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The visit of Mário CAMPOLARGO, an expert in new technologies, to Romania, an event in the digitalization process


At the invitation of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the European expert Mário CAMPOLARGO, former Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization in the Portuguese Government – during the mandate of Prime Minister Antonio Costa, recently elected President of the European Council -, and former Director General of DG Informatics DIGIT – European Union, a leading figure in the field of digitization in Europe, visited Romania, from 25 to 29 June 2024, where he participated in a series of meetings and events under the theme THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EUROPE – TRANSFORMAREA DIGITALĂ A EUROPEI.

The first item on the agenda of the event was the visit of the prestigious expert to the Academy of Romanian Scientists, where he met with the management team of the institution and members of the Academy (June 26). On the same day, also at the AOSR headquarters, the debate was held The cloud vision in the new paradigm of digital transformation, with the participation of Mr. Mário CAMPOLARGO and representatives of ICT companies involved in the digital transformation process.

The program of Mário CAMPOLARGO’s visit to Romania included meetings with personalities and leaders in the field of digitization, visits to institutions and universities in Bucharest and in the country, discussions and round tables on the Digital Transformation of Europe, a process of great complexity and importance for the present and future.

The European expert had meetings with the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Gruia Ivan, and the President of the Romanian Digitization Authority, Dragoș-Cristian Vlad, with research and academic specialists. The meetings were also attended by prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists , who spoke about the “Romania of Knowledge” Project, initiated by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, and about the digitalization of libraries.

On 28.06.2024, Mr. Mário CAMPOLARGO visited the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (Politehnica Bucharest) where he met with the Rector Mihnea Costoiu. In this framework, the European expert participated in the Round Table “Europe’s Digital Transformation”, moderated by Prof. prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, President of AOSR and prof. univ. dr. eng. Ciprian Mihai Dobre, pro-rector of the Politehnica University. The event was attended by: prof. univ. dr. eng. Tudor Prisecaru, State Secretary in the Ministry of Research, Innovation, Digitalization, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, President of the AOSR, Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Vice President of the AOSR, conf. Ioan Corneliu Sălișteanu, rector of Valahia University, Targoviste, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Corneliu Sălișteanu, rector of Valahia University, Targoviste, prof. univ. dr. eng. Anton Hadăr, vice-president of AOSR, vice-president of the Senate of Politehnica University, prof. Prof. univ. dr. Ștefan Sebastian Busnatu, pro-rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, prof. univ. dr. eng. Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Dean of the Faculty of Automatics and Industrial Informatics, and other specialists in new technologies. The Round Table discussed digitization, a complex and far-reaching process, with the challenges, benefits and innovative openings it creates, citizens’ digital competences, education, the relationship between citizens and digitized administration, the digitized system in Portuguese Medicine, the European vision on digitization.

The European expert’s program also included a meeting with dr. eng. Adrian Victor Vevera, Director General of the National Institute for Research-Development in Informatics, and a visit to the “Transilvania” University of Brasov, where he met with Prof. Dr. Carmen Buzea, Vice-Rector, and Prof. Dr. Titus Bălan, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The visit to “Transilvania” University was organized with the support of the AOSR Brasov Branch.

Mário CAMPOLARGO ‘s presence in Romania was, through the expertise and prestige of the European expert, through the series of meetings and debates that structured the agenda of the visit, an important event in the ongoing digitalization process in Romania, a complex, wide-ranging process, which has a major role in the fields of education, science, research and knowledge and, in general, in the transformations in the areas of society and economy, being a support for progress and evolution. Mário CAMPOLARGO’s visit, carried out at the initiative of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, opens important perspectives of collaboration in the field of digitization process in our country and within the “Romania of Knowledge” Project.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Romanian Academy of Scientists

(Contact: comunicare.aosr@gmail.com )
Bucharest, 29.06.2024

AOSR-TEAMS 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Young Scientists Scientific Session


Research project winners, 2023-2024 edition funded by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, which have a deadline for the third phase in July, are invited to participate in the Scientific Session for the presentation of the results of the research carried out within the winning projects.

The scientific session will take place on July 5, starting at 10:00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Ilfov Street, no. 3, sector 5, Bucharest, in Constantin Angelescu Hall 1st floor. Each project leader or a representative from the project team will present the results in Power Point format for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Research project winners, 2024-2025 edition funded by competition by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, which have a deadline for the first phase in July, are invited to participate in the Scientific Session for the presentation of the results of the research carried out within the winning projects.

The scientific session will take place on July 5, starting at 10:00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Academy of Scientists of Romania, Ilfov Street, no. 3, sector 5, Bucharest, in Council Hall , ground floor. Each project leader or a representative from the project team will present the results in Power Point format for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Attendance is mandatory to ensure payment.

All progress reports should be sent electronically in pdf format by July 31 to mariabotezatu2002@yahoo.com for inclusion on the AOSR website.

The 22nd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics – IBWAP 2024


The22nd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Applied Physics and discuss the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted.
July 9 – 12, 2024

Professor Viorel Jinga, Rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa


At the proposal of the Faculty of Medicine and Biological Sciences, the Senate of the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava decided to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Prof. Viorel Jinga, PhD, Rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest Prof. Viorel Jinga is Vice-President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

According to USV, Viorel Jinga is an outstanding personality, with a nationally and internationally recognized teaching, medical and research activity. Specialist and primary physician in urology at the Urology Clinic of the Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” in Bucharest, Professor Jinga is a member of several national and international scientific and professional societies.

At the same time, Prof. Jinga has extensive experience in medical and academic leadership, having held, over the years, various positions: head of department, medical director, vice-dean, pro-rector and rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, a position he has held since 2020.

