Deep sadness at the passing of Dr. Eng. Ion BASGAN, AOSR Vice-President (2010-2020)


The Presidium of the AOSR announces with deep sadness that on 6 April 2022, Dr. Eng. Ion BASGAN, Founding Full Member, Vice-President of AOSR (2010-2020).

Born in Bucharest on June 16, 1938, Senator Ion Basgan held executive and management positions in units belonging to the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, dealing with specific issues of organization, technical and commercial operation related to domestic and international transport. During this period he contributed to the drafting of instructions and regulations on the organisation and technical and commercial operation of domestic passenger and international freight transport. Certified technical expert since 1969. In 1990, he was elected deputy in the Romanian Parliament, and in the 2004-2008 legislature he was senator. He is the author and initiator, in the Romanian Parliament, of Law 31/2007 on the reorganization and functioning of the AOSR.

His scientific activity in the field of transport and management has resulted in research and determinations on road safety, quality and legality of transport, which were the basis for the development of the Republican Motor Vehicle Maintenance Regulations. His publishing activity materialized in the publication of articles in which he evokes the achievements of his father, the great Romanian inventor and scientist Ion Ștefan Basgan (24 June 1902 – 15 December 1980): The universal dimension of the inventor Ion Șt. Basgan, Focșani, July 2002; One century since the birth of the inventor Ion Șt. Basgan, Economist of 12.02.2007. He is the author/co-author of the following books: General Conditions for the Carriage of Goods in International Traffic – 1975; Evolution of Transport, Means of Transport, Organisation and Management in the European Context – vol. I-II, Conphys Publishing House, Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2002-2003; Wars of the Sons of Light, Monitorul Oficial Publishing House, 2006; Encyclopedia of Universal Freemasonry, ed. 2007, vol. I-II, Alma Publishing House, 2007.

He was a founding member of the General Association of Technical and Accounting Experts of Romania, founding member and president of the “Ion Basgan” Foundation, founding member of the Sustainable Development Forum – Romania Horizon 2020, member of the General Association of Engineers of Romania, member of the Scientific Council of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, founding member of the Romanian Pantheon Foundation, under the aegis of the Romanian Academy.
Our Academy loses a valuable member and a colleague we will always remember.

Sincere condolences to the family! God rest his soul!
Bucharest, 6 April 2022