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Education in the Knowledge Society

Dor more than three decades, Romanian schools have been facing a decrease in the level of general culture and knowledge among students. It is a phenomenon that does not seem to give rise to administrative concerns and which, as a result, is perpetuated and worsens from year to year. The learning reach of many pupils is shrinking, their knowledge of the fundamentals (literature, philosophy, history, geography, science, etc.) becoming fewer and shallower. The situation extends to the university level as students transition from classrooms to lecture halls (be they virtual, in the age of the pandemic).

The causes of the phenomenon refer to the school, but also involve the individual, the family and society. Speaking of the institutional framework of education, this is undoubtedly a matter of curriculum and approach. By limiting itself to subjects and curricular content treated as in a didactic Procrustean bed, the educational process loses its openness to the wider areas of knowledge. In the current paradigm, the act of teaching does not put information in wider contexts, does not build bridges to other disciplines and fields in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. The information transmitted is fragmented and isolated, without being integrated into a knowledge map, which, as it is realised, reveals meanings, connections and shapes the overall picture. It’s like a puzzle game, in which isolated pieces offer only suggestions and possibilities; when integrated, one by one, into thematic sequences, they progressively form the final picture, the spectacular result of a laborious and creative process. The school does not go beyond its curricular limits, looking at the themes within the strict perimeter of each discipline, without, through connections between notions, going beyond, into other territories of knowledge.

There are other causes. The average person seems to be losing more and more his curiosity to learn, to discover, to know. It’s a paradoxical effect in the age of technology, which constantly brings an avalanche of information from all fields. Amidst the influx of data, the individual no longer acutely feels the need to inform himself and understand through his own curiosity. Since the information comes to him on its own, via the internet and television, why should he make the effort to seek it out? Many thus become passive consumers of information, ceasing to be seekers, which would imply the involvement of thought processes, the tension of searching, the joy of discovery and understanding. The paradox is that they know more, but know less. When the loss of curiosity occurs in children and young people at the age of cognitive accumulation and personality structuring, things are even worse. In compensation, the low curiosity for cultural and scientific information is balanced by interest in minor topics, approached chaotically. Paraphrasing, we could say, “I’m curious, so I think”.

The situation also indicts the insufficiency of the necessary guidance in the labyrinth of knowledge and existence. We live in a world dominated by material values, in an area of consumerism, where man has been transformed from a thinking being into a consuming being. Consumers of everything: information, media content, food, goods, products and services of all kinds, useful or, more often than not, useless. A world like a fairground, under the sign of Black Friday, where everything is sold and bought, where big holidays become holidays of consumption and gifts, a space of manipulation, depiritualisation and deculturalisation. Overwhelmed by information, overwhelmed by commodities, preoccupied with accumulation or simply with taxes, instalments and subsistence, caught up in the whirlwind of unpredictable life, today’s individual no longer has time for culture and knowledge. The interest in cultural or scientific information, the concern for self-education, is declining sharply until it disappears in the face of dominant interests and existential priorities. Everything takes dramatic turns at a time of global crisis like today, when all crises converge: pandemic, economic crisis, energy, gas and oil crisis, war, human crisis.

In such a discussion, we inevitably come to technology and the relationship between the internet and the printed book. We are in the Information and Communications Age, in its infancy, a kind of digital Big-Bang. What’s next is hard to predict at the speed at which things are moving in the areas of innovation. Quantum computing is being perfected, virtual reality is becoming a second reality – which tends to swallow us all – every day, Artificial Intelligence is developing more and more promising and threatening. The Internet today offers us everything or almost everything in terms of information and entertainment. The book, as a source of ideas and knowledge, as a means of escaping into parallel worlds, has to lose out to the phone, the tablet or the laptop. Especially since reading is a time-consuming and neuron-intensive activity that requires concentration and isolation. In the common mind, what you can learn from books you find on the internet in much more dynamic and attractive forms, with pictures and interactive elements, in multimedia combinations, in an endless spiral of information, and not in hundreds of pages that you have to read and are not even sure you understand much of. What’s the point of knowing from the pages of books when you can find out anything – if you’re interested in anything – from the internet? Only – and this is generally ignored – the chaotic use of the internet provides fragmentary and superficial information, whereas reading generates a complex and deep knowledge of the topics covered.

