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Eternal regrets, Prof.univ.dr. Ioan LAZĂR!


*Ioan LAZĂR*
September 18, 1947, com. Frumoasa (Teleorman) – September 19, 2024, Bucharest

On September 19, 2024 Ioan LAZĂR, university professor, PhD in Cinematography and Media, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Philosophy, Theology, Psychology Section, passed away.

Author of the first Encyclopaedia of Romanian Film (2022) and contributor to the most appreciated cultural and specialized publications ( Cinema, România literară, Luceafărul, Convorbiri literare, Tribuna, Cronica, Familia, etc.) and daily newspapers Scânteia tineretului, Scânteia, Evenimentul zilei, Zig Zag, Cotidianul, Jurnalul Național, Ziua, Cronica română, Professor Ioan Lazăr has written over 200 articles (reviews, essays, interviews, reviews).

A number of works have aroused a keen interest among readers, some of them sold out quickly, being praised by specialized critics, as evidenced by the number of citations of all works (397), plus the number of citations of names (29), books published by prestigious publishing houses in the country (Meridiane, Cartea Românească, Eminescu, Junimea) – 26 as sole author.

His doctoral thesis L`Analyse stylistique du cinéma was published in French in Lille.

The poetic science of film art” (2017) – with a presentation by prof. univ. François Albera (University of Lausanne) – was crowned with the “Anton Bacalbașa” Prize, awarded by AOȘR and the works “How to make a movie”, “Film Stylistics”, “Cinematic Baroque” have won awards from UCIN: the Cinema Book Award and the Film Criticism Award respectively. UCIN awarded him in 2009 the Academic Prize for Film Culture (ex aequo: Sergiu Nicolaescu and Laurențiu Damian).

For ten years, the Cannes Film Festival website has published a micromonography of the participation of Romanian cinema at the festival, with translations in several languages (French, English, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish), signed by Ioan Lazăr.

The author has realized the first monographic studies devoted to the stylistic analysis of the film, cinematic formalism, the participation of Romanian films and filmmakers at Cannes, the landmark films of Romanian cinema.

As part of the Centenary Syntheses, Ioan Lazăr published, in 2019, the work Romanian Film and Theater, entitled “Performing Arts at the Centenary.

The Presidium of the AOSR expresses its eternal regrets for the loss of Prof. dr. Ioan LAZĂR!

National Scientific Fall Conference AOSR 2024 – “The role of artificial intelligence in Romania’s sustainable development” – Strategic directions for the development of Artificial Intelligence in Romanian academic research


On September 23 – September 24, 2024, the National Scientific Autumn Conference of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR) was held in Iasi, with the theme “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Romania’s Sustainable Development”.

The 36th edition of the Conference was organized by AOSR, AOSR Iași Branch and “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași and was held at the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” and at the UNIREA Complex.

The Conference was attended by 140 authors of papers, professors and researchers from Romania and abroad, doctoral students and young researchers coordinated by leading university professors of the 13 sections of the Romanian Academy of Scientists. Over 180 papers dedicated to the conference’s specific theme were registered.

The conference is part of the National Program “Romania of Knowledge”, launched by AOSR in May this year, which is a conceptual and pragmatic manifesto to report on the rapid developments and complex transformations in the Age of Knowledge, Information and Communication Technology and Artificial Intelligence, which marks the 5th Industrial Revolution.

The plenary session of the Conference “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Romania’s Sustainable Development” was moderated by Prof. Univ. dr. eng. Doina BANCIU, President of the AOSR, who described Artificial Intelligence as a revolutionary tool which can fundamentally transform society as a whole, but which can also bring as yet unidentified risks. It requires rigorous regulation and ethics to maximize the benefits and minimize the threats, with the role of research being essential in building these complex processes for the next decade.

