Gheorghe ONIȘORU
Full Member, Section Chair
References: CV,

Valentin CIORBEA
Full Member
Prof. dr. at the Faculty of History and Political Sciences, “Ovidius” University.
Specialization: HISTORY
Fields of scientific expertise: modern and contemporary Romanian and universal history; modern and contemporary history of Dobrogea; History of the Navy; history of the relations between the Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army
Outstanding scientific achievements: The evolution of Dobrogea between 1918 and 1944. Contributions to the knowledge of geopolitical, economic, demographic, naval, political and military problems, Ex Ponto Publishing House, Constanța, 2005, 556 p., “Mihail Kogălniceanu” Prize awarded by the Romanian Academy in 2007 for this volume. Founded the Centre for Research on the Cooperation of the Orthodox Church with the Romanian Army “General Paul Teodorescu” and the magazine Missione. Since 2016 it has been operating under the aegis of A.O.Ș.R. Romanian History, Vol. II, Tom II. From Independence to the Great Union (1878-1918), 2nd edition, revised and added. (Coord. Acad. Dan Berindei and others), Editura Științifică, București, 2015 (co-author). Rear-Admiral Horia Macellariu (1894-1989): Autobiographies from Dungeon. Miscellanea, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Bucharest, ISBN 978-606-8636-20-7, 2016. The volume was awarded the “Aurel Sacerdoțeanu” prize of the Romanian Academy of Scientists. Special Vice-Admiral “Ioan Bălănescu” Award in the field of naval history, maritime and fluvial geography and the Plaque of the Admirals Club for this volume. Important publications: 46 books published in national and foreign publishing houses, 6 international conferences published in volumes.
References: CV

Mihai-Dorin DRECIN
Full Member
Full Professor, University of Oradea.
Specialization: Modern Universal History, Modern Romanian History
Areas of expertise: Contemporary Romanian History, History of the National Economy of Romania, History of Romanian Secret Services.

Ștefan Sorin GOROVEI
Full Member
Principal Scientific Researcher I at the Romanian Academy – Iași Branch, University Professor Al.
I. Cuza, Iași, PhD supervisor.
Specialization: History of the Romanian Middle Ages.
Fields of scientific expertise: political, social, cultural history; genealogy – history of great families; clans, authorities, powers; public and private heraldry; seigraphy; history of cities – urban patriciate; ecclesiastical history; historiography.
References: CV

Corneliu-Mihail LUNGU
Full Member
Full Professor, University of Craiova and Spiru Haret University.
Specialization: history and archival science.
Areas of expertise: history of foreign relations and legal status of the Romanian Principalities in the modern era; archival legislation; management and constitution of archival documents; preservation and restoration of archival documents; archival management.
References: CV

Full Member
Military, Historian, University Professor, Carol I National Defense University.
Specialization: modern Romanian history
Areas of scientific expertise: history of World War II.
References: CV,

Founding Full Member
University Professor Spiru Haret University, PhD supervisor, scientific researcher gr.
I, National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, President of the Society of Historical Sciences of Romania.
Specialization: Romanian and universal history; democracy and dictatorship; political structures; international relations; personalities.
Fields of scientific expertise: Contemporary history; everyday life; political institutions; history of mentalities; international relations; history of civilization; archival science

Full member
Professor Al.
I. Cuza, Iași, PhD supervisor.
Specialization: History of Romanian medieval art and cultural interferences in South-Eastern Europe.
Fields of scientific expertise: evolution of Romanian and universal art; interior and exterior painting and architecture of art monuments in the North of Moldavia.
References: CV

Radu Ștefan VERGATTI
Full Member
Consultant Professor, Valahia University, Targoviste; PhD supervisor.
Specialization: medieval history and culture, historical demography.
Fields of scientific expertise: archaeology, national and international historical monuments, international and national libraries.
References: CV

Honorary Member
Specialization: museography and ethnography.
Areas of scientific expertise: folk culture, customs, traditions of Neamt; particularities of material and spiritual folk culture in Neamt and Bacau counties.

Colonel (r) Cristache GHEORGHE
Member of Honor
Military, historian, publicist.
Specialization: military history and theory, culture, numismatics.
Fields of scientific expertise: political and military personalities, medalistics, historiography.
References: CV

Octavian BUDA
Corresponding member
Ph.D. in medical sciences, degree in philosophy, Prof. Univ. Dr., Full Professor – Chair of History of Medicine UMF “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, President of the Romanian Society of History of Medicine. Between 2015-17, President of EAHMH – The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health.
Fields of scientific expertise: history of medicine, psychiatric and cultural anthropology, bioethics, philosophy and psychiatry, forensic psychoanalysis. Cultural Patography. Philosophy and Psychiatry. Coordinating Editor – Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine – RJLM
References: CV

