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PHOTO-VIDEO “Slove Muscelene” Symposium 2023 – scholarship abroad for a young librarian and launch of 15th anniversary book


Turning libraries into digital culture hubs

The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI), organized the 15th edition of the symposium “Slove Muscelene” with the theme “Transforming libraries into hubs of digital culture“, on 13-14 July 2023, at Villa Golescu – Câmpulung Muscel, an event initiated and coordinated by prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR.

“This year’s edition is an anniversary edition, and the theme is about the opportunity for libraries to benefit from NRP funds for digitisation. The overall objective is to become hubs of digital culture,” said Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu.

At the opening of the symposium, the President of the Academy of Scientists, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, pointed out that “This programme is important, as it seeks to upgrade over 1000 libraries. We talk about digitisation of public administration, but I wonder in Câmpulung or in the neighbouring municipalities, how much do they know how to use these methods, which would allow them to get in touch quickly, at home, with public and central authorities? And I think that here, the role of libraries and librarians is essential. I was born and grew up under the auspices of the Gutenberg galaxy, but now we have moved on to a new stage and we cannot do without using these colossal advantages offered by the internet and information technology.”

This year, the organizers established the Slove Scholarship, worth 1000 Euro, which was awarded to a young librarian for a professional training abroad, the winner of the first Slove Scholarship being Alina Frunză from the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” Iasi.

Simona Bucura Oprescu – MP, Chair of the Committee on Public Administration and Territorial Planning of the Chamber of Deputies, delivered a speech stressing that “the only way we can leave something for our children is through education, school and library”.

The event was also attended by Adrian Dumitru Bughiu – vice-president of Arges County Council, Cornel Popescu – director of Arges County Museum, Octavian Mihail Sachelarie – former director of “Dinicu Golescu” County Library, but also the current director Mihaela Voinicu and the manager of the County Centre for Culture and Arts, Elena Iagăr, who supported the technical organisation of the event and Gabriela Nedelcu-Păsărin, president of the National Commission for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture.

The event also saw the launch of the book Slove muscelene – 15 years jubilee edition, published by Editura Tehnică.

The topics of the Slove muscelene 2023 symposium focused on the funding of libraries for digital transformation through PNRR and projects to transform libraries into digital culture hubs, with presentations and points of view held by prof. ing Doina Banciu, Vice-President – Academy of Romanian Scientists; Dragoș Cristian Vlad, President – Authority for the Digitization of Romania, Manuela Catrina, Deputy Director – National Cyber Security Directorate, Mireille Rădoi – Director General of the Central University Library “Carol I”, Agnes Erich – President of the National Commission of Libraries and manager of the County Library “I. H. Rădulescu”, Dâmbovița; Dragoș Neagu – manager of the County Library “Panait Istrati” in Brăila and president of the National Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania, Daniel Nazare – manager of the County Library George Barițiu Brașov, Ioan Milică – General Director of the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” Iasi, Silvan Stâncel – Manager, County Library “Lucian Blaga” Alba, Anca Șendroiu – Manager, Municipal Library “Ion Barbu” Câmpulung Muscel, Ion Vaciu – President Digital Transformation Council and Ionuț Sandu – Technical Director ICI Bucharest.

The symposium was also attended by Father C. Priest Petre Moșoianu, Dean of Muscel and other church representatives as well as academics, university professors, researchers, historians, computer scientists, publishers and companies working in the field, who evoked the importance of digital transformation in libraries and other cultural institutions, along with a large audience, as in previous editions of the event “Slove muscelene”.

An interesting intervention, about women in Muscel, was that of Adeline Brad from the Embassy of the United States of America in Romania, who evoked Sarmiza Bilcescu (later Bilcescu-Alimănișteanu), the first woman lawyer in Romania, the first woman in Europe to obtain a law degree at the University of Paris and the first woman in the world with a doctorate in law.

The event was also broadcast online.

In addition, this year, deserving students from Furnicoși village (Mihăiești commune, Argeș), who were accompanied by teacher Alina Manole and priest Ștefan Smarandescu, were awarded.

At the same time, there was a presentation of folk costumes from the Muscel area and there were classical music recitals and pipe recitals.

Partners of the event were: “Carol I” Central University Library, National Institute for Research and Development in Computer Science – ICI Bucharest, National Museum of Romanian Literature, “George Barițiu” County Library of Brasov, “Carol I” University Foundation and DigiLib Muscel Association.

