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Academy of Romanian Scientists – History and Archaeology Section,
University of Oradea – Department of History, Department of Finance and Accounting,
Romanian Association of Banking History Oradea,
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies “Silviu Dragomir” Oradea – Romanian Academy
Cris Country Museum Oradea – Museum Complex


International Symposium WORK, MONEY, BUSINESS, CULTURE AND POLITICS SEC. XVIII-2023, focusing on banking history and the problems of banks and stock exchanges in the transition to a market economy in the European Union

The official opening of the Symposium will take place on Friday, 16 June 2023, at 09.30, in the Aula Magna of the University of Oradea, followed by the plenary session in the same location.

The papers by sections will be presented on the same day, 16 June, from 15.00 – 19.30, in the rooms of the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences, Pavilion V.

The participants are academics and researchers (historians, economists, bank officials, scientific researchers from the Romanian Academy centres and abroad, archivists, museographers, teachers from pre-university education) from the cities of Balti (Rep. of Moldova), Birjand (Iran), Budapest (Hungary), Chisinau (Rep. of Moldova), La Mancha (Spain), Ljubliana (Slovenia), Pisa (Italy), Arad, Bacau, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca,
Craiova, Lași, Săcuieni, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, Zalău.

Part of the papers presented in the first ten editions of the Symposium have been used in the following papers:
* **, Financial Banking History. Studies on Romanian Banks in Transylvania (1867-1918), coordinator: Mihai D. Drecin, vol. I, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1996, 201 p.
* **, Financial Banking History. Studies on Austro-Hungarian Banks (1867-1918), ), coordinator: Mihai D. Drecin, vol. II, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, 143p.
* **, Romanian Review of Financial and Banking History, Year I, Issue 1, July-December 2011, Oradea University Press, Editor in Chief: Mihai D. Drecin, Deputy Editor: Gabriel Moisa 168p.

In 2010, the Romanian Association of Banking History – Oradea was founded under the aegis of which international symposia on banking history have continued to be organized and new studies and volumes dedicated to Romanian and Central European banking history have appeared or are in the process of being published.
Other works published or in the process of being published where banking history studies are used, supported in scientific sessions in which members or collaborators of the Banking History Association of Oradea participated:
* **, Economic and financial phenomena in the Romanian space in the 19th-20th centuries. Studies of Regional Economics, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, 2016, coordinators: losif Marin Balog, Rudolf Grăf, loan Lumperdean
* **, Economic Gaps and Crises in South-East Europe. Present and Past, Edited by Daniel Dăianu and George Virgil Stoenescu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
* **, 150 years since the establishment of the “Albina” Bank of Sibiu (1872-1948), coordinators: Mihai D. Drecin, Delia Cora, Radu Racovițan, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2023 (in preparation for printing)

“Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering” – NanoBioMat 2023 – Summer Edition


Virtual International Scientific Conference on

“Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering”
NanoBioMat 2023 – Summer Edition
28-30 June 2023


The topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • novel materials;
  • surface chemistry;
  • air and soil bioremediation;
  • composite materials and biomaterials;
  • applications of natural compounds and chemical products;
  • nanomaterials and bionanomaterials for the controlled release of biologically active molecules;
  • bionanoproducts for tissue engineering and regeneration;
  • advanced techniques for material processing.

Registration should be done using the link: https://nanobiomat.eu/registration/. Registration is free for all students and postdoctoral researchers (or equivalent).

