Ecaterina ANDRONESCU – Member, President of the Section
University professor, PhD in chemical engineering, former President of the Senate of the University POLITEHNICA Bucharest. Former Rector of UPB; Minister of Education, Research and Innovation (2000-2003; 22.12.2008 – 01.10.2009; 2012).
Areas of scientific competence: scientific research in physical chemistry of oxide compounds, Solid state physical chemistry of silicates; Oxide materials science; Ceramic materials with electrical and magnetic properties; Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
Ioana DEMETRESCU – Full Member
Prof., PhD supervisor, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of General Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science
Areas of scientific competence: Physical Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biomaterials; Environment; Materials Chemistry; Corrosion. Outstanding achievements: in the interdisciplinary field of chemistry, biology, environment, completed by the introduction of methodologies for the development and characterisation of new materials for bioapplications; studies on mechanisms for the modification of surfaces and interfaces to enhance performance related to stability, antibacterial effect and cellular response.
Marius ENĂCHESCU – Full Member
University Professor PhD engineer, one of the pioneers of nanoscience and nanotechnology, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence: a) construction of the first STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) – tunnelling microscope at the largest German University, system capable of sub-atomic resolution; b) building a unique system at the University of Maine, USA, capable of “seeing” both atoms on any surface and atoms on the tip used for tunneling; c) implementation and use of a variable temperature STM-AFM system at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California Berkeley, USA, for experiments related to fundamental friction phenomena between atoms. 9 years of experience in the high-tech industry as Chief Executive Officer and President of a Silicon Valley corporation.
CV Anton FICAI – Full Member, Scientific Secretary of the section
University Professor PhD in Chemical Engineering, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis
Areas of scientific expertise : Excellent applied research: composite materials for bone regeneration; magnetic systems for targeted treatment; controlled release systems for controlled release; cancer and infection treatment; advanced surface functionalisation; matrix-reinforcing agent compatibilisation; nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Outstanding achievements: outstanding achievements include the development of systems for bone cancer treatment. These systems have been designed to reduce the risk of recurrence by providing sufficient long-lasting anti-tumour activity through the symbiosis of the controlled release of classical anti-tumour substances (cytostatics) and the presence of nanoparticles with intrinsic or externally induced anti-tumour activity. Also worth mentioning among the outstanding achievements is the wide range of collagen and hydroxyapatite-based composite materials with morphology or composition to ensure the desired performance. These systems have been patented and have been appreciated at invention and innovation fairs in Brussels, Geneva and Iasi. (More than 150 papers including more than 120 articles published in ISI journals; or 17 books and book chapters published in the country or abroad.)
References: CV
Maria GAVRILESCU – Full Member, Vice-President of the Section
University professor of chemical engineering at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi.
Areas of scientific competence: engineering of chemical and biological processes, with applications in environmental protection (in particular, engineering of processes for remediation, treatment, purification and control of environmental components – air, water, soil, affected by pollution phenomena; integration, modelling and simulation). Chemical and biological process engineering with applications in environmental protection – biotechnology, with applications in environmental protection (biosorption, bioaccumulation, bioremediation, etc.). Environmental risk assessment and management, technical and occupational safety engineering, integration of environmental, health and safety risk assessments. Solid waste treatment and management. Integrated pollution prevention and control for processes, products, services, sustainable industrial production, eco-design, eco-technologies and clean production, industrial ecology, environmental assessment and audit.
References: CV
Elena IONESCU – Full Member
Scientific Researcher gr. 1 PhD Engineer in Chemical Technology, General Director of the Medicinal Plants Research and Processing Centre “Plantavorel” Piatra Neamt.
Areas of scientific competence: Scientific research on chemical synthesis in the field of the drug industry, monomers and intermediates for the synthetic yarn industry, synthesis of new chemicals for the cosmetics and perfumery industry, the leather and dye industry; research, design and mathematical modelling for new equipment on catalytic oxidation and hydrogenation processes; catalytic polymerisation of cyclohexene, continuous solvent crystallisation separation processes, fluidised bed drying processes; publishing activity. Specialisations in scientific and technical information and documentation, financial management, international economic relations; quality system design and implementation.
