen and unseen, 1995; Treatise on Practical Geriatrics, 1998; Postmodernist Neuropsychology, 2000; Central structures of the nervous system, 2001; The Three Arrows – a study of national history, 1995; The Saga of the Barons du Mont – 900 years of European political and military history, 1995; The Saga of the Bălăcenilor, 2001; Introduction to the Study of Jewish and Christian Kabbalah, 1996; Kabbalah, Between Gnosis and Magic, 2004;Anthropogenesis and the Genesis of Culture, 2006; An Introduction to Anthropogenesis, 2006; General and Behavioral Genetics, 2008.

For his activity and work, for the merits proven during a long career, Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici received important awards and distinctions: the Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight; the Patriarchal Cross and the Moldavian Cross; the Maltese Merit in the rank of Officer; the Grand Prize of the French Society of High Syntheses; Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities in the country.

Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici has covered a large part of the history of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, has carried out a brilliant activity in the fields of education, science, culture and civilization, making a valuable contribution to their development through spirit, creation and knowledge. Heir and representative of an old Romanian aristocratic family, his lordship was, by genealogy, merits and conduct, a “Boer of the Romanian world”, a prestigious promoter of authentic spiritual and moral values in a society in dire need of models and landmarks. Trained in the medical sciences, physician and professor, he has constantly expanded his curiosity and research in cutting-edge fields of science and in the vast areas of culture and civilization, demonstrating a comprehensive and fruitful spirit in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. An encyclopedic personality of Renaissance humanist nature, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici was, until his passing from this world, at the venerable age of 100, an active, curious and investigative spirit, committed to fundamental research and, at the same time, open to knowledge in the Age of Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

At the beginning of July 2023, on his 100th birthday, the Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, a distinguished member of the AOSR, the Diploma of Excellence for his Opera Omnia and the Jubilee Medal. The motivation for awarding the Diploma of Excellence was as follows: “for all his scientific, academic, professional, educational, cultural and social activity, carried out under the highest quality standards and under the auspices of the values of humanism, for OPERA OMNIA and his exceptional contribution to the development of the field of medical sciences, for a life dedicated to the edification through education, science and knowledge of the young generations and Romanian society, on the occasion of his 100th birthday”.

Today, at the departure of the illustrious academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the academic community of the AOSR expresses its deep sorrow and regret for the farewell of the great scientist and professor. It is an irreparable loss for Romanian academic education, science, research and culture, of a prestigious scientific and cultural personality, of a symbol of our history and present.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists sends its condolences to the bereaved family and prays the Good Lord to place the departed in a better world among the Righteous, in eternal Light!

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )


REGISTRATION – AOSR National Autumn Scientific Conference, 21-23 September 2023


The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) and the “Ovidius” University of Constanta are organizing the AOSR National Autumn Scientific Conference on “Science for a Healthy Society” on 21-23 September 2023, at the “Ovidius” University Campus in Constanta.

The form, programme and list of available hotels can be downloaded from HERE

Programme of the Conference “Science for a Healthy Society

Wednesday, 20 September 2023
18:00-20:00 – Reception of participants – Ovidius University Canteen (B-dul Mamaia 124)

Thursday, 21 September 2023
10:00-11:30 – Opening Ceremony (Official Speeches) – Aula B (B-dul Mamaia 124)
11:30-12:00 – Coffee break
12:00-14:30 – Plenary scientific presentations
15:00 – Travel by coach to Viișoara Farm. Festive meal, starting at 16:00.

Friday, 22 September 2023
9:00-13:00 – Scientific Communications by Sections – Campus (Building A – 2 amphitheatres, Building B – 3 amphitheatres)
13:00-14:30 – Lunch break – Catering (C Building)
15:00-19:00 – Scientific Communications by Sections – Campus (Building A – 2 amphitheatres, Building B – 3 amphitheatres)

Saturday, 23 September 2023
9:00-12:00 – Scientific Communications by Sections – Campus (Amphitheatres – Hall A & Hall B)
12:30-13:00 – Coffee break
13:00 – Closing ceremony of the AOSR Autumn Conference (Amphitheatre, Hall B)

Women in the local community

The functioning and development of a local community has as its “key element” – the woman.

Looking back, from her role in a household, to her role as wife and mother, to the women entrepreneurs in that community today, the smooth running and development of the community was based on women.

