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The values of femininity – International Women and Girls in Science Day

International Women and Girls in Science Day is celebrated every year on 11 February, following a declaration by the UN General Assembly in 2015.

The history of science has been marked by important discoveries by women – just think of Marie Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie. Romanian examples include Ștefania Mărăcineanu, Ana Aslan, Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu, Mărioara Godeanu, Cornelia Guja.

Throughout the ages, women have been known to invent things to make our lives easier. So the first WiFi device, the first computer algorithm, the first home to rely entirely on solar power, gas central heating, the periscope, heating inside cars, the muffler, windscreen wipers, the fire escape, the circular saw, the snow plough are just a few examples.

It is an opportunity to remind ourselves that women and girls play a vital role in the scientific and technological community and that their participation needs to be boosted, given that currently less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women.

COMM – International Women and Girls in Science Day (europa.eu)

AOSR mourns the departure of Acad. Răzvan Theodorescu


– 22 May 1939, Bucharest – 06 February 2023, Bucharest –
– Founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists –

The Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses its sorrow and deep regret at the departure of Academician Prof. Dr. Răzvan Theodorescu, an illustrious personality of contemporary Romanian culture.

Academician Răzvan Theodorescu was Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and President of the Arts, Architecture and Audiovisual Section of the Academy, Secretary General of the International Association of South-East European Studies, Professor at the National University of Arts.

Academician Răzvan Theodorescu was also, founding full member of the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. In this capacity he was involved in the development of the AOSR, an institution which, after the fall of communism, resumed its institutional existence on new, democratic bases, after the long totalitarian parenthesis, renewing the thread of history that began in 1935 with the establishment of Academy of Sciences of Romania by a group of Romanian scientists led by doctor and education minister Constantin Angelescu. With the genuine sense of value and humanism that characterized him, Academician Răzvan Theodorescu knew how to harmonize the two qualities, academician and member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, supporting and encouraging the evolution of the AOSR, an institution that has included and includes valuable names of Romanian science, as well as seven Nobel Prize laureates.

Born on 22 May 1939, Răzvan Theodorescu graduated from the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest (1963) and received his PhD in Historical Sciences from the University of Bucharest (1972) with a thesis on Byzantine, Balkan and Western elements in the beginnings of medieval Romanian culture (10th-14th centuries). He has carried out a rich professional activity, branching out on several levels: scientific, teaching, cultural, academic, civic and political. Among the most important qualities he had in its contents are: scientific researcher at the Institute of Art History of the Romanian Academy (1963-1987); deputy scientific director of the Institute of Art History (1972-1977); professor at the University of Arts in Bucharest (since 1990); general director of the Romanian Television Company (1990-1992); member of the National Audiovisual Council (1992-2000); rector of the Academy for the Study of the History of Culture and Religions (1995-2000); Head of the UNESCO Chair of South-East European Studies at the University of Arts (since 1997); member of the National College of the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (since 2004); Secretary-General of the Association of South-East European Studies (1994-2000); Rector of the Media University (since 2000); Senator of Iasi (2000-2004); Senator of Botosani (2004-2008); Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs (2000-2004).

He is the author of a prodigious scientific and cultural work, among the titles of which are Dragomirna Monastery, Ed. Meridiane, 1965; Bistrita Monastery, Ed. Meridiane, 1966; Stavropoleos Church, Ed. Meridiane, 1967; Byzantium, the Balkans and the West at the beginning of Romanian medieval culture (10th-14th centuries), Ed. Academiei Române, 1974; Un mileniu de arte la gurile Dunării (400-1400), Ed. Meridiane, Bucharest, 1976; Itinerarii medievale, Ed. Meridiane, Bucharest, 1979; Piatra Trei Ierarhilor, Ed. Meridiane, Bucharest, 1979; Apel la istorie, Ed. Sport-Turism, București, 1980; Civilizația românilor entre medieval e modern. The Horizon of the Image (1550-1800), 2 vols. Meridiane, București, 1992; Drumuri spre ieri, Ed. Fundației Culturale Române, Bucharest, 1992; Cele 900 de zile ale “manipulării”, Ed. Tinerama, Bucharest, 1994; La peinture murale moldave des XVe – XVIe siècles, Ed. UNESCO, București, 1995; Roumains et Balkaniques dans la civilisation sud-est européenne, Ed. Enciclopedică, București, 1999; Picătura de istorie, Ed. Fundației Culturale Române, București, 1999; Constantin Brâncoveanu între “Casa Cărții” și “Levropa”, Ed., RAO, București, 2006; Civilizația românilor entre medieval e modern, Ed. Princeps Edit, Iași, 2006; Europa noastră și noi, Ed. Capitel, Bucharest, 2008. To the above volumes, reference titles in the study of Romanian history, culture and civilization, we must add more than 600 studies and articles published in Romanian and foreign specialized journals.

