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Morality and bioethics today (I)


Academy of Romanian Scientists
Religion, Philosophy, Science Dialogue Group
Doxologia Publishing House

We invite you on Monday, 4 March 2024, 12:00 noon, at the AOSR headquarters in Str. Ilfov no. 3, at the launch of the book AFTER GOD – Morality and Bioethics in a Secularized Age

Moderator: Prof.univ.dr. MANOLE COJOCARU
Prof.univ.dr.eng. DOINA BANCIU, Vice President of AOȘR

Guest: Dr.teol. ANDREI DÎRLĂU (translator of After God by Tristram Engelhardt)

Scientific collaboration agreement between the Romanian Academy of Scientists and the Central Military Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila”


The Romanian Academy of Scientists and Central Military Emergency University Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila” today signed a collaboration agreement in specific scientific research areas of the two renowned institutions.

The document was signed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Alexandru Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, and by Major General Florentina Ioniță-Radu, Commander of the Central Military Emergency Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila” Bucharest.

The agreement represents a significant step in strengthening relations between the two institutions, given the commitment of both parties to promote and develop scientific research in areas of common interest.

This partnership aims to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and expertise between the Central Military Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila” and the Romanian Academy of Scientists, based on the close cooperation developed through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”.

Collaboration on specialist journals and thematic editions, publication of scientific material in journals, collections, special editions, exchange of scientific information and literature and exchange of scientific publications are among the provisions of the scientific collaboration agreement. It also provides for the establishment of joint committees to organise scientific events and edit their materials.

Participation in scientific conferences organised by the two institutions, as well as joint participation in international scientific projects and programmes and the organisation of certain national/international workshops is another objective of the agreement signed today.

The event was attended by Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, vice-president of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. physicist Doru-Sabin Delion, vice-president of AOSR, major general, prof. univ. dr. Dan Mischianu, vice-president of the Medical Section of AOSR, and prof. univ. Carmen Adella Sirbu, primary neurologist at the Bucharest Military Hospital.

Communication in the diplomatic environment

As part of the Valences of Femininity programme, on 28 February 2024, Dipl. Lavinia BĂDEANU, Director of the Communication and Public Relations Centre of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, will hold the conference “ Communication in the Diplomatic Environment “in which she discusses the specific characteristics of ethics and communication in the professional diplomatic and academic environment.

Techniques and tactics of verbal and non-verbal transmission and reception of messages will be highlighted in relation to the specific field of activity, the importance of personal communication strategy will be argued and some communication rules characteristic of multiculturalism in the field of scientific research will be recalled.

Prof. Irinel Popescu received the title of Associate Member Abroad of the French National Academy of Medicine


Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy and full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, surgeon with international reputation, received the title of associate member abroad of the French National Academy of Medicine, within the Surgical Sciences Section. The ceremony of awarding the title and the official insignia took place at the festive meeting on 9 January 2024. The election vote took place eight months ago, in May 2023.

Professor Irinel Popescu generously dedicates this title to Romania and the national surgical field: “Romania has received a recognition of the merits of surgery!”

The French National Academy of Medicine, one of Europe’s most renowned scientific institutions, brings together doctors, surgeons, biologists, pharmacists and veterinarians recognised for their scientific work and their responsibilities in the field of health.

The National Academy of Medicine in France has carried this title since 29 January 1947, but the institution has a long history. It is the heir to the Royal Academy of Medicine created by Louis XVIII as an institution independent of the four existing French branch Academies within the Institut de France. This, in turn, had inherited the tradition of two scientific institutions, namely the Royal Academy of Surgery, founded in 1731 by Louis XV, and the Royal Society of Medicine, founded in 1778 under Louis XVI. Since its foundation, the French National Academy of Medicine has had eleven Nobel Prize-winning national members.

Reception speech – Prof.univ.dr. Gheorghe-Andrei Dan – The doctor and artificial intelligence


The Academy of Romanian Scientists
– Medical Sciences Section –

On 13 February 2024, at 13:00, in the Dr. Constantin Angelescu Hall of the AOSR, the reception speech by Prof.univ.em.dr. Gheorghe-Andrei Dan, Honorary Member, on the topic “MEDICINE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – COMPLEXITY OR COMPLEMENTARITY: NEAR-ARTIFICIAL PLEADING“.

