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Nuclear 2024 – The 15th Biennial International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education


The conference is organised under the auspices of the Romanian Academy, in collaboration with the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania.

With each edition, this conference has consistently promoted nuclear as a clean energy, emphasizing its role in reducing greenhouse emissions, and supported education in this field through dedicated sessions.

NUCLEAR 2024 intends to present the latest achievements in the development of innovative technologies, discuss the current opportunities for the implementation of new nuclear projects in Europe and abroad, identify appropriate ways to accelerate their implementation and exchange best approaches to ensure in due time the qualified human resource for the nuclear field.
See details HERE

Launch of the National Project “Romania of Knowledge” – an elite event of the Romanian academic environment


On 14 May, starting at 2 p.m., the launch of the National Project “Romania of Knowledge”, initiated by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, under the aegis of the “Elite Forum of Ideas and Solutions”. The event took place in the Aula of the “Carol I” Central University Library and was attended by a select group of academics, rectors, researchers, representatives of statutory institutions and the diplomatic corps accredited in Bucharest. The event was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Prof. Viorel Jinga, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” and Mihnea Costoiu, Rector of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest.


The “Romania of Knowledge” project is dedicated to development of the country through education, science, research and technology, vectors of progress and evolution of the economy, society and civilisation. The project aims to achieve a national framework for debate, a think-tank bringing together representative personalities from each field involved, from home and abroad, scientists, researchers, academics, experts and specialists, decision and policy makers, a synergy of creative and innovative intelligences. Within this elite forum of ideas and solutions, subsumed under the objective sustainable development will address areas and themes fundamental to Romania’s development process through knowledge.

Areas and thematic coordinates on which it is structured Project “Romania of Knowledge” are the following:

  1. Education, Research, Innovation;
  2. Communications, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence;
  3. Efficient and sustainable development; Re-industrialisation;
  4. Efficient and organic farming;
  5. Health;
  6. Culture, civilisation, spirituality;
  7. Energy and mineral resources;
  8. Human resources; Social policies;
  9. Ecology, Environment, Climate change;
  10. Defence, public order and national security.

Conf. Dr Mireille Rădoi, Director General of the “Carol I” Central University Library, as host of the event, said that the “Romania of Knowledge” project is “a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, an elite forum of ideas and solutions that is much needed”. The project, which will bear fruit in the years to come, has the potential to become “a real cultural-scientific landmark of the Romanian space”. In this context, he praised the long-standing partnership between the “Carol I” Central University Library and the Romanian Academy of Scientists, expressing his wish for its development.

Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR and Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” of AOSRsaid that the launch event has a special significance, given the potential of the AOSR initiative to become a true Country Project. In a changing world at all levels, we need a process of qualified reflection if we are to play a role as a country. The project “brings together the bright minds who have something to say about the future of Romania.” Referring to the idea of the Project, he underlined the merit of Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, for initiating the Romania of Knowledge Project. The project has as institutional partners two leading universities, the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, and a number of prestigious academic institutions as collaborators, which shows the interest of the academic environment for it. “We need decisions based on science and knowledge, without political implications or contextual interests”, concluded the AOSR Vice-President.

Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, who came up with the idea of the Project, said that the history of mankind is a history of the evolution of knowledge and that emerging and disruptive technologies, Artificial Intelligence will change everything, our behaviour, society and the world. Therefore, as individuals and as a society, we must be prepared through learning and knowledge in this process. Based on the series of national debates initiated by AOSR in 2016, the idea of a National Project was born, which would constitute a working group, a think-tank at the disposal of decision-makers, providing public administration, Parliament, Government, SMEs and other institutions with qualified opinions on key issues of Romania. The “Romania of Knowledge” project is a Romanian project, structured on 10 action lines, which includes working groups of academics and specialists in each field. The project is co-initiated by two prestigious universities, Politehnica and UMF “Carol Davila”, constantly present in the top 5 of all national university rankings and a growing number of partners and collaborators: universities, research institutes, institutions. The interest generated by the Project at the highest level of the statutory institutions is shown by the messages of support received from the Prime Minister of Romania, from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Research, from the Education Committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and from other forums. Education and research are the victory of knowledge over ignorance, and countries that have invested in education are developed countries. “Knowledge is the engine of development, that is why Romania’s development must be conceived on Knowledge, this is the thesis and direction of our Project”, underlined the President of AOSR, who ended his speech with a quote from Shakespeare: “Ignorance is the curse of God, and Knowledge the wing with which we fly to Heaven”.