In recognition of His Lordship’s great value and merit, Acad. Răzvan Theodorescu has received an impressive number of important awards, orders and distinctions: Knight (since 1997) and Commander (since 2003) of the Order of Arts and Letters of the French Republic; Grand Officer of the National Order of Merit (2000); Laureate of the Bernier Prize of the Institut de France (1969); Nicolae Bălcescu Prize of the Romanian Academy (1976); Herder Prize of the University of Vienna (1993); Nicolae Iorga Prize of the International Ecumenical Centre for Spiritual Dialogue (1999); Flacăra Magazine Prize (1987); Order of the Moldavian Cross (2003); Knight of the Knight’s Cross with Swords – Ukraine (2004); Order of the Cross of St. John the Baptist (2004). Apostle Andrew (2004); Knight of the Order of the Cross Bearers of the Holy Sepulchre – Jerusalem (2004); Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Oradea (1998), of the University of Arts of Cluj-Napoca (2001), of the University of West Timisoara (2002), of the University of Craiova (2002), of the University of Stefan cel Mare in Suceava (2004), of the Ovidius University of Constanta (2006), of the George Enescu University of Iasi (2008), of the Valahia University of Targoviste (2010).

He has been a member of prestigious Academies and Scientific Societies: Corresponding member (since 1993) and full member (since 2000) of the Romanian Academy; honorary member (since 1996) and full member (since 2000) of the Academy of Romanian Scientists; corresponding member of the Archaeological Society of Athens (since 1990); honorary member of the Romanian Academic Society (since 1997); Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (since 1998); Corresponding Member (since 1998) and Full Member (since 2002) of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania (since 2006); Member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 2006).

Academician Răzvan Theodorescu was a humanist scholar of European stature, a Renaissance scholar with a broad scientific and cultural background and a deep understanding of the meaning of history, culture and civilization. At the same time, the illustrious Academician and Professor was a Great Romanian Patriot.

With the departure of acad. Răzvan Theodorescu, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romanian education, culture, science and culture lose a great personality, a prestigious promoter of Romanian values and identity in the country and in the world.

Deeply saddened, the community of the Academy of Romanian Scientists sends its condolences to the bereaved family!

May God rest him and place him among the Righteous!

PhDs are for those who have something to say!

Article published on the website romanialibera.ro
Author. Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, AOSR member

I wish to avoid any reference to politics and politicians in this article, but its starting point is prompted by the countless plagiarism scandals related to politicians who have gone through this high scientific school and obtained the title of doctor.

To begin with, let’s clarify what the title doctor or PhD (philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) means. It is an academic title indicating that its holder has completed a doctoral school and, following the work and final examination, has obtained this academic degree.

Depending on the type of school attended, there are doctorates based on purely theoretical studies, such as those in law or literature, and doctorates with a strong practical component, such as those obtained by engineers or doctors. But regardless of the size of the theoretical and practical components, doctoral study requires intense research and originality. In short, the doctoral degree means that the holder has directly participated in expanding the frontiers of knowledge in the field of study.

National education systems differ from each other, but the essence is the same – research. The study time may be different, the presentation of research results may be different from country to country or from doctoral school to doctoral school. In the European Union, similarities have been reached in this respect, with Member States adopting the same study scheme. But whatever the scheme, the essence, as I said, is the same and it means research.

The full article can be read HERE

VIDEO Anton Ficai, AOSR corresponding member, awarded at the Romanian Research Gala, 1st edition


On 31 January 2023, at the Romanian Athenaeum, the first edition of the Romanian Research Gala organized by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization took place. Anton Ficai, Corresponding Member AOSR – Scientific Secretary of the Chemistry Section, was awarded Special award for transfer in economics of research results, Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

Mister. Anton Ficai works at the Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials, is a laureate of the National Chemistry Olympiads, awarded more than 100 gold medals and special prizes, and is an active member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and several professional societies.

