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International Colloquium ‘Physics of Materials’ – November 10-11, 2022


The seventh edition of the International Colloquium ‘Physics of Materials’ – PM-7 will be organized by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, in collaboration with The Academy of Romanian Scientists on November 10-11, 2022.

The aim of the Colloquium is to provide a forum for the presentation of new advances in the physics of materials research and novel applications. The accepted and presented contributions will be selected by the Scientific Committee for publication in either the ISI-quoted journals Scientific Bulletin of UPB, Series A, B or the Annals of the Academy of the Romanian Scientists.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic context, the conference will be held online, on Microsoft Teams.
The participation fee for oral presentations and posters is 100 RON for scientists, and free for students!

For details, please refer to the Conference Invitation & Program.


  1. Invited papers;
  2. Oral communications;
  3. Poster sessions

    The Program of the Colloquium will consist of oral and poster contributions falling within the topics:
    1. Synthesis and characterization of functional materials
    2. Nanomaterials, metamaterials and nanoelectronics
    3. Materials for Sustainable Energy
    4. Electronic, photonic and optoelectronic materials
    5. Materials science
    6. Biomaterials and organic materials
    7. Materials science education

Young Scientists are encouraged to participate!
Abstract submission: October 23, 2022
Registration fee: November 10, 2022
Participation fee: 100 RON (students – free of charge)
Payment information: Trezoreria sector 6, RO56TREZ70620F330800XXXX
Account Information: University Politehnica of Bucharest; Mention: “Taxa participare Conferinta Physics of Materials 7” (translated: Participation fee for the Conference Physics of Materials 7). The mentions should appear in Romanian, exactly as stated above between quotation marks.

The abstract should be maximum 1 page A4 in length (including figures, tables, references) and should be submitted in MS-Word 97-2003 format with the file size not exceeding 5MB before October 9, 2022. Please see the Abstract Template.

The 50th anniversary of the Muskellan Marama is getting ready for digitisation and inscription on UNESCO’s World Heritage List


Arges County Council, through the Arges County Centre for Culture and Arts, in partnership with Pro Patrimonio Foundation, organized an event dedicated to the Muscel Marama on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the “Marama Musceleană” Crafts Cooperative, on September 7, at Villa Golescu in Câmpulung.

Professor Doina Banciu, vice-president of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), honorary citizen of Câmpulung Muscel, was invited to participate in the event.

The event was also attended by Minister Marius Budăi – Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, Argeș MP Simona Bucura Oprescu – President of the Committee for Public Administration and Territorial Planning, Gabriela Nedelcu Păsărin – President of the National Commission for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Ligia Fulga – Scientific Researcher I, National Commission of Museums and Collections in Romania, Cristian Lazăr – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Culture, Ana – Maria Cătăuță – President of the Joint Permanent Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for relations with UNESCO, Roxana Stoenescu – Director of the Culture, Tourism and Youth Department of the Argeș County Council, Ciprian Neculăescu – Sub-Prefect of Argeș County, Mihăilă Micșunica – Vice-President of the “MARAMA MUSCELEANĂ” Crafts Cooperative.

The event was also attended by many teachers, specialists in folk costumes and well-known artists such as Grigore Leșe and Elisabeta Turcu – folk music performer, along with a large audience.

Doina Banciu pointed out in her speech that intangible heritage must find new forms of presentation and dissemination, based on new technologies, in order to make Romanian authentic values known through social networks and the internet. Thus, the domain maramamuscel.ro was reserved and offered to the organizers by AOSR.

The intervention of the MEP Simona Oprescu should be underlined, who pointed out, among other things, the legislative efforts for the inscription in UNESCO heritage of what is defining for Romanian culture. Minister Marius Budăi presented the concerns of the ministry he heads for the proper remuneration of those working in the field of crafts.

On this occasion, the well-known folk craftswoman Viorica Olivotto, from Nucșoara – Argeș, was awarded the diploma of “Living Human Treasure” – Ministry of Culture, through the National Commission for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Viorica Olivotto is a teacher at the Popular School of Arts and Crafts of Pitesti.

The manager of the Arges County Centre for Culture and Arts, Elena Iagăr, pointed out that the institution she leads promotes the authentic values of Arges County and works to support the preservation of traditions and respect for national culture.

“A book a year for every student” – Ciucă promises money from the budget, as requested by publishers, to promote Romanian authors’ books to students

Article published on hotnews.ro website

The government announced on Monday that it will support the Publishers’ Association’s proposal to promote books by Romanian authors and writings in Romanian, especially to schoolchildren, by allocating a dedicated budget for the purchase of these books by public libraries to make them available to readers. Prime Minister Ciucă proposed a programme called “One book a year for every pupil”, without giving concrete details.

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă had on Monday at the Victoria Palace, a meeting with publishers, librarians and cultural personalities. The discussions focused on the difficulties of Romanian books or books published in Romanian to reach the public, but also on proposals for solutions to encourage reading especially among children and young people.