Horia IOVU – Full Member
Prof. PhD in chemical engineering, UPB pro-rector
Areas of scientific competence: ionic-coordination polymerisation of dienes; studies on the physico-mechanical characteristics of polymer composites with various structures; studies on the optimal content of methylol groups in ureo-formaldehyde resin; studies on the polycondensation reaction between piperazine, formaldehyde and benzyl alcohol; studies on the structure-properties relationship for composite materials; development of original technologies for obtaining lanthanide complexes; development of a new field in Romania – synthesis of polymeric materials by unconventional techniques, in the microwave field and under the action of accelerated electron beams. 96 ISI articles. Creator of the Advanced Polymer Materials Group (APMG), with a very good equipment base. Director or coordinator of 25 national research projects and 3 international projects.
Nicolae NAUM – Full Member
University Professor PhD chemical engineer, Director of Programme Management at the National Centre for Programme Management Bucharest.
Areas of scientific competence: synthesis and characterisation of zeolite catalysts; innovation management. Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 for accreditation and testing systems; Policies and Action Directives for the implementation of the International Standard ISO 9001:2000, 2001; accreditation-certification activities in Romania; Maintenance of auditor qualifications. New requirements for auditor competence as set out in ISO/FDIS 19011:2002. Designation and the role of auditors in designation; Certification Systems in Organic Farming, Training auditors/assessors for testing/verification laboratories; Quality management.
Marcel POPA – Full Member
Professor in the Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection “Cristofor Simionescu” of the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi. Author of 471 scientific papers (342 in peer-reviewed journals), 35 chapters and monographs (33 abroad), 9 books and treatises (2 abroad), 19 patents, editor of 3 books abroad (ASP, BENTHAM). Awarded the “Gheorghe Spacu” prize of the Romanian Academy (1984), the “Opera Omnia” prize (Ministry of National Education, 2002), the gold medal “Henri Coandă” cl. I (Romanian Inventors Society, 2002). Honorary Doctorate al Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France (2010). Editor-in-chief of Journal of Hydrogels (American Scientific Publishers), Polymer Networks. Member of the Editorial Board of: International Journal of Molecular Structures, Molecules, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Journal of pharmaceutical research and drug design, Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering Current Tissue Engineering, International Journal of Drug Design and Development, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, International Journal of Medical Dentistry, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iași (Chemistry section), Journal of Integrative Medicine and Complementary Therapies. Collaborations with universities in France (Mulhouse, Lyon, Marseille, Rouen, Pau, Toulon, Arras, Douai), Canada and Germany; member of the Groupe Français des Polymères (Education section). Doctoral supervisor: 47 PhDs in Materials Engineering. 12 first degree professorships coordinated.
Areas of scientific expertise: polymer mechanochemistry, chemical transformations in natural polymers, polymer composites, hydrogels, polymer micro- and nanoparticles (functionalised, magnetic) for biomedical applications, bioactive polymers (drugs, enzymes, nutrients immobilised on polymers), polymer-drug conjugates, polymer complexes.
Ion SANDU – Full Member
Professor univ. Dr. HC Eng., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Areas of scientific expertise: Scientific conservation of cultural and natural heritage assets; purification of ground and surface water; purification of domestic and industrial waste water; denitrification of industrial by-products with valorisation of useful components; obtaining, chemical, physico-structural and microbiological characterisation of saline aerosols for the production of multi-purpose halocameras; authentication of old collection artefacts and newly acquired (unstudied or less known) archaeological pieces, new materials and modern procedures for the preservation and restoration of old cultural heritage artefacts; new archaeometric or chemometric features with archaeometric value involved in autetification and in the establishment of historical contexts; identification of counterfeits or forgeries for collection items, etc.. Obtaining, characteristics and practical applications of geopolymers.
References: ,,
Gheorghe SURPĂȚEANU – Full Member
PhD Professor at “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau.
Areas covered: – Syntheses of heterocyclic compounds with specific properties (drugs and industrial auxiliaries);
– Supramolecular chemistry (molecular sensors in the detection of toxic organic compounds);
– Syntonic chemistry (generation of essential amino acids and obtaining polypeptides).
Maria TOMOAIA-COTIȘEL – Full Member
Prof. univ. dr. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Physical Chemistry
Areas of scientific competence: physical chemistry, biological chemistry, biochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, structure, biophysics, physical chemistry of nanostructures and nanostructured materials, colloid and interface chemistry. A special importance in teaching and research concerns is given to the disciplines Molecular and Cellular Medicine using AFM and STM imaging and Biomaterials with biological and clinical applications respectively. He has developed new strategies for interfacial nanofabrication and physical, chemical and biological characterization of novel smart functional materials and planar supramolecular nanostructures with broad applications in research and development of medical devices, opto-electronic devices or biosensors.
References: CVNiculae IONESCU – Honorary Member
PhD Chemist, Scientific Researcher gr. 1, honorary member of the Institute of Physical Chemistry “Ilie G. Murgulescu” of the Romanian Academy.
Areas covered: chemical kinetics of fast gas-phase reactions: origin, stability and propagation of explosions. Chemical kinetics of heterogeneous reactions in solid-gas systems under stationary and non-stationary conditions. Development of kinetic models. Gas adsorption on metals. Biological Physical Chemistry. Electron microscopy.
References: CV
Neculae ANTOHE – Corresponding Member
Scientific researcher gr.1, PhD engineer in organic chemistry, Scientific Director at the Centre for Research and Processing of Medicinal Plants “Plantavorel” in Piatra Neamt.
Areas of scientific expertise: ammonia combustion, platinum recovery from ammonia combustion, ammonium ion recovery from ammonia plant wastewater; obtaining new products and technologies with immediate application in industry and aimed at reducing the import of raw materials and materials. Obtaining new sulphur polymers with radiation absorbing properties (uses in astronautics). Technologies in the manufacture of polyamide fibres. Author and co-author on 39 patents: Recovery of ethylene-ethylene glycol carbonate nitrate. Production of products for the antistatic treatment of PNA fibres with applications in industry. Manufacture of polyamide fibres; quaternary ammonium salts, organic phosphorus compounds (organic phosphites of polyethylene glycol).
References: CVCristian Ovidiu OPREA – Corresponding Member
Prof. PhD. Eng., POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies (formerly “…of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science), Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry. Scientific Director of the National Scientific Research Centre for Food Safety – CNpSA, which was accredited by RENAR in 2021.
Areas of scientific competence: Complex combinations with biological activity. Cadmium-free quantum dots – new agents in cancer therapy and in vivo imaging; nanomaterials with antimicrobial properties and their applications in medical or food applications (ZnO, SiO2, TiO2, Fe3O4, Ag etc.); controlled drug release systems; characterisation of materials by complex thermal analysis (TG-DSC-GC/MS-FTIR); UV-Vis and fluorescence (PL).
Marcel-Ionel POPA – Corresponding Member
Areas of scientific competence: gel chromatography, differential calorimetry, mass spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis, NMR analysis, IR spectroscopy by Fourier analysis, polydispersity study of colloidal particles; synthesis and characterization of micro and nanoparticles based on natural polymers with applications in the delivery of active ingredients; polymer-magnetite mixed particles for applications in drug transport or wastewater purification; hybrid materials of double lamellar hydroxides intercalated with bioactive principles; kinetics of bioactive principles release reactions from nanostructured materials.
Publications: 3 book chapters in foreign publishers, 10 books in CNCSIS-recognised publishers, 98 articles in ISI-listed journals, 1182 citations with h-index 19. 3 patents.
Memberships: Member of the Biomaterials Society, the Catalysis Society and the Romanian Chemical Society.
Leonard Ionuț ATANASE – Associate Member
Prof. PhD, University “Apollonia” of Iasi – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Coordinator of the Biomaterials Laboratory + International Relations Office. PhD supervisor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection “Cristofor Simionescu” of the Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Chemical Engineering field
Areas of scientific expertise: biocompatible polymers and emulsions with applications in biomedical fields. Polymer colloids research. Management and Business Administration. Patent invention – preparation of a perfume on an aqueous basis only
References: CV Denisa FICAI – Associate Member
PhD Lecturer, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry-Physics and Electrochemistry
Specialization: Chemical Engineering
Areas of scientific competence: synthesis and characterisation of magnetic nanoparticles, from nanoparticles with medical applications (treatment of bone cancer, controlled release systems) to nanoparticles with industrial applications (wastewater and industrial water treatment); synthesis and characterisation of collagen-based materials: from composite materials for tissue regeneration to multifunctional systems with controlled release of active substances with antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antitumour role, etc.Modern characterisation techniques: chromatographic methods (GC, LC, GC-MS or LC-MS); FTIR/RAMAN spectroscopy and microscopy; spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis; NMR, A AS and ICP-MS).