The Pulse of the Day broadcast on Radio Romania Brasov FM

Medical Days of the Municipal Emergency Hospital of Moinesti, ed. XVIII


Suggestively entitled “Multidiscplinary approach in medical-surgical pathologies. Current challenges and controversies“The Medical Days of the Municipal Emergency Hospital of Moinesti returns this year to the forefront of the medical world.

The Municipal Emergency Hospital of Moinești under the patronage of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Romanian Scientists,  the Balkan Medical Union and the University “Vasile Alecsandri” Bacau organizes the 18th  edition of the event “Medical Days of the Municipal Emergency Hospital of Moinești” on 13-15 July 2023.

The event, which has become a tradition in Moinești, also called “medical marathon in moinesThe “Romanian Medical Association” is addressed to professionals in the Romanian medical system, decision-makers from the Ministry of Health, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Romanian College of Physicians, representatives of the C.A.S., D.S.P., local authorities, hospital managers, doctors in all specialties, resident doctors, nurses and physiotherapists.

We want a scientific event, organized on application-practical and theoretical sessions, bringing together high value practitioners from medical and surgical specialties from both the country and abroad. We recall here: Dr. Vilallonga Ramon, Barcelona Hospital Campus, Dr. Ritha Alhindawi-Oakland Gardens USA, Prof. Univ. Dr. Loghin Cătălin cardiologist at the University of  Texas Health Science Center at Houston, American Board of  Internal Medicine, Houston, TX, Mrs. Dr. Desillier Elena-Adriana anesthesiologist Comprehensive  PAIN Management USA,  Mr. Acad. Prof. Univ. Dr. Ciurea Vlad Alexandru U.M.F. “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Prof. Univ. Dr. Azoicăi Doina- UMF “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Prof. Univ. Dr Constantinoiu Silviu -UMF  “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil Diaconu Camelia UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest and President of the Balkan Medical Union. They are joined by Prof. Univ. Dr. Bumbu Gheorghe- renowned uro-gynecologist and professor at the University of Oradea, Prof. Univ. Dr. Onofriescu Mircea and Prof. Univ. Dr. Postolache Parascheva – “UMF “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Prof. Univ. Dr. Costache Irina- U.M.F. “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Prof. Univ. Dr. Dobrovăț Carmen  U.M.F. “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Conf. Univ. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță- Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu”  Bucharest, Prof. Univ. Dr. Ungureanu Dan – Univ. “Titu Maiorescu” Bucharest, Prof. Univ. Dr. Cobzeanu Dan – U.M.F. “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Prof. Univ. Dr. Iordache Nicolae – U.M.F. “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Prof. Univ. Dr. Debița Mihaela – “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Prof. Univ. Dr. Ana-Maria Ciubară-University “Dunărea de Jos” Galati, and last but not least we mention the presence of a team of doctors from Israel (in the specialty of plastic surgery, orthopedics), representatives of the State University “Nicolae Testemitanu” -Prof. Univ. Dr. Abras Marcel – rector for social activity and representatives of the Municipal Clinical Hospital “Arhanghel Mihail” – Republic of Moldova with which our hospital has concluded a collaboration partnership.We mention that we will be joined by colleagues, medical specialists from all regions of the country.

During the conference “Medical Days of Moinesti Municipal Emergency Hospital” there will be live broadcast surgeries and 3 workshops: one for the training of nurses in the ATI wards for acute extra renal dialysis machines, the second an ATI workshop on therapeutic peridural pain therapy and the third workshop on digestive endoscopy.

Now in its 18th year, this year’s event brings interdisciplinarity and the role of the team of professionals involved in the medical act to the fore. Keeping the organization of the scientific event on thematic days, coordinated by specialists with expertise in the respective fields,  we aim to address current topics addressed to doctors of different specialties, nurses, as well as physiotherapists.    

There will be themed courses and workshops, sessions dedicated to resident doctors, who will have the opportunity to be with their mentors. There will also be live sessions of the operator programme as well as live sessions with prestigious guests from abroad. It is our priority to facilitate the exchange of experience and discussion of the latest medical findings, thus continuing to be in line with international standards and protocols.

Medical, academic and research work is harmonised in teams and results are disseminated to colleagues with similar concerns. We are excited to bring together students, doctors, researchers and leaders in the medical field and provide a platform for ideas, opinions and experiences.