“I believe that the long-term Country Project should be the Development of Romania through Knowledge”

Interview with prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

Mr President, what does the Academy of Romanian Scientists represent? How do you define this institution?

In March 1935, at the initiative of Professor Dr. Constantin Angelescu, an illustrious academic personality, prestigious doctor and important politician, a group of scientists founded the Romanian Academy of Sciences. The new academic structure obtained legal personality on 29 March 1935, which remained its birthday. In line with the founders’ intention and its mission, the role of the SAA was to participate in supporting scientific creation, “to help, encourage, guide and foster it”. Since its foundation, recognizing the role of the Romanian Academy as the supreme forum of science and culture, the new institution has aimed to have a collaborative relationship with the Romanian Academy, in a relationship of complementarity, towards the development of the academic movement in Romania and the development efforts through education, science and culture of Romanian civilization. It is worth quoting an excerpt from the feature article in No. 1 of the FAOA Bulletin, published in 1936, which clearly expresses this position: “Likewise, its coexistence with the Romanian Academy does not constitute any obstacle for either of the two institutions. The scientific section of the Romanian Academy, made up of a limited number of members, will be able to continue its role of coordinating scientific activity with that which is carried out in the literary and historical field, within the general framework of the national cultural efforts of the Romanian nation.” The ASR’s structure has been joined by leading personalities of Romanian science and research, as well as foreign scholars, including seven Nobel laureates. This evolution confirmed the vision of the founders, regarding the need to develop the academic movement, to create a wider framework for the development and consecration of scientific creation.

Following the dictates of history, in 1948, the Romanian Academy of Sciences was disbanded and assimilated, with 49 members, into the Romanian Academy, which in turn became the Academy of the Romanian People’s Republic. In 1956, on March 23, at the initiative of Academician Traian Săvulescu, President of the Romanian Academy, the Association of Romanian Scientists was founded, as a gesture of reparation for its dissolution and against the background of the need for a broader institutional framework for the activity of scientists.

After Romania’s return to democracy, 40 years after the founding of the Romanian Association of Scientists, the first congress of the Romanian Association of Scientists was held at the Palace of Parliament on 22-24 May 1996. At the proposal of General Prof. Dr. Vasile Cândea, the illustrious medical scientist and prestigious pioneer of cardiovascular surgery, President of the AOSR and the second founder of the institution, the General Assembly, in the presence of many members of the Romanian Academy, unanimously approved the return to the original title of “Academy”. By Law no. 31/2007, the AOSR became an institution of public interest, main authorizing officer, being defined as “a national forum, of scientific consecration, which gathers representative personalities of science” and as “the successor and sole legatee of the Romanian Academy of Sciences”.

Today, the AOSR is a complex institution with 13 sections and eight national branches, plus the US branch based in New York and the Chisinau branch. ADOR develops scientific research activities specific to each field, through its sections, carries out research programmes and projects, some dedicated to young researchers, organizes national and international scientific events, conferences, symposia, colloquia, round tables, debates. Today, the Academy of Romanian Scientists is an academic institution of excellence, which participates in the process of development of science and knowledge and, through this, in the development of Romania through knowledge. The scientific status of the AOSR, its value and positioning in the Romanian academic and scientific framework are attested, moreover, by the large number of citations of the works of its members, by its international visibility and by its constant position in the prestigious international SCIMAGO-Elsevier ranking, which evaluates and ranks the world’s universities and research institutes in terms of performance. According to SCIMAGO-Elsevier, The Academy of Romanian Scientists ranks 8th among research institutions in Romania. Only two institutions in the country feature in the top 800 places: The Romanian Academy, ranked 676th, and the Academy of Romanian Scientists, ranked 794th.

What is the work of a Academy of Romanian Scientists?