His areas of scientific expertise are in applied research of excellence in: composite materials for bone regeneration; magnetic systems for targeted treatment; controlled release systems for controlled release; treatment of cancer and infection; advanced surface functionalisation; matrix-reinforcing agent compatibilisation; nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Outstanding achievements include the development of systems for the treatment of bone cancer. These systems have been designed to reduce the risk of recurrence by providing sufficient long-lasting anti-tumour activity through the symbiosis of the controlled release of classical anti-tumour substances (cytostatics) and the presence of nanoparticles with intrinsic or externally induced anti-tumour activity. Also worth mentioning among the outstanding achievements is the wide range of collagen and hydroxyapatite-based composite materials with morphology or composition to ensure the desired performance. These systems have been patented and have been appreciated at invention and innovation fairs in Brussels, Geneva and Iasi.

Conference of Professor Dr. Radu Ștefan Vergatti, full member of AOSR – “Monastic Complex Strehaia”

Throughout its centuries-long history, Strehaia Monastery has known the vicissitudes of time, but also the special work of the viceroys, hierarchs, monks and good people who have cherished and protected the monastic settlement. In the summer of 1657, the Syrian chronicler Paul of Aleppo wrote: “The church is very beautiful and is adorned with all kinds of ornaments, being painted both inside and out. In a word, it is a monastery and is highly prized in this country for its beauty and fortifications. We have not, of course, met any other monastery like it,” according to Trinitas TV. The Voieval Monastery was the subject of the conference “The Monastic Complex of Strehaia”, held by Professor Radu Ștefan Vergatti, in the Council Hall of the Romanian Academy.

The Union of the Romanian Principalities, national significance and historical scope


– Scientific Symposium dedicated to the Union of January 24, 1859 at the Academy of Romanian Scientists –

Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrated The Union of 24 January 1859 through the Scientific Symposium “The Union of the Romanian Principalities, national significance and historical scope”. The event was organized by the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences and with the support of the Iasi Branch of the AOSR and was held on 24 January 2023, starting at 12.00 noon. The event was attended by historians, members of the academic body, personalities of Romanian education, science and culture.

The symposium was opened by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, and moderated by Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, President of the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences and of the Iasi Branch of AOSR. The event had a dense agenda, with lectures by prominent historians: Prof. Dumitru Vitcu, PhD, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Genesis of the Unionist Programme (Unirea Society, Iasi); Prof. Ștefan Vergatti, Valahia University, Targoviste, England’s attitude towards the Union of the Romanian Principalities; Prof. Jipa Rotaru, Focșani Commission; Prof. univ. dr. Ion I. Solcanu, Establishment of the Second Science Section of the Faculty of Philosophy for the uninterrupted training of civil engineers, mechanics and architects by transforming the Royal School, 1860; Dr. Horia Dumitrescu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza and Focșanii; Col. (r) Dr. Marius Nicoară, Buzoians during the Union of the Romanian Principalities; Prof. Stoica Lascu, Dr. Constantin Angelescu: “The Union of the Romanian Principalities, the decisive act that crowned centuries of aspirations and laid the first foundations of today’s Romania; Prof. Valentin Ciorbea, Mihail Kogălniceanu and Dobrogea; Prof. univ. dr. Mihai Drecin, The Union of the Principalities in Cluj in 1959, a century after the historical event; Prof. Ion Zainea, Celebration of the 24th of January in 1972 by the students of Oradea.

At the opening of the Symposium, Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, PhD. stressed that the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza was a very dense historical moment, unique in Romanian history: in only seven years, reforms were carried out in all fields and fundamental institutions of the statute were established, which played a decisive role in the building of Modern Romania. By organizing the Symposium, the organizers pay tribute to the founders of the Union, to those who took an important step forward in the fulfillment of the centuries-old national dream of the Romanians.

The lectures, solidly documented, by professional recourse to historiographical sources and by interpreting the information in the light of the truth and the logic of the process, approached the event from various thematic perspectives, highlighting the defining elements of the historical framework at national and international level, the position of the great powers towards the Romanian Principalities and their aspirations, the crystallization of the national project and its progressive realization, the major role of some important personalities in the achievement of the Union, the subsequent development of Modern Romania and the fulfillment of the ideal of national unity through the Great Union and the creation of Greater Romania, the echoes of the Union over time, a century or more later, in the midst of the totalitarian regime, under the pressure of communist ideology and censorship, in the academic world. Symposium papers will be available in video format on the AOSR YouTube channel.

