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Clarifications on the application of the methodology for the reception of new members and promotions – AOSR 2024


Since in 2024 elections will take place at the level of the leadership of the sections, branches and leadership of the A.O.S.R., the calendar dates corresponding to the submission, analysis and approval of the files for honorary member, corresponding member and full member are modified as follows:

  • Applications for the reception/promotion of A.O.S.R. members must be submitted by 22 February 2024, according to the instructions on the website aosr.ro, under “Members”.
  • Applicants submit the documents to the Secretariat General of the AOSR, where they are registered and the existence of all the necessary documents is verified. A file that has not been approved in one of the previous years can be updated and resubmitted if participation in the new intake/promotion session is desired.
  • By 1 March, the Presidium of the AOSR examines the files submitted and, depending on the number of vacancies, forwards the files and the number of places allocated to them to the Presidents of the sections.
  • In the following 30 days, General Assemblies of the sections are held, where the candidates for each allocated seat are discussed, endorsed and approved by secret ballot. General Assemblies of the Sections are held physically at the AOSR headquarters and those of the Branches at their headquarters. The quorum required is 2/3 of the total number of full, corresponding and honorary members. If at the first convocation a quorum is not reached, the General Assembly shall be reconvened and shall be held according to the statutes with the number of members present. For full members, only full members vote, for corresponding and honorary members, full, corresponding and honorary members vote, and for associate members, all members of the section vote: full, corresponding, honorary, associate and honorary. The minutes of the General Assembly of the Section shall be communicated to the Secretariat of the AOSR within 24 hours of the date of the General Assembly of the Section.
  • In order to be admissible, candidates’ applications for full membership must obtain a simple majority of the votes of the full members present.
  • In order for a candidate’s application for  honorary and corresponding membership to be accepted, it must be approved by a simple majority vote of the full, honorary and corresponding  members. This rule is also used when approving honorary members from abroad.
  • Applications for associate and honorary membership are approved by the Scientific Sections and the Scientific Council of the AOSR.

Details  on the methodology and timetable for the elections of the leadership of the branches, sections and Presidium of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

The meetings for the election of Presidents of Precincts will take place from 1-31 March 2024 and the meetings for the election of Presidents of Branches will take place from 1-15 April 2024. The results will be communicated to the Honorary Council of the AOSR.

Candidates for the position of Section or Branch President shall submit a management programme, including briefly the priority objectives of the activity and a CV, 7 days before the date of the meeting. The functions of section and branch chairpersons cannot be combined.

The Honorary Council nominally endorses the persons elected as Branch and Section Presidents. On the basis of this opinion the President of the AOSR appoints them for a 4-year term.

Members elected as Section and Branch Presidents respectively may not stand for election to the Presidium of the AOSR.

Candidates for the position of President of the AOSR shall submit to the AOSR General Secretariat by 17 April 2024 a management plan, the AOSR Presidium team (2 Vice-Presidents and the Scientific Secretary) and their CVs.

Voting for full, corresponding and honorary members, as well as for the new AOSR Presidium, is secret and direct and is conducted according to the AOSR Rules of Procedure.

The General Assembly is held in physical format. The first convocation is for 17 May 2024. If a quorum of 2/3 is not reached, the meeting will be reconvened for 24 May 2024.


The “AOȘR-TEAMS-III” Project Competition EDITION 2024-2025




The competition stimulates the participation of young people in research in topical areas of science and technology.

The main objective is to increase the international scientific visibility of young researchers by stimulating the publication of original scientific results in international journals with significant impact factors and the filing of patents for associated technological procedures.

Another objective is to establish scientific collaboration links between young researchers and members of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOȘR).

The research team will be composed of scientific researchers or research assistants, as well as university teachers, doctoral candidates or other persons holding a doctoral degree, up to the age of 35, and the team leader, holding a doctoral degree, may be up to the age of 40. Ages must be after 01.03.2024. The team includes the Director and at least one member.

Research team members can only apply to one project. Members of winning and funded teams from the previous AOȘR-TEAMS-II 2023-2024 competition are not eligible to submit a project.

Each approved paper will be monitored by an AOSR member, who will not be remunerated for this work. 

The duration of the project is a maximum of 20 months from the date of signature of the contract. The contract will be made on the basis of copyright assignment to the AOȘR. Project members will mention on the articles published based on the results obtained and the additional affiliation: “Academy of Romanian Scientists, Ilfov 3, 050044 Bucharest, Romania”

The budget allocated for a project is a maximum of 50 000 lei, divided over two years.

