May God rest in peace Prof. Dr. Eng. Aurel Lup!


AOSR Constanta Branch announces with sorrow the loss of Mr. Prof. Prof. univ. dr. dr. eng. Aurel Lup!

Prof. univ. dr. eng. Aurel Lup – Full Member, Section of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
September 28, 1933, Măgura Ierii, Cluj County – December 2, 2024, Constanța

Aurel Lup graduated in 1958 from the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry at the Nicolae Bălcescu Agronomic Institute in Bucharest, and in 1972 from the Technical-Economic Faculty at the Polytechnic Institute. He obtained a PhD in Agronomy in 1978, with the thesis “Economic optimization of the system of plant cultivation in agricultural cooperatives in the irrigated perimeter Carasu“, at the Agronomic Institute Nicolae Bălcescu Nicolae Bălcescu Bucharest. He completed an internship at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Montpellier, France, specializing in socio-economics of regional development.

An agronomist and economist engineer, Aurel Lup began his professional career as a trainee researcher at the Valu lui Traian Agricultural Research Station, Constanța County, in December 1958. In January 1962, he was promoted to research scientist, and in April 1962 he was seconded as chief agronomist-engineer at CAP Fântâna Mare, Constanța County. He returned to research in June 1967, taking up the post of senior researcher grade II and then grade I at the Agricultural Economics Laboratory coordinated thematically by the Institute of Agricultural Economics of ASAS. He remained in charge of this laboratory until October 1, 1998. Since 1998, he obtained the teaching degree of university professor, lecturing at Ovidius University Constanta and Spiru Haret University, where he taught rural economics, agricultural management, agricultural history and retrology, agricultural technologies and management.

Scientific activity: The research studies focused on the creation of maize hybrids based on inbred lines in their third year of inbreeding. During this period he established a hybrid grain sorghum breeding field and experimented the first grain sorghum hybrids in the area. Upon returning to Valu lui Traian resort in 1967, he started collaborating with the Institute of Agricultural Economics/ASASAS on various topics, including: economic efficiency of different plant products under Dobrogea conditions; optimal sizing of socialist agricultural units; economic substantiation of production structures at farm and zonal levels; use of operational research methods in modeling different economic processes such as: Optimization of crop structure at different levels (agricultural unit, county, zone), optimization of tractor endowment, optimization of fodder rations, using linear programming and electronic computers; economic efficiency of irrigated farming system.

After 1985, thanks to collaboration contracts with the Institute of Research and Technological Engineering for Irrigation and Drainage ICITID – Băneasa Giurgiu, Aurel Lup extended his research in the entire area of concentration of irrigation schemes in the south and east of the country. The results of this unique research were presented in the book ” Irrigation in Romanian Agriculture”.

Among the 10 books published, we mention: A. Lup: Irigațiile în agricultura României (352 pp.), Ed. Agris, București, 1997; A. Lup, Camelia Apetroaie: Economia și gestiunea exploatației agricole (360 pag.), Ed. Europolis, Constanța, 1997; I. Bulică, A. Lup: Stațiunea de Cercetări pentru Culturi Irigate Dobrogea, 65 de ani în serviciu agriculturiii Dobrogei (147 pag.), Ed. Agris, București, 1998; A. Lup: Dobrogea agricole, de la legendă la… globalizare (926 pag.), Ed. Ex Ponto, Constanța, 2003; A. Lup: Elemente de istorie și retrologie agrară (264 pag.), Ed. Ex Ponto, Constanța, 2006, and the best known articles (out of more than 200) were “Sisteme de irigații. Optimization, management, efficiency. Agricultura României în contextul tranziției la economia di mercato, Bucharest, Romanian Academy INCE/IEA, pp. 182-190″; ” Irrigated cropping system in the Romanian Plain and Dobroudja. Yields, economic efficiency. Effect of cropping systems on yield, product quality agricultural profitability and environmental protection for the main crop” (1994).

In 2005, he was awarded the Romanian Academy Ion Ionescu de la Brad Prize for the book Dobrogea agricole, de la legendă la… globalizare, published in 2003 by Ex Ponto Publishing House. Memberships: founding member and member of the National Council of the Romanian Society of Agrarian History and Retrology (SIRAR).

May God rest in peace Prof. Dr. Eng. Aurel Lup!

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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.