Academy of Romanian Scientists – History and Archaeology Section,
University of Oradea – Department of History, Department of Finance and Accounting,
Romanian Association of Banking History Oradea,
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies “Silviu Dragomir” Oradea – Romanian Academy
Cris Country Museum Oradea – Museum Complex


International Symposium WORK, MONEY, BUSINESS, CULTURE AND POLITICS SEC. XVIII-2023, focusing on banking history and the problems of banks and stock exchanges in the transition to a market economy in the European Union

The official opening of the Symposium will take place on Friday, 16 June 2023, at 09.30, in the Aula Magna of the University of Oradea, followed by the plenary session in the same location.

The papers by sections will be presented on the same day, 16 June, from 15.00 – 19.30, in the rooms of the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences, Pavilion V.

The participants are academics and researchers (historians, economists, bank officials, scientific researchers from the Romanian Academy centres and abroad, archivists, museographers, teachers from pre-university education) from the cities of Balti (Rep. of Moldova), Birjand (Iran), Budapest (Hungary), Chisinau (Rep. of Moldova), La Mancha (Spain), Ljubliana (Slovenia), Pisa (Italy), Arad, Bacau, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca,
Craiova, Lași, Săcuieni, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, Zalău.

Part of the papers presented in the first ten editions of the Symposium have been used in the following papers:
* **, Financial Banking History. Studies on Romanian Banks in Transylvania (1867-1918), coordinator: Mihai D. Drecin, vol. I, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1996, 201 p.
* **, Financial Banking History. Studies on Austro-Hungarian Banks (1867-1918), ), coordinator: Mihai D. Drecin, vol. II, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, 143p.
* **, Romanian Review of Financial and Banking History, Year I, Issue 1, July-December 2011, Oradea University Press, Editor in Chief: Mihai D. Drecin, Deputy Editor: Gabriel Moisa 168p.

In 2010, the Romanian Association of Banking History – Oradea was founded under the aegis of which international symposia on banking history have continued to be organized and new studies and volumes dedicated to Romanian and Central European banking history have appeared or are in the process of being published.
Other works published or in the process of being published where banking history studies are used, supported in scientific sessions in which members or collaborators of the Banking History Association of Oradea participated:
* **, Economic and financial phenomena in the Romanian space in the 19th-20th centuries. Studies of Regional Economics, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, 2016, coordinators: losif Marin Balog, Rudolf Grăf, loan Lumperdean
* **, Economic Gaps and Crises in South-East Europe. Present and Past, Edited by Daniel Dăianu and George Virgil Stoenescu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
* **, 150 years since the establishment of the “Albina” Bank of Sibiu (1872-1948), coordinators: Mihai D. Drecin, Delia Cora, Radu Racovițan, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2023 (in preparation for printing)