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Traditions and research for life and health

The research of medicinal plants, especially those of the local wild flora, began after the organisation of the Botanical Garden in 1950. The first researches aimed at highlighting the number of indigenous species with high content of active principles and gathering information about their use in folk and scientific medicine.

The knowledge of medicinal plants, so widely used today, represents the combination of the tradition of empirical medicine with the most recent research in this field, a valuable treasure offered by the nature of man and animals to cure various diseases.

In the multi-millennial coexistence with the surrounding nature, man has been concerned to know as much as possible about the plants existing in the vegetation in the area where he lived, looking for possibilities to use them in different fields, such as food, building materials, industry, dyeing, beekeeping, dendrology, cosmetics and in the prevention and cure of many physical and mental diseases.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded scientific excellence


On 19 May 2023, starting at 9.30 am, in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I”, the General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the AOSR Awards Gala for 2021 took place .

The AOSR General Assembly had the following items on its agenda:
1. Presentation and approval of the Report on the scientific activity of the AOSR in 2022 and the Financial Report for 2022;
2. Approval of the Draft Statute of the AOSR;
3. Discussion on the documents presented;
4. Voting of candidates for AOSR membership(full members, corresponding members, honorary members and post-mortem honorary members).

The Presidium of the General Assembly was composed of: prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice-President, Scientific Researcher I Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Ing. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary.

President Adrian Badea presented the general situation of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the priorities for action and the concerted institutional efforts to meet the highest academic standards of the mission enshrined in the Statute, which defines the Academy of Romanian Scientists as a “national forum of scientific consecration”, as well as the Financial Report for 2022.

He informed those present that the AOSR will operate under a new law, Law 121/2023, recently promulgated by the President of Romania, which strengthens the status of the institution and creates a new framework for its development.

Vice President Doru-Sabin Delion presented the scientific research activity of the AOSR, which is at a high level in terms of volume and quality, certified by the presence in databases and the number of citations. Through its research results, the AOSR enjoys international visibility, being included in the prestigious SCIMAGO-Elsevier international ranking.

Only two Romanian academic institutions are present in the top 800 of the world ranking: The Romanian Academy and the Academy of Romanian Scientists. A major element of the AOSR’s work is the annual research programme for young researchers at postdoctoral level, which enjoys great interest and generates national competition. Through this programme to encourage and support young researchers, AOSR participates in the development of Romanian research. Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR and Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”, presented its activity, the projects carried out and in progress and the development lines of the Institute, which pays special attention to the digitization process in the fields of scientific research.

In accordance with Law 121/2023, which stipulates that the Statute of the AOSR is approved by the General Assembly, the main provisions of the new Statute were discussed in the continuation of the work of the General Assembly. It sets out, among other things, new criteria for admission and promotion in the AOSR, as well as the cases in which membership may be lost. After debate, the Statute of the AOSR was approved by the General Assembly by unanimous vote and will be published in the Official Journal, Part I.