  • “The Government will support the Publishers’ Association’s proposal to promote books by Romanian authors and writings in Romanian, especially to schoolchildren, by allocating a dedicated budget for the purchase of these books by public libraries, in order to make them available to readers.
  • Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă has also proposed the implementation of the “One book a year for every pupil” programme, and the Publishers’ Association has expressed its willingness to support it,” reads a Government press release, without specifying the estimated budget for this programme.

What is the “One book a year for every pupil” programme? Explanations from the Government spokesperson

Contacted by HotNews.ro to give details about the budget and the elements of this new programme proposed by the Prime Minister, Dan Cărbunaru, Government spokesman, said that a draft in this regard will be drafted in the coming period.

  • “It’s a program where every student gets one book a year. The draft is to be drawn up with the Ministry of Education. The operationalisation will ultimately cover several aspects, including the budget required. The draft will be approved after another round of consultations.” Dan Cărbunaru told HotNews.ro.

    Who attended the meeting with Prime Minister Ciucă

The press release also states that the Chief Executive agreed with the publishers, librarians and book authors participating in the meeting on a public campaign to promote the reading of books by Romanian authors and in Romanian, the applied reading of classical and contemporary Romanian literature and literature in Romanian.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu and the State Counsellor Iulian Chifu.

The guest list included Acad. Răzvan Theodorescu, Nicolae Manolescu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, Prof. univ. dr. Victor Neumann, Horațiu Mălăele, Prof. univ. dr. Dan Dungaciu, Prof. dr. Doina Banciu, lawyer Marian Nazat, Adina Rosetti, Conf. Răzvan Voncu.

On behalf of librarians, Agnes Terezia Erich and Dragoș Adrian Neagu – President of the National Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania, and on behalf of book publishers – Ovidiu Enculescu, Director of RAO Publishers, Mihai Mitrică – Executive Director of AER (Romanian Publishers Association), Andrei Niculescu – Publisher, member of the AER Coordinating Council, Silvia Colfescu – Director of Vremea Publishing House, Dan Croitoru – Director of Polirom Publishing House, Dan Iacob – Director of ART Publishing House.

The new librarian uses ICT as a strategic tool for the digital transformation of the library for the benefit of digitally literate users

Articol publicat pe website-ul comunic.ro

Cea mai nouă provocare în domeniul bibliologiei şi ştiinţei informării este instituirea “Zilei bibliotecilor din învăţământ” în vederea conştientizării importanţei rolului acestor instituţii educaţionale, adevărate tezaure naţionale de cunoaştere cu impact deosebit la nivel social şi care pot reduce semnificativ rata analfabetismelor autohtone – funcţional, digital, economic -, a declarat prof. univ. dr. ing. Doina Banciu în cadrul conferinţei despre transformarea digitală în biblioteci, organizată pe 15 septembrie 2022 de către BCU “Carol I” cu ocazia festivalului Strada de C’Arte (12-18 septembrie 2022).

The library profession is changing and the ICT component needs to be integrated as a strategic tool into the core functions of the library across the whole chain of operations and execution.

At the same time, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu presented the European Commission’s vision for the digitisation of the European Union by 2030. This involves increasing communication infrastructure speeds to 5G and later 6G, mainstreaming SME workflows through integrated and secure ICT networks, migrating large organisations to the cloud and digital transformation of public institutions. Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu pointed out that IT is not enough in a library, it is only a working tool that can generate computerized services for readers.

Furthermore, libraries need to understand that in 7-8 years’ time, readers will have a different profile, they will be digitally literate, and the level of expectation of public services needs to be commensurate.

The library has remained the only knowledge system with potentially permanently accessible information, being the repository of historical knowledge, as well as very current knowledge. Therefore, the issue of preserving documents on different types of media, which do not deteriorate over time, is of utmost importance and interest in the life of libraries.

On the subject of adapting the librarian’s profession to the current requirements of the digital world, Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu proposed the initiation of refresher courses in libraries, a first step after which library institutions will be able to ask the relevant ministry to support them by allocating budgets dedicated to this objective. The money allocated in this way will have an economic and social impact with measurable results.

The theme of digital transformation of libraries involves at least two aspects, on the one hand the interface with external audiences, and on the other hand the internal transformation of the library organisation, with all that this entails: human resources, acquisitions, accounting, interlibrary relations, preservation, etc. The aim is, for example, to reduce the piles of bureaucratic paperwork to be signed, with an obvious economic impact on these institutions, which will lead to an increase in the internal speed of library activity, translated into real public utility.

On Thursday, 15 September 2022, three events were held in the Council Hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”, dedicated to the analysis of the particularities of university libraries compared to public libraries. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and prestigious university libraries launched the initiative of a University Libraries Day and explored ways to harmonise the approaches of these knowledge management institutions.

On this occasion the first issue of the journal of the Central University Library Carol I – De spiritu et anima – was presented.




ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, CLUJ-NAPOCA Branch and University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj Napoca organizes

The role of science in solving contemporary crises
Thursday 3 November 2022 – Saturday 5 November 2022, CLUJ-NAPOCA

AOSR Autumn Conference Poster Cluj-Napoca 2022 final


Eternal light to Doctor Radu CIUCEANU!