This statement is supported by the following activities in a local community where women are predominantly involved:

through motherhood she is usually the main person in charge of preparing children for kindergarten and school, which makes her role in reducing school drop-out;

the kindergarten teacher are predominantly female occupations, which emphasizes the role of women in educating the community’s population.

nurse is most often female and sometimes even the doctor in the community is also a woman. Thus, medical services and population health are closely linked to women.

⁃ according to statistics, the majority of civil servants are women which reflects the link between local public administration and women.

⁃ although they are in the minority, women entrepreneurs and women politicians are also “key positions” for local community development.

In conclusion, starting from the pillars of local community development, the idea of women’s cohesion in a local community, in an associative form, is emphasised for the good functioning and progress of that community.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina Banciu, this week’s guest at De Ce Citim

On Saturday, 29 July, starting at 5 pm, the writer Flaviu George Predescu and prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, vice-president of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, will dialogue in a meeting “Why We Read – About the digital transformation of libraries”. The show will premiere on DC News.

The show will be available to watch on all DC News and DC News TV online platforms, both within this article and on Facebook and YouTube and Radio Vocativ.

Smooth sailing Prof. emeritus Gheorghe Câmpeanu!


– Gheorghe CÂMPEANU –
Full Member, Professor Emeritus Dr. chemical engineer
1 October 1936, Balta, Gorj County – 25 July 2023, Bucharest, Romania

It is with deep regret that the Academy of Romanian Scientists announces the death of Professor Emeritus dr. eng. GHEORGHE CÂMPEANU, full member of the AOSR, a remarkable scientific personality who served the University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest for over 60 years. He was active at the Faculty of Biotechnology as professor, PhD supervisor, dean, member of the Faculty Council and Senate of the University, school creator and president of the Center of Excellence of Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology – BIOTEHNOL.

Professor Câmpeanu obtained his PhD in science – organic chemistry at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest in 1976 and has carried out internships in Belgium, France, England, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain, Egypt, etc., specializing in industrial, agricultural and medical-veterinary biotechnologies.

PhD supervisor [a îndrumat peste 70 de doctoranzi] Gheorghe Câmpeanu has carried out fundamental and applied research in the field of biotechnologies, in university and postgraduate education, has presented over 200 scientific papers at international events and has had numerous papers published in ISI journals.

Professor Gheorghe Câmpeanu was project manager in collaborative projects with the People’s Republic of China in the field of biotechnology and horticulture. He has coordinated over 35 national and international research contracts: MCT, BIOTECH, CNFIS, CNCSIS, ANSTI, World Bank, Tempus, PNCDI, CEEX, Partnership and Phare Projects and has been appointed Expert Evaluator for national research programmes – BIRD, CNCSIS, CNFIS, MEN. Member of editorial boards and reviewer of an international journal [Romanian Biotechnological Letters], he has published numerous books and treatises [16] and a significant number of articles [peste 270]; in foreign literature he has published works in scientific publishing houses in France, England, Russia, etc.

Affiliations: full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of scientific and professional organizations such as E.S.N.A., S.E.T.A.C., New York Academy of Sciences, American Chemical Society; member of the Advisory Board of Section 7 Biotechnologies of the Ministry of Education, member of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, member of the Romanian Society of Chemistry.

Professor Emeritus Dr. Eng. Gheorghe Câmpeanu holds 2 patents in collaboration, concerning the composition of plastic materials and was awarded the first prize for centres of excellence 2002 in Romania, the first prize at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and New Technologies Inventica 2006 – 10th edition, Bucharest, first prize at Nagrada Arca Zagreb, June 2007, gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies Inventica 2007, Bucharest, gold medal with mention at the The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation, Brussels.

With sorrow, the Academy of Romanian Scientists sends its condolences to the bereaved family!

God rest his soul!

AOSR at the JDIE 2023 International Invention Exhibition TOKYO, JAPAN


On 6-10 July 2023, in Japan, the Japan Design, Idea and Invention Expo (JDIE 2023) International Invention Exhibition, which was physically held at the Tokyo Ariake Garden Convention Center, Japan, organized by World Inventions Intellectual Property Association – WIIPA (one of the 16 UN agencies).