The following personalities delivered academic papers in the Plenary of the Conference:

– Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian-Alexandru BADEA, Honorary President of AOSR – Presentation of the National Program – “Romania of Knowledge”;

– Prof. Dr. Viorel JINGA, Vice President of AOSR, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest – Presentation George Emil Palade – A life devoted to science: pioneering cell biology and the buds of artificial intelligence. 50 years since the Nobel Prize;

– Academician Horia-Nicolai L. TEODORESCU, Romanian Academy – Presentation Artificial Intelligence – current status, trends. An outline overview;

– Prof. univ. dr. eng. Prof. Constantin BRĂTIANU, President of the Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences of AOSR – Presentation The impact of generative artificial intelligence on scientific research;

– Prof. univ. dr. eng. Prof. Dr. Maria GAVRILESCU, Full Member of AOSR – Presentation Challenges of artificial intelligence for climate change management;

– Victor VELTER, Head of Scientometrics Office, UEFISCDI – Presentation AOSR Publications indexed in the web of science in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals;

– Prof. dr. Walther BILD, Faculty of Medicine, UMF “Grigore Popa” Iasi – Presentation Modern research aspects of the relevance of Artificial Intelligence in the biomedical field;

– Dr. Ciprian ILIESCU, Research Center “eBio-hub” – National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest – Presentation Bioengineering: from microfluidics to artificial intelligence.

The Plenary Plenary of the Conference was also chaired by: Prof. Prof. Nicolae Țăranu, President of AOSR Iași Branch; Conf. Dr. Ionuț Ovidiu Toma, Vice Rector of the Technical University Gheorghe Asachi; Conf. Ioan Milică, Director General BCU Mihai Eminescu Iași; Prof. univ. dr. eng. Anton Hadăr, Vice-President of AOSR and Prof. univ. dr. eng. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of AOSR, who highlighted various concrete aspects of the influence of artificial intelligence in vital areas in Romania, as well as the involvement of AOSR in future stages of research in this field.

The two days of the National Fall Conference in Iași led to 10 strategic directions for the development of AI in academic research in Romania, areas that will be reflected in the future strategies of the AOSR:

  • Education and training of AI specialists,
  • Integrating AI in healthcare,
  • AI for sustainability and the environment,
  • Robotics and automation,
  • Cyber security based on AI,
  • IA in public administration and e-government,
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Romanian,
  • AI and ethics,
  • AI in education and teaching,
  • International collaboration and partnerships.

These strategic directions reflect the specific opportunities and challenges of the Romanian academic environment, and their success depends on collaboration, cooperation and an appropriate legislative framework.

During the Conference, Prof. dr. dr. eng. Doina BANCIU, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, said: “We are in an era of fundamental transformations and evolutions in the existence of society and humanity: the era of Information and Communication Technology and Artificial Intelligence. With Artificial Intelligence, humanity is going through the 5th Industrial Revolution, still in its infancy. We see the new technologies as a conquest of the human genius, bringing with it progress and evolution at all levels of our existence. It is up to us how we will use them, how we will involve them in the processes of development in fundamental areas. The Romanian Academy of Scientists promotes, through its specific activities, the complex involvement of new technologies in education, science, research and knowledge. The Romania of Knowledge Project, a true Country Project, launched by the AOSR, with prestigious partners, is dedicated to the sustainable development of Romania through academic education and scientific research under the sign of excellence and performance. In this process, Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence, coordinated by Human Intelligence, play a fundamental role. AOSR thus continues – on the eve of its 90th anniversary in 2025 – its mission as an academic institution of promoting science, research and knowledge, intelligence, creativity and innovative spirit as tools for development and evolution.”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Romanian Academy of Scientists


Collaboration protocol between AOSR – National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan”


The ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS and the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS ”ANA ASLAN” announce the signing of a Protocol of collaboration in support of the realization and promotion of common objectives in the medical field.

The main object of the protocol is collaboration and cooperation in research programs and projects of common interest, as well as the dissemination of achievements in scientific events and publications.

