Agatha-Mariana POPESCU – Full Member, President of the Section
Professor, PhD in Animal Husbandry, Economist at USAMV Bucharest.
Areas of scientific expertise: technical-economic optimization of agricultural production, optimization of the size of livestock farms, technical-economic and financial analysis based on the balance sheet and profit and loss account in agricultural companies for livestock breeding and processing of agricultural products, marketing studies of milk, meat and other agricultural products, gross margin calculation in dairy cow farms, breeding of bulls, horses and sheep.
References: CV
Ion BOTU – Full Member
Professor and CS I dr., University of Craiova. Director of the Research – Development Station for Pomiculture in Râmnicu Vâlcea,
Areas of scientific expertise: horticultural plant breeding; fruit biotechnologies; biodiversity conservation in fruit plants. Studies on procedures and methodologies for genetic improvement and breeding of new varieties of walnut, plum, hazel, Studies on the production of fruit planting material; Biostatistical analysis and experimental design in biology and agriculture; Biodiversity and bioconservation etc.
References: CV
Gallia-Valentina BUTNARU – Founding Full Member
PhD. Eng., genetics, cytogenetics, biotechnology at USAMV Banatului Timisoara.
Areas of scientific competence: Artificial mutagenesis. Low-intensity γ-irradiation to improve seed parameters in species of economic interest; Stimulation of Glycine max seed germination using low-dose γ-irradiation; Use of biotechnological methods to obtain wheat/dry hybrids by in vitro culture of immature embryos; Evaluation of local populations of Triticum monococcum L under ex situ culture conditions; Cytological analyses (mitosis and meiosis) in species of agricultural interest grown under abiotic pollution conditions; Excess Al3+ action at organ, tissue, cell and cell subunit level (ultrastructural investigations); Accumulation, storage and processing of ultrafine crystals (mesoscopic materials) in pro- and eukaryotic cells for use in medicine and biology; Use of magnetic fluids (FM) in plant biotechnologies, etc.
References: CV, %20Butnaru%
http://www.interkor.ro/universitate/471conducatoridoctorat.phpRomulus GRUIA – Full Member
PhD Professor at “Transilvania” University of Brașov [UTBV], Department of Machines and Installations for Agriculture and Food Industry. He founded the Faculty of Food and Tourism, being the first Dean (2007-2012). PhD in agronomy, specialization in zootechnics, genetics and animal breeding, thesis: “Research on the piloting of zooproductive ecosystems” at USAMV Bucharest, Faculty of Animal Science.
Areas of scientific expertise: ecosystem management, sustainable agriculture, integrated feeding, genetics; zooproductive engineering. Small animal husbandry technology – carnivores and rodents; expert in commercial fur issues, mink import; expert in trout production, meat production, fur; expert in biofeed production from cereal germs, feed premixes based on corn fractions; ecological integration of small animal species and carnivorous fish and application of sustainable management. Ecosanogenesis. Technologies based on biological and biotechnical methods and means with the realisation of biofoods and biopreparations through the application of the principles of environmental integration and, implicitly, of a management adapted to these requirements. Systems organization and integration (Eco-emergent integronics theory; Modularization theory of complex systems; Energy sustainability; Integronic management) with the applicability of these theories (Modular agriculture; Cybernetic animal husbandry – principles and mechanisms of regulation and self-regulation; Ecosanogenesis; Biocenosis genetics; Agri-food eco-biotechnology; Ecotechnics; Gastronomic engineering) Mountain research and mountain tourism strategies. Management information systems. Biotechnologies and ecological processes in agro-tourism, forestry and wood processing. National patents: trout pond feeding system.
References: CV
Teodor MARUȘCA – Full Member
CS 1 dr., agronomist, General Director of the Institute of R&D for Grasslands. Conf. dr. Associate Transylvania University, Brasov
Areas of scientific expertise: Research areas addressed: Botany, geobotany, grassland typology; Mountain ecological gradient; Environmental protection by biological and biotechnical means, erosion control, Genetic resources, introduction into cultivation, study and testing of perennial grass varieties; Grassland improvement by fertilization, amendment, over-seeding, reseeding, weed control; Grassland utilization, conveying for grazing, animal behavior, animal production yield.
References: CV, www.pajisti-grassland.ro/contact.htm
Leon Sorin MUNTEAN – Full Member
University Professor in Phytotechnics, PhD. Engineer at the Faculty of Agriculture and Rector of USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Areas of scientific competence: bioecology, breeding and cultivation technology of hops and medicinal plants; biology and cultivation technology of some cereals (wheat, maize, barley, etc.), white lupin, potato, sugar beet, etc.; study of soils in several rotation variants, etc. Behaviour of some varieties and hybrids of plants in the ecological conditions of Cluj; establishment of the cultivation technology of some cereals (wheat, barley, maize), potato, sugar beet, etc., under non-irrigation conditions. Study of the influence of soil tillage in several rotation variants for Transylvanian conditions on the evolution of soil physical and chemical properties, weeds, diseases and pests and production.