At the event, Professor Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, said: “Iasi is the heart, the cradle of the Union, that’s why we chose it to organize the Symposium. The Union of the Principalities offers us an important history lesson: a people and an elite who set themselves a Country Project managed to achieve it progressively, in several stages. They were educated, patriotic people with clear ideals, who knew how to make intelligent use of the international and historical conjuncture. We must learn from the lessons of history the need for solidarity of the people – “Let’s join hands / Those with a Romanian heart” – and the need to formulate a new, far-reaching Country Project, which can be developed in continuity with the two great moments of the Union of all Romanians: the Union of 1859 and the Great Union of 1 December 1918. The country’s intellectuals play a very important role in this process.”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )

AOSR – USA Branch organizes the 30th edition of the Symposium dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities


ACADEMIA OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS – USA BRANCH organizes the Symposium dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities, the 30th edition – 164 years since the great historical event

Sunday 22 January 2023, 3:00 PM after St. Liturgy, at the Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street, Subway Q or N to Astoria Boulevard station, Bus Q 18

Opening protocol
Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality
Wake up Romanian by Andrei Muresanu
Anthem of Stefan Voda
Anthem of Bessarabia

Moderator: Prof. Nicole Smith

Pr. Prof. univ. Dr. Theodor Damian
Writer; President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York
Archimandrite Neofit Scriban on the union and non-union of the Romanian Principalities

Prof. univ. Dr. Doru Tsaganea
Professor of Mathematics at the Metropolitan College of New York
The Union of the Romanian Principalities in the context of the new social-political ideas generated by the revolutions of 1848

Prof. univ. Valentina Ciaprazi
Writer, Professor of French Language and Literature, LaGuardia College, New York
If the Union were to take place under the present conditions, would it still be achieved?

Cezar Ungureanu
Graduate of the Marist Program, student at the School of Law, City University of New York
Politics of the Romanian Question

National Culture Day – The scientific dimension of Mihai Eminescu’s work

The Academy of Romanian Scientists, like most of the cultural, scientific and artistic institutions in Romania, celebrated the National Culture Day in the middle of this month. There is a broad consensus that the complex events organized on this occasion should place on the pedestal of Romanian culture the exceptional personality of the poet Mihai Eminescu, rightfully attributing to him the reputation of universal poet, national poet, unparalleled poet.

It would be unfair to see in Eminescu only the poet. He also excelled in prose, journalism, politics and even science.
On the scientific dimension of Mihai Eminescu’s work, somewhat bypassed by literary exegetes, I would like to stop at this brief point of view.

I would support this fact by the scientific-literary manner in which Eminescu approaches, for example, the problem of the genesis of the Universe. I appreciate that for the Romanian reader, one of the most attractive and accessible forms, in full agreement with both the Big Bang theory and the biblical creation, was created by Mihai Eminescu in his Letter I, about 140 years ago, long before the term Big Bang was assimilated in science.

I am convinced that it is a delight for anyone to watch the talent with which Mihai Eminescu versifies a scientific theory.
What Mihai Eminescu says about the period before the Big Bang:

In the beginning, when being was not, nor non-being,
When everything was lacking in life and will,
When nothing was hidden, though it was still hidden…..
When penetrated by himself he rested the unpervaded.
Fu prăpstie? genune? Was it a cloud of water?
There were no people with the knowledge or the brains to understand it,
For there was a darkness like a sea without a ray,
But there were no eyes to see it and no eyes to see it
The shadow of the undone had not begun to unravel,
And within herself eternal peace reigned!…

Equally compelling are the lyrics describing the Big Bang itself:

But suddenly a dot moves… the first and alone. Here it is
How out of chaos he makes a mother, and he becomes the Father!…
Punctu-that movement point, much weaker than the frothy gob,
He’s the boundless lord over the edges of the world…

Eminescu also presents one of the scientifically accepted versions of the thermal death of the Universe.

Nowadays the thinker does not stop his mind
But in an instant the thought takes thousands of ages forward,
The sun, proud today, he sees it sad and red
How it closes like a wound through dark clouds,
How the planets all freeze and spin rebelliously in space
They, from the brakes of light and the sun escaped,
And the catapult of light in the depths have darkened,
Like autumn leaves all the stars have perished,
Dead time and stretches the body and becomes the neighborhood,
For nothing happens in the wilderness,
And in the night of the unborn everything falls, everything falls silent,
For in itself, reconciled, eternal peace begins anew…

Of course, Letter I is by no means the only poem by Eminesci that relies on scientific elements, which were absolute novelties at the time. This is how Eminescu captures, in the famous poem “Luceafărul”, elements of the theory of relativity concerning the contraction of time at high speeds:
” Turn on the Lighthouse. His wings grew in the sky
And thousands of years passed in as many moments.”

