Gheorghe BULIGA – Full Member, President of the Section
PhD Oil and Gas Engineer, President of the Society of Oil and Gas Engineers.
Areas of scientific expertise: hydrocarbon reservoir hydraulics, rock mechanics, development and fundamentals of (now classical) salt-in-solution wellbore technologies, technologies for mining oil reservoirs, membrane gas separation, etc. He is the author of inventions and innovations, of scientific articles in the fundamental fields of Earth sciences, in the fields of extraction, transport and storage technologies of oil and gas hydrocarbons; author of books on the structure and composition of the Earth and of historical books on the evolution of the Romanian oil and gas school and industry, etc.
, BANDOC – Full Member
Professor habil. PhD, Faculty of Geography, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, University of Bucharest; Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Geography; Director of the Coastal Research Centre for Environmental Protection of the University of Bucharest; Chair of the Working Group “Systemic Environmental Analysis” of the AOSR Commission on Energy and Environmental Protection.
Areas of scientific competence: systemic environmental analysis; environmental protection; ocean-atmosphere interaction; characteristics of renewable energy sources and their energy potential; analysis and research of environmental components through an interdisciplinary approach; quantitative and qualitative modelling of dynamic geographic systems; numerical and experimental modelling of dynamic geographic systems components.
Academician Crișan DEMETRESCU – Founding Full Member of AOSR
Scientific researcher, PhD, Director of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy.
Areas of scientific competence: Geomagnetism research: main geomagnetic field distribution, reference fields, secular variation of the main field, solar cycle variations, lithospheric magnetic structure, mantle conductivity; Heat flow research: Apparatus construction and methodological issues of heat flow measurements in continental and marine domains, heat flow field distribution in Romania, deep geothermal regime, modelling thermo-mechanical evolution of some tectonic units in Romania (basins and carpathian orogen), rheological behaviour of the lithosphere, seismicity-temperature relationship; Earthquake prediction research: study of precursor phenomena in temporal variations of natural fields (geomagnetic, geoelectric, thermal); Climatology research: palaeoclimatic changes determined by inversion of borehole temperature data, effects of solar variability in climate change.
Florin MUNTEANU – Full Member
Scientific researcher grade I, Ph.D. engineer at the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy; President of the Centre for Complex Studies – UNESCO centre; General Manager of Astech Solutions SRL.
Areas of scientific competence: research in the field of materials technology: design and realization of equipment in the fields of: plastic deformation of metals by magnetic pulse, laser cutting of materials, magnetic control of the electric arc in plasma welding, welding with stored energy, industrial robots, computerized non-destructive defect inspection systems; design and realization of the first personal laboratory (LP) for individual study in a virtual environment, research in the field of complexity science: original methods for fractal analysis of time series; applications of chaos theory in biophysics studies; mathematical modelling of biostructures; construction and study of fractal antennas; intelligent systems for extracting information from data streams (data mining); applications of the complexity paradigm in engineering, economics (econophysics), law (jurisprudence), environment; Research in geodynamics: complex study of geodynamically active areas Vrancea – Romania, Reunion – Indian Ocean.
Mihaela POPA – Full Member
Prof. PhD, PhD Supervisor, Doctoral School – Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. CS1 Dr. Engineer Physicist at the National Research and Development Institute for Earth Physics.
Fields of scientific competence: Seismology, Geophysics (i) Seismic source physics (use of relative deconvolution techniques to obtain source parameters: spectral ratios, empirical Green’s functions; analysis of the scaling properties of intermediate depth Vrancan earthquakes; (ii) the study of the complexity of the seismic phenomenon (inhomogeneity of the faulting process, non-linearities in the distributions of seismic activity in space, time and energy) through the systematic analysis of digital waveforms recorded by the national network; (iii) analysis of seismicity and focal mechanism as a function of the subduction process in the Vrancea region); (iv) Physics of seismic wave propagation (study of seismic wave attenuation; seismic tomography; seismic wave anisotropy).