The signing of the protocol took place at the AOSR headquarters in Bucharest, on September 18, on behalf of the Academy, with the participation of prof.univ.dr.dr.eng. Doina Banciu – President of AOSR, prof.univ. dr. Viorel Jinga – Vice-President AOSR and prof.univ.dr.dr.ing. Petru Andea – Scientific Secretary AOSR. The National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” was represented by Mr.. Sergiu Pantea – Manager, Antoaneta Bucur – Medical Director and Gabriela Stan – Financial Director.

In her speech, prof.univ.dr.dr.ing. Doina Banciu showed the openness of the AOSR for the realization of scientific collaboration agreements with research institutions, and prof.univ.dr. Prof. Viorel Jinga emphasized the Academy’s concern for the development of actions in support of preventive medicine and rehabilitation.

The collaboration agreement is in line with the line promoted by the Romanian Academy of Scientists to bring together scientific and innovative capacities in order to achieve the objectives of the “Romania of Knowledge” project.

The Presidium of AOSR announces with deep sadness the departure of Prof.Univ.Dr. Silviu Negruț


* PhD Professor Silviu NEGUȚ *
February 1, 1945, Vadu-Pașii, Buzău County – September 15, 2024, Bucharest

Silviu Neguț – Vice President of the Romanian Geography Society, Founder and Director (2004-2013) of the Master’s program Geopolitics and Business, Faculty of Business and Tourism (formerly Commerce), Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists – was born in a village in the plains (Vadu Pașii, Buzău County) and started his journey of knowledge in the field of geography, building a prestigious career as a scientist.

How many generations of Romanians have not read the book “Superlative geografice. Mica enciclopedie” – authors: Silviu Negut, Ion Nicolae, Ion Creangă Publishing House, 1978?

Professor Neguț has excelled, with inspiration and creativity, in research fields such as Quantitative/Mathematical Geography, Human and Economic Geography, Environmental Geography, Geography of Tourism, Geopolitics and Geostrategy. Editor/Editor-in-Chief (for 20 years) at Editura Enciclopedică/Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, PhD since 1984 at the University of Bucharest, PhD Professor (for 30 years), Vice-Dean (1993-2008) and Dean (2008-2012) of the Faculty of International Economic Relations/REI (ASE Bucharest), professor emeritus (2012-2024), Faculty of Business and Tourism (ASE Bucharest), publicist, author of a scientific and encyclopedic work of reference in the Romanian specialized literature, author of textbooks/university courses for many classes of pupils/students, etc.a., Silviu Neguț has mentored 25 graduates with doctor of science degrees.

Honorary member of the AOSR, Professor Neguț was awarded with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Petrol-Gas University of Ploiești, 2014, the title of “Professor Emeritus” awarded by the Academy of Economic Studies/Ministry of Education and Research, 2012, the Diploma of “Professor Emeritus” awarded by AFER (Association of Romanian Faculties of Economics), 2010, the Diploma for outstanding merits in promoting scientific research (CNCSIS / Ministry of Education and Research), 2008 and the “Simion Mehedinți” Award of the Romanian Academy for the book “Mathematical Modeling in Human Geography” (the highest scientific award in Romania), 1999.

The Presidium and the Section of Economic, Juridical and Sociological Sciences of the Romanian Academy of Scientists send their sincere condolences to the bereaved family.
God rest his soul!

National Congress on Active Ageing, ed. II


Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Doina Banciu, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, joins as Speaker in the second edition of the National Congress on Active Ageing, on September 3, 2024, in Panel 5 – The role of public administration in creating smart urban ecosystems for seniors.

The National Congress on Active Aging is the first event of its kind in Romania, which aims to present new concepts, innovative perspectives and applicable solutions supported by professionals and specialists from various fields of activity, on the phenomenon of aging and adaptation of individuals at this stage of life.

