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Reception speech – Prof. Horia Alexandru – “Complex analysis of triglycine sulfate crystal”


– Physical Sciences Section –

Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 11:00 am, in the Dr. Constantin Angelescu Hall of the AOSR, will take place the Keynote Speech – COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF SULPHURRY GLYCICIN CRYSTAL (TGS) – by Mr. Prof. univ. dr. Horia ALEXANDRU, Full Member

Virtual International Scientific Conference on “Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering – NanoBioMat 2022”, 24-26 November 2022


The Academy of Romanian Scientists and University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest are organizing the fourth edition of the International Scientific Conference “Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering (NanoBioMat)” for young researchers on 24-26 November 2022.

Program –

The conference will be held in a hybrid or online mode, on the Microsoft Teams platform.

The topics for the conference include:
– novel materials;
– surface chemistry;
– air and soil bioremediation;
– composite materials and biomaterials;
– applications of natural compounds and chemical products;
– nanomaterials and bionanomaterials for the controlled release of biologically active molecules;
– bionanoproducts for bone and tissue regeneration;
– advanced techniques for material processing.

Registration:                           15.10.2022
2. Extended registration: 06.11.2022
3. Abstract submission: 07.11.2022
4. Acceptance Notification: 15.11.2022
5. Final Program announcement: 21.11.2022
6. Conference: 24-26.11.2022

Registration should be done using the link: https://nanobiomat.eu/registration/ . Registration is free for all students and postdoctoral researchers (or equivalent).

For further details, please access https://nanobiomat.eu/

Cluj is a citadel of science, whose magic word is now UNIVERSITY

Message from Mr. Emil BOC, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, at the opening of the AOSR National Autumn Scientific Conference, The role of science in solving contemporary crises – 4 November 2022.

Thank you, Mr President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Your Eminence, Your Holiness, Madam Rector, Mr President Bojiță, Ladies and Gentlemen Academicians, Distinguished Professor Minister Ecaterina Andronescu, Professor Pușcaș, Professor acad. Valeriu Tabără and many dear colleagues and other precious people in this country of ours,

I welcome you all to Cluj Napoca, to this citadel of science and the Romanian spirit, because this city has in its DNA both education and science, and it is also a citadel of Spirituality – as I said – because if we look here, we see leading representatives of the fundamental religions in this city, Orthodox, Greek Catholic, but do not forget – as the President of the Romanian Academy, Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, said – in this city you may find a unique place in Europe, where West meets East and East meets West, where the Byzantine domes of the Orthodox Cathedral meet the Gothic towers of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, and in one square kilometre you find the seats of at least five religions at the rank of Archbishop, Orthodox, Greek-Catholic, Lutheran, Unitarian, Reformed, to which we add a synagogue and a Roman Catholic cult, we realize the extraordinary value of our city as a citadel of education and science, but also of Romanian spirituality. I say this because I am a supporter of science, but I also consider religion to be one side of the same coin. Science and Religion have worked and must work together for the well-being of each of us.

As you mention Iuliu Hațieganu, the founder of the Cluj School of Medicine and – here we are together with Mrs. Rector in the Citadel of Transylvanian and Romanian Medicine, because it is one of the most successful medical universities in this country… I said at a graduation ceremony that it is the Harvard of Romanian medicine, yes this is the UMF in Cluj-Napoca… Iuliu Hațieganu said “Medicine is science and conscience”.

By the dimension of consciousness, that’s exactly what I mean, those moral values that religion gives you and that, together with science, can bring the best results on this planet. I say this about science because I believe that what the West is today, what the West has been for the last 500 years, the main landmark of world civilization, where everyone wanted to come, where everyone still wants to come, where we are part of, this West which is this Roman Empire point two, I don’t know if Mr. Professor Puscas may or may not correct me, but in the end this is pretty much what this European Union is, this West has succeeded in a few important ways – firstly through the system of representative government and separation of powers, which has put human value first, mutual control of powers and the possibility of governing ourselves through others, but holding them accountable, having parliaments, having governments, having courts of law that have diminished the arbitrariness of kings and have been able to build a society based on the values of freedom, which is the quintessence of a democratic society. And it is the institutions that have made the difference. Consider that in the same geographic space, institutions have made a major difference. Think of the FRG and the GDR. One with capitalist-democratic institutions, one with communist institutions. The difference was seen… Now look at North and South Korea; what a difference institutions and governance make… An ultra-communist one and with a system that – unfortunately – endangers not only the safety of the planet but also the lives of those who live there, completely different from those below the 38th parallel in South Korea, based on a democratic system. From this perspective, the West has had this great opportunity, to have brought back Athenian democracy and cultivated it further.