In the same poem, Eminescu suggests that the Luceafărul, in its flight, went beyond the edges of our Universe, going back before the Big Bang and out of time.
“For where it reaches there is no boundary, no place to know
And time tries in vain from the hollows to be born”

A poetic, but also rigorously scientific, image we find in the poem “To the Star” about the speed of light in the cosmic void:

To the star that has risen
It’s such a long way
That it took thousands of years
Light to reach.

Here, then, are just a few excerpts from Eminesci’s work through which, disturbingly, we discover that the poet was deeply aware of the incipient forms of future scientific theories that revolutionised human knowledge.

Scientific Symposium “The Union of the Principalities, national significance and historical scope”


On the occasion of January 24, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences and with the support of the Iasi Branch of the institution, organizes the scientific symposium “The Union of the Principalities, national significance and historical scope”. The event will take place on Tuesday 24 January 2023, starting at 12.00 noon online. The event will be attended by prominent historians, personalities of Romanian education, science and culture.

The symposium will be opened by Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, and will be moderated by Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, President of the Historical and Archaeological Sciences Section.

The Symposium agenda includes the following lectures:
– Prof. Dumitru Vitcu,
Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, The genesis of the Unionist program (Society “Unirea” from Iasi);
– Prof. Stefan Vergatti,
Valahia University, Targoviste, England’s attitude towards the Union of the Romanian Principalities;
– Prof. Dr. Jipa Rotaru,
Focsani Commission;
– Prof. Ion I. Solcanu,
Establishment of the Second Science Section of the Faculty of Philosophy to train civil engineers, mechanics and architects by transforming the Royal School, 1860;
– Dr. Horia Dumitrescu,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza and Focșanii
Col. (r) Dr. Marius Nicoară, A.O.Ș.R. associate member, The people of Buzo during the Union of the Romanian Principalities
Prof. Stoica Lascu, corresponding member of AOSR, Dr. Constantin Angelescu: “The Union of the Romanian Principalities, the decisive act that crowned centuries of work of aspirations and laid the first foundations of today’s Romania
The agenda of the event remains open.

We invite you to take part in the Symposium, a framework for scientific reflection on a major event in Romanian history. The login details are:
Join with Google Meet

Meeting Link

12:00 Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, Presentation of the Symposium Programme
12:10 Prof. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR – Opening speech
12:20 Prof. Dr. Dumitru Vitcu, Stefan cel Mare University Suceava
Theme: the genesis of the unionist program (Society “Unirea” from Iasi)
12:40 Prof. Dr. Ștefan Vergatti, University of Targoviste
Theme: England’s attitude towards the Union of the Romanian Principalities
13:00 – 13:15 Discussions
13:15 – 13:30 Coffee break
13:30 Prof. univ. dr. Jipa Rotaru
Theme: Focsani Commission
13:50 Ion I. Solcanu
Theme: “Establishment of the Second Science Section of the Faculty of Philosophy for the uninterrupted training of civil engineers, mechanics and architects by transforming the Royal School” 1860.
14:10 Dr. Horia Dumitrescu
Theme: Alexandru Ioan Cuza and the Focsans
14:30 Discussion, Conclusions

Anniversary Valences of femininity – 5 years of monthly scientific events dedicated to women

The Academy of Romanian Scientists, together with the partners of the scientific events VALENCIES OF WOMEN, are pleased to invite you, on the occasion of the celebration of 5 years of monthly scientific events dedicated to women, to the Anniversary Event to celebrate female personalities in science, research, education, creation, art, culture, entrepreneurship, personal development, tradition.

The scientific event will be attended by personalities who have contributed to the 60 national scientific conferences, where diplomas of excellence will be awarded for their contribution to the scientific events.

The anniversary event will take place on Wednesday, 25.01.2023, at 16:00, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists – str. llfov nr. 3, where you will also enjoy special moments of classical music, art and communication.

During the 5 years of activity, 60 national conferences have been held with a participation of more than 140 ladies and gentlemen from Romania affiliated to 65 entities in the country and 21 persons from Europe affiliated to 22 scientific-cultural entities abroad.

“Valențele Feminității” held two national conferences with international participation, funded by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation through the National Agency for Scientific Research: “Research and Education for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” and “The Centenary of Romanian Science in the European Context”.

The “Values of Femininity” conferences celebrated International Women in Science Day, World Food Day, Earth Day, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and two two-month courses: Communicating, Connecting, Influencing John Maxwell Team and Laws of Personal Development.