The paradox of today’s world is that, in the Information Age and the Knowledge Society, younger generations (and not only them) know less and less. Even if they do their schoolwork, pass all the subjects and take the baccalaureate, the general culture acquired at school and the area covered by knowledge are increasingly limited. There are students (and not a few, unfortunately) who – at the most beautiful age of the mind, at the most fruitful age of curiosity – they have not heard of important authors and have not read fundamental books, they have no knowledge of the history of thought and civilisation, no notions about trends, theories, personalities and events, about man, the world and the universe.

Since all roads of knowledge lead to education, the solutions to the crisis of general culture are also to be found in schools. Starting from the educational ideal, which aims at the complex formation of young people, from an intellectual, moral and social point of view, developments and programmatic assumptions are necessary at the level of the relevant policies, regarding the mission of the school, the restructuring of contents and the modernisation of teaching strategies. Priority changes, in relation to the demands of today’s society, should aim at opening up the educational act to culture and knowledge in a broad and integrative perspective, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, the involvement of digital technology tools in education. In this context, promoting reading as a way of accessing the world of knowledge, developing an attachment to printed books and getting closer to valuable works are among the fundamental means of returning to culture and recovering the cultural dimension of education.

If things remain as they are, our education system will continue to produce new classes of graduates with a limited horizon of knowledge and a reduced range of general culture. On the current course of development, the high school will continue to send young people to university with a limited knowledge base. Further, the university, which in turn focuses on profile content within increasingly narrow boundaries, often opaque to the universe of culture and general knowledge, will deliver to society graduates specialised (more or less) in one field but quasi-ignorant in others. Education in the third millennium must allow every young person to develop in the direction for which he or she has a vocation and inclination, but at the same time create the framework for the formation of a solid general culture and a comprehensive openness to knowledge. It is the kind of complex education that supports progress, necessary for any developing society, paradigmatic for a world of Knowledge.

Editorial, Education Tribune, No. 27, Series Nine, March 2022


Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Răescu – Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest

– The values of femininity –
The conference will take place online on 25 August 2021, 16.00

AOSR Medical Sciences Section press release on vaccination against COVID-19


The Medical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists considers vaccination as one of the greatest medical discoveries in history, comparable to the discovery of antibiotics, asepsis, antisepsis and anaesthetics. Without vaccinations the human species would today be almost defeated by microbial and viral species. In the current conditions, we ask Romanians to trust us and to help defeat the pandemic through vaccination. It is very important that every citizen applies all the rules indicated by doctors.

We have to accept that there may be, as in any therapeutic procedure, cases of failure, infinitely few in number, which cannot take away the huge benefits of the more than 98% of those who are successfully vaccinated. The changes in our environment force us to prevent further possible attacks by microbial or viral species. Within the Academy of Romanian Scientists, there is only the opinion of saving through vaccination, prevention and all treatments that sanction the effects of these viral attacks on the body functions. We call on the people of Romania to accept the perceptions of doctors, who have a large sample of casualties in this war on the pandemic. Please go for vaccination, trust the doctors, beware of the unknowing who give their opinion!

The AOSR medical section has illustrious physicians who have expressed their opinion, such as: Acad. Bălăceanu-Stolnici, the great neurosurgeon Vlad Ciurea, Professor Sorin Rugină, General Professor Dan Mischianu and Professor Irinel Popescu, and at our annual sessions evidence about this condition was presented by renowned medical specialists: Professor Streinu-Cercel, Irina Dumitru, Camelia Diaconu, Sebastian Ionescu and many others. I call you to stand with the army of white coats and, if you want to know the truth about this scourge, address your questions to our section members with the official contact addresses of the AOSR, an institution that has been serving the sciences in Romania for over 80 years since its foundation and is currently highly rated internationally. Prof. Dr. Sârbu Vasile, President of the AOSR Medical Sciences Section.

Departed Prof. univ. Dr. Dan SCHIOPU, founding full member, Vice-President of AOSR


The Presidium of the AOSR sadly announces that on 5 November 2021 he passed away Prof. univ. Dr Dan SCHIOPU, founding full member, Vice-President of AOSR, President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, member of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), of the Society of Agricultural Engineers, of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science and of the Society of Agricultural History and Retrology.

He was born on October 4, 1930 in Galaţi, graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture at the Iaşi Agronomic Institute (1954) and obtained the scientific title of Doctor of Agronomy, Agrotechnical Specialty, in 1975. He had a prodigious university teaching career, starting as head of laboratory 1955-1966, then moving on to assistant professor 1962-1969, head of works 1969-1991, Lecturer 1991-1993 and University Professor since 1993, in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.

His teaching activity has been harmoniously combined with scientific research activity focusing in particular on tillage studies, vegetation factor management, increasing the efficiency of variance analysis in field experiments, integrated weed control and the residual effect of herbicides, agricultural ecology and environmental protection issues.

His numerous publications include books of great scientific and practical value, such as: Ecology and Environmental Protection, Méthodologie d’études des pollutions d’origine agricole. Conséquences pour l’environnement, Practical works on agronomy and experimental techniques, Guide for the correct and efficient operation of agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as scientific articles promoting the most valuable results of the research carried out, the most important of which are: Influence of temperature, humidity and fertilizers on mobile forms of nitrogen in a grey forest soil; Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești – le visage et l’oeuvre d’un créateur d’école roumaine; Agriculture and pollution; Animal husbandry and agricultural ecosystems; Observations on the influence of alternative technologies with different degrees of chemization on the structural hydrostability of reddish-brown soil; Essay on Biodiversity Functionality; Aspects Regarding Ecological Condition of Pastures of Romanian Mountain Areas; Weeds and Agricultural Ecosystems; Integrierte Bekämpfung von Unkräutern in Soja und Maïs mit Herbiziden in Verbindung mit Maschienenhäcke; Essay on the Application of Fundamental Biocenotic Principles in Agricultural Ecosystems; Recherches concernant la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes dans la culture de maïs sur le sol brun-rougeâtre au sud de la Roumanie.

His contribution to the development of scientific research has been important, leaving to the present and future generations an outstanding scientific literature through his published books and articles. For his merits he has been honoured with numerous distinctions, awards and medals.

Our Academy loses a teacher, a scientist and a wonderful colleague! He is gone from us, but he will always remain in our hearts as a man of exceptional value, culture, professionalism, honest, friendly, magnanimous and kind! Sincere condolences to the family! God rest his soul in Peace!

Pandemic, a lesson we fail to learn

Prof. dr. doc. Alexandru-Vladimir Ciurea, Member A.O.Ș.R.

As I have written elsewhere, this pandemic has taken humanity by surprise and forced it to react quickly. For us, the situation was worse because the reaction of the authority was confused, hesitant, much delayed compared to other countries. The pandemic was and still is an x-ray of our functioning, from the level of the individual to the level of the state, and it has shown us and still shows us the weaknesses, the lack of preparedness and the lack of trust people have in state institutions.

In the pandemic, the medical system was full of heroes.
But this only shows the dedication of the doctors and health staff. And the relationship between medical heroism and health system functionality is inversely proportional. I mean, a successful system does not produce heroes. Only a poor, unprepared one can turn doctors and nurses into heroes.

I am repeating an idea I put forward in a recently published book: “Romania without a mask. False pandemic treatise” (written in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Adrian Restian and writer and publicist Tudor Artenie and published by Mediafax). “Doctors and medical staff chose to work in this field, no one forced them to do so. Their training is long and complex. They are professionals, and most of them combine their profession with their vocation. But the practice of the profession is dependent on many factors related to health management, public policies in the field, the material endowment of hospitals, the organization of institutions that make up the system. The list of ‘dependencies’ outside the practice of medicine is very long, and there is no shortage of obligations to keep abreast of developments around the world and research.”

The dependence of the medical system on the state has created oddities in Romania
And I say this with great …gentleness. Indeed, the European model of health development is one of linking health to the state in terms of what we define as solidarity. I think it is the most appropriate solution for these times. The administration of the system is a function of the state. But proper administration requires competence and honesty. Unfortunately, we have been and still are tributary to a perfectly feudal, politically controlled management.

