Conference presenting the project “eBio-hub: Chair of Research Center in Biomedical Engineering” organized by the Information Science and Technology Section – AOSR


The Information Science and Technology Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes on April 25, the conference presenting the project “eBio-hub: Chair of Research Center in Biomedical Engineering”, whose main objective is the establishment of the National Centre of Excellence in Bioengineering, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. The project is coordinated by two members of the Academy of Scientists: Prof. Horia Iovu – Project Director and Dr. Ciprian Iliescu – ERA Chair. The project is funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 work programme and is worth a total of €2 500 000.

The conference will take place in hybrid format in the Scientific Council Room of the Faculty of Automation and Computers of UPB, PRECIS-105, starting at 12:00, and includes the following scientific presentations:

  1. ing. Ciprian IliescuERA Chair project: learning from others
  2. Dr. Adina Florea Artificial Intelligence and biomedicine
  3. Jana GhitmanNanomedicine the foremost breakthrough in personalized medicine
  4. Grațiela GrădișteanuImproving healthcare through innovations in molecular diagnostics
  5. Florina IliescuTransdermal drug delivery: from simple solutions to smart technologies.

We invite and look forward to your presentations, discussions and debates at our conference.

Online access to the conference can be done through the Teams platform at this LINK