We want Medical Days 2023 to promote true professionals, to provide role models for young doctors, to encourage research and performance in the medical field, to provide opportunities for participants to establish and develop new collaborations.

The event will be credited by the Romanian College of Physicians, Order of Nurses, with credits being awarded for each participant.

                                                            Prof. Univ. Dr. Cotîrleț Adrian
                                                            Manager SMU MOINEȘTI


PHOTO Symposium “Slove Muscelene”, 15th Edition, 13-14 July 2023, Câmpulung Muscel


Turning libraries into digital culture hubs

The Academy of Romanian Scientists through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI), together with partners: the Central University Library “Carol I”, the National Institute for Research and Development in Computer Science – ICI Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, the County Library “George Barițiu” in Brasov, the University Foundation “Carol I” and the DigiLib Muscel Association organize the 15th edition of the “Slove Muscelene” symposium on “Transforming libraries into digital culture hubs“.

This year’s edition is a jubilee edition that marks 15 years since the initiation of a national scientific event, which has become international over time, which will be held in a hybrid way, with physical presence in Câmpulung Muscel, Villa Golescu and online participation for other guests from the country and abroad (France, Croatia, Cyprus, Sweden).

As in previous editions, academics, university professors, researchers, historians, historians, computer scientists, directors of major libraries, publishers and companies working in the field will be invited to the event to discuss the importance of digital transformation in libraries and other cultural institutions. The impressions of the participants of the various editions will be published in a volume to be launched at the event.

The event also signifies the preservation of the “Slove Muscelene” tradition, started 15 years ago, which was attended by many personalities, such as the vice-president of the Romanian Academy and rectors of universities, directors of large institutions, prestigious researchers in library science, history, computer science. This year, the organisers have set up the Slove scholarship, worth 1000 Euro, which will be awarded to a young librarian for a training period abroad.

Please note that the entire event was and is financially supported exclusively by the organizers (Information about the editions of the “Slove Muscelene” symposium can be found at http://www.digilibmuscel.ro/).


Thursday, 13.07.2023
10:30 – 11:00 Registration of participants
11:00 – 12:00 Opening of the proceedings, Word from the organisers and Messages from the Officials
12:00 – 13:00 Funding libraries for digital transformation through the NRRP
Presentation by representatives of the Authority for the Digitisation of Romania
13:00 – 13:30 Coffee break
Recital – Mădălina Lupu
13:30 – 14:00 Launch of the book “Slove muscelene – jubilee edition – 15 years”
14:00 Musical moment performed by baritone Alexandru Chiriac – soloist of Brasov State Opera
14:30 – 15:00 “Slove” Scholarship Awarding
Silvan Stâncel Recital
Meeting of the National Library Commission (for commission members only)
Programme provided by the organisers
15:00 – 16:30 Lunch offered at “Vila Golescu”
16:30 – 18:30 Visiting the historical sites of the Muscel area
Presentation of folk costumes from the Muscel area
Friday, 14.07.2023
10:00 – 13:00 Round table (conducted online)
Turning libraries into digital culture hubs
Moderators: Acad. Florin Filip – Romanian Academy and Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu – Vice-President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
13:00 End of the proceedings

Round table – “Nowadays challenges reshaping the future global environment”


Section IX – Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences
Tuesday, July 11th, 2023, 10:00

ROUND TABLE - In 5 (1)
ROUND TABLE - En 2 - pg 2-3 b

Acad. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, honoured by the Academy of Romanian Scientists on his 100th birthday


The Academy of Romanian Scientists honors him on acad. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici on his 100th birthday. University professor, PhD in Neuropsychiatry and Geriatrics, neurologist, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, he is a prominent personality of Romanian education, science and culture.  

Born on July 6, 1923, in Bucharest, descendant of the old noble family of Bălăcenilor, which played a significant role in the history of the Romanian Country, he attended the high school “I. C. Brătianu” in Pitesti, graduated from the University of Medicine in Bucharest in 1947, and in 1968 he obtained a PhD in Medical Sciences. Specialising in neuropsychiatry and geriatrics, he has developed a complex career, during which he has combined the medical profession with university professorship in an exemplary manner. He was a specialist neurologist at Colentina Hospital and at Dr. Cantacuzino Hospital, primary neurologist at Gheorghe Marinescu Hospital in Bucharest, primary geriatrician, head of department and general director at the National Institute of Gerontology, head of the Methodological Service of Neurology and Neurosurgery. At the same time, he was a preparator and assistant at the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Neurology of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, substitute professor at the Department of General Cybernetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest, professor of neuropsychology and anatomy of the nervous system, professor of history of culture and science, associate professor at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England), Pontifical University of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo of Santander (Spain), Catalan Medical Academy of Barcelona (Spain), College of Medicine of Paris (France). In summary, his areas of expertise are: neuropsychology, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, neurogeriatrics, practical geriatrics, postmodernist neuropsychology, general cybernetics, neurocybernetics, human personality, general and behavioural genetics, anthropogenesis and genesis of culture, history of culture and science. As a physician and scientist, he is a pioneer in the field of neuroscibernetics and a continuator of the school of geriatrics founded by Acad. Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, who introduced geriatrics as a specialty in the Romanian health system.

Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici has a prodigious scientific and cultural work, which includes books, monographs, studies both in specialized fields and in broader areas of science, culture and civilization. Among them: Elements of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, 1948; Elements of Neurocybernetics, 1967; Human personality – a cybernetic interpretation, 1972; Neurogeriatrics, 1984; Anatomists in search of the soul, 1981; Dialogues on the seen and unseen, 1995; Treatise on Practical Geriatrics, 1998; Postmodernist Neuropsychology, 2000; Central structures of the nervous system, 2001; The Three Arrows – a study of national history, 1995; The Saga of the Barons du Mont – 900 years of European political and military history, 1995; The Saga of the Bălăcenilor, 2001; Introduction to the Study of Jewish and Christian Kabbalah, 1996; Kabbalah, Between Gnosis and Magic, 2004;Anthropogenesis and the Genesis of Culture, 2006; An Introduction to Anthropogenesis, 2006; General and Behavioral Genetics, 2008.

For his activity and merits proved during a long career, Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici received important awards and distinctions: the Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight; decorated with the Patriarchal Cross and the Moldavian Cross; the Maltese Merit in the rank of Officer; laureate of the Grand Prize of the French Society of High Syntheses; Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities in the country.

Today, at the venerable age of 100, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici remains involved and active in several fields, holding a number of positions: Testamentary Ephor of the Brancovenetian Settlements (Domnița Bălașa Church), Member of the National Assembly and of the National Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church, President of the Romanian Athenaeum Society, Honorary Director of the Institute of Anthropology “Francisc Rainer” of the Romanian Academy, Honorary President of the Ecological University of Bucharest, President of the Order of Malta Families in Romania, President of the International Anti-Drug and Human Rights Centre (C.I.A.D.O.) Romania.

Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici has covered a large part of the history of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, has known important inter-war and post-war personalities, has carried out a brilliant activity in the fields of education, science, culture and civilization, making a valuable contribution to their development through spirit, creation and knowledge. Heir and representative of an old Romanian aristocratic family, his lordship is, by genealogy, merits and conduct, a “Boer of the Romanian world”, a prestigious promoter of authentic spiritual and moral values in a society that is in dire need of models and landmarks. Trained in the medical sciences, physician and professor, he has constantly expanded his curiosity and research in cutting-edge fields of science and in the vast areas of culture and civilization, demonstrating a comprehensive and fruitful spirit in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. An encyclopedic personality of Renaissance humanist nature, at the impressive age of 100, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici remains the same active, curious and investigative spirit, committed to fundamental research and, at the same time, open to knowledge in the Age of Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

On the occasion of his venerable one-century birthday, the Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, an illustrious member of the AOSR, the Diploma of Excellence for his Opera Omnia and the Jubilee Medal. The rationale for awarding the Diploma of Excellence is as follows: “for all his scientific, academic, professional, educational, cultural and social activity, carried out under the highest quality standards and under the auspices of the values of humanism, for OPERA OMNIA and his exceptional contribution to the development of the field of medical sciences, for a life dedicated to the edification through education, science and knowledge of the young generations and Romanian society, on the occasion of his 100th birthday”.

The entire academic community of the AOSR wishes the illustrious contemporary: Happy Birthday, good health and further success in the work he continues to do, tirelessly, enthusiastically and creatively!

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )

21st International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science – July 11-14, 2023


July 11 – 14, 2023 – Constanta, Romania

The 21st International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Applied Physics and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

The workshop is organized by Ovidius University of Constanta, the Balkan Physical Union, the Romanian Physical Society, Romanian Academy and Academy of Romanian Scientists and is addressed to all scholars interested in applied physics from the Balkan countries and from all over the world. The participation of young scientists and students is greatly encouraged, one of the goals of the workshop being to offer the new generation an opportunity to present original new results and a chance to learn from the experience of distinguished researchers.