The second value was property, because before you share, you have to produce, and respect for the fundamental rights of property made the difference and the competition between these small kingdoms that were in Europe, made them prosper and brought the West to where it is.

The third element I want to refer to is Science. And here they went hand in hand with Religion.

Religion tells us, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” This was the major difference why the West succeeded more than the East… The East that remained with the accumulation of religious power and political power – but if we think even today of what is in Iran, if we think of what was China, because until 1500-1600 all the great inventions came from China and the East… The top ten cities in 1500 were from Asia, only London was in the top ten and it was ten times smaller than Beijing. 400 years later, in 1900, in the top ten only one city was still from the East, the rest were all from the West. This shows that including this dimension, in which religion has seen its spiritual dimension, science, the renaissance, the scientific revolution have made possible these extraordinary advances of the West. That’s why I say that these two facets must continue to go hand in hand to solve what you are doing. you said here today: Through science to solve the great challenges of contemporary society.

My mother and grandmother taught me by saying one thing: “Let us do as many good deeds as possible, for God takes care of the rest…” And so it is. Let’s make as many scientific discoveries as possible, God is with us every time and arranges them in the right way for the benefit of all.

Finally, I would like to say that Science has also made a difference to quality of life. If in 1800, life expectancy – if I am not mistaken – was around 31 years, 100 years later it was 44 years, in 1900, in 2000 the average life expectancy on the planet was 76 years, or at least in the EU, where I have the data. So 31 – 44 – 76… What life expectancy will be in 2100, we don’t know yet but it will certainly be over 76 years as it was in 2000. Obviously, science has played and continues to play a major role in this extraordinary progress in our quality of life; medicine par excellence, but medicine going hand in hand with the spiritual dimension which – I repeat – are not mutually exclusive, but must necessarily go together in order to succeed.

You mentioned, your PS, the great challenges of climate change… Obviously for the general public living today and now, they are not interested in what will be the fate of future generations, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but we and you. – as scientists – we have and have this obligation to think about how we manage this planet so that it is a place to live and inhabit for generations to come. We have an unprecedented energy crisis generated by the war in Ukraine, which shows us once again how important the values of democracy are. Because today is the final battle between democracy and authoritarianism in Ukraine. If (God forbid!) Russia succeeds, it would mean that the values of totalitarianism/authoritarianism would be the ones that should be followed in the world and define us for the future, and not the values that have confirmed the best quality of life in the world, the values of Western-Liberal Democracy. That’s why today there is this war between the democratic dimension and the authoritarian dimension, that’s why Russia must have a strategic defeat like never before, no other authoritarian ruler of this world should dare to come with tanks or missiles to try to destroy an existing nation on this planet.

Europeans learned 70 years ago, after two world wars, quoting Jean Monet who said “Better to fight around a table than on a battlefield!” that we did that two world wars ago and saw where we ended up. The way is cooperation, tolerance, peace and living together. There are still people who want to resurrect the demons of the past, like the Kremlin president… But he must understand that that dimension is completely overtaken by history and we want another future. We want another common future, one in which we seek prosperity for all of us. We can only do this through peace and cooperation. That is why this dimension and the dimension taken by the EU to have strategic energy independence from Russia, to no longer depend on Russian gas, on an authoritarian regime, is a fundamental dimension for the health and future of democracy on this continent, of which we are part…

And then comes the challenge for science: How can we find alternatives to the fossil fuels that inevitably run out, and how can we eliminate dependence on authoritarian rule – by Russian gas. This is where renewable energies come in… The sun gives us 5000 times more energy than we need for the whole planet. How do we capture this energy and make it cheaper, more affordable for every citizen, so that they can afford their bill. This is the job of science and this is what Innovation does, to be able to turn renewable energies into a source for each of us, a source of prosperity.

