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AOSR President, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, awards a prize for research at the “Thinking in Romania” Gala


Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, was invited to present an award at the “Gândit în România” Gala to Mr. Costel Vînătoru, for his horticultural research work at the Buzău Research and Development Station for Vegetable Growing and at the Plant Genetic Resources Bank – Buzău, of which he is the creator.
Costel Vînătoru also serves as a priest at the Episcopal Cathedral in Buzău, and is known as a priest of vocation, who is also involved in the training of future priests.

The “Gândit in Romania” Gala took place on December 14, 2022, at the Romanian Athenaeum and aroused a real interest from the audience, while being broadcast live on TVR International.

The event was attended by dignitaries from the Romanian Government, members of the Romanian Academy, university professors, researchers, students and pupils.

The “Thinking in Romania” Gala awarded 12 prizes in categories such as culture, science, education, inventiveness, research, and were presented by representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and Babeș-Bolyai University.

The first edition of the “Thought in Romania” Gala was dedicated to Gogu Constantinescu, the Romanian inventor with about 400 patents, one every two months, and who is mentioned among the “17 pioneers on the road to progress” in a table published in 1926 by the British magazine “The Graphic”, along with Einstein, Kelvin, Graham Bell, Edison, Marconi, Marie Curie.

AOSR Vice President, Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, presented two awards at the Digital Transformation (DX) 2022 GALA, focusing on Smart Libraries in Romania and Digital Community Transformation


DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Council, in collaboration with the magazine COMUNICAȚII Mobile and TelecomTV, organized GALA DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (DX) 2022, 19th editionon 9 December at the Grand Hotel Continental in Bucharest with the motto Business-Industrial-Digital Transformation. GALA DX brought together the elite of ICT-connected industries from over 20 market verticals – Government, Automotive, Agriculture, Defence, Insurance, Aviation, Research, Construction, Culture, Education, Innovation, E-Commerce, Energy, Finance-Banking, Infrastructure, Internet, IT, Real Estate, Retail, Telecom, Security, Healthcare, Business Services, Utilities – producing over 75% of Romania’s GDP.

GALA DX 2022 started with a retrospective analysis of the current year and with forecasts for 2023 in the direction of digital transformation in Romania and internationally, the moderators of the event, Ion Vaciu – President of the Digital Transformation Council and Roxana Onea – Editor-in-Chief of COMUNICAȚII Mobile and TelecomTV Magazine, underlining the importance of a holistic and integrative approach to digital transformation from the horizontal IT and Telecom to other connected industries. In the new paradigm, the focus is on Transformation, but not necessarily on Digital, as Digital Transformation is predominantly a performance management process focused on People, not Technology. Of the 10 essential dimensions of a successful digital transformation plan, only one is allocated to digital and technology, the other nine are responsible for the act of performance management.

The DX GALA continued with the DX Excellence Awards, with the procedures for their deliberation being presented beforehand by the three juries: online jury of business users (over 1800 votes), Mobile Communication Magazine jury (and finally) and the aggregate decision of DX Council specialists .

Two of the GALEI awards were introduced by a Laudatio to the winners of the Romanian librarians’ community and those representing Smart Village from the Vice President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu. The AOSR official presented the Digital Transformation Programme of the academic organisation and the scientific work that its members carry out in this strategic direction for our society.

She stressed the importance of Connected Communities, the emergence of a concept and a concrete reality of Smart Village in Romania, in Ciugud, a commune in Alba County, which has already produced a success story that should be multiplied in more areas of the country. Here the independent mayor Gheorghe Damian has managed to digitize almost all administrative processes at the town hall level and the interaction of citizens with the local administration, managing to virtualize even rural financial processes.

In addition, the AOSR vice-president mentioned the critical role of the Digital Library in a Knowledge-Based Economy, especially in the post-pandemic era that the whole planet has gone through and even more so in Romania, whose population is going through a pronounced process of functional, digital, social and economic illiteracy. New types of valuable content, accessible from anywhere, anytime, through Internet networks, are already bringing added value at societal level, helping to reduce the disparities between rural and urban segments, to reduce the Digital Divide. Therefore, the award granted by the organizers to the best known association in the country, ANBPR, comes as a recognition of the efforts of this professional category to the recovery efforts in the field of Education, mass culturalization, knowledge at societal level.

The list of the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (DX) 2022 Gala Award winners included:

Mayor Gheorghe DAMIAN

– Dragoș NEAGU
, President | ANBPRNational Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania

Conference “Sustainable Agriculture – Rivers, Fertilizers and Pesticides”

The aim of this conference is to present the importance of sustainable agriculture and the positive impact it has on the environment in the long term.

Chemical plant protection, especially the use of pesticides, is a control measure that pollutes the environment and endangers human health, as pesticides easily contaminate air, soil and water. Sustainable agriculture will therefore substantially reduce the use of pesticides to the point of exclusion or will alternate/replace pesticides with environmentally friendly plant protection products. Sustainability involves farming practices that are applicable over long periods of time, conserve natural resources, protect the natural environment and human health.

The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilisers contributes greatly to environmental damage and leads to loss of soil fertility over time. Under normal conditions, soil contains a range of micro- and macro-organisms that can transform organic waste into valuable resources containing plant nutrients essential for soil productivity. Soil-borne earthworms are very important biological organisms that improve soil fertility through the material they remove (coprolite) – they increase the soil’s moisture-holding capacity and improve its porosity. Coprolifera are rich in beneficial microbial populations with pathogen-inhibiting properties and contain natural plant growth regulators.