Outstanding scientific achievements: teaching activities in the field of inorganic and transition metal chemistry – synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials by precipitation and sol-gel methods (MCM-41, MCM-48, FeaCU, silver nanoparticles, etc.) used in various medical applications such as cancer treatment as deliveries of biologically active substances, in various antimicrobial coatings (Ag nanoparticles), etc. making hybrid materials such as collagen-hydroxyapatite, collagen~PVA/HA, collagen-hydroxyapatite-magnetite, polysulfone-magnetite with various applications in medicine and environment as well as synthesis and characterisation of controlled release systems based on composite materials. Surface functionalization of various inorganic nanomaterials (such as: FesOVSiCh/APTMS, has also been an important direction followed. Awards and distinctions: “The Women Inventar Award, awarded by the Euroinvent jury at the International European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation-Eurolnvent, 16-18 May Iasi 2019” or “Best Published Work in Plastics-2009″ or the more than 100 international awards obtained at the invention and innovation fairs in Brussels (Belgium), Geneva (Switzerland), Bangkok (Thailand), Ottawa (Canada), Szolnok (Hungary) or Cluj, Iasi and Timisoara (Romania); The Women Inventar Award, awarded by the Euroinvent 2019 Jury” awarded by UPB; the 5 “Best Poster/Paper Award”, 2 awards obtained in student competitions. All this work attracted 2899 citations, with an H-index = 29 (cf ISI web of Knowledge). Important publications: Books published in national and foreign publishing houses: 12; Articles in ISI-listed journals: 172; International conferences published in volumes: 5; National patents: 5; International awards: over 100.
Reference: Rodica-Mariana ION – Associate Member
Specialization: CHEMISTRY
Areas of scientific competence: Smart cities, cultural heritage, depollution, pollutants, unconventional methods (photochemistry, photocatalysis) for depollution, nanomedicine, conservation/restoration for various art objects; Scientific conservation, preservation, consolidation and restoration of artefacts and surfaces of architectural buildings of cultural heritage; study of degradation processes of various artefacts and monuments of cultural heritage; introduction and development of new materials (micro- and nanomaterials) and modern procedures for preservation and restoration of ancient artefacts of cultural heritage; scientific investigations of diagnosis and authentication of artefacts on various media: stone, ceramics, wood, paper, textiles, etc; porphyrin and phthalocyanine pigments as pigments in ancient artefacts, and their use in photodynamic cancer therapy; photochemistry and reactive oxygen species with applications in medicine and museum studies. Study of artefacts on different media: inorganic materials (metals, ceramics, glass, stone and painted objects): cleaning/self-cleaning, desalination, structural repair, consolidation (paints, stone and ceramic coatings), filling, corrosion inhibition, preventive measures. Conservative treatment with nanomaterials. Organic materials (wood, textiles, plant fibres, paper, bone): identification of materials; treatments involving loss compensation, structural repairs, removal of coatings, wet and dry cleaning, preventive measures. Modern and contemporary objects, deteriorations and materials (plastic works, prints, photographs, paintings on canvas, modern paints, solid soaps and mounting parts): treatments, scraping, structural repairs and additions or reinforcements, wet and chemical cleaning. Archaeological and architectural monuments (stone structures and sculptures, facades and masonry, masonry, wall paintings, mosaics, bas-reliefs): treatments involving preventive measures, appropriate removal of coatings, consolidation, cementation and desalination. Evaluation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, as a discipline of study, scientific investigation of the state of degradation of artefacts, study of the compatibility of materials used in conservation/restoration, monitoring of the behaviour of materials subjected to these interventions, evaluation of the state of degradation of structural elements in various artefacts. Transfer to economic agents museums.
Distinguished scientific achievements: books published in national and foreign publishing houses (13); articles in ISI listed journals (no.); 327 international conferences published in volumes (76); national patents (no. if applicable); 53 international awards: (125).