Professor Augustin SEMENESCU has been nominated as PRESIDENT of the International Jury JDIE 2023 (following the experience gained at the International Invention Salons where he has been present since the 90s, but also his outstanding track record, consisting of more than 700 gold and silver medals, trophies and diplomas of appreciation), according to the invitation received from Mrs MANLI HSIEH, President of WIIPA and MUNETAKE HAMAGUCHI, President of Chizai Corporation, which was attached to the travel order. He was also invited to present “Opening speech” by CEO – MUNETAKE HAMAGUCHI- Executive Director of Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Association – CHINZAI CORPORATION and Dr. RI TOI Director of Japan Translation Federation CHINZAI CORPORATION.
Details HERE

Trophies, medals and diplomas obtained at JDIE 2023

More than 300 inventions from the following countries were presented and judged by Professor Semenescu: Canada, Cambodia, Croatia, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Macau, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam.
The Romanian delegation was present with 4 inventions:
Talipes Calcaneus / Talipes Calcaneovalgus Defect – RO 133750, authors: Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin, Semenescu Augustin, Doicin Vasile Cristian, Ulmeanu Mihaela Elena, Cîrstoiu Cătălin, Doicin Ioana Cristina, Mateș Ileana Mariana
Surface acoustic wave biosensor based on graphene functionalized with anti-alpha-fetoprotein monoclonal antibody for the diagnosis of liver cancer – I. S. Voicu, A. Palla-Papavlu, V. I. Antoniac, F. Miculescu, A. Semenescu, M. C. Costoiu, I.-M. Mates, D.A. Prisecaru
Method and system for anonymously collecting position and mobility information in public passenger transport, based on Bluetooth and Artificial Intelligence, authors: Minea Marius, Dumitrescu Cătălin, Chiva Ionuț-Cosmin, Minea Viviana – Laetitia, Semenescu Augustin
Procedure for obtaining a composite coating with increased durability on a metal surface – Vili Pasare, Dan Florin Nitoi, Augustin Semenescu, Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu, Oana Roxana Chivu, Dragos-Florin Marcu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi

All 4 inventions received the Diploma of Excellence and the GOLD Medal, the inventions were also awarded the Grand Trophy of Thailand, Trophy from MACAU and Mr. Rector Mihnea Costoiu received from the organizers the Diploma of Excellence and the Trophy for “PROMOTING ROMANIAN INVENTIONS WORLDWIDE”.

Professor Augustin Semenescu together with WIIPA President MANLI HSIEH, WIIPA Director EDDIE HSIEH and Dr. Ing. Ileana Mariana Mateș
Professor Augustin Semenescu together with Dr. Ing. Ileana Mariana Mateș, presenting Romanian inventions

Workshop “Best practices for PhD students, post-docs and young researchers”


We have the great honour to invite you to participate in the workshop “Best practices for PhD students, post-docs and  young researchers“, organized under the aegis of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the Academy of Romanian Scientists, within the project “Training PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to acquire applied research skills – SMART”, code MySMIS 153734 (co-financed by the Human Capital Operational Programme) by POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, in partnership with Energy Policy Group Association.

The event will take place online on 26.07.2023, starting at 16:00 via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Through this workshop we aim to create a framework for dialogue and collaboration between researchers from several universities and research institutes, thus facilitating possible future large-scale collaborations that could contribute to increasing the visibility and international impact of Romanian research results in the research areas targeted by the project.

Please confirm your availability to attend this event. Hoping that you will be able to join our event, we look forward to hearing from you.

With special consideration,

Workshop moderators:
Prof. dr. eng. Augustin SEMENESCU
Prof. dr. eng. Valentin NĂVRĂPESCU
Prof. dr. eng. Lucian Ionel CIOCA

Contact person:
Mihaela TOMA
e-mail: mihaela.toma@upb.ro
+4021 402 92 56

Transforming libraries into digital culture hubs, the theme of the symposium “Slove Muscelene”, 15th edition

Article published on dcnews.ro

The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI), organized the 15th edition of the symposium “Slove Muscelene” with the theme “Transforming libraries into hubs of digital culture”, on 13-14 July 2023, at Villa Golescu – Câmpulung Muscel, an event initiated and coordinated by prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice-President of AOSR.

“This year’s edition is an anniversary edition, and the theme is about the opportunity for libraries to benefit from NRP funds for digitisation. The overall objective is to become hubs of digital culture,” said Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu.

At the opening of the symposium, the President of the Academy of Scientists, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, pointed out that “This programme is important, as it seeks to upgrade over 1000 libraries. We talk about digitisation of public administration, but I wonder in Câmpulung or in the neighbouring municipalities, how much do they know how to use these methods, which would allow them to get in touch quickly, at home, with public and central authorities? And I think that here, the role of libraries and librarians is essential. I was born and grew up under the auspices of the Gutenberg galaxy, but now we have moved on to a new stage and we cannot do without using these colossal advantages offered by the internet and information technology.”

Continued on dcnews.ro