The Honorary Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony took place on Thursday, June 20, in the Joseph Schmidt Auditorium.

This is the 6th DHC title awarded to Professor Viorel Jinga.

Prof.univ.dr.ing. Adrian Badea, Honorary President of AOSR, honored by the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul” of the USA at the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile in Craiova


On Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile in Craiova, prof.univ.dr.eng. Adrian Badea, Honorary President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, participated in the exhibition of medalistics “From New York to the wonderful Citadel of Baniei“, organized in collaboration with the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul” in the United States of America, where he received the Magna Cum Laude Diploma and the gold medal Dorul 120.

Speaking about the collaboration between the Romanian Academy of Scientists and the Dorul Christian Society of New York
Message in the honor book of the Craiova Museum of Books and Exile

The hosts of this event were Mr. Dan Pavel, on behalf of the Romanian Society “Dorul” and Mr. Lucian Dindirică, Deputy Mayor of Craiova, founder of the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile.

The event was attended by exceptional cultural personalities who have made important contributions to the preservation of authentic Romanian values.

After the message of the president of the Romanian Society “Dorul”, Mr. Cristian Pascu, 12 diplomas and medals were handed out in a festive setting to the following laureates: Dan Puric, Rareș Prisacariu, Adrian Badea, Bogdan Cuza, Miron Manega, Lucian Dindirică, Dan Pavel, Filip Mărgărit, Elena Condrei, Daniela Gîfu, Ioan Pavăl, Horia Dumitrescu.

With master Emil Boroghina and the family of the wonderful, gifted child Rareș Prisecariu

Prof. Dr. Ion Popa, corresponding member AOSR – “Doctor Honoris Causa”, Ovidius University of Constanta


Ovidius University of Constanta, at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics, conferred on Friday, June 21, 2024, the title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” to Prof. Ion Popa, corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and Dean of the Faculty of Economics, at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics.
Management at the Academy of Academic Studies in Bucharest (ASE), for outstanding contributions and outstanding scientific results in the field of management.

The conferral of the university distinction of “Doctor Honoris Causa” from the Ovidius University of Constanta is part of the series of recognitions of academic, scientific and professional excellence of Mr. Professor Doctor Ion Popa.

Current global and national security challenges


On Thursday, 20 June, starting at 11 a.m., at the headquarters of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOȘR), a round table-debate was held on the theme “Current challenges to global and national security”.

The event was organized by the Military Sciences Section of the AOȘR in cooperation with the Faculty of Education Sciences, Communication and International Relations of Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest.

The activity was attended by parliamentarians, numerous personalities from academia and science, public institutions in the field of national security, members of the Military Science Section of the AOȘR, students.

The discussions focused on identifying the forces acting in the current security environment and their directions of evolution, as well as the solutions adopted by Romania to counter risks and threats to national and European security.



26 – 28 June 2024, The Academy of Romanian Scientists
Special Guest: Mário CAMPOLARGO, ICT Expert

Former Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation – Government of Portugal
Former Director General DG Informatics DIGIT – European Commission

Mário Campolargo was also Director for “Future Networks” in DG CONNECT, dealing with policy development and research supporting the Digital Single Market from the angles of 5G networks, IoT, Cloud and Next Generation Internet. Before he was Director for “Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures”, responsible for FET (Future and Emerging Technologies), ICT based infrastructures for science and ICT trust and security.

Before joining the European Commission in 1990, he worked for 12 years in the R&D Centre of Portugal Telecom as a researcher and manager.

He holds a Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Coimbra, a Master of Science in Computing Science from Imperial College London, a Post graduate in Management from Solvay Business School Brussels and a European Studies Diploma from Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.

ICT expert Mário CAMPOLARGO, visiting at the Romanian Academy of Scientists

At the invitation of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, ICT expert Mário Campolargo, former Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization in the Portuguese Government and former Director General of DG Informatics DIGIT – European Union, a leading figure in the field of digitization in Europe, is visiting Romania, where he is participating in a series of meetings and events under the theme The Digital Transformation of Europe .

The program of Mário Campolargo‘s visit to Romania , organized by the Romanian Academy of Scientists,includes meetings with personalities and leaders in the field of digitalization, visits to institutions and universities in Bucharest and in the country, discussions and round tables on the Digital Transformation of Europe, a process of great complexity and importance for the present and the future. In this framework, the European expert will have meetings with the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Gruia Ivan, and with the President of the Romanian Digitization Authority, Dragos-Cristian Vlad.

The first item on the agenda of the event is the visit of the prestigious expert to the Academy of Romanian Scientists, where he will meet with the management team of the institution and members of the Academy. On the same day, June 26, 2024, from 3:00 p.m., also at the AOSR headquarters, a meeting of Mr. Mário Campolargo with representatives of ICT companies involved in the digital transformation process is scheduled, with the theme: The cloud vision in the new paradigm of digital transformation. .

On Friday, at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Mr. Mário Campolargo will participate in a round table on “Europe’s Digital Transformation”.

Medical Days of the Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital of Moinești, ed. a XIX-a și Reuniunea Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi Răzeșu”, ed. a XL-a


Between 11-13 July 2024 the event Medical Days of the Municipal Emergency Hospital of Moinesti – 19th edition and the Meeting of Surgeons of Moldova “Iacomi Răzeșu” – ed. XL.

The event is organized under the patronage of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the Balkan Medical Union and the Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau.


Legal protection of scientific works

The event will discuss the legal possibilities for protecting scientific works, from intellectual property rights to transfer of rights or dispute resolution, in line with current legislation.