References: CV
Valeriu TABĂRĂ – Full Member
University professor, PhD in agronomy at the USAMV of Banat Timisoara; PhD supervisor; Minister of Agriculture and Food (1994-1996, 2010-2012)
Areas of scientific competence: breeding and breeding of dioecious hemp varieties; breeding and testing of cereal grains; testing of maize hybrids and technologies; improvement of bread-making quality in wheat; breeding and breeding of wheat varieties; testing of production capacity of wheat varieties and hybrids: wheat, maize, sunflower, soybean; hemp breeding and technology, study of sunflower hybrids; efficacy of total action herbicides for post-emergence weed control in sunflower crops; influence of density, row spacing and fertilization on wheat yield and breadmaking quality; Breeding and breeding of new high fibre dioecious hemp varieties.
References: CVMihai DECUN – Member of Honor
University Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Agronomic Institute of Timișoara) after defending the thesis: Research on the spread of Escherichia coli types in the environment and their role as sources of infection for animals and humans (1974).
Areas of scientific competence: Veterinary pharmacology, design, preparation and approval of veterinary vaccines; bacterial genetics in veterinary medicine; microbiological procedures to control the efficiency of surface decontamination in the control of mycobacteria in animal farms; role of microbial biofilm in veterinary medicine; foundation of the concept of informational pathology in animals; methods of air decontamination in the presence of animals by Septosol aerosols; microbiological tests; establishment of conditions for inactivation of pathogens by methanic fermentation of manure and methods of microbiological surveillance of biogas plants; methods of general disinfection of animal housing (design and construction of a machine for aerosol vaccination). The first research in the country on the possibility of vaccinating bulls against trichophyla, which resulted in the preparation of a live vaccine – Tricovac, approved, licensed to the Pasteur Institute in Bucharest and mass-produced.
References: CV
Ioan-Vasile ABRUDAN – Corresponding Member
Professor, PhD. Forestry Engineer, Rector of Transilvania University of Brasov.
Fields of scientific expertise: Forestry and Logging; Afforestation; Green Spaces. Floriculture and turf species; Design, construction and maintenance of forest roads; Romania’s forests. National parks and nature parks; biodiversity and conservation; advances in forestry and links with other sciences.
References: CV http://www.unitbv.ro/
http://shst.ro/membrii-onoare/cv-membrii-de-onoare-shst/prof.-dr.-ioan-vasile-abrudan, www.unitbv.ro/silvic/Catedre/Silvicultura/abrudan1.aspx
Radu-Petru BREJEA – Corresponding Member
University lecturer, environmental engineer, scientific director of the Research Center for Agriculture and Environmental Protection “Crișana” of AOSR and director of the Research Center for Risk Factors for Agriculture and Environment at the University of Oradea
Areas of scientific competence: holder of the courses of Soil Protection Technologies, Environmental Management, Irrigation Management, Ecological Accident Risk Management at the Faculty of Environmental Protection. Author of 8 Thomson Reuters ISI papers, 48 scientific papers published in journals indexed in international databases, author and co-author of 11 scientific books (the “IM Gheorghiu” prize of the ASAS “Gheorghe Ionescu Șișești” Bucharest for 2006 for the book “Applied systems of environmental management”) and 9 university courses and tutorials; co-author of 3 patents and 2 patent applications filed with OSIM. Director, responsible and collaborator in 15 research projects and contracts.
References: CV, http://protmed.uoradea.ro; www.ingmediuoradea.ro
Marian CONSTANTIN – Corresponding Member
PhD Professor [din 1993] at the Faculty of Economics – University of Craiova and Associate Prof. [din 2002] at the Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development of USAMV Bucharest, Department of Management-Marketing. Member of PhD Committees.
Areas of scientific competence: Economics and work organization in agriculture; Management and management of agricultural enterprises; Organization of production and work in fruit growing; Valorization of agricultural production; Marketing in agriculture; Marketing and sales force; Agrotourism and Agrotourism Marketing, Agricultural policies and markets – reform and European integration, Marketing of agri-food production.
References: CV
Liviu GACEU – Corresponding Member
PhD Professor, TRANSILVANIA University of Brasov, coordinator of the D06 research center of the Institute of R&D of UTBv
Areas of scientific competence: food industry technologies: Equipment for the processing of plant products; Computer-aided design applied in the food industry; Finite Element Analysis applied in the field of agri-food processing; Equipment and technologies for milling and bakery. Optimisation of the drying regime of cereal and technical plant seeds.