Awards Gala 2021 was dedicated to excellence in scientific research and covered the areas of the structure of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Twenty awards were given as follows:
– GEORGE EMIL PALADE AWARD, Terms and expressions used in dentistry. Romanian-French, French-Romanian dictionary,
Authors: Norina Forna, Ioana Grecu, Medical Publishing House, Number of pages 80. Year of release 2021;
DIMITRIE POMPEIU PRIZE, Dynamical systems and differential geometry via MAPLE, Authors: Constantin Udriște, Ionel Tevy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 240 pages. Year of release 2021;
NICHOLAS GEORGESCU ROEGEN PRIZE, Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania (2 volumes), Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania, volume I+II, Author: prof.univ.dr. Florin Georgescu, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Number of pages 631. Year of release 2021;
ANGHEL RUST AWARD, Economic models for managing the COVID-19 pandemic shock. Strategic outline, Author: Emil Dinga, Editura Economică, Number of pages 154. Year of release 2021;
TUDOR POPESCU AWARD, Explanatory dictionary for science and technology. Integrated Quality Management, Authors: Prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Constantin Oprean, dr. eng. Alina Vanu, dr. Sebastian Stan, Agir Publishing House, Number of pages 249. Year of release 2021;
– PRIZE C. C. ILIESCU, Pathologia vasculares cerebro-spinală curs practic,
Coordinators: Carmen Adella Sîrbu, Florentina Cristina Pleșa, University Publishing House “Carol Davila”, Number of pages 449. Year of release 2021;
CAROL DAVILA PRIZE, Romanian personalities and contributions in international medicine, Authors: Radu Iftimovici, Dana Baran, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 353 pages. Year of release 2021;
MIRCEA BANCIU PRIZE, Experimental methods in chemical thermodynamics, Authors: Lucian Cristian Pop, Aurora Mocanu, Andrei Zeno, Maria Tomoaia-Cotișel, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, Number of pages 167. Year of release 2021;
HERMANN OBERTH PRIZE, Risk Management, Authors: Muddassar Sarfraz, Larisa Ivașcu, IntechOpen Publishing House, Number of pages 304. Year of release 2021;
MARTIN BERCOVICI PRIZE, Science and technology – paths of progress, Authors: Petru Andea, Attila Simo, Politehnica Publishing House, Number of pages. Year of release 2021;
CONSTANTIN NOICA PRIZE, Ethics and Academic Integrity – Thenoetics, Authors: Petru Andea, Alin Anton, Politehnica Publishing House, Number of pages 192. Year of release 2021;
ANTON BACALBAȘA PRIZE, Philosophy of Integrativity, Author: Ioan N. Roșca, Romanian Foundation of Tomorrow Publishing House, Number of pages 190. Year of release 2021;
VALENTIN ARSENIE PRIZE, Ethics and Leadership, Author: Aura Codreanu, Published by “Carol I” National Defence University, Number of pages 194. Year of release 2021;
MARSHAL CONSTANTIN PREZAN AWARD, TURKEY – Political and security developments and regional implications. Expert study, Author: Dr. Mirela Atanasiu, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, 184 pages. Year of Publication 2021;
CORNELIU PENESCU PRIZE, Classical and Modern Algorithms in Signal Processing, Authors: Dan Ștefănoiu, Alexandra Dumitrașcu, Ionuț Șchiopu, Politehnica Press, Number of pages 229. Year of release 2021;
THE STEFAN ODOBLEJA AWARD, Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators, Authors: Abhaya Pal Singh, Dipankar Deb, Himanshu Agrawal Valentina E. Balas, Springer Publishing House, 138 pages. Year of Publication 2021; Handbook of deep learning in biomedical engineering techniques and applications, Authors: Valentina Emilia Balas, Brojo Kishore Mishra, Raghvendra Kumar, Academic Press, Number of pages 298. Year of release 2021;
– GRIGORE GAFENCU AWARD, Stalin and the Russian people… Democracy and dictatorship in contemporary Romania. Volume I: The Premises of Communism. Volume II: Stalinism in Romania,
Author: Gheorghe Onișoru, Corint Publishing House, Number of pages 540 + 444. Year of release 2021;
GHEORGHE BUZATU AWARD, “Downtown San-Georgiu”. Romanians in Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna county, Author: Ioan Lăcătușu, Eurocarpatica Publishing House, Number of pages 1136. Year of release 2021;
AUREL SACERDOȚEANU PRIZE, Bishop Dr. Partenie Ciopron (1896-1980), Authors: Aurel Pentelescu, Ionuț-Constantin Petcu, Editgraph Publishing House, Number of pages 663. Year of release 2021;
DIMITRIE CANTEMIR AWARD, Between peace and war. The Fanariots in the context of international relations (1774-1812), Author: Vlad Mischevca, Cartdidact Publishing House, 429 pages. Year of release 2021.