Discussing and promoting ideas, practices and policies that encourage active and healthy ageing, this year’s Congress will include presentations on health care, lifestyle, social participation and issues that arise with ageing, as well as the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population in an accessible and collaborative way.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists is a Scientific Partner of the Congress, together with ANA ASLAN International Foundation, Romanian Academy – Institute for Research on Quality of Life (ICCV), Institute for Research and Innovation – ICI Bucharest, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Association for Quality of Life of the Elderly “Academician Nicolae Cajal”.

The initiatory path in scientific research. Dreams, lessons and directions – Andrada Stan

Research is a field full of opportunities, as it allows the professional to bring the most ambitious and daring dreams to reality. What’s more, it does not limit the observer, who only needs some basic information to be able to analyze diverse topics – from neurology to social sciences. That’s how I discovered during my time at university that I wanted to become a researcher and set up a school to promote research in Romania to help future generations to aim higher. As is always the case, the professional directions I wanted to follow became clear once I had set my new dream.

Symposium “August 23, 1944 – 80 years since Romania joined the United Nations Coalition (premises, geopolitical context, consequences). Contemporary approaches and new documentary evidence”


Academy of Romanian ScientistsAcademy of Romanian Scientists Constanta Branch
Black Sea House / Black Sea House Association. Constanța
Society of Historical Sciences of Romania. Constanta Branch



August 23, 1944 – 80 years since the rallying Romania to the United Nations Coalition
(premises, geopolitical context, follow-up). Contemporary approaches and new documentary evidence


– Prof. Dr. Victor Ciupină, President of the Constanta Branch of AOȘR

– Dr. Dorin Popescu, President of the Black Sea House / Black Sea House Association

The event will take place at the headquarters of the Association (Constanta, 203 Mamaia Blvd.) – Friday, August 23, 2024 at 10 am.

Prof. Prof. univ. dr. eng. dr. eng. ec. mat. Augustin Semenescu, corresponding member of AOSR, Section of Technical Sciences – “Doctor Honoris Causa”, “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Targu-Jiu


“Constantin Brâncuși” University of Targu-Jiu, conferred on Thursday, June 28, 2024, the title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” to Prof. Prof. univ. dr. dr. eng. ec. mat. Augustin Semenescu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Section of Technical Sciences and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica of Bucharest (UNSTPB), for outstanding contributions and outstanding scientific results in the fields of invention, innovation and technology transfer.

It is with great honor and gratitude that I receive this high title and I would like to express my sincere thanks to the academic community of the University of Constantin Brâncuși in Targu-Jiu. “I didn’t want to sculpt the bird, I wanted to sculpt flight,” said Brâncuși. We, too, have a sacred mission to sculpt the flight of future generations of scientists who will proudly carry our country’s name to the highest heights. I promise to carry forward the flame of knowledge and excellence in all my activities as an ambassador of Romanian academic values, innovation and research“said Professor Augustin Semenescu.

Gold for AOSR at Worldinvent Singapore 2024


Between July 9 -11, 2024 was held the WorldInventSingapore 2024 (WoSG) Invention Salon, which was attended by Professor Augustin SEMENESCU from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering – Polytechnic Bucharest, corresponding member AOSR, Section of Technical Sciences, who was nominated Keynote Speaker (“Innovation. A path for future jobs”), but also as a member of the International WorldInvent Singapore 2024 (WoSG) Jury, as invited by Mr. TAN Wei Kok, Chairman of WorldInvent Committee, President of IDEA, https://worldinvent.com.

This competition, which was attended by competitors from 11 countries: Thailand, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Morroco, Serbija, Korea, Prof. Augustin SEMENESCU, following the deliberation of the International Jury, obtained 2 Gold Medals from the Exhibition, 1 Trophy and 2 Gold Medals from the NRCT Thailand delegation, 1 Trophy and 2 Gold Medals from the delegation of Taiwan, and Professor Augustin SEMENESCU received the Diploma of Appreciation for his performance as a member of the International Jury and the Diploma of Appreciation and Trophy for his performance as Keynote speaker. On behalf of the European Academy of Science Belgrade, Professor Semenescu was awarded the CHARTER OF EXCELLENCE.