Obviously things, from this perspective, could go on… I would just like to remind you that in Cluj, we have long understood that science and knowledge are the most important asset this city has. We were a city of heavy industry during the communist period; communism fell, we had to reorient ourselves! And we have established that the knowledge-based economy is the only one that offers us the chance of a better life and a better living, centred on universities. Today, Cluj’s magic word is UNIVERSITY. By university I mean all 10 public and private universities in this city. They are the key to the modernization of this city, they make the difference… If you’re wondering why Cluj is slightly different from other cities in Europe, it’s because of the universities and putting the University at the heart of the city’s outlook and evolution. From here emanates all the positive power of the city and in science, and in innovation, and in technology, and in better paid salaries and in investors to come or stay in Cluj, everything is related to this resource of talent and innovation that the University offers us and not least about science. That’s why I say that this city is a citadel of science because it has science in the DNA of its construction.

I will conclude by saying – I was talking earlier about the Roman Empire, the EU as the Roman Empire 2.0 – we are proud as Romanians to be part – as we were part of the Roman Empire with honour, part of this most advanced civilization of antiquity, always this people and this country was part of this area of civilization. Obviously with the hardships we had at the halfway point. But let’s not forget that just as the French, a Romanesque people, so they were formed… having the Gauls, just as we had the Dacians, they had the Romans afterwards… The migrants had the Franks, we had the Slavs, but we managed to preserve our neo-Latin identity, which is – perhaps – a fundamental asset of our collective with the West and this civilized world, being the only oasis of Latinity in this East, on the border between West and East, but which has never abandoned this dimension, no matter how many migrating peoples or how many vicissitudes of historical life we have had over the centuries, combining diplomacy with armed struggle, we have managed to preserve our Christian religion and our neo-Latin identity, which – in my opinion – are important factors of our continuity in these lands, and let us not forget that we have also saved Christianity… at least Iancu de Hunedoara stopped for 70 years the rise of the Ottomans in central Europe until the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the last attempt of the Ottomans to enter Europe, we were pillars of the Christian world, we will continue to be these pillars of the Christian world and of belonging to the European Union.

Congratulations, Mr President…

VIDEO Plenary session of the AOSR 2022 National Scientific Autumn Conference


The National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists was held on 4-5 November 2022, in Cluj-Napoca, under the title: “The role of science in solving contemporary crises”.

In the Plenary Session of the Conference , lectures were presented on topics of major interest in current academic research. The plenary agenda included the following speakers: Prof. Vasile PUȘCAȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Science and management of contemporary crises”; Col. Dr. Liviu COȘEREANU, Scientific Director of the Elie Carafoli National Institute for Aerospace Research, “Science and technology, factors for stability and development of global resilience and crisis resolution”; Prof. dr. eng. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, President of the Chemical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, “Nanochemistry – a hope to stop health crises”; Prof. Dr. Nicolae BURNETE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, “The future of the car in the energy crisis”; Prof. Dr. Cornel CĂTOIUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, “Current challenges for agriculture”; Prof. Dr. Andrei MIU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Emotional regulation: a key factor in the relationship between stress and health”.

We invite you to watch the video recordings of the lectures given in the plenary session of the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – 2022 edition.

You can also watch HERE the video speeches from the opening of the conference, which took place on 4 November in the Aula of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”, given by prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Adrian Badea – President of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. Anca Buzoianu – rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, prof. univ. dr. Emil Boc – Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, His Eminence Andrei Andreicuț – Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălajului, His Grace Claudiu-Lucian Pop – Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Acad. Doru Pamfil – President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy and President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the Romanian Academy, prof. univ. dr. Marius Bojiță – president of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR.

VIDEO Summary of the opening speeches of the AOSR 2022 National Scientific Autumn Conference


The National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists was held on 4-5 November 2022, in Cluj-Napoca, under the title: “The role of science in solving contemporary crises”. The conference was organized and held with the support of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR, headed by Prof. dr. Marius Bojiță.

The opening of the Conference took place on 4 November in the Aula of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”, with a series of personalities in the chair: prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. Anca Buzoianu, rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, prof. univ. dr. Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, His Eminence Andrei Andreicuț, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălajului, His Grace Claudiu-Lucian Pop, Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Acad. Doru Pamfil, President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy and President of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy, Prof. univ. dr. Marius Bojiță, president of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR, Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” of AOSR, Scientific Researcher I dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, AOSR Vice President, Prof. Dr. Eng. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of the AOSR.

We invite you to watch a video summary of the most important statements of the personalities present at the opening of the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – 2022 edition.