During this eventful period, another major science and research event took place on 19 and 20 May: the AOSR Spring Scientific Conference, the current edition of which has the theme “Digital Transformation in Science” . The conference brought together a large number of participants and scientific papers, covering a wide range of topics, from fundamental and avant-garde research areas, to new, original, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, which will be published in the proceedings volume of the event. The conference programme and the volume of abstracts can be found at HERE

On the occasion of these events, the President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, said:
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, through its members, is dedicated to the mission of producing quality research in a wide variety of fields and thus contributing to the progress of Romanian science and research. As an Academy, founded in 1935, with more than 88 years of existence, we exist with a well-defined purpose – and not a circumstantial one – to concentrate real intelligence and values, to be a pole of advanced research and to participate, with all our potential, in the development of the country through knowledge. We approach this process with full good faith and dedication, under the authority of the values of academic ethics and integrity, fairness, conscience and responsibility. Through all its activities, programmes and projects, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, which includes leading personalities of science and education, is a valuable institution of the country for which, more than anything else, the results, visibility and ranking in international hierarchies speak for themselves.”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )

PHOTO AOSR General Assembly and Awards Gala 2021


On Friday, 19 May, starting at 09:00, the General Assembly of the AOSR members will take place in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I”, and from 12:00, the AOSR Awards Gala for 2021. Academy attire will be worn at the event.

Agenda of the general meeting:

1. Presentation and approval of the Report on the scientific activity of the AOȘR in 2022 and the Financial Report for 2022
2. Approval of the Draft Statute of the AOSR
3. Discussion on the documents presented
4. Voting on candidates for AOSR membership (full members, corresponding members, honorary members and post-mortem honorary members):

ȘMathematical Sciences:




Honorary Member from abroad

Honorary Member from abroad

Honorary Member from abroad

Physical sciences:



Chemical Sciences:




Honorary Member from abroad

Biological Sciences:


Honorary Member from abroad

Geonomic Sciences:



Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences:






Honorary Member from abroad

ȘTechnical Sciences:





Medical Sciences:









Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences:





Philosophy, Theology and Psychology:





Historical and archaeological sciences






Honorary Member from abroad

Science and Information Technology:



Military science



RESTIAN ADRIAN (1936-2022)
PURICA IONEL (1925-1990)

Ioan Scurtu, historian and member of AOSR: “Titulescu was ousted by Charles II”

Ioan Scurtu, historian and member of AOSR, in “Face to face”, a programme by Ion Cristoiu

The Academy of Romanian Scientists protests against slander, personal attacks, lies and manipulation and campaigns for respect for the truth and the public


The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) has recently been the target of a new political attack by a party that has made it a priority to denigrate and slander the institution by using fake news, personal attacks, misinformation and lies, grossly misinforming and manipulating public opinion.

The gentlemen who launched the recent attack, together with a “consistent” group of supporters (about 15 people), after having finished solving Romania’s major problems (PNRR, pandemic, transport), in the absence of new ideas, decided to reheat the “soup poor in ideas” and reactivate their hatred for science, culture, history, religion, the academic movement. The new attack is part of a smear campaign, initiated a few years ago and carried out with furious emphasis by the party, which stands out in the public arena by accusing, slandering and calling for the dismantling of public institutions in the fields of science, research and recent history as part of its political programme.

This attack, carried out in a show of force and intimidation, an act of aggression of increased force against the institution and individuals, throws back into the “battle” denigrating expressions, slander and lies, using the same false “arguments”, also broadcast in the past in the public arena.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses its indignation and strongly protests against this act of political violence and ideological extremism, built on lies, attacks on the person, misinformation and manipulation, alien to the values of European civilization, and more proper to societies and ideologies based on force and aggression.

In this context, for the public to know the truth, the Academy of Romanian Scientists makes the following clarifications:

1. The Academy of Romanian Scientists is not a “phantom institution”, but a legally functioning institution, with history, with activity dedicated to science and progress through knowledge, with prestigious members, resonant names of Romanian and international science and research, with outstanding scientific results. The institution was founded on 29 March 1935 as the Romanian Academy of Sciences by the liberal minister of education, the doctor and university professor Constantin Angelescu, and a group of scientists. After the fall of the communist regime, it was re-established as the Academy of Romanian Scientists, at the initiative of General and Professor Vasile Cândea, an illustrious name of medicine and of the Romanian school of cardiovascular surgery, and it operates by Law no. 31 of 15 January 2007, having the status of “continuator and sole legatee” of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. This law, voted unanimously by the Parliament, was initiated neither by President Iliescu, nor by Mr. Meleșcanu or any other of the persons mentioned by the (dis)informers, but by the late Senators Ion Basgan and Radu Câmpeanu, together with many other valuable parliamentarians.

