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International Conference “The Impact of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies on Global Security”


Military Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy of Scientists along with Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy in Sibiu organises at the premises of this institution on 14 and 15 March 2024, the third edition of the International Scientific Conference “The Impact of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies on Global Security“.

This scientific event, now in its third year, brings together scientific researchers, academics, other military and civilian specialists, concerned with the study of opportunities for emerging and disruptive technologies and their experimentation. The event is also open to Land Forces Academy students.

Systems based on emerging technologies are changing the global security environment, offering both opportunities for the development and well-being of society, government, academia and business, and challenges to the security of society and the individual from the perspective of new, more sophisticated and destructive threats.

In the military field, new technologies are changing the nature of conflict, gaining increasing strategic importance and becoming key areas of global competition, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence.

Papers to be presented at the conference will be published by the organisers.

The art of enjoying art

Invitation to the lecture

The art of enjoying art  in the framework of the National Conference ,,Valențele feminității”, held under the aegis of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, supported by Conf. PhD Mariana Cîmpeanu

Taken as a transcendental form of communication, art, in all its forms of expression, accompanies man in his evolution. Human experiences, events, concepts or attitudes can be transformed into an artistic image. Through his work, the artist conveys not only his own message, but also concrete facts about the role and place of art in society. Religion, philosophy, science, social or political life are just some of the aspects that we may or may not capture in the artistic act.

The work of art is the result of a process of creative activity, which in turn precedes a series of subjective reactions to ourselves, helping us to reflect on reality, knowledge and self-awareness. Even if today art tends to become an end in itself, it has not yet lost its other roles acquired over time (aesthetic, educational, communicative, cathartic, therapeutic, commercial, treasuring, …).

13 March 2024, 16.00
The Romanian Academy of Scientists Headquarters          
Bucharest, Str. Ilfov, Nr. 3                         

The values of femininity, highlighted in an event organized by the Romanian Academy of Scientists

Article published on agerpres.ro

“The Valences of Femininity. Science and Culture Conference”, an event dedicated to International Women’s Day, to which personalities from the medical, cultural, academic and media worlds were invited, took place on Wednesday at the headquarters of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

The Commander of the Central Military Emergency University Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila” Bucharest, Major General, Conf. Florentina Ionita, said she does not regret choosing a profession “that was eminently a man’s profession”.

Read the full article HERE

Femininity in science and culture

Article published on dcnews.ro

Read the full article HERE


The Romanian Academy of Scientists organizes on March 6, 2024, at 15:00, the Conference SCIENCE AND CULTURE, moderated by Prof.univ.dr.ing. Doina Banciu – Vice President of AOSR and CS II dr. eng. Camelia Petrescu. The conference takes place at the AOSR headquarters in Str. Ilfov nr. 3, Bucharest.

AOSR members awarded at the Romanian Research Gala 2024


During the Romanian Research Gala held on 27 February 2024 at the National Opera Bucharest, 10 prizes worth 300,000 lei were awarded to the most valuable researchers in Romania, of which 2 prizes were awarded to members of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, according to https://www.mcid.gov.ro/gala-cercetarii-romanesti/

Final list of winners for each scientific field – Romanian Research Gala 2024 Edition

Nr. No.DomainAwardOrder no.Winning nameCategoryInstitution
7Energy and advanced materialsNicolae Vasilescu Karpen Award720002Horia IOVUResearch teamNational University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
10MedicineAna Aslan Prize720027Adrian-Constantin COVICIndividualUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” of Iasi

The Scientific Council of the Romanian Academy of Scientists extends its warmest congratulations!

AOSR mourns the departure of writer Dinu Săraru


The Romanian Academy of Scientists expresses its deep sadness and deep regret for the death of the great writer and man of culture Dinu Săraru (30.01.1932-2.03.2024).

With the departure of Dinu Săraru, Romanian literature, culture and spirituality lose a great personality, who marked and influenced the destiny of our world in the second half of the 20th century and in the first decades of the 21st century through exemplary work, involvement and dedication.

Dinu Săraru was a great writer, author of a prodigious work, which constitutes a substantial chapter in the history of contemporary Romanian literature, an exceptional cultural manager, as general director of the Teatrului Mic, the Teatrului Foarte Mic and, later, the Teatrului Nacional, a promoter of authentic culture, beyond conjunctural ideologies, of Romanian culture, spirituality and identity values in a world at the crossroads of all currents, influences and unpredictable developments.

Dinu Săraru was a great writer of the 20th and 21st centuries, a member of a glorious generation of Romanian writers, an author who focused, with uncommon courage and unique writing talent, on the social and political transformations of the middle of the last century, which led to the destruction of the traditional Romanian world, on the problems of the peasantry, faced with the tragic prospect of dissolution and disappearance,  on the themes of a society adrift in a tragic struggle for survival under the pressure of a dehumanizing political regime. With the return to post-December democracy, amid chaotic and anarchic changes, the confusion of values and the struggle for enrichment, in defiance of all norms, legal or moral, the great writer became a formidable critic, with his clear conscience, uncompromising critical spirit and unrivalled condescension, of moral bankruptcy, political and economic corruption, dehumanization under the rule of money, enrichment and promiscuity. Dinu Săraru was a critical conscience of society, a lucid spirit governed by the authentic values of man and democracy, a promoter of the aspirations and ideals of the Romanian nation.

