Pursuant to art. 7, paragraph (1) of GD no. 286/2011 for the approval of the Framework Regulation on establishing the general principles for filling a vacant or temporarily vacant post corresponding to the contractual positions and the criteria for promotion in immediately higher professional grades or ranks of the contract staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes on 15.10.2018, at 10.00, a promotion exam for the position of technical editor I within the Publishing-Library Service.
Conducting the exam
The exam registration file is submitted by the candidates within 10 days from the date of posting the announcement.
The professional promotion exam consists of taking a written test on 15.10.2018 at the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
The final result of the professional promotion exam is communicated to the candidates by posting on the notice board of the institution within 3 working days from the taking of the written test.
- Library Law no. 334/2002, republished.
- Law 477/2004 on the Code of Conduct for contract staff in the authorities
and public institutions.
- Law no. 8 of March 14, 1996 on copyright and related rights.
- Law no. 186 of May 9, 2003 on the support and promotion of written culture.
- Handbook for technical editing of articles, theses, bachelor’s theses, dissertations and books, Emanuel University of Oradea, 2010.
- Law 31/2007 on the reorganization and functioning of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
- HGR 641/2007 on the Statute of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Additional relations at the secretariat of the institution 021 / 314.74.91 and on the website: