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CS 1, Ph.D., mathematician
Date and place of birth: October 17, 1953, Iasi, Iasi County
Education: Faculty of Mathematics, University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi (1972-1977), mathematics, specialization of functional equations, doctor of mathematics (1982) with thesis Optimality criteria for convex control problems. Necessary conditions for problems with nonlinear equation of state. Scientific leader: academician Barbu Viorel. Postdoctoral Fellowship: INRIA Paris 1991 (12 months), Humboldt Fellowship: Technische Universitaet München and Weierstrass Institut, Berlin 1993, 1997, 2000 (24 months), Teaching: Univ. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1995.
Professional activity: teacher at the General School no. 51 and at the Electroaparataj High School, Bucharest (1977-1980), mathematician at INCREST Bucharest (1980-1982), scientific researcher (1983-1993) and scientific researcher I (since 1994) at the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, full member of the Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, 2001-2004. Visiting Professor: Royal Society, University of Westminster and University of Canterbury, England, 1994-1996 (6 months), Visiting Professor: Jyvaskyla University, Finland, 1990-2007 (40 months), Associate Professor, University of Bucharest (temporary). PhD supervisor (since 1996): two PhD students who defended their thesis, Ahmed Eljendy (1992-opponent), Finland, Cristian Dăneţ (2006), Romania.
Publications: 7 books as an author or publisher, alone or in collaboration (six of which are in English: two at Springer Verlag and one each at Birkhaeuser Verlag, Marcel Dekker, Kluwer Academic Press, University of Jyvaskyla Press). Over 90 scientific papers, of which 47 papers are published in ISI-listed journals.
Awards: G. Tiţeica Prize of the Romanian Academy (1984), prize for excellence in research awarded by the Society of Mathematicians (2000), Bucharest, Jubilee Medal Centenary Gazeta matematică (1999), Bucharest, Honorary Medal of the University of Jyvaskyla (2004), Jyvaskyla, Finland, Nicolae Teodorescu Prize of the Academy of Scientists (2008).
Affiliation: member of some scientific societies: international – American Mathematical Society (AMS), International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) TC7, WG 7.2, national: – Romanian Mathematical Sciences Society (member of the National Council, 2007-2011), Mathematical Recreation Association. Member of the scientific committee for the organization of scientific events: international: ECCOMAS 2004 , Jyvaskyla, Finland (2004), Phase Transitions and Optimal Control, Berlin, Germany (2008), First French-Romanian Conference in Applied Mathematics , Iaşi, Romania (1992), IFIP Conference Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems , Constanţa, Romania (2002), 10 th French-Romanian Conference in Applied Mathematics, Poitiers, France (2010), and organizer of numerous national conferences and symposia.
Member of the editorial board or referent of some international journals: SIAM J. Control Optimization (SICON) since 1995, Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP) – benchmark since 2006, ESAIM : Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV) – benchmark since 2000, national: Mathematical Recreation – Editor since 2002, Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics – editor din 2010, Mathematical Gazette A – referent since 1998, Mathematics and Its Applications , 2009 Co-editor Series.
References: more than 150 citations (excluding self-citations) in the ISI and SCOPUS databases, 250 citations in the AMS database, an international distinction for research activity (Finland), three-time Humboldt Fellow (1993, 1997, 2000), member of the Weierstrass Institute, Berlin in the period 2001-2004, scientific collaborations with over 35 mathematicians from 10 countries, organizer of important international conferences in Romania and abroad. Personal web page, including CV and list of works: http://www.dantiba.ro