Book Launch: “The Poetry of St. Gregory of Nazianz and His Human Face Reflected in It” by Theodor Damian



Literary Circle “Mihai Eminescu” and the magazine Lumina Lină from New York (Director Theodor Damian)
invites you
Sunday 13 November 2022, after St. Mass at the launch of the book
“The Poetry of St. Gregory of Nazianz and His Human Face Reflected Therein” by Theodor Damian
– English translation and index of names by Protos. Dr. Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu

Alina Feld, Valentina Ciaprazi and the author will speak.

The event will take place at St. Ap. Peter and Paul, at St. George’s Episcopal Church 14-02 27th Ave.(corner of 14th Street), Astoria; NY 11102 Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard stop, or Bus Q 18, stop at 14th Street.

Knowledge is human and the results of scientific research are meant to humanise society and contribute to the fulfilment of every person

Message addressed by Fr Claudiu-Lucian POP, Eparchial Bishop – Greek Catholic Diocese of Cluj-Gherla, at the opening of the AOSR National Autumn Scientific Conference, The role of science in solving contemporary crises 4 November 2022.

Distinguished members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists,
Ladies and gentlemen, professors of the Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Honourable representatives of civil authorities,
Distinguished audience,

“I am honoured to participate in this prestigious event and would like to congratulate the organisers for their inspired choice of theme that will guide the reflections and lectures of these days: The role of science in solving contemporary crises .

The subject is more topical than ever. We have lived through the pandemic crisis, which has shaken the whole of humanity and highlighted the essential role of science in health. The international community is now facing the situation in Ukraine, which has turned into a global crisis, with multiple consequences on everyone’s life: social, economic and cultural. Added to all this are the challenges of climate change and environmental pollution, the environmental crisis, whose negative impact on biodiversity and on our daily lives is obvious. Fortunately, we are seeing a huge effort by scientists to solve these problems: food, sustainable and ecological development, energy and economic mechanisms all depend on the results of scientific research and technological progress.

The role of people who have made their lives in the service of knowledge is therefore of vital importance to society. The researcher strives to know reality more and more deeply, to know the laws and energies of the universe, always with the aim of contributing to the common and personal good of mankind, to the preservation of nature, which, from a Christian perspective, is not the random scene of man’s existence, but his vital space, created and given by God, in which and through which he must achieve and acquire salvation. In other words, knowledge belongs to man and the results of scientific research are meant to humanise society and contribute to the fulfilment of every person.

The 20th and 21st centuries have seen great scientific and technological progress, constantly developing and raising living standards. On the other hand, it was also during this period that humanity experienced the dramas of the two world wars, the Holocaust, the communist camps, an uninterrupted series of conflicts, and the selfish exploitation of resources, i.e. realities that testify to the use of science against life and nature. All of this speaks to the need to constantly combine scientific progress with moral responsibility, both at the personal level of the researcher and at the level of national and international public policy.

The gravity and complexity of the current problems do not admit unilateral solutions, but require the collaboration and moral commitment of all. The Holy Father Pope Francis, referring to the environmental crisis, said: “It is also necessary to have recourse to the various cultural riches of peoples, to art and poetry, to the interior life and spirituality. If we really want to build an ecology that allows us to repair all that we have destroyed, then no branch of the sciences and no form of wisdom can be neglected, not even the religious one with its own language”(Laudato si, 23).

The alliance between faith and reason, between the Gospel and science, can continue to demonstrate its fruitfulness. While science opens man’s understanding of the world’s immanence, faith gives him the perspective of transcendence and the horizon of God’s presence. Both capture constitutive dimensions of reality, both converge in the search for truth and the achievement of good. Christian faith and science, together with art, transcend all political or ideological boundaries and their encounter is value-generating and hope-inspiring.

Being in the premises of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, where freedom of research and scientific excellence are put at the service of man, we cannot help but notice that this university institution bears the name of Iuliu Hațieganu. It is worth remembering that the illustrious doctor, professor and rector, son of the Greek-Catholic Church, former classmate at the Gymnasium of Blaj with the Blessed Cardinal Iuliu Hossu, but also an exceptional exponent of the medical school of Cluj, launched an appeal in his time that has survived to this day: Keep alive the flame of science and conscience!
Thank you!”

