On January 13, 2025, the Romanian Academy of Scientists held an event commemorating and paying tribute to General (r) Prof. Prof. univ. Dr. DHC VASILE CÂNDEAfive years have passed since his departure into eternity (May 24, 1932 – January 14, 2020). The event took place in the Conference Hall of the AOSR, in the presence of a select audience, consisting of members of the academic body, former colleagues and disciples of the Great Professor.

Professor Vasile Cândea was a prestigious personality of the Romanian academic education and medical sciences, an elite surgeon, a pioneer in the field of cardiovascular surgery in the country, founder of a medical school, a scientist of international standing. Professor Vasile Cândea was founding president of the Romanian Academy of Scientists after 1990with the country’s return to European democratic values, continuing the history and evolution of an important academic institution in the field of science and research, Romanian Academy of Sciences, founded in March 1935 by Professor and Doctor Constantin Angelescu, the greatest Minister of Public Instruction after Spiru Haret, a leading personality in medical sciences and Romanian political life. Through the steps taken by His Lordship at the height of a prestige unanimously recognized nationally and internationally, Professor Vasile Cândea played a fundamental role in the rebirth of the Academy founded by his great predecessor and in its reform on new foundations in a new time of national renaissance, under its current title: the Academy of Romanian Scientists. For his contribution to the rebirth of the Romanian Academy of Sciences in the spirit of its founders, General Professor Vasile Cândea has remained in the memory of his contemporaries as THE REFORMER OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIA’S ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS.
During the event, the personality of Prof. Vasile Cândea, the value of his work and activity, his contribution to the development of Romanian medical education, his role as a pioneer in the field of cardiovascular surgery in Romania, his scientific, professional, moral and human portrait were evoked.
Prof. Univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, said that Prof. Vasile Cândea was a role model for many and that he can be a genuine role model for the younger generations, through his professionalism, professional probity, his qualities and humanism. In an evocation under the title Laudatio, Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea , Honorary President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, emphasized that Professor Vasile Cândea was an unquestionable leader in all the positions he held, a man who marked the lives of those around him, a man with a big O, who always had a kind and kind word for everyone.
For all that he was and did for science and for people, we have a duty to keep his memory always alive. The Honorary President proposed a moment of silence in memory of the illustrious Professor. Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, Vice-President of the AOSR, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, said that Professor Vasile Cândea redefined the standards of reference in medicine, that, in the space of half a century, he has established himself as a promoter of cardiovascular surgery and as an ambassador of Romanian medicine. His memory gives us the strength to continue, and we and the new generations must carry his dream forward. Prof. Dr. Mărgărit Pavelescu, President of the Physical Sciences Section of the AOSR, said that the Professor was an emblematic figure of Romanian academic life, a visionary with an extraordinary capacity for strategic thinking, a humanist spirit, characterized by spiritual generosity, tireless desire to support and inspire, a man devoted to science, a true patriot, defined by his love for Romania.
He made the AOSR a bastion of science, a place of interdisciplinary cooperation and convergence of ideas for the progress of the whole society. His legacy remains alive in our hearts, and it is our duty to continue his work and perpetuate his ideals. Prof. Dan-Liviu Mischianu, Vice-President of the Medical Sciences Section of AOSR, emphasized, through his collaboration and friendship with the great scientist and physician, that Professor Vasile Cândea was an enlightened man, a builder, a visionary and a winner. Prof. Univ. dr. eng. Prof. Dr . Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of AOSR, said that Professor Vasile Cândea was a great Romanian, a summum of exemplary character traits, a complex and complete personality. He dedicated himself to an institutional project, that of reorganizing the AOSR, through which he made a fundamental contribution to the reform and development of the institution. We cannot forget him, we respect and love him, and Professor Vasile Cândea will always be present in our universe.
Communication and Public Relations Office of the Romanian Academy of Scientists