For details, see attached document HERE


Scientific excellence in the work of young people – TVR Moldova

We invite you to watch the TVR Moldova’s Obiectiv Comun (Common Goal) program about the Academy of Romanian Scientists’ programs to support scientific activity of young people.

Conference “Digital transformation of public cultural institutions”


Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina BANCIU, Vice-President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, was invited by Calarasi County Council and “Alexandru Odobescu” CalarasiCounty Library   to hold the conference “Digital Transformation of Public Cultural Institutions” on the occasion of the celebration of the National Culture Day. 

The conference will take place on 15 January 2024, at 11:00, in the meeting room of the County Council of Calarasi.

Click to watch the VIDEO made at the conference

The conference presented new concepts on the role of libraries in society, as well as how the NRRP will fund their transformation into digital culture hubs.

The conference was opened by the President of Calarasi County Council, Mr. Vasile Iliuță, who expressed his support for the modernization of libraries and their active participation in raising citizens’ digital skills. The Director of “Alexandru Odobescu” County Library Calarasi, Mrs. Ionela Ichim, indicated that she will apply for funding through the NRRP. At the end of the conference, a visit was paid to the library, appreciated for its organisation, access to collections and spaces dedicated to young people.

The conference was attended by the President of the Romanian Public Libraries Association, the Director of the Ialomita County Library, as well as local officials, librarians from all over the county, teachers and students.

Happy Holidays!


The Presidium of the Academy of Romanian Scientists wishes you Happy Holidays, with good health, all good thoughts and peace of mind!

Happy Birthday to all AOSR members!

Click to view the Video greeting card

Launch of the “Emil Palade” Centre of Excellence for initiating young people in scientific research


The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes, on 12 December 2023, at 16:00, the launch event of the “Emil Palade” Centre of Excellence for the initiation of young people in scientific research.

Scientific innovations in (Bio)medicine developed to improve quality of life

The presentation given at the event “Scientific Innovations in the (Bio)Medical Field Developed to Improve Quality of Life” is an in-depth analysis of contemporary advances in the biomedical field, highlighting the highly beneficial impact that recent scientific innovations are having on the quality of human life. This symposium explores how these innovations are transforming the way healthcare is delivered.

A notable example is smart implants, devices that automatically monitor and regulate human body functions. Gene therapy, by correcting genetic defects, opens new horizons for personalised treatments. Regenerative medicine, through joint replacement and the use of stem cell therapy, contributes significantly to maintaining mobility and quality of life in later life.

These innovations are sources of hope for substantial improvements in human health. What seemed difficult to conceive in the past is now a reality, thanks to the efforts of dedicated researchers around the world. The future promises to bring with it the prospects of a healthier and happier life!

Lect. univ. dr. eng.
Ioana-Raluca Adochiei

AOSR-TEAMS competition 2022-2023


The analysis of the research projects within the AOSR-TEAMS 2022-2023 competition revealed the high quality of the results obtained during their period of implementation, materialized in the large number of papers published and citations obtained, which were rated in the prestigious Web of Science evaluation platform.

As a result, the Presidium of the AOSR has decided that the remaining amount of the budget for the competition, which was reduced following the recent Government Decision, will be awarded in the form of two prizes of 7,100 lei each for the following projects:

  • “Well-definition, existence results and characterization of solutions for certain variational problems”, director Savin Treanta, with 37 papers published in the two years and 123 citations;
  • “Hydroxyapatite-substituted coatings with improved functional properties for promoting fixation at the bone-implant interface”, project director Ionela Neacșu, with 11 papers published in the two years and 61 citations.

We are proud of these young researchers!

Minimally invasive surgery with Prof. Horațiu Moldovan, PhD, at TVR International

We invite you to watch the TVR International programme A doctor for you, whose guest is prof. univ. dr. Horațiu Moldovan, full member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, coordinator of the Cardiac Transplant Program – Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic of the Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest and president of ROMTRANSPLANT.

Recently, at Floreasca, a national premiere for Romanian public hospitals took place: the first EVAR (abdominal aortic stenting for abdominal aortic aneurysm) procedures, with local anaesthesia, under the coordination of Prof. Moldovan, together with surgeons, interventional radiologists and anaesthesiologists. Generally, it is a one-hour procedure with no incisions. The patient remains awake and from the angiography lab goes straight to the ward and can be discharged in two days without requiring recovery.


Doctor Dan Mischianu, university professor, about NATIONAL DAY on Radio Romania Actualități

Follow HERE the intervention of Mr. Prof. Dan Mischianu, full member of AOSR – Medical Sciences Section, at Radio Romania Actualități