Prof. Viorel Jinga, rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, presented the Global Knowledge Index, under the aegis of the UN, and analysed Romania’s position in its various sections. The conclusion of the analysis was that we need to have a strategy to overcome ignorance and focus our efforts to increase Knowledge in Romania. Within the framework of the Project, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, said the rector, will collaborate in its specialist fields with both the Romanian Academy and the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Mihnea Costoiu, rector of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, said that the “Romania of Knowledge” Project is a necessary vision for Romania and an initiative that he would like to see extended to the Romanian academic and research world, to our society as a whole, welcoming the fact that many Romanian universities are already participating in the Project. The Rector presented a situation of the reality and developments in the Romanian labour market and economy, which supported with official figures and statistics the need for development through knowledge of the country.

Prof. Sorin Cîmpeanu, Vice-President of the Romanian Senate, President of the National Council of Rectors, President of the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), rector of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, said that “Romania of Knowledge” is a project with great potential in the process of Romania’s development in a period of great technological and societal change. The President of the NRC expressed his full support and confidence that it will be a successful Project that will turn potential into reality and contribute to building a Romania of Knowledge. In this context, he paid a tribute to Professor Gheorghe Câmpeanu, former member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu sent a message of appreciation and support for the Romania of Knowledge Project, which was read out by State Counsellor Andrei Ioan Ungar. The Prime Minister considers that the AOSR Project is “a benchmark of the future vision of the Romanian academic world”, that it represents a “vision for a country in which education, research and innovation must be an engine of progress”. Through the collaboration of the three institutions and our joint effort, we are ready to bring changes in the lives of all Romanians, the head of the Romanian Government added in his message.

Prof. dr. eng. Tudor Prisecaru, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, stressed the need for the project and said it was a very good initiative that should be generalised to the whole of society.

Prof. dr. eng. Valeriu Tabără, President of the Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisești Academy of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, said that a very clear analysis of Romania’s economic situation was needed, which the Romania of Knowledge Project should take into account. In doing so, the economic effect of the research must be taken into account. Scientific support is needed in all research and change programmes and processes. The Romania of Knowledge project is a national programme, but without political meaning, he added.

Prof. Mircea Beuran, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, stressed the importance of research as a factor of development, a process in which we must preserve national elements, and appreciated the Romania of Knowledge Project as a project of national scope, dedicated to the development of the country. Such a project cannot fail to include health, which is why ASM joins, as a partner, “this elite forum of ideas and solutions that will support sustainable development”.

Nicolae Marius Mărginean, Director General of the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, said that the Institute and its team of researchers will respond and are ready to contribute to the Romania of Knowledge Project.

Cătălin Nae, Director of the Elie Carafoli National Institute for Aerospace Research and Development, said that the Romania of Knowledge Project represents a vision that needs action and that it is a space for “Knowledge, but also for Recognition of merit and value”.

Prof. Alexandru Sălceanu, Director of Doctoral Schools at the Technical University Gheorghe Asachi, Iasi, said that the AOSR Project is an approach with vision for the sustainable future of Romania and expressed the full support that Iasi academic will give to the Project.