2. Membership of the Academy of Romanian Scientists is based on firm and precise criteria relating to the activity, results, relevance, international recognition, number of citations and scientific merits of its members. The latest legislative initiative (PL-x no. 490/2021), approved by Parliament and currently being promulgated, provides, at the request of the President of Romania, clear criteria for granting or losing membership of the AOSR.

3. The Academy of Romanian Scientists is an apolitical organization by statute. Membership of the AOSR has nothing to do with political affiliation or ideology. The political affiliation of some AOSR members is strictly a personal choice. Their political affiliation or sympathy is not aimed at a single party, as obsessively and falsely emphasised in the public arena by the institution’s detractors. In the AOSR structure, there are members of several parties in Romania, without their political affiliation influencing their scientific, research or educational activity. The public activity of those cited in the “public indictment” and of all members must be strictly separated from their scientific or academic activity.

4. The AOSR is not a “sinecure”, populated by “sinecureists”, as it is tendentiously and degradingly claimed, citing a number of names of public personalities, from a truncated, subjective perspective, which falls under attack on the person. The indemnities of AOSR members are based on the legal provisions and are awarded, as provided by law, for a life dedicated to education and science.

5. Some of the incriminated persons, with public visibility, have honorary status within the AOSR and have never received an indemnity from the AOSR (Ion Iliescu, Teodor Meleșcanu, Ion Cristoiu, Ben-Oni Ardelean etc.).

6. The heirs of AOSR members did not and do not receive any survivor’s benefits, although the law would allow it.

7. The Academy of Romanian Scientists does not have 67 employees, as falsely claimed, but, with a small difference, 17.

8. A substantial part of the budget of the Academy of Romanian Scientists is dedicated to the annual research programme for young researchers at postdoctoral level. In the 2023 selection process, more than 200 scientific projects competed. Currently, more than 50 projects funded by the AOSR are underway involving diverse areas and themes, covering fundamental and cutting-edge areas of advanced research.

9. The “lack of activity” or contributions to the scientific progress of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, accused by those who attack the institution, is false information, based on lack of information and the obvious intention to denigrate and discredit at any cost. A simple consultation of the institution’s website (www.aosr.ro) shows a complex and intense activity in all the scientific fields falling within the scope of the AOSR’s activities. The work of the AOSR is carried out both centrally, through scientific programmes and projects, through national and international conference series and debates, and at the level of sections and branches. The AOSR is composed of prestigious scientists, internationally recognised scholars, personalities of contemporary science, research and knowledge, elite members of the academic world, respected names in academia.

10. The scientific complexity and unquestionable value of the work of the AOSR is expressed in the international recognition of the research results carried out by the members of the institution, in the number of citations and in their scientific visibility. According to Web of Science, AOSR is rated with 371 papers and 4284 citations in 2022, and according to Google Scholar, posted on the institution’s website, the numbers are more than double.

11. An objective certification of the value of the activity of the Academy of Romanian Scientists is the constant position of the AOSR in the prestigious international SCIMAGO-Elsevier ranking, which evaluates and ranks the performance of the world’s universities and research institutes. According to SCIMAGO-Elsevier, the Academy of Romanian Scientists ranks 9th among research institutions in Romania. Note that only two institutions in Romania appear in the top 800 places: The Romanian Academy and the Academy of Romanian Scientists.

12. Another false “charge” against the Academy of Romanian Scientists refers to the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”, called “pseudo-institute”. In order to know the truth, the Institute carries out a complex activity, consisting of scientific projects in cutting-edge areas (digitisation, online education, etc.). It is not funded by public money, but operates on a self-financing basis through projects.