First of all, it must be said, according to our Statutes, the members of the AOSR do not bear the title of “academician”, a title to which only full members of the Romanian Academy are entitled. We make this clarification in order to avoid any confusion and to combat unfounded allegations that have appeared in the media, probably with the sole purpose of generating false tensions in the collaboration between the institutions.

To come to your question., AOSR members are academics, researchers and scientists, PhD supervisors, who have a complex activity, carried out in universities and research institutes. Our Academy is made up of leading university professors, prestigious researchers, nationally and internationally recognized personalities of academic education, science and knowledge. This recognition is also reflected in the high number of citations, which indicates the value of their scientific work and the international visibility they enjoy. In addition to the basic teaching and scientific work, our members are involved in the activities of our Academy, at the level of the sections and branches and at the central level, in programmes, projects and scientific events of national and international scope, covering a wide range of topics, in fundamental areas and in cutting-edge fields such as digitisation and Artificial Intelligence. In the recent ranking of the 2% most cited researchers in the world, 24 are members of our Academy. I don’t think many academic or research institutions in the country have such a performance.

What can you tell us about the AOSR Debates Project?

The “AOSR DEBATES” project was initiated by Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2017 and consists of a series of discussions on topics of priority interest for Romania today and for the future of the country, involving education, research, science and knowledge. These meetings are attended by representatives of academic and educational circles, scientists, researchers, experts, policy-makers, decision-makers, PhD students, Masters students, students, members of civil society, etc. Through the “AOSR Debates” project, the organizing institution creates an agora of personalities of academic and public life, representatives of Romanian society in its diversity, a space for dialogue on major issues, ideas and solutions and, last but not least, a framework for dialogue between generations. The fundamental objective of the Project is to create an academic, scientific, cultural and civic forum in which to identify and promote solutions for the development and affirmation of Romania in the European Union and the world.

Among the topics that were addressed at the AOSR Debates were: “Identity and national affirmation in the world of globalization”, “The role of small and medium enterprises in the development of the Romanian economy”, “Good governance, a way to increase resilience against hybrid threats”, “The Union of Bessarabia with Romania – an act of historical justice, a fundamental step towards the achievement of the Great Union”, “School, Church, Army – institutions with a fundamental role in the achievement of the Great Union”, “The exodus of young people – a threat to the future of Romania”, “The internal and external framework of the defence of Romania as a whole in 1919”, “Education, science and research – vectors of modernisation and development of Romania”., “The role of education and research in the European development of Romania” and others.

We have noticed from your activities that young people are important for the AOSR. What can you tell us about this?

Young people are very important for the Academy of Romanian Scientists and for Romanian society as a whole. For the simple reason that they represent the future of the country and the future in general. The important thing is to be aware of this truth and to take it on board in what we do. It is not enough just to share such a perspective, but we must act programmatically, at national level, as part of a broader vision, through public policies, initiatives and programmes, to create optimal conditions for the development of young people through quality education, for their integration and development in top careers in research, science, education and all fundamental fields, with a focus on the cutting edge areas of digital technology.

In the framework of this vision, the Academy of Romanian Scientists runs the annual research programme for young researchers at postdoctoral level. A substantial part of the budget of the Academy of Romanian Scientists is dedicated to this Program of fundamental importance for our Academy. In the 2023 selection process, more than 200 scientific projects were in competition at national level, from which we selected 26… Currently, 50 projects are underway involving diverse fields and themes, covering fundamental and cutting-edge areas of advanced research.

I should point out that the structures of the AOSR include many young and talented researchers, recommended by their scientific research achievements, as associate members, corresponding members or even full members, if we take the notion of “young” in a broader sense, above the age of 40.

Romania is a country rich in natural and human resources. One of the most important natural resources, so to speak, is intelligence. Our country has a great potential of intelligence in general and especially through the young generations. Through special programmes dedicated to young people, we aim to encourage and support this extraordinary potential for the benefit of science, education, research and development through knowledge.