The organizers acknowledge the importance of proper dissemination of scientific knowledge and offer the attendees the possibility to publish their full papers in journals that are indexed in the Thomson-Reuters Web-of-Science database.


National Symposium “The Church and the Romanian Army. Traditions of cooperation”, 10th edition


The Academy of Romanian Scientists commemorates General Paul Teodorescu (1888-1981), full member, on the occasion of his 135th birthday.

The “General Paul Teodorescu” Centre for Research on the Cooperation between the Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army and the magazine Mission, founded and directed by Prof. Valentin Ciorbea, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, commemorates General Paul Teodorescu on July 7-8, 2023 on the occasion of his 135th birthday.

On Friday 7 July 2023, the National Symposium “The Church and the Romanian Army. Traditions of cooperation”, 10th edition, and issue X of Mission magazine will be launched.

On Saturday, July 8, 2023, the religious and military ceremony will take place during which the plaque of the Heroes of the 30th Guards Brigade “Mihai Viteazul” will be unveiled and consecrated. The Hrisov will be presented and signed by which the Holy Monastery will be reconsecrated as a place of prayer and remembrance for the Air Force, Navy and 30th Guards Brigade “Mihai Viteazul”, fulfilling the wish expressed in the will of General Paul Teodorescu. The event will be honoured by representatives of the Government, the Defence Staff, the Air Force Staff, the Naval Staff, the National Defence University “Carol I” and the Academy of Romanian Scientists.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, sent the following tribute to the organizers:

Tribute to General Paul Teodorescu on his 135th birthday

2023 is the year in which, on a round anniversary, we pay homage to General Paul Teodorescu (28 June 1888-17 January 1981), a personality who distinguished himself in the interwar period in the command line, in diplomacy (military attaché in Paris, Brussels and Madrid), as a teacher, reformer of higher military education (commander and creator of the campus of the Superior War School), Minister of Air and Navy and scientist.

Among his achievements, which were quite remarkable for their spiritual-religious impact, the consecration in 1939 of the Wooden Monastery as the Holy Place of the Air Force and Navy remains forever, giving a new dimension to the secular links between the Army and the Church. Paul Teodorescu is considered, together with Matei Basarab and Șerban Cantacuzino, the third founder of the monastery, personally taking care of the restoration of the monastery complex and the consolidation of the association of the Air Force and Navy with the Holy Monastery.

His books, studies and articles have earned him recognition in academia for his originality and importance in Army training.

The Romanian Academy of Sciences elected him in the very year of its establishment, 1935, to Section VIII – Military Genius as a corresponding member. A year later, in December 1936, he became a full member.

In 1940, he was placed under house arrest by order of General Ion Antonescu, for which reason he resigned from the army. Like so many other leading Romanian soldiers and men of value, he was arrested and suffered the Communist hardships in Aiud prison.

In the good tradition of making known and promoting the achievements of its members, the leadership of the Academy of Romanian Scientists supports, through the “General Paul Teodorescu” Centre for Research on the Cooperation between the Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army, based at the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery, the yearbook Mission and the National Symposium “The Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army. The Traditions of Cooperation”, to bring the work and achievements of General Paul Teodorescu to the attention of the scientific community. We also supported the initiative of the Centre’s management to create and unveil, on 9 July 2022, the bust of General Paul Teodorescu at the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery as part of a religious and military ceremony, as his life, scientific work and achievements remain a guiding landmark for today’s and future generations.

Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea
President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

Iceland – a model of a sustainable country

Iceland’s wonders lie in an endless diversity of landscapes and contrasts: here you find the whole spectrum, from deep calm to the wildest forces of nature, from intense solitude to sociable closeness. It is a unique world, different from others in character and appearance.

In Iceland you will find museums of Icelandic history and civilisation everywhere, in farms, small and large towns and museums, most of them established on the initiative of a family or a small community – museums that are now tourist attractions.

What else makes Iceland so special is how the land itself is so much a part of the people – just as the people are part of the country. The most important legacy is the treasure trove of medieval literature, deeply rooted in the landscape of life. It has given Icelanders a sense of identity, of belonging. This national literature, from edda’s to sagas, containing Icelandic history and folklore is read by many of today’s human beings. And the landscape speaks of history through every rock, every moor, every mountain.