Important publications: 7 chapters in books published abroad and 9 chapters in books published in the country. 29 ISI-listed articles in peer-reviewed journals (Tectonophysics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Earth, Planets and Space, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Journal of Seismology). 42 papers published in Proceedings unpublished ISI, 14 papers in journals with CNCSIS-recognized referees. 253 citations in ISI-listed journals
Mircea RADULIAN – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
Full Member AOSR
Research Scientist, PhD Physicist, Scientific Director of the National R&D Institute for Earth Physics. [Deputy Director of the National Institute for Earth Physics]
Areas of scientific competence: Seismic source physics (discrete seismic source modeling; numerical simulation of seismic processes; inversion of high frequency waveforms generated by weak earthquakes to determine the seismic moment tensor; use of relative deconvolution techniques (spectral ratios, empirical Green’s functions) to obtain source parameters; analysis of the scaling properties of intermediate depth Vrancan earthquakes; study of the complexity of the seismic phenomenon (inhomogeneity of the faulting process, nonlinearities in the distributions of seismic activity in space, time and energy) by systematic analysis of digital waveforms recorded by the national network; analysis of seismicity and focal mechanism as a function of the subduction process in the Vrancea region); Physics of seismic wave propagation (study of seismic wave attenuation; seismic tomography; seismic wave anisotropy; local structure effects); Hazard, microzonation and seismic risk.
Dumitru STĂNICĂ – Founding Member, Scientific Secretary of the Section
Scientific researcher pr.1, PhD engineer at the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy.
Areas of scientific competence: development of geophysical methodologies and technologies for the investigation of geodynamically active areas with high natural and anthropogenic hazards (active seismic and landslides and landslides in areas with underground voids, etc.); introduction for the first time in Romania of the magnetotelluric method and contributed to the development of its theoretical and experimental bases, being successfully used to solve highly topical problems such as: Deciphering the deep geological structure on the Romanian territory; Evaluation of phenomena/parameters with a precursor character of geodynamic activity; Correlation of electrical conductivity anomalies with major sutures on the Romanian territory and geodynamic processes on a regional scale; Highlighting the torsion process of the “relict slab” in the Vrancea area; Determination of disturbances produced by the natural electromagnetic field on high voltage lines, etc.
,ă DAMIAN – Corresponding Member
Scientific researcher grade I, PhD geological engineer at the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy.
Areas of scientific expertise: geological research for hydrocarbons, surface geological research and mapping in the Eastern Carpathians, seismic prospecting in different sectors of the Eastern Carpathians and in the Moesic Platform, activities within the Geodynamics Group of the Petroleum, Mining and Geonomy Engineering Section, Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences.
Sorin MUȘUROI – Corresponding Member
Prof. dr. habil. ing. Sorin Mușuroi (since 2015), from the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, is Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electroenergetics. He obtained his PhD in engineering in 2000 with a thesis entitled Analysis of the behaviour of three-phase induction motors with short-circuited rotor, of low and medium power, when fed from the grid by means of a static frequency converter.
Areas of scientific competence: 1. Optimal design of alternating current machines [(i) study of the pelicular effect in the high rectangular bars of the rotors of three-phase induction machines fed by voltage inverters; (ii) study of the possibility of using ferrite permanent magnets in the design of synchronous machines, as an alternative to the rare earth magnet variant]. 2. Optimal control of electric drives with alternating current machines [(i) Vector-controlled electric drive systems for induction motors implemented in marine mechanisms; (ii) Development of new algorithms for optimal driving of alternating current machines] and 3. Power factor correction converters. Other skills: Electric drives, Electromechanical drives, Electric drives and converters, Advanced drive systems, Design of electric drives, Electric servomotors and intelligent motion control, Electric machines, Manufacturing technology of electromechanical products, Manufacturing technology of electric machines, Computer graphics, Matlab and Simulink, Dedicated systems in industry, Optimal structures of electromechanical systems and power quality.
References: CV
Dumitru FODOR – Honorary Member
University Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Dr. H.C., PhD supervisor in the field of Mining, Oil and Gas at the University of Petroșani
Full Member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences;
Areas of scientific competence: Mining Engineering and Geology; Underground and opencast mining; Use of radioactive isotopes in industry; Mineral Raw Materials (Geology, Oil, Gas, Mining); Impact of the mining industry on the environment; Natural resources and energy; Modern methods and technologies in surface mining – achievements and performance. Expertise of studies and projects for the commissioning or maintenance of large deposits abroad and on Romanian territory.
Special achievements: over 50 years in Romanian higher education. He has written over 30 textbooks and treatises and over 200 scientific papers. He has produced over 100 scientific papers for industry on a contract basis, the results of which are used in design and production work. For 10 years he was a member of the Advisory Board for Research and Development at the Ministry of Research and headed the Raw Materials Commission, coordinating all research and development in the field of Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas. He has helped train over 40 graduating classes of mining engineers. Awarded the OPERA OMNIA Prize for excellence in scientific research activity by the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education – Bucharest 2001
References: CVRemus PRĂVĂLIE – Associate Member
University lecturer doctor habil. and scientific researcher (CS II) at the Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest
Specialisation: Geography
Fields of scientific competence: Environmental Geography. Research areas: land degradation, climate change, environmental pollution, global environmental issues, renewable energies.
Outstanding scientific achievements: Inclusion, in 2023, in a world ranking of the top 2% scientists (
World’s Top 2% Scientists
), conducted by Stanford University (California, USA), together with Elsevier Publishing and the scientific research organisation SciTech Strategies 10 geographical studies published at global spatial scale;=3papers published at global scale (Prăvălie R., et al., 2021. Environmental Research 194; Prăvălie R., et al., 2021. Environmental Research 201; Prăvălie R., 2021. Earth-Science Reviews 220, noted by the United Nations, which promoted the results of the studies on some specialized websites of this highly renowned international institution = a globally published paper (Prăvălie R., et al., 2021. Environmental Research 194, noted and promoted by the European Commission, which uploaded the results of the study to the ESDAC(European Soil Data Centre) platform to become accessible to the international scientific community =apaper published at European level (Prăvălie R., et al., 2017. Catena 158, 309-320, which became a Scientific support for the launch of a research programme (CORDIS) of the European Commission = inclusion of a study (Prăvălie R., et al., 2021. Environmental Research, 194, in July-August 2021, in top 1% most cited papers in the world in the field of Environment, Ecology (conform Web of Science); = inclusion of a study (Prăvălie R., 2016. Earth-Science Reviews, 161, 259-278), in September-October 2019, in the top 1% most cited papers in the world in the field of Geosciences, Multidisciplinary (conform Web of Science); = publication of an article in the journal Agricultural Systems (Prăvălie R., et al., 2020. Agricultural Systems, 179), located in the year of publication (2020) in top 1 on the red list (by impact factor) in the category Agriculture, Multidisciplinary (conform Web of Science);= articles published in scientific journals with very high impact factor (IF) (in the year of publication): Earth-Science Reviews (FI 12), Journal of Environmental Management (FI 8.7), Renewable Energy (8.7), Environmental Research (FI 8.4) or Journal of Cleaner Production (FI 7.2); = international awards for best papers presented at prestigious conferences abroad (Besançon, France, 2016; Barcelona, Spain, 2021); = high scientometric indicators: Hirsch Index 25, > 1750 total citations, > 1550 citations excluding self-citations (according to Web of Science).
Books published in national and international publishing houses: 2, Articles in ISI-listed journals: 35, International awards: 2
References : CV
Mioara MANDEA – Honorary Member, FRANCE
Areas of scientific competence: Space Observation: Observation of geopotential fields, from modern observatories and satellites to historical archives, Description of spatial and temporal field changes adapting new mathematical tools to the analysis of magnetic and gravity data, Studies on the deep interior of the Earth, Studies on the magnetic fields of Mars, the Moon and Mercury, Studies on geophysical changes in the Arctic region.
References ,
Bogdan ENESCU – Honorary Member, JAPAN
Associate Professor University of Tsukuba, Department of Earth Evolution Science. Visiting Associate Professor at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), Tachikawa, Tokyo.
Areas of scientific competence: – physical processes that control the occurrence of earthquakes – analysis of earthquake interaction and triggering – construction of reliable physics-based models that can be used for forecasting seismic activity – temporal variations in seismic properties of the crust.
Jean-Louis LE MOUËL – Honorary Member, FRANCE
Prof. Dr. Ing., Geophysics
Areas of scientific expertise: influence of mechanical couplings between core and mantle on magnetic field variations and day length.
