Conference “Digital Transformation of Public Institutions”


ROMANIA’S ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS – Department of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences – and the “CONSTANTIN ANGELESCU” Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (ICAI) are organizing an online conference on Digital Transformation of Public Institutions”.

Thursday, April 28, 2022, 11:00 a.m.

Keynote speaker: Dragoș-Cristian VLAD, President of the Romanian Digitization Authority
Moderator: Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR

Moderator : Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR

P r of. univ. Dr. Nicolae DĂNILĂ, President of the AOSR Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences

Message from the President of AOSR , Prof. univ. Dr. Adrian BADEA

KEYNOTE-SPEAKER – Dragoș-Cristian VLAD, President of the Romanian Digitization Authority
Su biect reserved

A c ad. Florin Gheorghe FILIP – Romanian Academy – Subject reserved

P r of. univ. dr. Nicolae DĂNILĂ – Su biect reserved

P r of. univ. Dr. Verginia VEDINAȘ – University of Bucharest – Computerization of public administration in the light of the Administrative Code and the future Code of Administrative Procedure

P r of. univ. dr. A g nes ERICH – President of the National Library Commission – Modernization of libraries

P r of. univ. dr. George GRIGORIȚĂ – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Orthodox Theology
The impact of digitization on the ecclesiastical environment from a canonical point of view

P r of. univ. dr. D umitru BORŢUN – National School of Political and Administrative Studies – SNSPA
Tdigital transformation of institutions. An ethical approach

P r of. univ. Dr. Doina BANCIU – T he digital transformation of society in the context of the EU strategy

Draw conclusions and conclusions

Photo gallery

Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian BADEA – President of AOSR

Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu – Vice President of AOSR

Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae DĂNILĂ – President of the AOSR Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences

Acad. Florin Gheorghe FILIP – Romanian Academy

Dragoș-Cristian VLAD – President of the Romanian Digitization Authority

Prof. univ. dr. Dumitru BORŢUN – National School of Political and Administrative Studies – SNSPA

Prof. univ. Dr. Agnes ERICH – President of the National Library Commission

Dragoş Neagu – President of the National Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania – ANBPR

Prof. univ. dr. George GRIGORIȚĂ – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Orthodox Theology

Prof. univ. dr. Ion POPA – Dean of the Faculty of Management – ASE

Prof. univ. dr. Verginia VEDINAȘ – University of Bucharest