Book launches at Milena Press Publishing House


MILENA PRESS PUBLISHING invites you on 9 NOVEMBER 2022, 16,30 – 18,30 to attend the book launches:
– POETRY. A foray into time and space
– RETURN. Volume of verses
– POETRY. H2O Beach
– POETRY. Life as a mist
Author: Ileana Constantinescu

Author: Romina Sânziana Sofronea

Author: Corina Bucur

Presenter: professor emeritus Ileana Constantinescu

We are waiting for you at AGIR Bookshop – 26 Dacia Boulevard, 1st floor, sector 1, Bucharest

Conference “Private International Law”

The lecture covers topics on jurisdiction in private international law, conflict of laws and applicable law, general issues on the treatment of aliens and asylum in Romania, international civil litigation and considerations on international arbitration. International relations contribute to a climate of understanding between individuals and legal entities in different countries. In the context of Romania’s current position in the political arena, economic and social-cultural trends, taking into account the growing international of our state to become actively involved in the various areas that the inter-state value chain and, in particular, the movement of people in the European European Union, it is imperative to adopt an appropriate legal framework that would effectively guarantee, simplify and protect such a circuit.

Science, the key to solving today’s world crises – AOSR 2022 National Autumn Scientific Conference


On 4-5 November 2022, the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place in Cluj-Napoca, under the title: “The role of science in solving contemporary crises”. The event took place in the premises of the “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the flagship university of Romanian medicine, in physical and online format. Structured in two sequences, the Plenary Session and the Papers by Sections, with a complex agenda and an elite participation, bringing together prestigious personalities of the academic world, the Conference constituted a high quality framework for scientific dialogue and knowledge transfer in fundamental areas of science and research. The conference was organized and held with the support of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR, headed by Prof. dr. Marius Bojiță.

The opening of the Conference took place on 4 November in the Aula of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” and was chaired by a number of personalities: prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Anca Buzoianu, Rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, Prof. Dr. Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, His Grace Andrei Andreicuț, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălajului, His Grace Claudiu-Lucian Pop, Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Acad. Doru Pamfil, President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy and President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the Romanian Academy, Prof. Dr. Marius Bojiță, President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR, Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” of AOSR, Scientific Researcher I Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Ing. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of AOSR.

During the Opening, President Adrian Badea presented in brief and essential data, from the perspective of history and the present, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, highlighting its mission and objectives. Continuator and sole legatee by law of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1935 by the great scientist, physician and Minister of Public Instruction Constantin Angelescu, together with a group of eminent  scientists, an academy which, although it was active only until 1948, when the communist regime abolished all the academies that existed in Romania, managed to gather in its sections  prestigious personalities of Romanian science, creators of scientific schools, but also honorary members from abroad, including 8  Nobel Prize winners.  

After going through a series of metamorphoses and historical servitudes throughout the totalitarian regime, developing its activity in the form of the Association of Romanian Scientists, established by government decision in 1956, relaunched and consolidated after the fall of communism, under the leadership of its second founder, Prof. Vasile Cândea, a pioneer of Romanian cardiovascular surgery, the Academy of Romanian Scientists is today a national forum of scientific consecration, an academic environment of science and knowledge. According to the institutional evaluation based on the international scientific visibility of its members, the Academy of Romanian Scientists ranks 22nd in Romania and 775th in the world in the prestigious Scimago/Elsevier ranking of research and higher education institutions. On Romanian AcademyPresident Badea stressed its undisputed status as Romania’s symbol-institution, as the supreme forum of Romanian culture, science, spirituality and civilization, with a decisive role in the country’s development and the collaborative relationship that should exist  between the two academies, stating that only members of the Romanian Academy are entitled to hold the title of “academician”.

His Eminence Andrei Andreicut praised the profession of doctor with references to the Gospel text, in a substantial theological sermon, an essentially Christian plea for the special importance of this activity of high human vocation. Archbishop Claudiu-Lucian Pop praised the inspired choice of the Conference theme and the topicality of the topic, underlining the essential role of science in the pandemic period and in health in general. He also praised the huge effort made by scientists to solve the crises facing humanity today. Prof. Dr. Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, praised UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” as “the citadel of Transylvanian and Romanian medicine”, “the Harvard of Romanian medicine” and said that the knowledge-based economy is centered on universities. Therefore, in the perspective of the mayor, the University, as a resource of intelligence, talent and innovation, must be placed at the centre of the perspectives and developments of Cluj, a citadel of science, because it has science in the DNA of its existence. The Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Anca Dana Buzoianu, said that science and research are today the most important lever to improve the standard of living, health, culture and wealth of a society. Sound economic, social and cultural development is not possible without a high-level, well-structured education system based on rigorous scientific research. The Rector gave a comprehensive portrait of Iuliu Hațieganu, the spiritual patron of the University, an illustrious internist, renowned in particular for his research in the field of tuberculosis, and presented in summary data UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, an institution of excellence and performance.