A special guest at the launch event of the Romania of Knowledge Project was Ambassador of Albania to Romania Her Excellency Mrs Enkeleda Mërkuriwho spoke about the fact that the “Romania of Knowledge” Project can be a framework for collaboration between the two countries and for the transfer of experience and expertise from Romania to Albania. Ambassador stressed the importance of education and research in the development process, said that women are a force of society, which must participate in its progress and advocated the promotion of mutual interests, cooperation and transfer of good experience of the Romanian side.

The launch event of the Romania of Knowledge Project ended with a musical moment performed by Albanian soprano Arlinda Morava, pianist Adriana Alexandrescu (mezzo-soprano at the Romanian Opera) and violinist Aurelian Isar.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Romanian Academy of Scientists

Bucharest, 15.05.2024

Travel Medicine – Summer School


24 – 26 May 2024, Constanta – Hotel Continental Forum

The “Romania of knowledge” project has been launched

Academics and university professors want to offer the political class, who make the decisions, but also companies in the country a free and impartial expertise on how to solve some of the problems facing Romanian society.

Article by Radiojournal , 14 May 2024

Leading personalities from the country’s academies and universities will provide politicians and decision-makers with a set of conclusions and solutions on how Romania can develop through education, science, research and technology.

The “Romania of Knowledge” project was launched today by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest.

Academics and university professors want to offer the political class, who make the decisions, but also companies in the country a free and impartial expertise on how to solve some of the problems facing Romanian society.

One of the major concerns is the major demographic decline, which is having a strong impact on the economy through a lack of skilled workers.

Moreover, the project “Romania of Knowledge: is structured on areas such as Education, Research and Innovation, Communications, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Efficient and Sustainable Development, but also Reindustrialisation, Efficient and Ecological Agriculture, Culture, Civilisation, Spirituality, Health, Energy and Mineral Resources, Human Resources, Social Policies, Ecology, Environment, Climate Change, Defence, Public Order and National Security. Each project theme will be coordinated by one or two leading personalities in the field.

The working groups are open to specialists from all academies established by law, from prestigious universities, from the Romanian Parliament and other public institutions.

The “Romania of Knowledge” project launched; AOSR President: We want to provide decision-makers with free, non-partisan expertise

Article published by Agerpres

The project “Romania of Knowledge”, dedicated to the development of the country through education, science, research and technology, vectors of progress and evolution of the economy, society and civilization, was launched on Tuesday by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the National University of Science and Technology “Politehnica” Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, in the hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”.

The President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Professor Adrian Badea, said that the initiative is addressed to decision-makers from whom he expects feedback.

“We want this national project to be different from other scientific projects, which aim to organise national and international scientific conferences on specific issues. Knowing that in any country in the world, decisions are made not by scientists but by politicians, we thought that this project would address politicians on some of Romania’s current issues, because it is a project for Romania. But we also want the reverse link, that is, when they have problems, decisions to make, they should address this project”, said Badea.

He pointed out that within 10 days of the announcement of the project more than 35 institutions had joined as partners, starting with the Ministries of Education, Research, Innovation and Digitisation.

“We want to offer free, non-partisan expertise to the Government, Parliament, local government, companies and especially SMEs, because none of us has any political bias, we just want to be heard. Of course, we present a point of view. They make the decisions, because that is normal in any country in the world. We hope it will be a successful project,” added the president of the AOSR.

The Rector of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Professor Mihnea Costoiu, welcomed the AOSR initiative and pointed out that it aims to alleviate many imbalances faced by Romania.

“Romania is in a major demographic decline, there is also a major economic impact due to the lack of qualified human resources. And we want to draw attention to this in the long term. There is a major impact on state decisions and we want to bring together important actors, the bright minds of society, obviously the Romanian Academy and so on, to create a long-term project. It is a project that will not end today,” said Costoiu.

He added that, as time goes by, the initiators of the project want “to put in front of society more data, collected from open sources, from public data, projects, studies made by different international or national bodies”, with which to base the proposals for solutions they will have in society in the coming period.