In this context, one issue that concerns us at AOSR, and I think it should concern us all, is the exodus of exceptional young people, the migration of intelligence, the so-called “brain drain” phenomenon. This is a worrying phenomenon with serious medium and long-term effects for the future of the country. By these young people choosing not to return, integrating into successful careers abroad, Romania loses bright minds who could contribute to the country’s development process. This is why I believe that we should make it a priority to attract young people back, by integrating them into attractive professions and careers, by creating very good material and development conditions. A National Program dedicated to exceptional young people from abroad in order to reintegrate them into Romanian society would be, in our opinion, a national priority.

How do you see the role of science in Romania’s development?

For me, as a man who has dedicated my life to teaching, science and research, and for the Academy of Romanian Scientists, science, research, education and knowledge are the vector of development. We live in the Knowledge Society, we are in the age of Information Technology and AI, we are already talking about the 5th Industrial Revolution, of Artificial Intelligence. The European Union and today’s world conceive their development and evolution through Knowledge.

That is why I believe that the long-term Country Project should be “Development of Romania through Knowledge”. I am revealing that the Academy of Romanian Scientists is working on a project in this regard, which will be launched in the first months of the year, during the Congress of our Academy in 2024. To tie things in with the previous theme, I believe that the National Programme to attract young people to Romania should be a component of this Country Project.

Scientific Collaboration Agreement between AOSR and the National Defence College Foundation


The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) and the National Defence College Foundation have signed a Scientific Collaboration Agreement, which represents a significant step in strengthening relations between the two entities, given the commitment of both parties to promote and develop scientific research in various fields of common interest. The document was signed at the AOSR headquarters by Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Alexandru Badea, President of AOSR, and Conf. univ. dr. habil. Cristian Vasile Petcu.

Photo st-dr: Conf. univ. dr. habil. Cristian Vasile PETCU – President of the National Defence College Foundation, Prof. univ. dr. ing Adrian Alexandru BADEA – President of AOSR, and Prof. univ. dr. ing. Doina BANCIU – Vice President of AOSR

This partnership aims to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and expertise between the National Defence College Foundation and the Academy of Romanian Scientists.

Important provisions of the Scientific Collaboration Agreement include:

Collaboration in peer-reviewed journals: The two institutions aim to share research results through leading scientific publications, thus contributing to the development of knowledge in areas such as military science, national security and related fields.

Establishment of joint committees: For the efficient organisation of scientific events, the signatories of the agreement have agreed to establish joint committees to facilitate collaboration for the organisation of academic events, conferences, workshops and other research activities.

Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Alexandru Badea, President of AOSR, expressed his enthusiasm about the signing of this agreement and stressed the importance of close cooperation between education and research institutions.

Through this collaboration, we bring together our expertise and resources to address the major scientific challenges of contemporary society. We are confident that this partnership will generate significant results and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in areas of common interest,” said Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Alexandru Badea.

Conf. univ. dr. habil. Cristian Vasile Petcu, President of the National Defence College Foundation, stated that “Today, at the signing of the Scientific Collaboration Agreement between the National Defence College Foundation and the prestigious Academy of Romanian Scientists, we mark a significant milestone in the evolution of academic research and collaboration in our country. This initiative represents a strong commitment to strengthening links between academia and the scientific community, recognising the importance of synergy between theoretical and applied knowledge.

Through this agreement, we aim to open new horizons in the military and scientific fields, promote quality research and facilitate the exchange of expertise between the two institutions. Our collaboration is not just limited to the signed document; it is a real bridge between the fields of national defence and science, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the development of society and strengthening national security.
We are optimistic about the potential of this collaboration to generate innovation, promote cutting-edge research and provide relevant solutions to contemporary challenges. By pooling our efforts, we aim to develop skills in areas of strategic interest.

Thank you to the Academy of Romanian Scientists for your openness and fruitful collaboration. I am convinced that this partnership will become a model of best practice in collaboration between academic and scientific institutions for the benefit of society as a whole.