Acad. Doru Pamfil, the president of the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy appreciated the value of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Alma Mater Napocensis”, and stressed that Cluj science is also making progress through the involvement of the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy, which has the most members of the Academy (35), 11 research institutes, 350 researchers and a doctoral school. The looming food crisis will require urgent, rapid and sustainable solutions that science can provide. In this context, the Conference will only bring the two Academies closer together, said Academ. Pamfil, who proposed that joint meetings be held in the future, also taking into account the fact that some members of the Romanian Academy are also members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists or the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. “I believe that academies can also have a voice for Romanian science”, he concluded. Prof. Marius Bojiță, president of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR and former rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, directly involved in the organization of the Conference, addressed special thanks to the two universities, which supported the organization of the event, UMF and the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, the Transylvania Leaders Foundation and the Rotary Club, also involved in supporting the event, and spoke about the Rectors’ Club project together with the Cluj City Hall to make The “Alley of Cluj Universities” as an emblem of Cluj, since universities are the symbol of the Transylvanian metropolis. President Adrian Badea presented Prof. Dr. Marius Bojiță with a Jubilee Diploma and Gold Medal of the AOSR,  as a tribute to all his scientific and academic activity on his 80th birthday. The opening speeches were followed by a cultural moment performed by the Anatholis ensemble and the poet Horia Bădescu under the title “The music of poetry and the poetry of music”.

This was followed by the Plenary Session of the Conference, during which lectures were presented on topics of major interest in current academic research. The plenary agenda included the following speakers: Prof. Vasile PUȘCAȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Science and management of contemporary crises”; Col. Dr. Liviu COȘEREANU, Scientific Director of the Elie Carafoli National Institute for Aerospace Research, “Science and technology, factors for stability and development of global resilience and crisis resolution”; Prof. dr. eng. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, President of the Chemical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, “Nanochemistry – a hope to stop health crises”; Prof. Dr. Nicolae BURNETE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, “The future of the car in the energy crisis”; Prof. Dr. Cornel CĂTOIUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, “Current challenges for agriculture”; Prof. Dr. Andrei MIU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Emotional regulation: a key factor in the relationship between stress and health”. The Opening and Plenary Session speeches and presentations are available on the AOSR Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/aosromania/videos/2280323412127863

Conference papers by sectionThe conference, held on 5 and 6 November in the amphitheatres of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, covered the scientific fields of the structure of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Mathematics and Geonomic Sciences Section, Physics Section, Engineering Sciences Section, Information Science and Technology Section, Biology Section, Medicine Section, Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences Section, Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences Section, Philosophy, Theology and Psychology Section, History Section, Military Sciences Section. The parallel sessions of the Conference were distinguished both by the large number of papers (194), covering a wide range of topics, by prestigious scientists, members of the academic body and young researchers, and by their quality, originality and novelty in the field of research and scientific knowledge. The large number of participants, the diversity of topics addressed and the quality of the papers presented attest to the status of the Conference as an elite framework for knowledge transfer, the Academy of Scientists proving, with this event, that it is a pole of excellence in science and research. Abstracts of the communications are available on the AOSR website: https://www.aosr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/FINAL-site-VOLUM-DE-REZUMATE-toamna-2022-Editura-AOSR-1.pdf

At the end of the event, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, said: “The Autumn Scientific Conference of our Academy, held symbolically in the heart of Transylvania, in this Citadel of academic education and scientific research of Transylvania, proved to be an event of high academic status, by participation, by the variety and the high quality of the papers. We are glad that we manage to focus the energies of Romanian intelligence and involve science in addressing and solving the crises of the contemporary world, crises that cover vital areas of our existence, at European and global level. It is a great joy that this Conference has proved, from the very beginning, through the participation of the Romanian Academy and other branch Academies, to be a comprehensive forum of the Romanian academic movement, in which education, science and research of the highest level had the first and last word. The hallmark of this event, which proved to be a major scientific success, was academic excellence and synergy. It is under their auspices that we will design our entire institutional development from now on. We thank the Romanian Academy, the Cluj branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, the officials and all participants for this elite scientific event!”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )




VIDEO – Award of the Order “Pro Scientia et Innovatio” in the rank of Commander to Professor Adrian Badea, President of AOSR