Departed Prof. univ. Dr. Dan SCHIOPU, founding full member, Vice-President of AOSR


The Presidium of the AOSR sadly announces that on 5 November 2021 he passed away Prof. univ. Dr Dan SCHIOPU, founding full member, Vice-President of AOSR, President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, member of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), of the Society of Agricultural Engineers, of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science and of the Society of Agricultural History and Retrology.

He was born on October 4, 1930 in Galaţi, graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture at the Iaşi Agronomic Institute (1954) and obtained the scientific title of Doctor of Agronomy, Agrotechnical Specialty, in 1975. He had a prodigious university teaching career, starting as head of laboratory 1955-1966, then moving on to assistant professor 1962-1969, head of works 1969-1991, Lecturer 1991-1993 and University Professor since 1993, in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.

His teaching activity has been harmoniously combined with scientific research activity focusing in particular on tillage studies, vegetation factor management, increasing the efficiency of variance analysis in field experiments, integrated weed control and the residual effect of herbicides, agricultural ecology and environmental protection issues.

His numerous publications include books of great scientific and practical value, such as: Ecology and Environmental Protection, Méthodologie d’études des pollutions d’origine agricole. Conséquences pour l’environnement, Practical works on agronomy and experimental techniques, Guide for the correct and efficient operation of agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as scientific articles promoting the most valuable results of the research carried out, the most important of which are: Influence of temperature, humidity and fertilizers on mobile forms of nitrogen in a grey forest soil; Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești – le visage et l’oeuvre d’un créateur d’école roumaine; Agriculture and pollution; Animal husbandry and agricultural ecosystems; Observations on the influence of alternative technologies with different degrees of chemization on the structural hydrostability of reddish-brown soil; Essay on Biodiversity Functionality; Aspects Regarding Ecological Condition of Pastures of Romanian Mountain Areas; Weeds and Agricultural Ecosystems; Integrierte Bekämpfung von Unkräutern in Soja und Maïs mit Herbiziden in Verbindung mit Maschienenhäcke; Essay on the Application of Fundamental Biocenotic Principles in Agricultural Ecosystems; Recherches concernant la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes dans la culture de maïs sur le sol brun-rougeâtre au sud de la Roumanie.

His contribution to the development of scientific research has been important, leaving to the present and future generations an outstanding scientific literature through his published books and articles. For his merits he has been honoured with numerous distinctions, awards and medals.

Our Academy loses a teacher, a scientist and a wonderful colleague! He is gone from us, but he will always remain in our hearts as a man of exceptional value, culture, professionalism, honest, friendly, magnanimous and kind! Sincere condolences to the family! God rest his soul in Peace!