To be sustainable, agriculture must meet the needs of present and future generations for its products and services, while ensuring profitability, environmental health and social and economic equity.

95th Anniversary – Mr. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Ion ANGHEL, honorary member of AOSR


The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrates the birthday of Ambassador Prof. Dr. Ion ANGHEL, honorary member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, on December 12, at 12:00, in Constantin Angelescu Hall, 1st floor, 3 Ilfov Street, sector 5, Bucharest.

Conference “Religious Freedom in the Context of Human Rights”


10:00 Opening of the proceedings
Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR

– Messages from the Scientific Council of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Prof. dr. eng. ADRIAN BADEA, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR)
Prof. Dr. NICOLAE DĂNILĂ, President of the AOSR Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences

Prof. George Grigoriță, PhD
Department of Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art, University of Bucharest
Religious freedom in the European context

Prof. Mircea Criste, PhD
Doctoral School of the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timisoara
Spirituality and religion in the rule of law

Ben Oni Ardelean – MEP – subject reserved

Prof. Dr. Verginia Vedinas
Corresponding member of AOSR, Faculty of Law – University of Bucharest
Religious freedom in the context of the administrative framework

Prof. dr. eng. Constantin Bratianu
Full member of AOSR, National School of Political and Administrative Studies – SNSPA Bucharest
The connection between legal rights and culture

Conf. PhD Mireille Rădoi
Director General – “Carol I” Central University Library
Respecting religious freedom for library readers

Conf. PhD Daniel Fodorean
Associate Member of AOSR, Dean of the School of Theology – Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Religious freedom: Defining component elements

– Discussions
– Conclusions and closure of the proceedings

Happy birthday, ROMÂNIA!


Best wishes to all AOSR members!

Health, Joy, Fulfillment, Love!

Our generations must live up to those who achieved the dream of the unification of the Romanians!

Book launch “Portraits… through my eyes”


On 24 November, the book “Portraits… through my eyes”, published by the Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2022, was launched by Prof. Gogu Ghiorghiță, president of the AOSR Piatra Neamt branch, member of the biological sciences section.

The event took place within the framework of the scientific communications symposium “BIOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT“, 20th edition, 24-25 November 2022, organized by the Museum Complex of Natural Sciences “Ion Borcea” Bacau. The symposium was held in plenary session and in two sections and included 70 scientific papers by biology specialists, researchers, museographers, doctors and PhDs, as well as university professors from prestigious institutions in the country (Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara) and in the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau). We mention that almost all the specialists participating with papers were students of Prof. Dr. Gogu Ghiorghiță.

Conference dedicated to Nicolae Titulescu – 140 years after his birth


The Academy of Romanian Scientists – Constanta Branch organizes the Conference dedicated to Nicolae Titulescu – 140 years after his birth
Moderator – Prof. Victor Ciupină, President of the Constanta Branch of AOȘR

Lecture N.Titulescu (1882-1941) – a leading figure in European diplomacy; the topicality of his ideas for maintaining peace and respect for the sovereignty of States
Lecturer – Prof. Stoica Lascu, M.C. of AOȘR

The event will take place at the headquarters of the Constanta Branch of AOȘR (126 Mamaia Boulevard).
– Saturday, 3 December 2022, 11 a.m. –

“Romanian Diaspora: Recovery and Reintegration” – Conference dedicated to Romania’s National Day


The Literary Circle “Mihai Eminescu” and the magazine Lumina Lina/Gracious Light from New York (Director Theodor Damian), in cooperation with the Museum of Romanian Books and Exile – Craiova, invite you to the Conference dedicated to Romania’s National Day“Romanian Diaspora: Recovery and Reintegration”
: Sunday, November 27, 2022 (after Holy Mass)
On the programme:
Pr. Prof. univ. Dr. Theodor Damian: opening of the event and introduction of guests
Prof. univ. Dr Doru Tsaganea: The significance of Romania’s National Day

Guest communications:
Prof. univ. Dr. Ruxandra Vidu – California
Dr. Lucian Dindirică – Craiova
Ec. Mihai Neațu – Craiova
Prof. uiniv. Dr. Gheorghe Onișoru – Suceava
Ing. Cristian Florin Pascu – New York

The event will take place at St. Ap. Peter and Paul at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 14-02 27th Ave. (corner of 14th Street), Astoria; NY 11102 Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard stop, or Bus Q 18, stop at 14th Street

Book Launch – Encyclopedia Centenary of the War of Unification and the Great Union (2014-2020)


The book “The Academy of Romanian Scientists” has been published by the Encyclopaedia Centenary of the War of Unification and the Great Union (2014-2020). Bibliography, scientific events, monuments and commemorative signswhose launch will take place tomorrow, 27 November 2022, at 11 a.m., at the Unirii Museum in Iasi. The paper will be presented by Acad. Prof. Victor Spinei, PhD, President of the Section of Historical Sciences and Archaeology of the Romanian Academy, and Prof. Petronel Zahariuc, PhD, from the Faculty of History of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, the moderator of the event being Prof. Dumitru Vitcu, PhD.  

The volume, which has over 1600 pages, is the result of three years of research by four members of the AOȘR: Prof. Ion I. Solcanu, PhD, President of the Historical Sciences and Archaeology Section of the AOȘR, Prof. Valentin Ciorbea, PhD (Constanta), Prof. Mihai Drecin, PhD (Oradea) and Prof. Anatol Petrencu, PhD (Chisinau).