The consequences of poor management were seen immediately
If you remember, at the beginning of the pandemic hospitals (not all of them, fortunately!) became hotbeds of infection. How was it possible? The answer is simple: the pandemic has found fertile ground in the medical system because it has not been prepared. The hospitals lacked protective materials, as well as information about the organisation of the hospitals, from access corridors to inefficiencies in communication with other units where cases had been registered. Remember the collapse of the Suceava County Emergency Hospital, which was put under military command? WHY?
Some rhetorical questions?

What would it be like to have everything we need? What would it have been like if the County Public Health Directorates had been trained?What would it have been like if all the DSPs in the country had been run properly by specialists in health organisation, not by politicians! What if we had contingency plans for pandemics or wars? If only we knew how to sort out hospitals and build field hospitals quickly? And, above all, what would it have been like if there were only professionals on all decision-making levels?

How do we fight wave 5?
The health system seems better organised. But we still don’t have enough beds in the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Units. We have learned to work with COVID-19 cases, but have abandoned patients with other chronic diseases. In other words: we took from one side to cover the gap in another. I mumbled. And I don’t know if the authorities have understood that the healthcare system must be prepared for a crisis at all times. That the system must be dynamic, alert, flexible and responsive, whatever the reason for the crisis. What if a war starts and we’re affected?

Let me quote from the same book: “All governments have brutally intervened in the functioning of health institutions by putting political clients in decision-making positions. In some cases, the political clients were qualified people. But in many other situations, appointments to management positions were made solely on the basis of party card.” Has anything changed?

But what about us, us humans? We have gained experience and seem to have become accustomed to it, although habit in our situation can be dangerous. At the beginning of the pandemic, Romania was in one of the last places for soap consumption. I haven’t seen newer stats, but I want to believe we’re no longer in that place. What about the rules, have we learned them? I’m afraid to say yes!
Refusal to vaccinate is another issue to reflect on.

The pandemic has shown us that we have a lot of work to do in order to be coherent and reliable in crisis situations. And that we also have a responsibility, not just the state or the medical system.

Beyond wearing a mask, washing your hands or keeping a physical distance, even if vaccination is not mandatory (nor should it be!), vaccination is our responsibility. And if we don’t want to get vaccinated because Bill Gates is planting chips in our bodies, we can do it by thinking of those around us. And if we don’t care about the people on the street, on the bus or in the theatre, maybe we care about our children, our parents or our grandparents.

Science has shown that older people are more vulnerable to the coronavirus. They get sicker than young people. Many have chronic conditions, comorbidities. How do you go home to your parents without being vaccinated? How can you not take them to get vaccinated? But, the puppy we take with two hands to the vaccination… How do people without book science manage to convince by stupid Facebook posts that the vaccine is not good? I, for one, don’t understand!

To get out of this pandemic, to overcome wave 5 with as few victims as possible, we need individual responsibility. If the state is wrong, it doesn’t mean we have to be wrong. That is why I strongly recommend that you follow the rules and think twice, on your own or after a discussion with your GP, about getting vaccinated, those of you who haven’t!

I wish you all wisdom and good health!


Conference GLOBALIZATION THROUGH ACADEMIC MOBILITY – Dr. Head of International Relations Department, Iulia ALECU BUZA –
Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest

– The Valences of Femininity –

The conference will take place online on 23 March 2022, at 16.00 – Academy of Romanian Scientists

Romania does not need scientists, but politicians without culture and common sense!

Prof. dr. doc. Alexandru-Vladimir Ciurea, Member A.O.Ș.R.

I am indignant and sad at the same time!… For the second time in a row, the Academy of Scientists (AOȘR) is left without a budget by the Romanian Parliament. A wave of lies has poured from the pens of the so-called progressives, eager to destroy – without putting anything in place! – any symbol of Romanian society that does not “fit” under their control. Or, even worse, about which they know nothing, but feel that their superficiality and ignorance threaten them. And they are threatened by an attempt at political construction very similar to that of the Marxist regimes, which standardised everything or silenced any voice that did not correspond to the policies of the single party.