As general director of the Little Theatre, in a difficult period for the Romanian society, in full communist regime, Dinu Săraru managed to make the institution a temple of authentic culture, one of the most important points on the cultural map, by promoting authentic value, often defying the rigors of censorship, taking risks, advocating excellence in art, without limitations, without constraints, under the high sign of freedom of spirit. Through everything he did at Teatrul Mic, Dinu Săraru was one of the greatest cultural managers of contemporary Romania. His managerial and artistic work continued, after the Revolution, through his mandate as general director of the National Theatre, where the great writer made an important contribution to the development of this institution – the benchmark of Romanian culture.

After the fall of communism, Dinu Săraru was an active presence and an important voice in the Romanian public and cultural space through his literary work, through his intense journalistic activity, through which he manifested his critical spirit and his role as a lucid observer of developments in a world in a never-ending and painful transition. He initiated and edited Clipa magazine, an important and substantial publication, which has become a journalistic landmark in the media and in our society. He founded the National Foundation for Rural Civilization “Some Peasants”, through which he promoted the spiritual, cultural and moral values of the Romanian traditional world, which had been hard hit by the often tragic changes imposed by history. Dinu Săraru was and remained a living conscience of the Romanian world, at a time when our society was in dire need of authentic landmarks and models.

The writer Dinu Săraru was a founding member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists. With its disappearance, the AOSR loses an exceptional personality, a role model and a unique landmark.

The Romanian Academy of Scientists expresses its sadness at the passing from this world of the Great Writer and Great Man DINU SĂRARU, an illustrious personality of Romanian culture and society, and its gratitude for the work, involvement, activity and friendship of His Lordship, who honoured and will always honour the institution and all those who had the privilege and joy of having known and been close to him.

In these moments of deep sadness, the Romanian Academy of Scientists sends its condolences to the bereaved family and stands by them in the face of the difficult trial of parting from the great writer Dinu Săraru.

God rest his soul and place him among the righteous!

AOSR Scientific Council

AOSR, gold at the 2024 Invention Exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand


From 2-6 February 2024, it was held in Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok International Exhibition of Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology “IPITEx” “Thailand Inventors Day”, organised and sponsored by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). The exhibition, the largest in Asia and one of the most prestigious in the world, featured more than 3000 inventions from all areas of economic and social life from over 30 countries.

On Thailand Inventors’ Day, an exhibition pavilion is organized to showcase national and international inventions and innovations. This exhibition is known as the Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx) and is held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) from 2 to 6 February each year for collaboration between Thai and international inventors/organisations.

Professors Augustin Semenescu from the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR), Technical Sciences Section and Aurel Mihail ȚÎȚU from the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu – Corresponding Member of AOSR, Economic Sciences Section participated in the competition, as members of the International Jury, but also as exhibitors – competitors, with the following inventions, co-authored and awarded prizes:

I. ORTHOPEDIC DEVICE FOR CORRECTION OF THE TALIPES CALCANEUS / TALIPES CALCANEOVALGUS DEFECT – Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin, Semenescu Augustin, Doicin Vasile Cristian, Ulmeanu Mihaela Elena, Cîrstoiu Cătălin, Doicin Ioana Cristina, Mateș Ileana Mariana

  • Gold Medal IPITEx 2024 Thailand
  • Certificate of Appreciation NRCT Thailand
  • LEADING INNOVATION AWARD – Association of British Inventors and Innovators
  • GOLD Medal INNOPA Indonesia
  • SPECIAL AWARD Saudi Arabia
  • SPECIAL AWARD Indian Innovators Association
  • International Best Invention Award- Honk Kong ISIIC
  • Certificate of Excellence – Lublin POLAND
  • GOLD MEDAL Malaysia
  • SPECIAL AWARD – Haller Pro Inventio Foundation
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;

    II. COMPOSITE COATING MATERIAL WITH ANTICORROSIVE AND ANTI-SCRATCHING PROPERTIES – Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Vili Pasare, Augustin Semenescu, Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu, Dan Florin Nitoi, Oana Roxana Chivu, Dragoș-Florin Marcu, Irina Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi
  • ARGINT Medal IPITEx 2024 Thailand
  • Certificate of Appreciation NRCT Thailand
  • LEADING INNOVATION AWARD – Association of British Inventors and Innovators
  • GOLD Medal INNOPA Indonesia
  • SPECIAL AWARD Indian Innovators Association
  • International Best Invention Award – Honk Kong ISIIC
  • Certificate of Achievement – Lublin POLAND
  • GOLD MEDAL Malaysia
  • SPECIAL AWARD – Haller Pro Inventio Foundation
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;