Scientific Committee
Acad. Maria ZAHARESCU, Romanian Academy (Romania)
Dr. Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri ABDULLAH, UniMAP, WIIPA & MyRIS (Malaysia)
Dr. Madalina Georgiana ALBU-KAYA, INCDTP ICPI (Romania)
Prof. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Dr Vladimir BAULIN, URV (Spain)
Prof. Aldo R. BOCCACCINI, FAU (Germany)
Dr. Octavian BUCUR, IVB & VMMI (Romania, USA)
Prof. Luigi CALABRESE, UniME (Italy)
Prof. Joan CERDÀ, UIB (Spain)
Prof. Carmen CHIFIRIUC, UniBuc (Romania)
Prof. Eduard COROPCEANU, UST (Moldova)
Prof. Ioana DEMETRESCU, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Prof. Anton FICAI, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Dr. Radu Claudiu FIERASCU, INCDCP-ICECHIM (Romania)
Dr. Victor FRUTH-OPRIȘAN, ICF (Romania)
Prof. Maria GAVRILESCU, TU Iași & AOSR (Romania)
Dr. Oguzhan GUNDUZ, Marmara Univ (Turkey)
Prof. Domenico LOMBARDO, CNR-IPCF Messina (Italy)
Prof. Herbert Ryan MARINI, UNIME (Italy)
Prof. Carlos MARQUES, UniStra (France)
Prof. Lluis MARSAL, URV (Spain)
Prof. Dr. Viorel NACU, USMF (Moldova)
Prof. Ion NEDA, TU Braunschweig (Germany)
Prof. Faik OKTAR, Marmara Univ (Turkey)
Dr. Jörg OPITZ, IKTS (Germany)
Prof. Ovidiu OPREA, UPB (Romania)
Dr. Radu-Robert PITICESCU, IMNR (Romania)
Prof. Lenuța PROFIRE, UMF Iasi (Romania)
Dr. Sami RTIMI, GIWEH (Switzerland)
Prof. Serguei SAVILOV, MSU (Russia)
Prof. Ze Xiang SHEN, NTU (Singapore)

Organizing Committee
Prof. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU – president
Prof. Anton FICAI
PhD Student, Eng. Cristina CHIRCOV – Conference Secretary
Dr. Eng. Angela SPOIALĂ – Technical Staff
PhD Student, Eng. Cornelia-Ioana ILIE – Technical Staff

AOSR expresses its deep sadness at the departure of Professor Anghel Stanciu

The Academy of Romanian Scientists mourns the departure from this world of Prof. dr. eng. Anghel Stanciu, a leading personality of Romanian higher education and science.

Born on August 15, 1949, in Giurgiu county, Anghel Stanciu graduated from the Bucharest Construction Institute, Faculty of Railways, Roads and Bridges, in 1972, and in 1981 he obtained a doctorate in engineering, specializing in “Geotechnics and Foundations”. Since 1972, he has dedicated himself to his academic career, which he has pursued as assistant professor, head of research, lecturer and professor (since 1992). He was a full professor at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” in Iasi, Faculty of Construction and Hydrotechnics, where he taught “Geotechnics” and “Foundations”. He became a PhD supervisor in 1996. He has carried out a sustained scientific activity, directed towards research in the field of road and bridge construction, with practical applications: reinforced earth solutions in the construction of infrastructures for buildings, experimental study on models of prefabricated foundations, the impact of landslides on land communication routes, new concepts in the analysis of the stability of earth masses, strength, stability, environmental protection for the construction of tunnels, generalization of Coulomb theory in the calculation of thrusts on retaining walls. He has participated in more than 71 research contracts, has coordinated five research grant contracts as project director, has collaborated in the scientific and teaching field with international organisations and associations. He has also participated in congresses, scientific sessions, national and international symposia. He is the author of a scientific work comprising books, university courses, monographs, scientific communications and compendia in the field of civil and industrial construction (115 scientific papers and 16 university courses). His most representative books (as sole author or contributor) are Foundations – Reinforced Earth, 1980; Geotechnics and Foundations – Calculation Examples, Ed. Didactica și Pedagogică, Bucharest, 1983; Structural concrete for accumulations – Gh. Asachi, Iași, 2000; Special Problems of Geotechnics and Foundations, 2002, Junimea Publishing House, Iași; Stanciu A., Lungu I. – Foundations I, Physics and Earth Mechanics – Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006.

Professor Anghel Stanciu was a founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and president of its Iasi Branch. He was also honorary doctor of U.S.A.M.V. Bucharest; honorary member of ASAS; member of the International Tunneling Association (ITA), since 1993; member of the Romanian Tunnelling Association ART, since 1993, and member of the board of directors since 2003. He received the National Order “Serviciul Credincios” in the rank of Knight for outstanding merits in scientific and teaching activity in 2002 and the same order for outstanding merits in parliamentary activity in 2004.