Folks, it’s come to the challenge in the US of George Washington, one of the founding fathers of that great state, just because Procust’s new bed won’t fit those who are not like progressives!… Stupid ideas become the punch lines of political demonstrations into which unsuspecting people are skillfully lured by skilled propagandists.

Why destroy when you haven’t built anything?

The most vehement opponents of the AOȘR are parliamentarians from the political combination of the USR party, led by Dan Barna, and the Plus party, led by Dacian Ciolos. There are politicians who have not yet proved anything. You’ll say they’ve just come to power. That’s true, but they have a lot of work to do, other things should be their actions, not destroying what they don’t understand. Or maybe it’s just the other way around: they know that scientists and scholars can’t be fooled by cheap slogans, and to prevent a backlash, these “progressives” want to silence them.

What legitimizes these “new people” to begin a process of purification on all levels to align society according to their rules? The vote? No way, nowhere in their political or government programmes did they write that they will destroy institutions they did not participate in founding. The position of partners in a government team? This argument doesn’t hold up either, power in the modern world builds up, not tears down. Or, when they demolish, they do so to provide space for a new building. So what? The desire to bury what they don’t agree with? This, my dears, is called dictatorship, and we have lived through it, the wounds of dictatorship have not yet healed. Progressives speak with emphasis about “new people”, as if they were unaware that the goal of the society of sad memory was precisely the construction of the “new man”. Which seems to have succeeded. The new man, the man without any God!

The Liberals seem to be led astray by these “new people”.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists was founded on 29 March 1935. It was called the Romanian Academy of Sciences. There was a need for a broader coverage of Romanian research and science values than the one provided by the Romanian Academy. The founder of the Academy of Sciences was, ironically, a liberal minister! Minister of Public Instruction, Dr Constantin Angelescu. A great surgeon, one of the founders of the Romanian school of surgery.

I expected that the PNL representatives would not accept the cut of the AOȘR budget. But today’s PNL is a far cry from what the Brătians built. Of what the founding fathers of this party, which played a full part in the creation of modern Romania, thought and wanted. A number of ministers and MPs who now represent the PNL have represented other parties in the past. These people were never genuine liberals. They migrated from pocket parties, came from the social-democratic political direction or were part of the orange “armada” that merged with PNL, altering, here, in depth, the spirit of that great Romanian party. What do we expect from those who not so long ago were raising hosannas to characters who are now fast approaching prison? Do these cheap politicians know what the NLP was all about? Do they know anything about the triumphs or suffering of the great politicians this party has produced? As you can see, they have no idea! And the fact that today’s liberals have stood shoulder to shoulder with these immature progressives in tearing down an institution built by their liberal forefathers only shows their character! Or rather, lack of character!…

Only the Communists had the courage to abolish the Academy of Sciences.

It happened in 1948, when progressivism was called Stalinism and true liberals were arrested and sent to camps and prisons. Have we really forgotten what we’ve been through? Can no one tell these young wolves in the cloak of dangerous progressivism that they are wrong? How much nerve to have done nothing in life, but to claim that people of value, as many as there are, because there are not many of them, must disappear?

How many surgeries have MPs responsible for health carried out? How many books have those who pretend to be doctors on the culture committee written? What contributions have children made to this new wave of hatred of Romanian science? How do you allow yourself to put in brackets people and institutions that have mattered and still matter for Romanian thought? Do you imagine that we no longer have to think? That our destiny is to be eternal asparagus pickers?!…

You probably don’t know, but you voted, as you are used to, that the Academy of Sciences was re-established under its current title, AOȘR, by another great professor and surgeon, a pioneer of the Romanian school of cardiovascular surgery, General Prof. Dr. Vasile Cândea. The AOȘR is, by law, the “continuator and sole legatee” of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. Do you know who was doctor Vasile Cândea? At least go to Wikipedia to find out…

You know that in the normal countries of the world, and here I am referring to the West, which you constantly claim as a source of inspiration and progress, there are such academies. In Belgium it operates under the auspices of the Royal House. And, yes, there are academies of scientists in New York, London and Paris. Did you know that the one in France was founded in 1666? I’m sure you didn’t know these “details” when you voted to leave the AOȘR without a budget!…

What’s next? Will you do the same with the Academy of Medical Sciences? Will you target other institutions with your progressive rifle? Will you leave anyone who doesn’t think like you without resources? Are you going to start a witch hunt just because you think you know something?

And after you’ve buried them all, what will you do? Will you bring in surgeons from abroad to operate on Romanian patients? Teachers from abroad to contribute to education to which you have given not shamelessly small percentage of GDP just now, when because of the pandemic and online learning there was a greater need for resources?

As I told you, I am outraged and saddened. I didn’t think that any Romanian politician would boast today, in the 3rd millennium and in a European Union country, that he is part of a perfidious thought police. And for those of you who want to comment on this text, I recommend that you read the composition of the AOȘR first, if you find the work of Romanian scientists too heavy!…

Details of the Academy of Romanian Scientists’ Research Project Competition for Young Researchers “AOSR-TEAMS” EDITION 2022-2023″


The Academy of Romanian Scientists’ research project competition for young researchers “AOSR-TEAMS” EDITION 2022-2023″, launched in February this year, was particularly interesting for young researchers from major universities and research institutions. Thus, 130 project proposals were submitted.

For the evaluation of the projects, a body of 46 evaluators from the country and the Romanian diaspora was used, made up of university professors and scientific researchers, with national and international recognition and experience in evaluation.
Thank you very much to the evaluators for their effort, especially as this work was not remunerated.

The evaluation of the projects was done on the areas published in the information pack and one area was evaluated by the same group of evaluators. Initially, 25 projects could be funded from the state budget for this competition (so that the success rate was 1/5.2 – about 20%).

Taking into account that 22 papers have been submitted in the area 7 Bio and nano materials/technologies for industry and medicine, the AOSR Presidium has decided to fund 3 projects in this area.

Also, in area 27 New Paradigms of Education in the Technological Age, 2 projects with the same score were in the top two places and were funded.

In view of the above and having considered the seven appeals submitted, the Project Proposal Evaluation Committee, the Appeals Committee and the Presidium of the AOSR decided that the list of projects to be funded remains unchanged.

The directors of the winning projects are expected at the AOSR headquarters in Ilfov Street. nr. 3, Bucharest, with a view to contracting, until Friday 01.04.2022, 14:00.
For further information, please contact Mrs Maria Botezatu at tel: 0726.311.407 and email: mariabotezatu2002@yahoo.com.

We mourn the departure of Dr Aurel VAINER


The Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses its deep sadness at the departure of Dr. AUREL VAINER. President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania, and later Honorary President of FCER, Mr Aurel Vainer was a prominent personality of the Romanian world, who promoted the values of peace and harmonious coexistence, respect, tolerance and love between people, beyond their differences.

Trained as an economist, he has developed a prodigious professional career, coupled with a career as a researcher and teacher in higher education. He has been a researcher at the Institute of Commercial Research and at the Institute for Domestic Trade and Commerce Research, vice-president, first vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest, vice-president of the Romanian Statistical Society and president of the Board of Directors of the Charity Foundation, Honorary President of the Romania-Israel Cultural Friendship Association, President of the Central European Initiative – Parliamentary Dimension (since 2005) and, between 2005 and 2007, member of the Executive Committee of the European Jewish Congress.

He was a member of the Romanian Parliament and Vice-Chairman of the Political, Economic, Reform and Privatization Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. Dr. Aurel Vainer was a university professor, author of scientific studies and books in the field of economics (economics of trade, marketing, domestic trade).

His work and merits have been appreciated at the highest level with a series of distinctions and decorations: the Order of the Star of Romania, in the rank of knight, the National Order of the Legion of Honour, in the rank of knight, awarded by France, diplomas of excellence, distinctions and diplomas, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa. Dr. Aurel Vainer was an honorary member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences), deeply attached to our institution, actively participating in its programs and events. With the departure of Dr. Aurel Vainer, our world loses a personality of great professional and scientific value, a noble and bright spirit, a good and just man, a man among people, dedicated to human values, a tireless promoter of respect, understanding and harmony in Romanian society.

Our Academy loses a distinguished member, a chosen man and a great friend. We express our deep regret and deep sadness for this loss and send our condolences to the bereaved family! We ask the Good Lord to place him among his Righteous, in eternal light!