References: CV, https://www.unitbv.ro/cercetare/doctorat-si-postdoctorat/abilitare/teze-de-abilitare/1139-prof-dr-ing-liviu-gaceu.html
Antonia IVAȘCU – Corresponding Member
Senior Research Scientist grade 1 dr. horticultural engineer, Executive Director at the State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration.
Areas of scientific competence: genetics and breeding of species corresponding to the ecological requirements of the Romanian Plain area; development of research in the field of modern biotechnologies, molecular biochemistry, plant protection and tree physiology. Personal contributions: Monitoring and implementing the technical performance of the newly patented Amalia peach variety for extra early maturity in accordance with EU standards; Diversification and expansion of the peach assortment in private farms by implementing new patented Romanian varieties in order to obtain organic fruit production in accordance with EU standards, with the aim of protecting the environment; Obtaining biological creations of biological rootstock varieties with competitive quality and increased resistance to biotic and abiotic factors in stone species; Elaboration of special parameters for the creation of new varieties within the fruit species cultivated in the Romanian Plain area, in the context of integrated fruit growing practiced in the European Union;
References: CV, www.statiuneabaneasa.ro/contact/index.htm
Vasile COZMA – Honorary Member
Prof. Prof. univ. dr. veterinarian; PhD in veterinary medicine; prof. univ. USAMV Cluj-Napoca; full member of ASAS since 2011 (correspondent since 2003). Title of PhD thesis “Eimeriosis of lambs: etiopathogenetic, diagnostic and prophylactic-therapeutic investigations” (¬1995).
Scientific fields of expertise: veterinary medicine – parasitology and parasitic diseases in animals; veterinary dermatology; veterinary parasitology; veterinary mycology. Personal contributions: – Pathogenesis in diarrhoeal syndrome with multifactorial etiology in lambs, kids, calves, piglets; – Immunological profile in eimeriosis in lambs, kids, chickens; – Chemoprevention of hypodermatosis using avermectins and milbemycin; – Use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of abdominal metacesostosis in pigs; – new data on the biocycle of Hammondia hammondi, Cystoisospora felis, Hammondia heidorni; – influence of some anthelmintics on the immune status in animals; – chemoprevention of endoparasitosis by using anthelmintic briquettes or anthelmintic and coccidiostat briquettes; – introduction of original drugs in therapy: Femicozin (patented), Nilmiazole, Scabex, TBF; – testing new drugs.
References: CV
Mihai BOTU – Associate Member
PhD Professor; University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture (since 2008). PhD in Horticulture [2000]. Thesis title: “Research for the establishment of valuable plum genotypes and varieties for the subcarpathian area of Oltenia”. Senior researcher grade I (CS I); MEC – A.S.A.S. (Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu Șișești”) – Research and Development Institute for Pomiculture, Pitești – Mărăcineni (since 2008).
Areas of scientific competence: Establishment of new efficient propagation processes for walnut and hazelnut. Research for the establishment of valuable plum varieties and genotypes to improve the assortment in the subcarpathian area of Oltenia. Conventional and modern methods in horticultural plant breeding. Experimental techniques in horticulture and ecology (Basics). Walnut, plum rootstocks; breeding of different varieties of walnut, hazelnut, chestnut and other nut trees, plum.
References: CV
Cristian-Gabriel DOMUȚA – Associate Member
Lecturer dr. eng., University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection. He obtained his PhD in AGRONOMICS in 2010.
Areas of scientific expertise: irrigation, environmental protection, plant raw materials, influence of soil drought on maize yield and quality, project management. He has participated as director / coordinator in the implementation of an important number of national and international projects: CEEX, HURO, PN -II, CNCSIS, PNDR, POR, POSDRU projects funded by the World Bank, etc. He has outstanding managerial qualities in the development and promotion of the Research Center for Agriculture and Environmental Protection within the Faculty of Environmental Protection.
Outstanding achievements: presented and published 72 scientific papers, 7 of which in ISI journals and 65 in BDI journals. He has been elected member and holds leadership positions in a significant number of national and international bodies. He is the author of 5 patents and has filed 3 other patent applications. He is also the author of 2 courses and 3 practical work tutorials.
References: CV
Dumitru MANOLE – Associate Member
Dr. eng., technical manager SC SPORT AGRA SRL, Amzacea, Constanța
Areas of scientific expertise: agricultural management and marketing, sunflower cultivation, emerging pests in maize cultivation, early wheat varieties, rice cultivation
References: CV
Floarea NICOLAE – Associate Member
Prof. univ. dr. eng. agronomist, PhD thesis title: “Studies on the influence of ionizing radiation on the variability of soybean”.
Areas of scientific competence: scientific basis, production, certification, control and legislation of seeds; quality of food products; promotion of organic agriculture and establishment of an operational structure for the control and certification of organic products; implementation and management of agrotourism as a means of sustainable development; biogenetics of soybean plant. Modelling the response of farms to the integration of economic and environmental principles through sustainable soil resource management; Control and expertise of wheat and barley crop authenticity through biochemical markers.
