Full member , USA
Date and place of birth: July 8, 1931, Iasi
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019-0408, USA.
Education : American citizen of Romanian origin (since 1991), he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Iaşi, in 1954, and obtained the title of doctor in mathematical sciences, in 1960, at the same university.
Professional activity: he started as an assistant researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy – Iaşi Branch[1954-1962] . Lecturer since 1962 and then doctoral professor at the University of Iasi, Faculty of Mathematics[1969-1980] , head of department between 1969-’72. From 1981-2007 he began teaching Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Texas [Arlington, TX, USA]. He retired in January 2007, but continued to teach part-time at the same prestigious American university. Visiting Professor Internships : 1989, University of Bergamo, Italy (2 months); 1981, University of Kassel, Germany (4 months); 1980, University of Pisa, Italy (9 months), 1973, University of Tirana, Albania (3 months). 1974 DAAD Professor, University of Aachen, Germany (3 months). 1970 Associate Researcher, University of Leuven, CORE (9 months).
Scientific activity: Professor Dragan excelled mainly in mathematical analysis, differential equations, probabilistic analysis, game theory, economic statistics, information systems, computer science, linear and non-linear programming, graph theory, macroeconomic models, advanced discrete mathematics, linear algebra , optimizations, mathematical models in economics, biology, medicine.
Publications: books – 1. Basic Techniques in Linear Programming , 1976 (Romanian); 2. Fourteen Lessons on Game Theory , 1982 (German). 3. Course on General Mathematics for Business Students , 1964, 3 vol. (Romanian). Over 100 articles in high-impact journals in the literature abroad, we list just a few examples: On the Multiweighted Shapley Values and Random Order Values; Collinearity between the Shapley Value and the Egalitarian Division Rules for Cooperative Games; New Mathematical Properties of the Banzhaf Value [European Journal of OR]; On Some Relationships between the Shapley Value and the Banzhaf Value [Libertas Mat.]; Potential and Consistency for Semivalues of Finite Cooperative TU Games [International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra]; Potential, Balanced Contributions, Recursion Formula, Shapley Blue-print Properties [Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice , Tilburg Univ.Press]; New Mathematical Properties of Semivalues of Cooperative TU Games; Optimization. A Dynamic Algorithm for Computing a Semivalue of a Cooperative TU game; On the Computation of Semivalues for TU Games Via the Shapley Value, [Twente Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory, Enschede, The Netherlands], On the Inverse Problem for Semivalues of Cooperative TU Games [International Journal of Pure and Appl.Math.], On the Semivalues and the Least Square Values, Average per Capita Formulas and Relationships [Acta Math. Sinica, English Series, Springer], On Quasi-cores, the Shapley Value and the Semivalues [Univ .Texas at Arlington], in the Contributions to Game Theory and Management, vol.1, L.Petrosjan (ed.), St. Petersburg Univ., Russia]; On Semivalues and TU Games on Matroids , [Essays on Mathematics and Statistics, V.Akis (ed.), ATINER, Athens, Greece]; A Dynamic Algorithm for the Computation of Multiweighted Shapley Values [submitted Contributions to Game Theory and Management – St.Petersburg Univ., Russia], A Game Theoretic Approach for Solving the Multiobjective Linear Programming Problems [Libertas Mathematica].
Awards: Gheorghe Lazăr Award of the Romanian Academy (1966), Grigore Moisil Award of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (2002), Title of “Professor of the Year” of the University of Texas at Arlington[Teacher of the Year of the MAA student chapter at UTA] (2004).
Affiliations: Academy of Romanian Scientists, American Mathematical Society, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, International Mathematical Programming Society, International Society for Game Theory, American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences.
References : http://www.uta.edu/math/pages/faculty/Dragan-CV.doc , http://www.uta.edu/ra/real/editprofile.php?pid=68