    III. PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A COMPOSITE COATING WITH INCREASED DURABILITY ON A METAL SURFACE – Vili Pasare, Dan Florin Nitoi, Augustin Semenescu, Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu, Oana Roxana Chivu, Dragoș-Florin Marcu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi
  • ARGINT Medal IPITEx 2024 Thailand
  • Certificate of Appreciation NRCT Thailand
  • LEADING INNOVATION AWARD- Association of British Inventors and Innovators
  • SPECIAL AWARD Saudi Arabia
  • SPECIAL AWARD Indian Innovators Association
  • International Best Invention Award – Honk Kong ISIIC
  • SPECIAL AWARD – Haller Pro Inventio Foundation
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;

    IV. HYDROELECTRIC TURBINE DEPLOYED LINEARLY ON THE LINE OF FLOWING WATER, Țîțu Aurel Mihail, Oprean Constantin, Marginean Ion, Moldovan Alexandru Marcel, Bogorin Predescu Adrian
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;
  • Silver Medal and Diploma of Excellence;
  • Special Innovation Award and Gold Medal from Malaysia Technology ExpoTM 2024, Malaysia;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association, INNOPA Indonesia;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, World Invention Intellectual Property Associations, WIIPA, Taiwan;

    V. FLEXIBLE MODULAR SYSTEM FOR FIXING WORKPIECES FOR THE INCREMENTAL FORMING PROCESS, Racz Sever Gabriel, Breaz Radu Eugen, Oleksik Valentin Ștefan, Pascu Adrian Marius, Popp Ilie Octavian, Girjob Claudia Emilia, Tera Melania, Chicea Anca Lucia, Biris Cristina Maria, Crenganis Mihai
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;
  • Bronze Medal and Diploma of Excellence;
  • Special Innovation Award and Gold Medal from Malaysia Technology ExpoTM 2024, Malaysia;
  • Special Award and ACE Gold Medal Award, Malaysian Research and Innovation Society, MyRIS, Malaysia;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, World Invention Intellectual Property Associations, WIIPA, Taiwan;

    VI. ANTI-SEDENTARY ERGONOMIC ASSEMBLY FOR THE HOME OFFICE, Țîțu Aurel Mihail, Marginean Ion, Țîțu Stefan, Bogorin-Predescu Oana, Bogorin-Predescu Adrian, Moldovan Alexandru Marcel, Oprean Constantin
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the National Research Council of Thailand to the team of inventors;
  • GOLD Medal and Diploma of Excellence;
  • Special Award and CUPA from the National Research Council of Thailand;
  • Special Innovation Award and Gold Medal from Malaysia Technology ExpoTM 2024, Malaysia;
  • Hong Kong Special Award and Crystal Trophy, Hong Kong Yan Chai STEAM Faire;
  • Special Award for Scientific Merit and GOLD Medal, INDIAN INNOVATORS ASSOCIATION;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association, INNOPA Indonesia;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, Highly Innovative Unique Foundation (HIUF), Saudi Arabia;
  • Special Award and GOLD Medal, TISIAS Toronto Canada;
  • Special Award and Gold Medal, World Invention Intellectual Property Associations, WIIPA, Taiwan;

An impressive record of international awards obtained by Professor Semenescu and Professor Țîțu, who also received the “Certificate of Appreciation NRCT Thailand INTERNATIONAL JURY Member – Professor Augustin Semenescu” and the “Certificate of Appreciation NRCT Thailand INTERNATIONAL JURY Member – Professor Aurel Mihail ȚÎȚU”.

I particularly appreciate this International Exhibition of Inventions, the scope and the way it was carried out by the NRCT team, coordinated by Dr. Wiparat De-ong, and the representatives of ROMANIA were among the most medallists“, said Prof.univ.habil.dr.ing.mat.ec. Augustin Semenescu from the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania, AOSR Corresponding Member, Technical Sciences Section.

Conference “Developments in Romanian research for automatic recognition of paralinguistic elements in speech”


Within the framework of the scientific activities scheduled for 2024, the Information Science and Technology Section of the Romanian Academy of Scientists invites you to the Conference “Developments in Romanian research for automatic recognition of paralinguistic elements in speech”.

The conference takes place on Monday, 26 February 2024, starting at 14:00 in room PRECIS-105, Faculty of Automation and Computers in Bucharest (including the possibility of online participation). The conference is supported by a team of professors from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, coordinated by Professor Dr. Ing. Corneliu Burileanu.

The presentation proposes developments in several research directions of speech technology, with a focus on paralinguistic feature recognition: speech stress detection (DSV), speech lie detection (DMV) and speech emotion recognition (REV), with applications in speech forensics. Research includes new deep learning techniques based on neural network configurations and robust, high-quality RODeCAR (Romanian Deva Criminal Investigation Audio Recordings) datasets.