Achievements: he contributed to the establishment of the Algiers Study and Research Centre (1976), as a founding member and then as a researcher, and continues to work on soybean breeding. The results of the research, together with Algerian and Romanian colleagues, led to the creation and approval of the soybean variety “CERAG I”, considered a national first in Algeria.
References: CV
Camelia PAPUC – Associate Member
Full Professor, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine – USAMV Bucharest, Department of Preclinical Sciences
Areas of scientific expertise: food safety and security; polyphenolic extracts with antioxidant activity; natural preservatives for meat products, antimicrobial effects of polyphenols; phytogenic and mineral additives; biochemistry;
References: CV, http://fmvb.ro/english/images/PreclinicalScience/Papuc-Camelia-Puia.pdfReferences: CV, http://fmvb.ro/english/images/PreclinicalScience/Papuc-Camelia-Puia.pdf
Alin Cosmin POPESCU – Associate member
Prof. univ. dr. H.C. University of Life Sciences “Regele Mihai I” University of Timișoara, discipline Topography, Rector of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat
Specialization: Environmental Engineering, Geodesy, Economics
Fields of scientific expertise: environmental protection, cadastre, pedology, remote sensing, cadastre, digital cadastre and land registry, geographic information systems in landscape
Outstanding scientific achievements: Gheorghe lonescu Sisesti Award, for the book Cartografie digitala&Mobile GIS, authors: Herbei M., Smuleac A, Popescu C, 2020; Gheorghe lonescu Sisesti Award, 2022 for the scientific paper Model of color parameters variation in correction in relation to Time-View image acquisition effects in wheat crops. Important Publications: Books published in national and foreign publishing houses = 21, Articles in ISI listed journals (no.); 16+23 = 39, International conferences published in volumes = 11, National patents (no. if applicable) = 2, International awards: 7
References: CV
Ioan ROȘCA – Associate Member
Full Professor [din 2005] at USAMV Bucharest, Faculty: Agriculture; Department “Plant Sciences”, Discipline: Entomology. ● PhD in Biology, Central Institute of Biology-Bucuresti (1979): “Contributions to the systematic and zoogeographic study of terrestrial heteroptera in Romania”; PhD in Agronomy, USAMV Bucharest [2008] – Research on the management of plant protection against pests and protection of biodiversity. PhD supervisor since 2009.
Areas of scientific competence: general and special entomology ● statistics ● immunology ● microbiology ● use of radiation and radioactive isotopes in insect control ● genetically modified plants ● biodiversity ● biodiversity indicators under the influence of phytosanitary treatments in the agroecosystem of cereal crops.
References: CV
Elena TROTUȘ – Associate Member
CS 1 dr. eng. eng. Agronomist [1997 – diploma de doctor în agronomie], Director of SCDA Secuieni.
Areas of scientific competence: phytopathology ● determining the spread and faunal structure of pests in agricultural crops ● determining the occurrence and bioecology of pest species of major importance for the area; ● the role of some factors and agrotechnical measures in preventing and reducing the damage of some pests; ● determining the control methods and the most effective and selective chemicals applied by seed and vegetation treatments; ● determination of the compatibility of some fungicides, insecticides and bacteria of the genus Rhizobium applied in seed treatment of grain legumes; ● reaction of some varieties and hybrids of sunflower, maize and beans to chemical seed treatment with different insecticides; ● influence of chemical seed treatment with different insect-fungicides on seed properties, depending on the duration of storage.
References: CV
Jean-Marc BOUSSARD – Honorary Member, FRANCE
Prof. Prof. univ. dr. ing. agronomist, Président de l’Académie d’Agriculture du France (since 2014)
Areas of scientific expertise: research on the use of linear programming in agriculture, economic irrigation, the place of agriculture in economic development, dynamics of agricultural markets. Local and global economic policy analyst; interfaces between technical and economic research with the creation of vast data banks.
Gheorghe-Mircea CONSTANTINESCU – Member of Honor, USA
University of Missouri-Columbia, College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Constantinescu is investigating the gross anatomy of small and large mammals, the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, the clinical anatomy as well as the anatomical nomenclature. The latter work was used to write and illustrate two sections of the Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature and coauthor of a book entitled Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria – Bilingual edition, International and Romanian Terminology. He is a member of the International Committee for Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature, the Chairman of the Subcommittee of Myology, and one of the four members of the Editorial Board for the 6th edition of the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria 2017. He is the sole editor of the 4th edition of the Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature, 2018. He is the promoter of introducing the Clinical approach in teaching Veterinary Anatomy. His “Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals”, (2 editions) both text and original illustrations, is the first of its kind. The “Clinical Anatomy for Small Animal Practitioners” with both text and color original illustrations was translated into three languages. Dr. Constantinescu is recently the promoter of the “Clinically Oriented Comprehensive Pictorial Approach of the Joints”. He published his first paper related to this issue in 2009 and was invited as valuable speaker to present this paper and ideas about it to the Yangzhou Orthopedics Forum, China, 17-18 April 2011. His talent as medical illustrator in pen and ink, pencil, and watercolors is shown in all his publications – in refereed journals, books, and chapters. He is also a sculptor.