Radu CIUCEANU – (16 April 1928, Arad – 12 September 2022, Bucharest) – Honorary Member of AOSR –

The members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists express their deep sadness at the death of Radu CIUCEANU, Doctor of History, Senior Research Scientist, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy.

Born on 16 April 1928 in Arad, Radu Ciuceanu was a member of the National Resistance Movement of Oltenia, led by General Iancu Carlaonț. He was arrested in 1948, after being active for two years in the National Anti-Communist Resistance Movement of Oltenia. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard prison, having gone through the “experiment” in Pitesti and the Gherla demolitions.

In 1963 he was released, but he was constantly harassed by security officers and had difficulty getting a job as a day labourer.

Radu Ciuceanu graduated in history and worked as an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology and later at the National Museum of History and Archaeology of Bucharest. He studied and obtained a PhD in History ( N. Iorga Institute of History , Bucharest, 1998) with a thesis entitled Autocracy and nationalism. The Destiny of a Dynasty (1665-1856)

In 1990 he was one of the founders of the Association of Former Political Prisoners in Romania, and in 1993 he founded the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (INST), which he has since directed for almost three decades. He was editor and founding member of the journal Archives of Totalitarianism. Senior Research Scientist I, Member of the C.P.U.N. Executive Board, February-May 1990. Founding member of the first Romanian Parliament 1990 and Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies 1990-1992.

His scientific work focused on Roman and medieval archaeology, studies on anti-communist resistance, the concentration regime in Romania.

For his merits and achievements, in 1995 he received the Liviu Rebreanu Prize, awarded by the National Ecumenical Centre for the volume Horseshoe without Luck (“exceptional memoir prose in terms of literature evoking the universe of political imprisonment in the totalitarian regime, in 2003 he received the National Order of Faithful Service, in the rank of Knight for all cultural, political and scientific activity, and in 2017 he received the highest distinction of the Romanian Patriarchate, the Patriarchal Cross.

Our Academy loses a distinguished member, a chosen man and a great friend. We express our deep regret and deep sadness for this loss and send our condolences to the bereaved family!

We ask the Good Lord to place him among his Righteous, in eternal light!

Conference “Methods and techniques for motivating human resources”

Conference Methods and techniques for motivating human resourceshighlights some aspects according to which entrepreneurs and managers are increasingly concerned with identifying ways to increase employee performance, finding and using methods and techniques to motivate staff to contribute to setting and achieving the objectives of each job, of the department to which they belong and, as far as possible, to achieving organisational objectives. Staff motivation methods and techniques fall into two groups:

1. Salary motivation methods and techniques: Piece work, bonus plan, merit pay, share option, long-term rewards.

2. Non-wage motivation methods and techniques: creating a positive organisational climate, work attractiveness, consultation and participation in decision making, participative management, quality circles, autonomous work groups.



The “AOSR DEBATES” project, initiated by the Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2017, consists of a series of meetings and discussions, bringing together policy makers, decision makers, personalities of science and culture, representatives of the academic and educational environments, researchers, experts, PhD students, students, members of civil society, etc. on topics of priority interest for Romania today and for the future of the country.

Through the “AOSR Debates” project, the organizing institution creates an agora of public and academic personalities, representatives of Romanian society in its diversity, a space for dialogue on major issues, ideas and solutions and, last but not least, a framework for dialogue between generations.

The fundamental objective of the Project is to create an academic, scientific, cultural and civic forum in which to identify and promote solutions for the development and affirmation of Romania in the European Union and the world.

We invite you to access the topics covered at THE AOSR DEBATES .



The Academy of Romanian Scientists is launching the “TRIBUNAL OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS” programme from March 2023 . The event will be held monthly at the AOSR headquarters.

Aware of the fact that young generations represent the future, that the future of Romania will be shaped by them, AOSR gives priority attention to young people. Based on this vision, the AOSR develops dialogue with young people, supports them in their aspirations, encourages them to participate in scientific activities and events, and dedicates research programmes and projects to them.

A flagship programme of the AOSR is the annual Young Investigators Project Competition, where the best projects, selected after the evaluation process, are funded by research grants.

AOSR advocates for national support to young people with scientific potential through policies and measures designed to create conditions for them to be integrated into competitive research activities that participate in the overall process of the country’s development in the European Union and the world in the Knowledge Age.

We invite you to visit RESEARCH PROJECTS of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.



The Information Society / Knowledge Society is a reality all around us, challenging and forcing us to adapt our personal and professional existence to new demands.

The European Strategy for the Information Society launched by Ursula von der Leyen in March 2021 outlines the European Information and Communication Technology (ICT) road that Romania will have to follow together with the other European countries.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists, promoter of innovative ideas based on science and knowledge, includes in its priority programmes the theme “Digital transformation of society”.

The programme “Digital Transformation of Society”, through its debates, position papers, the projects it has launched and funded and the projects it will launch in the future, will contribute to the implementation of national strategies and programmes, of Romania’s major projects in this field.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists will promote new concepts and practices of the knowledge-based society among young people and beyond, both in education and research and in culture and economy, thus trying to create and sustain new mindsets and skills specific to the 21st century.