In the name of fairness, values and principles of democracy, the Academy of Romanian Scientists strongly condemns partisan attitudes, lacking objectivity and deontology, as well as the new political attack on the institution and advocates respect for truth and reality in any public endeavour. The AOSR reserves the right to act by all legal means, in an academic spirit, to defend the truth, the dignity of the institution and its members.

The management of the AOSR is prepared to provide the media with any information requested in order to facilitate an objective, informed presentation by the media. The members of AOSR, attached to the institution and its mission, will continue their work in the service of Romanian science and creation.

Scientific Council of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

Smooth road Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Udriște!


It is with deep regret that the Academy of Romanian Scientists announces the passing away on the evening of May 6, 2023, of the eminent scientist, emeritus university professor, PhD in mathematics Constantin Udriște, President of the Section of Geonomic Sciences of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

           The luminous personality of  Professor and Scientist Constantin Udriște will remain forever in the memory of those who knew him, and his achievements in the field of mathematics will remain a reference for all those who dedicate themselves to this science and beyond.

           Gifted with a remarkable creative intelligence and a great talent for mathematics, with tenacity and hard work, with a character  honest,  demanding with oneself and collaborators, valued  students and the world  academic circles at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and in scientific circles both in the country and abroad.

         He has been teaching and researching for over 55 years in the renowned Polytechnic of Bucharest, where he started as an assistant and completed all university degrees, sharing his love for mathematics with thousands of future engineers.

         Constantin Udriște has initiated and developed original topics in Differential Geometry; Optimizations and Convexity on Riemannian manifolds; Magnetic Dynamical Systems: Geometric Dynamics and Multitemporal Optimal Control, with scientific impact in Romania and abroad.

Constantin Udriște was the founder and first Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, previously  The Professor was elected by his colleagues as Head of the Department of Mathematics.

In recognition of his scientific merits, Professor Dr. Constantin Udriște was elected Full Member of the Academy of Scientists – President of the Section of Geonomic Sciences; Corresponding Member of the Peloritanian Academy of Messina; President and Founder of the Balkan Society of Geometers.

The distinguished professor was a leading mathematician in the Romanian school of geometry and optimization. His mathematical work includes 57 books, of which 14 monographs published in prestigious publishing houses in the country and abroad (10 in English, 5 in Romanian), plus hundreds of articles, textbooks, scientific communications, studies and projects.

Constantin Udriște was honoured with two Romanian Academy Awards: “Dragomir Hurmuzescu” Prize for “Group of papers on the conversion of solar energy into thermal energy and the efficiency of solar energy capture in solar power plants” (1985) and “Stefan Hepites” Prize for “Geobiodynamics and Roegen Type Economy” (2010), as well as numerous honorary diplomas and medals.

He lived his private life in modesty and love, together with his wife – a reputed geologist – Aneta Udriște, with whom they raised their two remarkable sons: Dan and Sorin and enjoyed their four grandchildren: Andrei, Raluca, Victor and Mari.

The prodigious activity and vast work of Professor Constantin Udriște cannot fit into a few words, but the light of his life will continue to shine on the altar of science.

The Presidium and the Scientific Council of the Academy of Romanian Scientists pay a sad tribute to the life and work of CONSTANTIN UDRIȘTE, his name and achievements will forever remain inscribed in the annals of the Academy, and his memory will remain alive in our hearts.

My sincere condolences to the bereaved family!
Smooth sailing among the stars, beloved and cherished colleague!

National Scientific Conference, Spring 2023 – “Digital Transformation in Science”


The Academy of Romanian Scientists invites you to participate in the National Scientific Conference 2023, spring edition, with the title “Digital Transformation in Science” which will take place on 19-20 May 2023.

We invite you to access the RESUME VOLUME


Mathematical and Geonomic Sciences Section
Saturday 20 May 2023, 09:00, online
To connect use the link: https://zoom.us/j/92157835188?pwd=Nit0TVEyQ0JQMEVlUFFhdXFzSEZkQT09

Physical Sciences Section
Friday 19 May 2023, 15:30
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Str. Ilfov no. 3, sector 5, Bucharest

Engineering Science Section
Friday, 19 May 2023, 15:30
Central Library of “Politehnica” University of Bucharest – 3rd floor, Room 3.2.