Conferences: “Mathematics of Electoral Systems” and “Excellence in Scientific Research 2024”

On 31 January 2024, 16:00, at the AOSR headquarters, at Centre of Excellence “Emil Palade” for the Initiation of Young People in Scientific Research (T.C.S.), which is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research unit within the Academy of Romanian Scientists (A.O.S.R.), Mr CS.I, Dr Doru-Sabin Delion, Director T.C.S. and Vice-President A.O.S.R. present the Project Competition “AOSR – TEAMS – III”, Edition 2024-2025, and Mrs CS. Dr. Camelia Petrescu presents funding sources for scientific research 2024, including Experimental Demonstration Project, Transfer to Economic Operator Project and Centres of Excellence.

Also, on January 31, 2024, at 3 p.m., Prof.univ.dr.eng. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, will hold the conference Mathematics of Electoral Systems.

The electoral system is, together with the institutional system, one of the main pillars on which the political system is built and sustained.

If we look at the multitude of possible formulas, we can see that human inventiveness has been particularly prolific in terms of electoral systems and voting methods. Even though the two main models – majority voting and proportional representation – currently dominate  all combinations, all mechanisms and all calculation procedures have been considered and practised at different times in history.

One wonders what the British system would look like if first-past-the-post voting were replaced by proportional representation? What would the German regime be like without “double voting”? How would the Fifth French Republic have evolved if a proportional system had replaced the two-round majority system?

In Romania in the electoral year 2024, the four types of elections are held by proportional representation in one round – Europarliamentary, parliamentary and local elections – majority voting in one round – election of mayors and presidents of county councils and majority voting in two rounds  – election of the President of Romania. It has to be said that there is no perfect electoral system that ensures a  correlated  result of seats allocated with the number of votes cast.  

This paper illustrates how much the mathematics of electoral systems can distort the outcome of different types of elections.

AOSR, partner of the scientific event “Army and Intelligence in the making and maintenance of the Union of 1859” – Iasi


Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice-President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, was invited to participate in the scientific event “ The Army and Intelligence in the achievement and maintenance of the Union of 1859 “, organised by the Foundation of the National Defence College, Moldova branch, in partnership with AOSR and the Iasi City Hall.

Prof. dr. eng. Doina BANCIU, Vice President of AOSR, at the reception of the Award offered by the National Defence College Foundation

The AOSR is the only Academy that has among its 13 sections a History section and a Military Science section. In the history section there are names of historians whose voices are heard beyond the walls of the Academy and the borders of the country, some of them are here in the hall, but also prominent representatives of military sciences, unanimously known as professionals devoted to national values and beliefs of freedom, dignity, duty. They are generals, professors, former rectors who show their devotion to nation and country. The two sections, under the aegis of the Academy, have organized numerous events, often in partnership with prestigious institutions that share the same ideals, succeeding in bringing back to public awareness historical events or personalities that have greatly influenced the fate of the history of Romanians and Romania. I would like to mention the events organized in the last 2 years: in 2023, “The Union of the Principalities, national significance and historical scope”, and in 2022 “The Union of Cuza, a fundamental historical act in the establishment of European Romania”.“, says Prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu.

The event, attended by members of the Iasi branch of AOSR, is part of the extensive program prepared by Iasi officials to mark the 165th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities. Thus, the conference organized in partnership with AOSR will take place in Iasi, on January 23, the day on which the Museum of Natural History Iasi will be inaugurated, a historical monument rehabilitated with non-reimbursable European funds, a building where Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s candidacy for the reign of Moldavia was decided. Also on January 23, Iasi officials are organizing the inauguration of Terminal 4 of Iasi International Airport.

On 24 January, the official events dedicated to the historical moment of the Union of the Romanian Principalities will take place, with speeches by the Presidential Administration, the Romanian Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Romanian Government, the President of the Iasi County Council and the Mayor of Iasi, followed by the laying of wreaths at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Statue in Unirii Square.

Reception speech – Prof.univ.dr. Daniela Dragoman – Contributions to the investigation of analogies between classical optics and ballistic electrons


– Physical Sciences Section –

On January 30, 2024, at 12:00, in the Dr. Constantin Angelescu Hall of AOSR, will take place the Reception Speech – CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE RESEARCH OF ANALOGIES BETWEEN CLASSICAL OPTICS AND BALISTIC ELECTRONES – by Mrs. Prof. Daniela DRAGOMAN, PhD, Full Member