He was involved in political activity, being one of the Romanian personalities dedicated to the national construction and democratic development of Romania. As a member of the Romanian Parliament, deputy for Iași, since 1992, he has been involved in the legislative and governance process of Romania, carrying out a complex parliamentary activity, materialized by 53 legislative proposals, 227 speeches in the plenary of the two chambers, 39 political statements, 48 questions and interpellations, two motions of censure. He was chairman of the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies for almost 10 years, during which time he contributed to the process of reforming Romanian education in the direction of quality and efficiency of advanced education systems in Europe.

As a founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Professor Anghel Stanciu actively contributed to the post-December reconstruction of the institution – founded in 1935 as the “Romanian Academy of Sciences” – and to the legal foundation of its statute by Law no. 31/2007, when it became an institution of public interest. He was involved with conviction and dedication in the development and affirmation of the AOSR in the national and international academic space, being, through his academic activity and scientific work, one of its emblematic members. He also made a fundamental contribution to the development of the Iasi Section of AOSR, of which he was President.

With the departure of Professor Anghel Stanciu, a personality of great value in Romanian higher education and research, the Academy of Romanian Scientists loses an elite member and a great friend.

With deep sorrow and endless regrets, the community of the Academy of Romanian Scientists mourns this heavy loss and sends its condolences to the bereaved family!

May God rest him and place him among the Righteous!

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )


Involving the community in thinking and supporting authenticity

“Authenticity” means finding the shape of our future, activism, involvement and concern for improving the quality of people’s lives as seen through the prism of the architectural profession.

Essentially, community engagement is the inclusion of divergent views to reach consensus.

Architects’ work always has an impact on communities, from one family to the whole city. Architects’ client goals may sometimes be aligned with those of a community, other times they may be in conflict, for example when the architect represents a private client whose project goals are in conflict with neighborhoods or other constituents. Because the work produced by architects affects communities in different ways and at different scales, it becomes important to create a project for the client as well as the community. This is essential for an excellent result. Architects engage more deeply and authentically when they understand the historical context and the systemic context in which the profession is seen. When intended to serve clients, the impact on society is not always perceived positively by the community and users, those who experience the project. When community experience is negative, architects’ work can be seen as imposed.

Sincerity serves to provide solutions, being authentic in the community means sharing information that invites people’s participation, it means understanding people’s experiences, which can help improve the quality of their lives. Genuine engagement can be built on an honest relationship with the community.

From an urban planning point of view there are crucial issues such as accessibility, residents’ movement, traffic, densification. Therefore, in any engagement process, the key to connection is the use of fair practice principles that can become the basis for aligning good intention with good outcome. The vision of a community and its aspirations is important.

The original intention of a project may differ from the final decision, but it is closer to the idea of a genuine project that includes community involvement.

Community engagement can be thought of as a social science that does not ignore the fact that we live in a country with a great diversity of dynamic and diverse communities. Data collection and research is the key to genuine connection.

PHOTO Scientific session of young researchers in the AOSR-TEAMS 2022-2023/2023-2024 competition


Winners of the 2022-2023 research projects , competitively funded by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, who have a deadline for the third stage in June, are invited to attend the Scientific Session to present the results of the research carried out in the winning projects.

The scientific session will take place on July 7, starting at 9:00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov Street, sector 5, Bucharest, in the Constantin AngelescuHall , 1st floor. Each project leader or a representative from the project team will present the results in Power Point format for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Winners of the 2023-2024 research projects , competitively funded by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, which have a deadline for the first stage in July, are invited to participate in the Scientific Session to present the results of the research carried out in the winning projects.

The scientific session will take place on 7 July, starting at 9:00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov Street, sector 5, Bucharest, in the Council Hall , ground floor. Each project leader or a representative from the project team will present the results in Power Point format for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Attendance is mandatory to ensure payment.

The third stage reports will be sent electronically in pdf format by 30 June and the first stage reports will be sent electronically by 31 July to the email address: mariabotezatu2002@yahoo.com, for inclusion on the AOSR website.

50 years of pastoral activity – Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, President of AOSR New York Branch

Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, President of the New York branch of AOSR was celebrated for 50 years of pastoral activity, 35 of which in New York. We invite you to watch the video made on this occasion by Romanian TV of NY (RTVNY).