Cristiana RĂDULESCU – Associate Member
Areas of scientific expertise: synthesis and characterization of condensed compact herocyclic compounds and dyes; nano/biomaterials with medical/cosmetic applications; environmental science, emerging contaminants. Outstanding scientific achievements: synthesis of composite biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite with applications in the medical field (orthopaedics); obtaining new cosmetic products based on natural extracts; development of nanocomposite matrices for different sensors with applications in environmental engineering; research on the isolation of microplastics from milk and milk-derived products. All this research has been patented and appreciated at invention and innovation fairs, has been published in book chapters in international publishing houses, articles published in prestigious ISI journals. Important publications: – Books published in national and foreign publishing houses (no.) 27 – Articles in ISI listed journals (no.) 181 – International conferences published in volumes (no.) 31 – National patents (no. if applicable) 7 – International awards: (no.) 30
Andrei-Victor SANDU – Associate Member
PhD Lecturer, Technical University “Gh Asachi” Iasi, C.S. II – National Research Institute for Environmental Protection – INCDPM
Areas of scientific competence: scientific and technological problems related to the production of thin phosphate layers with corrosion protection and lubricity used in plastic processing of materials, but also as protection of the finished part, as well as modelling the formation of phosphate layers by detailing the reactions involved. Study of thin films, alloys and corrosion studies.
International collaborations:
– Obtaining new geopolymeric materials;
– Obtaining and characterising new biomaterials – biocompatible alloys;
– Studies on thin films – obtaining and characterization;
– Corrosion studies on materials and protection possibilities;
– Alloys and materials processing;
References: CV
Carmen-Elena ȚEBRENCU – Associate Member
Technical Director of SC CCPPM “Plantavorel” S.A. and research scientistfc principal 1 PhD chemical engineer.
Areas of scientific competence: drying kinetics studies for powdery or granular substances: hydroxylamine sulphate, sulphanilides, cinnamic acid, aromatic polyamides, aminoguanidine bicarbonate, terephthaloyl chloride, plasticisers, technopolymer granules, ion exchangers; purification of raw materials (terephthaloyl chloride and p.phenylenediamine), to obtain aromatic polyamides; liquid-liquid extraction, applied in the field of wastewater treatment resulting from the manufacturing process of polyamide granules, waters with a content of 2 – 5% -caprolactam.
Ștefan Bogdan VASILE – Associate Member
Senior Researcher Dr. eng. at the Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Head of the Structural Analysis and Microscopy Laboratory
Major: Chemical Engineering/Material Science
Scientific fields of expertise: electron microscopy, nanomaterials, materials science, nanotechnologies, bionanomaterials.
Outstanding scientific achievements: since 2016 he is reviewer for 9 major scientific journals – Materials, Nanomaterials, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Luminescence, Journal of Cleaned Production, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Crystals, Chemical Physics Letters. He is currently Guest Editor for Special Issue Journals for Materials and Nanomaterials at MDPI and also Topic Editor for Nanomaterials, MDPI. Major publications: more than 280 ISI papers published. As lead author, 29 research papers available online, H-index is 36 (according to ISI Knowledge), while the number of citations is more than 4490. Books published in national and foreign publishing houses (no.): 6; National patents: 2; International awards: 5. In his research activity, he has won the Researcher of the Year Award twice in a row in 2018 and 2019 at the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, UPB. The most important international awards in research activity are: “Silver Medal” awarded at the World Competition of Chemical Inventions IWIS2018 15-17 Oct. 2018, Warsaw, Poland; “Gold Medal” – awarded at the 4th Canadian International Invention Innovation Competition, ICAN 2019, Moroccan Inventor’s Delegation and EMSI Group, Toronto Canada, August 24, 2019; “Gold Medal” – awarded at the 4th Canadian International Invention Innovation Competition, ICAN 2019, Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS), Toronto Canada, August 24, 2019.
References: Dănuț-IonelVĂIREANU – Associate Member
PhD Professor, PhD supervisor since 2010, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies, Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Str. Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest
Specialization: electrochemistry / environmental protection / chemistry / chemical engineering
Areas of scientific competence: electrochemistry, corrosion, pen/sofc batteries and fuel cells, electrochemical measurements in high voltage and high frequency fields, electrochemical wastewater remediation, lab on a chip, operational amplifiers, flow injection analysis, electrodes, micro and nanoelectrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy electrochemical reactors/electrochemical technology, biomaterials/electrochemical anodizing implant processing.