Acad. Boris GĂINĂ – Honorary Member of AOSR, Rep. MOLDOVA
Prof. PhD and full member of the Academy of the Republic of Moldova
Areas of scientific expertise: oenology and technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Biotechnological processes in uvology and oenology. Oenological assessments of new clones of Vitis vinifera vines obtained in EU countries: France, Italy, Germany and planted in Moldova. Study of new varieties with increased resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors for the production of different types of wines. Development of organic/biological wine products. Egg therapy and oenotherapy. Biologically active compounds in grape juices and wines, their curative and nutritional properties. Resveratrols. Toxins in juice and wines: heavy metals, patulin, biogenic amines, methanol, higher alcohols, aldehydes. Agri-food technological machinery; equipment for processing viticultural and fruit raw materials; continuous flow bioreactors. Biochemical compounds of oak improving the aroma and taste of wine; Immobilized enzymes: stabilization of juices and wines; Kinetics of protein degradation in wine products
References: CV, http://www.asm.md/?go=asambleea_about_memb&n=37&new_language=0
Peter PEPÓ – Honorary Member of AOSR, HUNGARY
Prof. univ. dr. dr. and dr. hab. since 2004. in the field of cereal crops.
Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Areas of scientific expertise: improvement of biological factors for cereal crops, increasing the efficiency of work and improving the yield of cereal crops.
References: CV
Charles PILET – Membre de Onoare AOSR, Membre de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, FRANCE
Professor Emeritus at the National Veterinary School of Alfort, President of the National Academy of Medicine [1999]
Areas of scientific expertise: major contributions to the knowledge of Brucella immunology. He developed a new type of non-agglutinogenic vaccine by saturating the peripheral antigens of a Brucella abortus strain with a specific immunoglobulin. He showed that it is possible to induce immune protection without producing agglutinating antibodies, and thus to distinguish infected animals carrying these antibodies from vaccinated animals not carrying the same antibodies. The possibility of such immunisation also confirmed the essentially cellular nature of anti-brucella immunity and the passive role of antibodies. Based on the same principle, Charles Pilet and his team have developed a cellular test to detect chronic brucellosis in humans, whose serological silence makes diagnosis particularly difficult. Charles Pilet also broke new ground in the control of brucella vaccines. His work has been accepted by international pharmacopoeias.
References: CV, http://www.academiesciences.fr/academie/membre/PiletC_bio0306.pdf
Ion BERCEA – Full Member
Dec. 30 1930 – 26 Dec. 2011
Specialization: veterinary medicine
He has had a prestigious scientific activity by developing original methodologies for the diagnosis, control and prophylaxis of swine leptospirosis; relations between epizootic characteristics and mechanisms of production of semiologic and morphopathologic expressions in avian leukosis group leukosis-sarcoma; the prioritization of reticulo-sarcoma in swine and presentation of particular morphopathologic features in lymphosarcoma in the same species; isolation of a strain of Leptospira interrogans, serotype sejroe, from horse, included in Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, ed. 1984, as serotype “romanica”; preparation of a leptospiral antigen by ultrasonication; preparation and priority use of a vaccine against streptococcal streptococcal disease of piglets caused by serotypes R and S of Streptococcus suis; peculiarities of E.coli and various Salmonella serotypes, alone or in association in heavy breed breeding hens; development of a complex methodology for diagnosis, control and prophylaxis of colibacillosis in hens; preparation and priority use of a polyvalent, ultrasound-treated and adjuvanted anti-colibacillary vaccine for poultry.
Gheorghe SĂLĂJAN – Honorary Member
November 8, 1932 – June 22, 2009
Field of scientific expertise was animal husbandry. He has made outstanding contributions to: – Establishment of K standards in feed for all species and categories of animals; – Implications of supplemental potassium in protein metabolism and prevention of environmental pollution with mineral nitrogen; – Development of programs for optimizing feed in animals; – Establishment of nutritional methods for directing fermentation and metabolism in the rumen to increase production in ruminants; – Establishment and improvement of new methods for determining fat and fat quality in carcasses, depending on the feed for obtaining meat with a minimum fat content; – Comparative influence of probiotics and antibiotics used as feed additives on the microflora in the digestive tract and on animal production; – Research on the optimisation of single feed mixtures for fattening lambs.