Misac NABIGHIAN – Honorary Member, USA
Areas of scientific competence: potential fields in geophysics, electromagnetic fields in geophysics: theory, data processing and interpretation.
Michel Van RUYMBEKE – Honorary Member, BELGIUM
Head of Work Royal Observatory of Belgium Department of Reference Systems and Geodynamics
Pr-Dr scientific instrumentation design.
References: CV
Xiande XIE – Honour Member, CHINA
Position: Research Professor, Academician
Department: Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny
Research: mineral physics
I am working on the mineral physics, genetic mineralogy, cosmic mineralogy, high-pressure mineralogy, and shock metamorphism of minerals in terrestrial and extraterrestrial rocks, shock-produced phase transformation of minerals, shock-induced melting of and fractional crystallization of minerals in some L- and H-group chondrites using SEM, TEM, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and some other modern micro-mineralogical techniques. My current projects include the micro-mineralogical study of shock melt veins in the Suizhou L6 chondrite, the shock-induced melting and fractional crystallization of minerals in shocked chondrites, the shock-metamorphic and phase transformation features of phosphate and oxide minerals in shock melt veins of the Suizhou, Sixiangkou, Yanzhuang, and some Antarctic L- and H-group chondrites, the discovery and description of new minerals in some quartz vein-type gold deposits and some skarn-type copper deposits in China, and the micro-mineralogical study of the Sibin bian-stone, a material for making acupuncture tools in ancient China. I served as the President of International Mineralogical Association for 1990-1994.
References: CV
Izumi YOKOYAMA – Honorary Member, JAPAN
Fields of scientific competence: Volcanology – Volcano Physics Geophysical characteristics of dacite volcanism Seismic energy releases from volcanoes
Rheological behavior of valcanogenic deformations Geophysical comparison of the three eruptions in the 20th century of Usu volcano.
The largest magnitudes of earthquakes associated with some historical volcanic eruptions and their volcanological significance.
Anomalous crustal movements with low seismic efficiency Campi Flegrei, Italy and some examples in Japan.
Formation processes of the 1909 Tarumai and the 1944 Usu lava domes in Hokkaido, Japan. Growth rates of lava domes with respect to viscosity of magmas.
Constantin ROMAN – Honorary Member, GREAT BRITAIN
Prof. Dr. Ing., Geodynamics
Areas of scientific expertise: Pioneer of plate tectonics. Introduced new concepts: 1. Definition of lithosphere geometry, dipping under the Carpathian arc in Romania 2. The first plate, the tectonic model of the Carpathian arc 3. Definition of the Black Sea Plate 4. Definition of non-rigid lithospheric plates or “pad supports” 5. Definition of the first focal mechanisms of large earthquakes behind the Himalaya Mountains.
Born 9 April 1941 Bucharest – d. 20 April 2017, Jordan
PhD University Professor, PhD Supervisor in Geomorphology (since 1993), Physical Geography (1995-1998) and Geography (after 1998) at the University of Bucharest.
Areas of scientific competence: Physical Geography, Theoretical Geography (geographical environment, man-made and man-made environment, landscape and landscape types, region and geographical area, zonation, regionalization and typization, etc.), Environmental Geography, Geomorphology (regional geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, glacial and periglacial geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, Romanian relief, current geomorphological processes, geomorphological mapping, current morphodynamics), Geography of tourism (analysis of Romania’s tourism potential, tourism potential and its exploitation at regional level (Buzău, Baiu, Penteleu massifs and the climatic resorts of Tușnad, Slănic); Regional geography (Hills and foothills of Romania, Ciucaș Mountains, Buzăului Mountains, Banat Mountains, etc., Subcarpathians of Romania, Plains of Romania and Danube Delta), Geographical mapping (detailed legends for mapping landslides, morphodynamic processes, general geomorphological maps);
Mihai Ielenicz was a renowned Romanian geographer and geomorphologist. He was a university professor and dean at the Faculty of Geology-Geography of the University of Bucharest and president of the Geography Society [Wikipedia]
References: BiographyProf. Dr.-Ing. (em.) Manfred BONATZ – Honour Member, Germany
It is with great sadness that we inform about the passing of our retired colleague professor Manfred Bonatz on December 2, 2018. Manfred Bonatz served at the IGG and its predecessor institute ITG since 1961 as a teacher, researcher and later, professor for gravimetric geodesy. He retired in 1997 from university but continued to teach for another ten years and to work in gravimetry and Earth tide observation until very recently.