Outstanding scientific achievements: Independent expert on energy, pollution, environment and sustainable development at the Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, 2004/2005&2006; Parliamentary Assembly / Assemblée parlementaire, Council of Europe / Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg, F-67075 Cedex; Senior Expert for the international REACH programme (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances) 2009-2011; Graduate and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, Analytical Division and Faraday Division, since 1994; Chartered Chemist since 1995, Member of the Electrochemical Society, 1994, Laureate of the European Commission competition for chemistry specialists (COM/AD/01-02/10/Chemistry, Biology and Health Sciences), 2012; Realization in Romania (co-author) of the first industrial line of anodized titanium implants; Realization of systems, stands, installations for: electrochemical induced coagulation, electrochemical sterilization of pathogenic biological fluids, electrochemical extraction and recycling of heavy metals, electrochemical accelerated test system for cathodic stripping of buried pipe coatings, corrosion monitoring sensor in boilers under pressure and at high temperatures, electrochemical autonomous photovoltaic assisted ozone generation system for tertiary water treatment, etc. Important publications: Books published in national and foreign publishing houses (no.): 12; Articles in ISI-listed journals (no.): 84; International conferences published in volumes (no.): 87; National patents (no. if applicable): 4 + 2 under evaluation; International awards: 3
Traian CHIRILĂ – Corresponding Member, AUSTRALIA
Director biomaterials and polymer research; Adj. Assoc. Professor, Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science; Adj. Res. Professor, School of Applied Chemistry
Areas of scientific competence: organic chemistry, ophthalmic technique.
Biomaterials and polymer science, especially in the understanding of biomaterials and biocompatibility, development of polymers for intraocular implants, hydrogels, radiation-absorbing polymers, hydrophilic sponges, artificial cornea, artificial vitreous substitutes, calcification of polymers, interaction of laser radiation with polymers, photoresponsive polymers, sustained release of bioactive agents, tissue engineering, and the use of polymers in genetic therapies. He developed an artificial cornea, which is currently used in blind patients with significant clinical success. One of his recent research interests consists of the mechanism of spontaneous calcification of hydrogels, an issue of importance in the medical applications of polymers.
Björn-Olof LINDMAN – Honorary Member, SWEDEN
Full professor (Chair), Physical Chemistry – Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University.
Research areas: Contributions in different areas of colloid and surface chemistry: Self-diffusion and microstructure of microemulsions; anomalous temperature effects in surfactant and polymer systems including clouding and thermal gelation; phase behaviour of block copolymer-solvent systems; gelation and rheology control of polymer-surfactant systems; phase behaviour of mixed polymer-surfactant solutions; interfacial organization of surfactants and polymer-surfactant mixtures; DNA-cosolute interactions including. Compaction by surfactants and polymers; colloidal biology.
University Professor of Engineering at SWINBURNE University of Technology in Hawthon, Victoria, Australia.
Areas of scientific competence: design and fabrication of dynamic hybrid nanodevices, including those based on molecular motors. Studying the “intelligence” behavior of microorganisms in microfluidic networks. Linear protein molecular nanomotors.
Research aggregates: (i) micro/nano-structured surfaces for micro/nano-arrays fabricated via classical microlithography, micro-ablation and Atomic Force Microscopy; (ii) dynamic micro/nanodevices, such as microfluidics/lab-on-a-chip and devices based on protein molecular motors, with applications in diagnosis, drug discovery and biocomputation devices; (iii) intelligent-like behaviour of microorganisms in confined spaces, which manifests itself in the process of survival and growth.
Ion NEDA – Honorary Member, GERMANY
Technische Universität Braunschweig
PhD Professor at the Technische Universität Braunschweig
Areas of scientific expertise: development of applications, of a novel drag-targeting concept for cancer treatment using lectins. Fundamental research in carbohydrates, natural components, macro-cyclic compounds. Development of glucose-based anti-cancer drugs (Glufosfamides) identifying the mechanism of action. Synthesis of novel hetero-cyclic bioactive compounds from natural products.
He leads projects focused on the development of new materials for affinity chromatography, new catalysts and products for uranium extraction or the complexation of environmentally harmful heavy metals in air.
Scientific achievements: 138 scientific articles, with an H-Index = 24; 20 international patents; Coordinated multiple international projects as director/manager.
The large number of scientific publications and international patents places him among the top researchers in the world. He has also supported numerous Romanian students and PhD students in Germany, who have developed remarkable professional careers.