Aurel DORNEANU – Honorary Member
January 28, 1928, Dorna-Arini, Suceava – November 1, 2015 Bucharest
Education: he graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at the Agronomic Institute of Cluj in 1953. He obtained his doctorate in agronomy in 1959 with the thesis “Contributions to the establishment of crop rotation and principles of organization of cereal soils” and the title of PhD in 1975 with the thesis “Synthesis of results obtained in the production of humic organomineral fertilizers and synthetic polymer amendments, procedures for their use in the fertilization of agricultural crops” at the Agronomic Institute of Bucharest. CS 1 Dr. Doc. agronomist.
Research activity: conducted studies on: Elaboration of principles of soil management based on the study of agrochemical and biological soil indices; elaboration of theoretical bases of organo-mineral fertilizer fertilization (based on humic polymers from lower coal, ureoaldehydic polymers and mineral salts); design of formulas for industrial-scale production of fertilizers; developing the theoretical and practical basis for improving soil fertilizers and soil amendments based on synthetic polymers; developing and improving fertilization technologies with liquid fertilizers, including ammonia, and stabilizers; developing and improving liquid fertilizer formulations. Inventions: He has patented 16 inventions on a national level: Patent no. 77639/1972 “Process for obtaining an organomineral complex fertilizer (with nitrogen)”; no. 74328/1986 “Fertilizers with calcium nitrate”, no. 97142/1988 “Liquid fertilizers with calcium nitrate”, no. 108954/1994 “Process for fertilizing agricultural crops with solutions concentrated in nitrogen during vegetation”, no. 112610/1997 “Pasteurized complex fertilizers based on organic polymers of vegetable origin”, no. 121814/2008 “Complex fertilizer, foliar or root application and method of application”.
Publications: books “Plant-soil relationship management through the farming system” Ed. Agrosilvic, 1962, “Soil Fertility Management”, Ed. Ceres 1976, “Modern concepts in soil organic fertilization”, Ed. Ceres 1984.
Awards: the Romanian Academy Prize “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” awarded in 1987, Gold Medal at the EUREKA 1999 exhibition, Gold Medal with mention at the EUREKA 1999 exhibition.
Contribution to the development of science: invention of over 30 types of organomineral fertilizers and foliar complexes as well as the development of fertilization procedures under ecological protection.
Cornel DOMUȚA – Corresponding Member
14 March 1959, loc. Cuța (Satu Mare) – d. 28 July 2017, Oradea
He was a reputed university professor dr. agronomist, director of the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Protection, University of Oradea, scientific researcher I and scientific secretary of the Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea, editor-in-chief of the BDI journals “Annals of the University of Oradea, Environmental Protection” and “Natural Resources and Sustainable Development”, member of the scientific board of the journal Acta Agraria Debreceniensis.
Fields of interest: Crop irrigation: study of pedological and meteorological drought and its impact on microclimate, plant physiological parameters, quantity and quality of production; water utilization and influencing factors; irrigation forecasting. Agro-engineering: study of soils, soil erosion on slopes, green manures with C/N ratio favourable to humification, sustainable agriculture; Biotechnical and ecological systems engineering; Environmental monitoring. Director or scientific director of nine projects won in competition within the Relansin, Agral, SCG-World Bank, CEEX, CNCSIS Ideas programmes and director/responsible/member in 4 international projects. Collaborator of ICITID Băneasa-Giurgiu, ICCPT Fundulea and SCCES Perieni (24 research topics) between 1983-2003. First author of the patents “Process for improving the fertility of eroded soils” (2010) and “Method for forecasting irrigation in maize cultivation”. Prizes: “Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci” of S.N.R.S.S. for the book “Differentiated agro-technics in north-western Romania”, “Constantin Sandu Aldea” of A.S.A.S. “Gheorghe Ionescu Șișești” for the book “Land use in agricultural systems” and “Amilcar Vasiliu” of AOSR for the book “Scientific researcher in Crișana agriculture, 1983-2013”.
Ion PUȘCĂ – Honorary Member
December 18, 1941 – August 28, 2018
Dr. horticultural engineer, economist, General Director SC Domeniile Viticole Dr. Pușcă SA
Areas of scientific expertise: winemaking techniques, sparkling wine making technology, sparkling beverages in the household. Old Romanian varieties in the vineyard. Introduction of sparkling wine technology in the Panciu vineyard (1968-1970). Study of the dynamics of the main physico-chemical and biological changes during the second fermentation in bottles of sparkling wine (1971-1976). Study of old Romanian varieties (Feteasca white and Băbeasca black) for sparkling wine production. The results obtained in Panciu have shown that quality sparkling wines can be obtained from these varieties. Innovations: “Sparkling wine from Panciu”.
References: CV, www.casavinului-drpusca.ro
Tudosie AVRAM – Honorary Member
March 14, 1931, Cermegești, Vâlcea – August 18, 2019, Huși
Dr. horticultural engineer
Fields of scientific expertise: Horticulture, Viticulture, Oenology.