Mihnea Costoiu stressed that the “Romania of Knowledge” initiative has no political connotation. “I insist very much, I would not want any political connotation to be given to this event. Under no circumstances,” Costoiu said.

According to rankings covering global knowledge indices such as pre-university education, technological education, higher education, research and development, telecommunications and information technology, economy, Romania “does not rank well enough”, pointed out the rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Professor Viorel Jinga.

The State Counsellor in the Prime Minister’s Chancellery Andrei-Ion Ungar sent a message on behalf of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, in which the Prime Minister appreciates that the “Romania of Knowledge” project represents “a benchmark of the future vision of the Romanian academic world”.

“This project is not just an initiative, it is meant to be a vision, a vision for a country where education, research and innovation must be the engine of progress and prosperity, a vision for a society where knowledge must be valued and excellence encouraged in all areas of our lives. The key areas on which this project focuses are the pillars on which a better future for all our citizens can be built. Education, health, technology, the environment, spirituality, culture and more will be the main topics of debate and joint actions of this project. Through the collaboration between the three academic institutions and our common commitment, we are determined to bring positive and sustainable changes in the lives of all Romanians”, said Marcel Ciolacu.

At the event, opened by BCU Director General Mireille Rădoi, other speakers included AOSR Vice-President Doina Banciu, Senate Vice-President Sorin Cîmpeanu, representatives of ministries and universities, and researchers.

According to the initiators, the “Romania of Knowledge” project aims to create a national framework for debate, a think-tank that brings together representative personalities from each field involved, from the country and abroad, scientists, researchers, members of the academic body, experts and specialists, decision-makers and policy-makers.

This forum will address fundamental areas and themes for the process of sustainable development of Romania through knowledge.

The thematic areas and coordinates on which the “Romania of Knowledge” project is structured are: Education; Research, Innovation; Communications, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence; Efficient and Sustainable Development; Reindustrialization; Efficient and Ecological Agriculture; Health; Culture, Civilization, Spirituality; Energy and Mineral Resources; Human Resources; Social Policies; Ecology, Environment, Climate Change; Defence, Public Order and National Security.

Each area of the project structure will constitute a thematically focused panel and framework, coordinated by one or two leading scientific personalities, emblematic of the respective field. Each panel will also organise “analysis and reflection groups” by sub-domain, which will meet periodically to carry out their work, according to their own agenda, framed within the overall project programme.

The working groups are open to specialists from all academies established by law, from prestigious universities, from the Romanian Parliament and other public institutions.

Debates, scientific meetings, symposia and conferences will take place within each panel and focus group, and the most valuable ideas, conclusions and solutions will be synthesized and disseminated through published materials or in volumes, which will also be distributed to decision-makers in central and local public administration institutions and the Romanian Parliament.

KreativEU – Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation


The First Annual International KreativEU Conference, under the theme “Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation”, marks a significant milestone in the realm of cultural heritage preservation. Our enthusiasm and commitment to fostering collaborative efforts in this domain are evident in the comprehensive approach we have adopted. We extend a warm invitation to scholars, researchers, practitioners, and emerging academics to join us in this groundbreaking event, where we delve into the complex and evolving interplay between Heritage, Science, and Technologies to ensure the sustainable preservation of our shared cultural legacy.

Our conference embraces a multidisciplinary perspective, acknowledging that the preservation of cultural patrimony cannot be accomplished through isolated efforts. It calls for the convergence of expertise from diverse fields, from archaeology and conservation to law, technology and new technologies, management, marketing, and social sciences. By doing so, we reflect the spirit of our consortium, which is firmly rooted in the belief that innovative and sustainable practices are essential for the effective safeguarding of our rich cultural heritage.