Iceland’s unspoilt nature is a magnet for many tourists. It is a world outside of time, and yet actual; it is a land that is new and yet eternal; a world apart but very much belonging to the actual world.

Gala 220 “Medicine, Art, Culture”


The Ethnographic Museum Cluj Napoca in partnership with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațeganu”, the Romanian Academy – Cluj-Napoca Branch and the Academy of Romanian Scientists – Cluj Branch, organizes Gala 220 “Medicine, Art, Culture” on Wednesday, 28 June 2023, from 18:00-20:00, in the Reduta Hall of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania.

Presentations will be made by Prof. Dr. Anca Dana Buzoianu – Rector of UMF, Prof. Dr. Marius Traian Bojiță – President of “Transilvania Leaders” Foundation, Prof. Dr. Petru Adrian Mircea.

There will be the launch of the book “ Roman Vlaicu – the man, the doctor, the perfect teacher “, will be presented by Vasile George Dâncu – director of “Școala Ardeleană” Publishing House and Prof. Angelo Bulboacă – coordinator and co-author. The moderator of the event is Mr. Prof. Nicolae Hâncu (m.o Romanian Academy).

Afis Medicine Art Culture-GALA220

National Flag Day, celebrated at the Academy of Romanian Scientists


The flag, a polarising factor of the nation’s energies

The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrated the National Flag Day, 26 June, in an event entitled “The Flag – Symbol of a Nation”, which took place on 22 June, starting at 12.00 noon, at the AOSR headquarters. The event was attended by personalities of Romanian culture and science, members of academia, researchers and teachers. Special guests were: Col. dr. eng. Adrian Constantin, President of the Military Order of Romania, Prof. Dr. Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu, Prof. Dr. Ioan Cristescu, Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature. During the event, the book The Tricolour in Romanian History by Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu, Corneliu M. Andonie, Luminița Iordache, published by the National Museum of Romanian Literature.

At the opening of the event, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, said that the National Flag Day is a day of patriotic emulation, a joyful occasion for all Romanians. Deeply attached to the values of Romanian identity, synergistically integrated in the European concert of unity in diversity, the Academy of Romanian Scientists pays homage with the national flag to the history of the building of Modern Romania through a complex process, carried out with the contribution of some of the country’s elite personalities and with the broad support of the entire nation. Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR and Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”, referred to the importance of celebrating the National Flag as a symbol of the struggle of a people with ancient roots for survival in a history full of challenges and tragic moments, for independence, development and affirmation as a European nation, alongside the other nations of Europe. The assumption of the symbolic value of the Tricolour in the consciousness of the present generations must be a priority of education, from school to university, of institutions and of society as a whole. Col. dr. eng. Adrian Constantin, President of the Military Order of Romania and initiator of the National Flag Law, spoke about the genesis of the idea of establishing a day dedicated to the Romanian Tricolour and about the legislative process finalized by Law no. 96 of 20 May 1998. At the origin of the initiative was the awareness of the symbolic importance that the Flag has had and still has in the history of Romanian development. The flag has polarized the energies of the people and synthesized their aspirations into cardinal ideals of national evolution, it has accompanied the great moments of our history, the Revolution of Tudor Vladimirescu, the Revolution of 1848, the Union of 1859, under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the conquest of Romania’s Independence, the process of creating Modern Romania, the achievement of the Great Union and the creation of Greater Romania and the entire national evolution throughout the last century until today. Prof. Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu presented the book The Tricolour in Romanian History The second revised and added edition, an impressive work by volume and substance, a historical, scientific and cultural monograph of the Romanian flag, seen in its development and metamorphosis over time. In his presentation, he spoke about the differences of interpretation in the recording of historical data generated by the transition to the Gregorian calendar (1919), about the significance of the three colours, about the assumption of the flag at the national level and its contribution to the coagulation of the national consciousness. Prof. Ioan Cristescu, Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, presented the work from the point of view of the publisher and the MNLR publishing house, underlining its complexity and value for Romanian history, culture and civilization, for the self-awareness of the present and, especially, for the younger generations.

The event dedicated to the National Flag organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists was a scientific and cultural event of high academic standing, which highlighted the fundamental role of the Tricolour in mobilizing the conscience and energies of the people throughout history to achieve their aspirations and objectives, its moral value and symbolic force in the evolution of the nation in the present and future.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )
Bucharest, 26.06.2023