Studies and technologies: extension of vine growing on own roots in Ivești vineyard; study of the behaviour of new and old varieties in experimental production and on large areas at IAS Ivești and Odobești Experimental Viticultural Station; production at Ivești of red wines from the Oporto variety blended with Black Beef; the study of the evolution of wines through long ageing in the school’s wine library of the main varieties of the district of Huesca; the revitalisation through selection, production technology and stabilisation methods of the sweet liqueur wine of the Bohotin-Huesca grape variety; plant and own method for obtaining sparkling wines under micro-production conditions; production of sparkling wine from Busuioaca de Bohotin and Zghihară de Huși; technology of producing aromatized wines such as vermouth, white and red under the conditions of the Huși vineyard and special improved wines such as Malaga, Marsala, Porto, Cahors; comparative study of vine training in permanent vineyards planted in autumn and spring; study of the resistance of different noble vine varieties to frost and phylloxera attack in the collection of new varieties.
References: CV
Gabriel LEȚ – Full Member
October 18, 1949, Piatra Neamț – November 20, 2020, Brăila
Scientific researcher in horticulture, PhD engineer, collective responsible at the Agricultural Research and Development Station Brăila.
Areas of scientific competence: ecopedoclimatic, technological and economic parameters useful for the valorisation of horticultural and agroforestry ecosystems with low fertility levels (sandy soils, depleted soils). For the first time, it has built up an ampelographic collection on sands with more than 360 varieties of Vitis vinifera with localized drip irrigation; a pomological collection of 9 species and 96 varieties of fruit trees and shrubs; first national tests with multiannual species (horticultural, silvicultural) on land degraded by depletion; solutions for returning used cells for household waste to the productive circuit at the Brăila Ecological Landfill; sequential contributions to viticulture and arboriculture legislation in line with the EU acquis communautaire.
References: CV
Ioan AVARVAREI – Full Member
July 6, 1941, Huși (VS) – 17.09.2021, Iași
Prof. PhD, agronomist engineer, PhD supervisor since 1996, USAMV Iasi, Faculty of Agriculture, pedotechnical specialty
Areas of scientific competence: Soil improvement research, evaluation of agro-productive potential of soils; return of unproductive soils to the agricultural circuit; Improvement of soil fertility by agrochemical means; foliar fertilization for ecological protection – new, unconventional sources of nutrients; Mineral nutrition of species grown on salinized soils; establishment of fertilization system and agro-techniques in the main agricultural crops grown in Moldova on sloping land subject to erosion; evaluation of the agro-productive potential of some soils and changes caused by anthropogenic activities; research on nutrient availability and chlorinating power of soils used for viticulture; determination of the salinity tolerance threshold of some cultivated plant species; improvement and valorisation of saline and alkaline soils in Moldova; fertilisation and agro-technical system of the main agricultural crops.
References: CV, www.univagro-iasi.ro
Gheorghe SIN – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
President of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu-Siesesti
Founding Full Member
11 June 1942, com. Piatra (TR) – 29 July 2021, Bucharest
Prof. PhD, agronomist engineer, USAMV Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence: studies on: influence of crop rotation on production, soil fertility conservation and weed, disease and pest control; development of new tillage methods; improvement of sowing technology; evolution of soil properties under the influence of applied agro-technics; improvement of machinery systems. Field crop rotation; Agro-technical methods in crop cultivation; Optimum density of agricultural plants; Quality of mechanised agricultural work; Sunflower cultivation; Simple and complex foliar fertilisers – technologies of use and economic efficiency; Modern technologies for field crop cultivation; Technological management of field crops; Priorities of scientific research in the field of field crops; High-performance sustainable agriculture, etc.
References: CV
Dan ȘCHIOPU – Founder Member, Honorary President of the Section
October 4, 1930, Galati – November 5, 2021, Bucharest
Prof. dr. consultant, horticultural engineer
Fields of scientific competence: Horticulture, Pedology – study and tillage of soils, management of vegetation factors, integrated weed control, agricultural experimental techniques, agricultural ecology and environmental protection, correct and efficient operation of agricultural machinery and equipment, animal husbandry and agricultural ecosystems, influence of alternative technologies with different degrees of chemisation on the structural hydrostability of reddish-brown soils, study of the fertility of irrigated and non-irrigated branciogues. Chairman of the National Committee on Food Security and Strategy, under the auspices of the AOSR.
References: CVGeorgeta-Maria NICHITA – Full Member
January 13, 1932 – October 24, 2022
Prof. PhD. eng. consultant – nutrition and veterinary sanitary control of feed, USAMV of Banat Timisoara.
