Exploratory research – an opportunity for science and entrepreneurship


ȊOn 28-29.03.2022, at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu was held the workshop entitled Exploratory Research – Opportunity for Science and Entrepreneurship. The emergence of new models, theories and techniques under the umbrella of Complexity Science and the exponential development of computing technology has stimulated scientific research in all fields. Nanotechnologies, neuroscience and living studies in general have led to the development of new disciplines such as biomimetics, bioelectronics, biosemiotics, biogeophysics, bioinformatics. The whole body of knowledge that has accumulated in recent decades in this context has led to changes in the approach to the study of Nature.

The confinement between fundamental and applied research, exploratory research, by its very vision and mission, becomes the organic link between the university/academic environment and the entrepreneurial environment (interested in identifying niche areas (blue ocean management), new “clean” materials and technologies (inspired by Nature (biomimicry)), new techniques for assessing the quality of the environment, the relationship between Work – Man – Society, the state of individual and collective health.

The workshop was organised under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and was attended by master students, PhD students and employers.