On May 28, 2023, the Romanian Orthodox Parish “Saints Peter and Paul Apostles of Astoria” NY celebrated the anniversary of the retirement from pastoral work of Father Professor Doctor Theodor Damian. His 50 years of service to the church, the last 35 of which have been in the USA and 30 at the parish he founded in 1993, were celebrated with a Mass celebrated by a choir of priests led by His Eminence Nicholas, Metropolitan of the Americas. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae conferred the “Stephen the Great and Holy” medal to the priest professor and the highest distinction for lay people, the “Patriarchal Cross” to the priestess Claudia Damian, RTVNY headlines.

Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian is a poet, theologian and professor of philosophy and ethics at the Metropolitan College in New York. In 1993 he founded and registered with the American authorities the “Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality”, the Church of “Saints Peter and Paul”, and also the “Mihai Eminescu” cenacle. At the same time, Th. Damian edited the Romanian culture and spirituality magazine Lumină Lină. He made his debut as a poet in the magazine Săptămâna Română and then published in many other magazines in Romania and abroad. His first book was the bilingual Liturgy of the Word/Liturghia Liturghia du mot (1989), followed by The Wheel of Books, The Morning of the Resurrection, Prayers in Hell, The Temptation of the Wound, The Icons, The Spiritual Implications of the Theology of the Icon, The Passion of the Text, Nemitarnice, Poesias, The Sign of the Isar, Stanzas of the Rock, etc.

PHOTO Conference “The National Flag, symbol of a nation”


The Academy of Romanian Scientists honors the National Flag Day with a dedicated event entitled The National Flag, symbol of a nation! on 22 June 2023, 12:00, at the AOSR headquarters.

On this occasion, the book Tricolor in the history of Romanians, authors Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu, Corneliu M. Andonie, Luminița Iordache, published by MLR (Museum of Romanian Literature) will be presented.

The event is open to all:

Col. dr. eng. Adrian CONSTANTINPresident of the Military Order of Romania, Initiator of the Flag Law
Prof. univ. dr. Ioan CRISTESCUDirector of the National Museum of Romanian Literature

Eternal regrets! – Major General (r) Visarion NEAGOE


Major General (r) Professor Visarion NEAGOE
5 January 1954 – 13 June 2023

The Academy of Romanian Scientists announces with deep sadness the passing away of Major General (r) Professor Visarion NEAGOE, Co-Respondent Member of the Military Sciences Section, Active Member of the Numismatic Society of Romania and President of the National Association for the Cult of Heroes “Regina Maria” (since 2013).

Dr. Neagoe Visarion was an expert in geopolitics and security strategies, in the implementation of the most modern military concepts in the doctrines, manuals and regulations that are carried out within the land forces. He has been involved in the development and implementation of national and international strategic scenarios for counter-terrorism and border security, and has been involved in the study and development of extremely valuable works in the field of socio-human sciences.

General (r) Prof. Dr. Neagoe Visarion had a rich professional activity: platoon commander, staff officer in the Land Anti-aircraft Defence Command (1976-1983); tactics lecturer in the Art. and RAA (1985-1986), anti-aircraft missile division commander (1986-1989), chief of staff of the 19 Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (1990-1992), 1st officer in the Operations Directorate of the General Staff (SMG), head of office in the Air Force General Staff (1996-1997), Head of Office (1997-1999) and Head of Operations Management Section in the Directorate of Operations/SMG (2000), Head of the Strategic Security Studies and Military Analysis Section in the Centre for Strategic Defence and Security Studies (2001), Commander of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade (2002-2003), Deputy Commander of the 2nd Joint Operational Command (2003-2005), Chief of Training and Doctrine and Inspector General of the Land Forces (2005-2006), Director of the Land Forces Staff (2007), Deputy Chief of Staff of the Multinational Force for Coalition Operations, Iraq (2007), Commander of the Land Forces Command (2008), Head of the Directorate of Planning Structures and Resources/J8 of the SMG (2008-2009), Commander of the Joint Operational Command, Marshal Alexandru Averescu (2009-2010), Commander of the 2nd Infantry Division (2010).