Prof. Dr. Ion Neda is an open personality, in a continuous scientific development, a team player always looking for new solutions to the various problems addressed in scientific studies.
Bernd RIETZ – Honorary Member, Copenhagen, DENMARK
Professor of engineering. La Risø National Laboratory, Isotope Division, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Research areas: Environmental Monitoring, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Pre-Analysis Parameter Optimization, Colorimetry.
The determination of the enzymatic activity of clinically important enzymes and substrates using fluorometric methods – Clinical enzymology, Enzyme Tests, Fluorimetry, Fluorometry.
Nicu-Vasile MIHAI – Honorary Member
10 March 1942, Drochia, Soroca – 14 July 2009, Iasi
He was a Professor of Chemical Engineering at “Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.
Areas of scientific competence: industrial chemistry, macromolecular compound technology, materials science and engineering, occupational safety and health, environmental engineering
Iosif TRIPȘA – Honorary Member
22 January 1928, Bucharest – 8 May 2011, Bucharest
In 1951 he received his doctorate in 1956, and in 1970 he became Doctor of Science. PhD supervisor. He was a university professor at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest.
Fields of scientific competence: steel metallurgy.
Domnica CIOBANU – Full Member
1 September 1935, Stăvărăști [BZ] – 17 April 2013, Piatra Neamț
PhD Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bacau.
Areas of scientific expertise: technology of organic industry products, polymers for pulp and paper products, modeling and optimization for chemical processes, PhD supervisor since 1991 – Technical University Gh. Asachi of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection.
Academician Victor-Emanuel SAHINI – Founding Full Member of AOSR
20 August 1927, Galati – d. 14 July 2017, Bucharest
University Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Honorary Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G. Murgulescu” of the Romanian Academy, full member of the ROMANIAN ACADEMY.
Areas of scientific competence: Physical Chemistry, Structure of Atoms and Molecules, Molecular Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry, Biological Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Colloidal Chemistry. Study of structure and different molecular properties, study of charge transfer complexes, ion-radicals of organic compounds with real or potential biological action and their correlation with electronic structure calculations by quantum chemistry methods. Physical Biochemistry Research. Application-oriented research, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical industry and environmental protection.
Savel MATACHE – Corresponding Member
14 May 1936, Vidra, VN – d. 15 July 2017, Bucharest
Scientific Researcher gr. 1 PhD engineer, senior scientific researcher, former director of the Savings Research Centre.
Areas of scientific competence: Scientific research on the degradation processes of thermolabile substances during separation processes; formulates a new definition of the thermolability of substances and proposes precise methods for its measurement; highlights the existence of a thermal threshold at which degradation proceeds at a measurable rate and, for the first time in the literature, introduces a scale for the thermolability of substances; proposes an original calculation method for evaluating the efficiency of purification equipment by thermal processes; publication activity.
References: CV
Vasile RUSU – Full Member
13 July 1939 – 27 October 2018
University Professor, PhD in Chemical Engineering, Head of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara.
Areas of scientific expertise: scientific research in inorganic chemistry Gradient chromatography; Radiation protection and Nuclear Safety. Biochemistry; organic chemistry and pharmacology.
Ovidiu POPESCU – Corresponding Member
28 February 1941, Săcele (BV) – 27.02.2021, Iași
University professor, PhD, veterinarian and chemist, consultant to the Discipline of Veterinary Biochemistry and Toxicology, USAMV Iasi. In the US he is Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, Indiana.
Areas of scientific expertise: research – Clinical biochemistry (proteomics in large ruminants, biochemical features in the diagnosis of chronic haematuria syndrome in bulls), analytical toxicology, mycotoxicology, veterinary therapy. Courses taught: Biochemistry, Diagnostic Veterinary Toxicology, Ecotoxicology. Publications: manuals, treatises, original scientific works; laureate of the “Traian Savulescu” Academy Award, 1987; “For Progress in Veterinary Medicine” Award of the General Association of Veterinarians in Romania, 1997.
Gheorghe CÂMPEANU – Full Member
1 October 1936, Balta, Gorj County – 25 July 2023, Bucharest, Romania
University Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.
Areas of scientific expertise: industrial, agricultural and veterinary biotechnologies, biotechnologies in horticulture, applied biochemistry and biotechnology.