Biological Sciences Section
Saturday 20 May, hybrid system (physical and online), 09:00-15:00
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Str. Ilfov nr. 3, Bucharest
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yvk-zwew-hyc

Medical Sciences Section
Friday, 19 May 2023, 16.00
Central Library of “Politehnica” University of Bucharest – 3rd Floor, Room 3.1.

Section of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences
Saturday, 20 May, 2023, 10.00-12.00
Online on Google Meet Platform
Login link: https://meet.google.com/szw-eijf-opi

Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences Section
Friday, 19 May 2023, 16.00-20:00
Central University Library “Carol I”, Boteanu Street 1, Bucharest

Philosophy, Theology and Psychology Section
Friday 19 May 2023, 15:00
Bucharest, AOSR headquarters, str. Ilfov nr. 3, sector 5

Historical Sciences Section
Friday, 19 May 2023, 15:00
Bucharest, AOSR headquarters in Bucharest, str. Ilfov nr. 3

Science and Information Technology Section
Friday, 19 May 2023, 16.30-20:00
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Board Room ED 109.

Military Sciences Section
Thursday, 18 May 2023, 10.00 a.m.
“Carol I” National Defence University


PHOTO Prof.Univ.Habil.Dr.Ing. Iulian Antoniac at the Young Scientists Tribune


The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes, in May 2023, in the framework of the “YOUNG SCIENTISTS TRIBUNE” programme, the event entitled Advanced materials for medicine” which will be held on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the AOSR headquarters, by Prof. Dr. Eng. Iulian Antoniac, Director of the Department of Metallic Materials Science and Physical Metallurgy, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest and President of the Romanian Society of Biomaterials.

The conference topic will focus on advanced medical materials and devices available to doctors today for use in the treatment of patients. Exploring interface phenomena at the material-cell level and the regeneration of human tissues using biodegradable materials will lead to a higher level of understanding and use. It will also showcase existing facilities for conducting frontier experiments in advanced materials for medicine.

Scientific symposium: the significance and importance of May 9 for the history and present of Romania


The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes, on May 9, 2023, from 14.00 to 17.00, the scientific symposium “The significance and importance of May 9th for the history and present of Romania”.

The event will take place online at link Google Meet.


Welcome address by Prof. Adrian Badea, President of A.O.Ș.R.
Moderator Prof. Ion Solcanu, PhD, President of the History and Archaeology Section

1. Prof. Dr. Lascu Stoica Nicolae Iorga – Independence “we paid for it with blood, with the blood of the several thousand dorobantis who fell in the mud of Pleven”
2. Prof. Anatol Petrencu 9 May in Chisinau
3. Prof. Dr. Ion Zainea The contribution of the Romanians from Transylvania to the support of the war for the independence of Romania, reflected in the pages of Familia magazine from Oradea
4. Prof. Dr. Radu Ștefan VergattiBrief data about the deputy lawyer Eliodor I. Vergatti
5. Prof. Mihai DrecinAndrei Silviu and Nicolae Raikovics – defenders of Oradea killed by the Horts on 9 October 1944
6. Prof. Valentin CiorbeaThe Nazi German Captivity: 7 or 9 May 1945?
7. Dr. Marius-Adrian Nicoară The Romanian Royal Air Force on the front, on May 9, 1945
8. Prof. Gheorghe OnișoruMay 1950. In the West – the Schumann declaration, in Romania – “the night of the dignitaries”

Book launch: “The Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus. Discovering a New Face of His Personality” by Theodor Damian


The Literary Circle “Mihai Eminescu” and the magazine Lumina Lină from New York (Director Theodor Damian) invite you on Sunday, April 30, 2023, after St. Mass at the launch of the book “The Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus. Discovering a New Face of His Personality” by Theodor Damian

Presented by prof. univ. Alina Feld, Valentina Ciaprazi and the author.

The event will take place at St. Ap. Peter and Paul, at St. George’s Episcopal Church 14-02 27th Ave. (corner of 14th Street), Astoria; NY 11102.