Areas of scientific competence: feeding of domestic animals; physiology of nutrition and optimisation of feed base structure for animal nutrition. Valorisation of non-protein nitrogenous substances, agricultural by-products and those from the food industry in animal feed; Optimisation of animal nutrition. Study of the frequency and intensity of chemical and microbiological pollutants in feedstuffs and their impact on the quality of animal products and the health of animal and human consumers; Comparative experimentation of technologies for preventing and reducing feed pollution; Influence of mineral supplements in animal feed, correlated with the quantitative and qualitative production of specific crops; Development of new feed products for ruminants (TUM-30; Carbamin; Ureomix; Partial replacers of natural milk with soy hydrolyzed for calf feeding) etc.
References: CV
Ion NICOLAE – Founding Full Member
June 21, 1939 Voști (VL) – August 27, 2023, Bucharest
University Professor, PhD. engineer, President of Bioterra University of Bucharest.
Areas of scientific expertise: genetics and genetic engineering, plant breeding, biostatistics, biological agriculture; experimental mutagenesis. He has obtained a large collection of mutant soybean lines, selected some valuable biotypes of walnut, quince and cork tree, and established a plant breeding field with microcollections of the main horticultural species. He holds 5 patents for the creation of two soybean varieties (Cerag l, created in Algeria, 1979 and Ilfov, created in Romania, 1989) and for the homologation of ecological products, awarded at the International Invention and Invention Salons.
References: CV, www.bioterra.ro
Pătru PLOAIE – Member of Honor
PhD in biology with the doctoral thesis “Research on chlorosis-type agents isolated in Romania” (1970), at the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy, with the PhD supervisor acad. Alice Săvulescu. Associate Professor at USAMVB since 1999, PhD supervisor since 1996 in the field of AGRONOMY. Principal Investigator I at the ASAS Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection.
Areas of scientific expertise: electron microscopy techniques with applications in cell and molecular biology; studies on proliferative plant diseases thought to be caused by viruses, disproving this hypothesis by electron microscopy studies and demonstrating that a new category of plant pathogens similar to mycoplasmas in animals and humans is present in diseased plant samples collected from Romania and other European countries; Mycoplasma and proliferative plant diseases; Alzheimer’s disease (collaborator: Ultrastructural alterations with Leon Dănăilă, specialist in cerebral vascular surgery). He developed for the first time in Romania research on plant and insect pathogenic viruses and discovered a new category of plant pathogens called mycoplasmas or phytoplasmas. He organized the first collection of plant pathogenic viruses in Romania. He has identified and described more than 80 diseases produced by viruses and mycoplasmas in cultivated and wild plants, 50 of which have been reported for the first time in the literature. He has developed numerous methods to investigate viruses and mycoplasmas (electron microscopy, enzyme immunoassays, DNA-based).
References: CV
Gheorghe CIMPOIEȘ – Member of Honor, Rep. MOLDOVA
PhD. professor, horticulture and viticulture, Rector of the State Agrarian University of Moldova and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Areas of scientific competence: Pomiculture, Optimisation of orchard structure, Tropical and subtropical apple growing; classifications and requirements of orchard structure. Technological principles of tree training and pruning in intensive orchards. Creation and operation of superintensive apple orchards with superior quality and economic indices; development of practical recommendations for the design, creation and maintenance of optimal productive parameters in apple orchards with spindle crowns and high productivity potential. Driving and pruning, Apple varieties. He edited the first manual on Special Pomiculture in the Republic of Moldova (2002).
Reference: CV, http://www.asm.md/?go=detalii-membri&n=203&new_language=0
Alecsandru-Ioan BABA – Full Member
September 20, 1936, Nojorid, Bihor – October 3, 2024, Cluj Napoca
Professor of Mortopathology at USAMV Cluj – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Areas of scientific expertise:morphological investigations in atherosclerosis in animals; veterinary oncology; comparative oncology; complex investigations in stress syndrome in animals. Description of some diseases for the first time in our country: atypical encephalomyelitis of broilers; mink jigiosis; hepatitis with viral inclusions of broilers, etc. Applied scientific research has included: morphological study of nutritional and metabolic diseases; histological study of endocrine glands with implications in various disease states; morphopathological investigations in some episodes of animal disease; lead poisoning, mycoses, mycotoxins, viruses, bacterioses, parasitoses in animals; histopathological and cytopathological diagnosis of malignant tumors in animals
References: CV

Aurel LUP – Full Member
September 28, 1933, Măgura Ierii, Cluj County – December 2, 2024, Constanța
Prof. dr. univ. dr.., agronomist engineer, economist, at “OVIDIUS” University of Constanta and Spiru Haret University.
Areas of scientific expertise: economic efficiency of different plant products under Dobrogea conditions; optimal sizing of socialist agricultural units; economic rationale of production structures at farm and zonal level; use of operational research methods in modeling different economic processes such as: optimization of crop structure at different levels (agricultural unit, county, zone.
References: CV