He has authored, co-authored or coordinated more than 25 books and university courses and more than 120 articles in national/international journals and scientific communications at national and international sessions and symposia.

He was awarded the Commemorative Medal “Centenary of the War for the Independence of our Nation”, 30.11.2021, the “Saint Nicodemus” Cross of the Metropolitan of Oltenia, 2008, the Merit Emblem “Military Science”, 1st class, 2007, the National Order “Faithful Service” in the rank of knight (with military insignia), 2004. He was awarded the Annual Prize of the Romanian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts (2003, 2009); the “General de Divizie Ștefan Fălcoianu” Prize, for the work “Air surveillance – from mytholocation to radiolocation” (2002) and the “Mareșal Alexandru Averescu” Prize for the work “Iraq, the Calvary of Peace” (2009) awarded by the magazine “Gândirea Militară Românească”. . 

We will always remember the professionalism, kindness, dedication to military sciences of our colleague, Major General (r) Professor Visarion NEAGOE! 

God rest his soul!

Conference “Digital Telemedicine Platform 116117”

We know that in Romania there is a real difficulty in getting in touch with a doctor when we are faced with a medical situation, no matter how serious it is. There is a dwindling number of practising doctors, with only 700 emergency doctors in Romania.

The options currently available to solve a sudden medical problem are as follows:

  1. call the family doctor who answers if it is during office hours;
  2. call a friend/relative doctor;
  3. we call 112 asking for a rescue, sometimes unnecessarily consuming important resources from the state budget;
  4. Using our own transport, we go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, where, if our medical situation is not life-threatening, we can wait several hours until a doctor is available.


Statistics for 2022 show that more than 70% of referrals to Emergency Departments (EDs) in large hospitals are minor cases that can be handled online. Also, on the single emergency number 112, during the same year, out of 10 million calls, about 1.5 million were non-emergency medical calls, calls that overwhelm and choke the system with situations for which 112 does not yet have a protocol. This has prompted the STS (Special Telecommunications Service) to initiate an extensive media campaign to inform and educate the entire population, so that we all call 112 only for EMERGENCY medical cases. This campaign ran for two months last autumn.


Together with the National Red Cross Society of Romania, eTELEDOC has developed a digital platform that can be the basis for the establishment of a National Permanence Centre, following the model of those already existing in Italy, Germany and Finland, to take over and manage non-emergency situations, with the allocation of the unique short number 116117 dedicated to this medical case throughout the European Union.

In this way, anyone facing a sudden medical situation can access the 116117 service 24 hours a day and be put in direct contact with a doctor able to offer advice, support or guidance depending on the medical situation. This provides expert triage of all requests to the on-call rooms, decongesting these services which are meant to deal only with life-threatening emergencies.

The platform has 4 work streams, namely: adult consultations, paediatric consultations, English consultations and hearing and speech impaired consultations, for the last one the subtitling attribute is implemented.

Access to the doctor will be done either in the app via video call or by telephone by dialling the short number 116117 from any type of telephone, in any area of the country, on a 24-hour basis. Doctors from the specialties of general medicine/family medicine will work on the platform. Consultations will be paid for by the National Health Insurance House, following the model of the statements made for the work of family doctors in the Centres of Permanence.

PHOTO AOSR, awarded at the Gala of Excellence of Dâmbovița County, 2023 edition


The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) was awarded, on 31 May 2023, by the Dâmbovița County Council within the “Excellence Gala of Dâmbovița County 2023” for its contribution to the development of the county. Archbishop Nifon, AOSR member, underlined in the opening of the Gala the involvement of the academic environment in the development of the County.

The award was presented by the President of the AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, who in his speech presented a brief history of the Academy, as well as the collaboration with the Valahia University of Targoviste and the Dâmbovița County Council. Mrs. AOSR Vice President, prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu.

The Excellence Gala was attended by senators, deputies, Minister of Culture – Lucian Romașcanu, Minister of Health – Alexandru Rafila, as well as other dignitaries from the central administration, mayors, councillors and other local government officials.

The late Professor Ion Cucui, president of the AOSR Targoviste branch, was awarded a post-mortem prize for his entire activity.