After graduating 1957 in geodesy at Bonn University, completing a traineeship as a state surveyor and working on some short-term employments, Manfred Bonatz went back to academia and began his research career as a scientific assistant of Prof. Helmut Wolf at the Institute of Theoretical Geodesy of the University of Bonn. He obtained his PhD on calibrating gravimeters in 1965. He went on to work on Earth tides, and developed and refined torsion balance and pendulum instruments for geodetic and geodynamic research. During this time, Manfred Bonatz established several Earth tide observatories and went on scientific expeditions, e.g. to the Kerguelen islands. In 1969, with Prof. Paul Melchior, he installed tiltmeters, gravimeters and a satellite camera in Svalbard (Spitzbergen) and observed during the arctic winter. He completed his habilitation in 1969, was awarded the prestigious Pulfrich-Award in 1970 for his ingeniuos and skillful work on constructing scientific instruments, and was promoted to professor in 1971.
His work was internationally recognized e.g. through the medal of merit of the Belgian society of astronomy, meteorology and geophysics, or the order of merit conferred by the grand-duchy Luxembourg for his service as the president of the European Center of Geodynamics and Seismology.
Manfred Bonatz authored about 160 publications, and many colleagues know him through the Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique” (JLG) which he organised for many years. He taught geodesy and gravimetry in Bonn for most of his career and supervised about 15 PhD theses.
We will deeply miss him, as a colleague, friend and teacher. Our thoughts are with his wife and two childred
Marcian BLEAHU – Honorary Member
14 March 1924, Brasov – 30 July 2019, Bucharest
Mentor of many post-war Romanian geologists, personality of a remarkable humanistic culture, writer, musicologist, journalist, geologist, speleologist and mountaineer, senator [1991-1992, 1996-2000], Marcian Bleahu contributed to the creation of nature parks, national parks, nature reserves, the Museum of Geology and founder of the Faculty of Ecology at the University of Ecology in Bucharest. For his intense legislative activity and for all his work dedicated to the protection of the environment and ecological life, geology and speleology, he was elected honorary member of the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences.
[source: ]
He is known for his scientific contributions to the development of global tectonic theories (with applications to the study of Carpathian geology), for pioneering and developing speleology and for popularizing science and ecology in Romania. Author of 41 books and 126 scientific papers, over 400 articles on various subjects and lecturer with over 500 public appearances, a pioneer in the use of multimedia at conferences, Marcian Bleahu is one of the most important scientific personalities of the second half of the 20th century in Romania.
[source: ]
Gheorghe-Dorel ZUGRĂVESCU – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy – Founding Full Member of AOSR
25 November 1930, Rm. Vâlcea – 21 November 2019, Bucharest
Scientific Researcher, PhD, Director of the Sabba S. Ștefănescu Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy
Areas of scientific competence: introduction in Romania of instrumental geodynamics, equipment/sensors, acquisition/storage/processing systems; creation of geodynamic profiles, polygons and observatories, initially equipped exclusively with equipment of own construction and installation of geodynamic equipment, including of own construction, also in observatories abroad.
References: Biography,
Constantin UDRIȘTE – Full Member – President of the Section
22 January 1940 – 6 May 2023
University Professor PhD mathematician, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences – Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
Areas of scientific expertise: Differential Geometry, Riemannian Variety Optimizations, Magnetic Dynamical Systems, Geometric Dynamics and Multitemporal Optimal Control.
,, PĂUN – Full Member
26 September 1954, Surdulești, Argeș County – 6 April 2024, Bucharest, Romania
University Professor of Physics, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of Physics
Areas of scientific expertise: diffusion theory, stochastic differential equations, films and nanotechnologies, surface characteristics and analysis, non-linear dynamics, fluid theory, mathematical modelling, transport, transport modelling and simulation, non-linear analysis, etc.
References: CV