Invention of the collective prof. univ. dr. eng. Mihail Țîțu awarded at the Geneva 2024 World Exhibition of Inventions


3 (three) special prizes and a Gold Medal with the congratulations of the international jury for the Romanian delegation

At the World Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2024, held from 16 April 2024 to 21 April 2024 at the PALEXPO International Exhibition Centre, the Romanian delegation participated with a functional prototype for an ergonomic office chair that ensures continuous mobility of the human body skeletal structure during office work. The invention “ANTI-SEDENTARY ERGONOMIC ASSEMBLY FOR THE HOME OFFICE”, was highly appreciated and the International Jury awarded the Siberian inventors a number of 3(three) special prizes and a Gold Medal with the congratulations of the International Jury for which the inventors.

The authors of the invention are: Prof. dr. eng. and dr. ec. Dr. Habil., Dr.h.c. Aurel-Mihail ȚÎȚU, full professor at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Corespondent Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Eng. Mărginean Ion (Sibiu ULBS), Dr. MD. Țîțu Ștefan (Sibiu ULBS and Cluj Napoca IOCN and UMF), MD. Bogorin-Predescu Oana (Sibiu ULBS), Eng. Bogorin-Predescu Adrian (Sibiu ULBS), Eng. Moldovan Alexandru (Sibiu ULBS), Professor Dr. Oprean Constantin (Sibiu ULBS), Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

Maria S. Celan – a life of sacrifice dedicated to Romanian and universal science

Conf. Dr. biologist Maria S. Celan (1898-1989) is the most important Romanian marine algologist.

She was noticed from her youth by Dr. Grigore Antipa and recommended by Prof. Ioan Borcea for employment at the Marine Biological Station at Agigea, which today bears the name of the Romanian zoologist.

Maria S. Celan continued her training at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and the Marine Research Stations of Villefranche/Mer, Dinard and Roscoff.

He devoted himself to marine algology with a brilliant doctorate conferred by the famous Parisian Sorbonne University (1940/1941), a thesis that was praised by France’s leading professors in the field.

In her research on morphology, cytology and ecology of green, brown and red benthic macrophytes from the Romanian coast, Maria S. Celan determined 157 species, most of them new to the Black Sea, but she also identified a species new to science, Gelidiella antipaewhich she dedicated to her master, Grigore Antipa.

Through her prodigious professional activity, her upright character and her whole life of sacrifice dedicated to science, Maria S. Celan belongs to the history of Romanian and universal science.

Thus, Maria Celan remains an admirable human role model for current and future generations dedicated to scientific research.

Smooth road Prof. univ. dr. Iulian CREȚU!


7 March 1928 – 4 May 2024

Honorary Member of the Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences Section – AOSR
President of the “Henri Coandă” National Foundation for the support of gifted young people, Iulian Crețu is appreciated in economics and industrial aesthetics – design, being a true precursor in these fields. Published works are successfully used in research, promotion and efficiency in all fields, especially in commerce, light industry, education, etc. It is particularly noteworthy the work carried out in the field of scientific research and social and cultural activity for the promotion and recognition of gifted young people within the Henri Coandă National Foundation, being recognized by meritorious results at national and international level in its 25 years of existence.

AOSR General Assembly


The General Assembly of the Romanian Academy of Scientists will be held on May 17, at1000 hours, at the Polytechnic University of Science and Technology in Bucharest, Radu Voinea Amphitheatre, with physical attendance.

If the quorum of 2/3 of the voting members is not constituted by this date, the meeting will reconvene on 24 May, at 9:00 a.m., in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I”. It will be held with physical attendance, regardless of quorum.

The Spring National Conference of the Romanian Academy of Scientists will take place on 24 and 25 May.

The agenda of the General Assembly is:

1. Presentation and approval of the Report on the scientific activity of the AOSR in 2023 and the Financial Report for 2023

2. Adrian Badea’s speech at the end of two terms as President of the AOSR

3. Election of the Honorary President of the AOȘR

4. Voting of candidates for full, corresponding and honorary membership of the AOSR

5. Election of the new Presidium of the AOSR for the term 2024-2028

6. Miscellaneous

7. AOSR Awards Gala 2022

Please note that members will wear the Academy costume.