Corresponding member
Associate Professor Politehnica University of Bucharest
Fields of scientific expertise: History of International Relations, History of Romanian Culture and Civilization, History of South-Eastern Europe, XIX – XX centuries, History of Europe, Minorities in Europe/Multiculturalism and Democracy in Europe; History of Turkey, History of Romanian-Turkish relations; Romania and Turkey important actors in the interwar relations system; History of South-East European diplomacy.
References: CV

Corresponding member
Historian, museographer, director of the Vrancei Museum.
Specialization: modern and contemporary, universal and national history.
Areas of scientific expertise: history of the Second World War; history of international relations.
References: CV

Stoica LASCU
Corresponding member
University Professor – “Ovidius” University of Constanta (Faculty of History and Political Sciences); President of the Constanta Branch of the Society of Historical Sciences of Romania.
Specialization: modern and contemporary history of Romania, modern universal history.
Areas of scientific expertise: History of Romanians in the 19th-20th centuries; History of Dobrogea; History of Balkan Romance; History of Albania and Romanian-Albanian relations; History of Romanians from all over the world (Aromanians and Megleno-Romanians); Contemporary historiography.
References: CV

Corresponding member
PhD Professor, University of Oradea, Director of the Doctoral School of History
Areas of scientific expertise: the Romanian issues of the interwar period and the communist era, with a special focus on the process of political purging and censorship of Romanian historiography.
References: Encyclopedia of Romanian Personalities. Hübners Who Is Who Publishing House, editions from 2006-2014; Ioan Chindriș, “Ar trebui împușcați”, in Informația, Cluj, serie nove, 2008, no. 100 (961), p. 9; Mircea Popa, “Istoria arrestată”, in Orașul, revistă de cultură urbană, Cluj-Napoca, year III, no. 10 (2/2008), p. 5; Ioacob Mârza, “I. Zainea, Censorship of history, censored history. Documents (1966-1972), University of Oradea Publishing House, 2006, 321 p.”, in Patrimonivm Apvlense, VII-VIII, Alba Iulia, 2008, p. 357-359; Maria Danilov, “Ion Zainea, Istoriografia română și cenzura comunistă (1966-1977), University of Oradea Publishing House, 2010”, in Destin românesc. Revistă de istorie și cultură, serie nove, Chișinău, 2011, year VI (XVII), no. 3 (73), p. 176-185; Mihaela Teodor, “I. Zainea, Romanian historiography and communist censorship (1966-1977), Oradea: Ed. University of Oradea, 2010”, in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, vol. LVII, 1/2012, p. 146-148.
References: CV

Honorary member
Professor at the “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj and Director of the Institute of Turcology and Central Asian Studies in Cluj Napoca.
Specialization: painting, art history.
Fields of scientific expertise: History of Romanian-Ottoman-Turkish relations; history, culture and current situation of the peoples of the Turkic world (Turkey, Central Asia, Crimea, Caucasus, Volga Basin).
References: CV

Honorary member
Univ. prof.
Doctor Honoris Causa and PhD supervisor at the “VALAHIA” University of Targoviste
Fields of scientific expertise: museology, contemporary history
A prominent personality of Romanian museology and one of the most erudite and capable historians of the Romanian academic environment. Author of more than 30 scientific papers as sole author on essential topics of historical knowledge. Hundreds of scholarly articles contribute to the refreshment of historical scholarship. Numerous exhibitions held and toured in the country and abroad, fruitful contributions to the founding and development of museums and laboratories in Romania, starting with one of our country’s leading institutions, the Cotroceni National Museum, which owes its existence to him, but also to the National Museum of Romanian History, where he worked for a significant number of years, his contribution to the protection and enhancement of heritage at governmental and ministerial level are indicative evidence of the impact and prestige enjoyed by Professor Ioan Opriș.
References: CV

Sorin-Marcel COLESNIUC
Associate member
CS1 Dr. Historian, Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanta
Fields of scientific expertise: prehistory, ancient history, contemporary history
Outstanding scientific achievements: he recovered, from Moscow, the only ancient papyrus discovered in Romania, which is also the oldest in Europe, considered definitively lost by all Romanian historians and archaeologists for half a century. Discovered in 1959 in Mangalia, the papyrus was sent to Moscow for conservation and for 50 years nothing was heard of it. After two years of research, we found it at the I.E. Grabar Conservation Centre in Moscow and, in August 2011, we brought back this very important artefact for the history of Dobrogea;
References: CV

Sorin-Liviu DAMEAN
Associate member
Professor, University of Craiova, PhD supervisor.
Specialization: Modern Romanian History, History of International Relations
Areas of expertise: Modern Romanian History, Monarchic Institution, International Relations, Diplomacy, Political Institutions, Political Parties.

Constantin HLIHOR
Associate member
University Professor (Order of the Minister of Education, Research and Youth no. 3183/1996); Scientific Researcher, 1st degree (Order of the Minister of Education, Scientific Research no. 3381 of 10.03.2016); Dean of the Faculty of History, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University (May 2010-May 2015); Director of the National and Universal History Research Center of the Faculty of History, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University (May 2010-present).
Areas of scientific expertise: contemporary Romanian history, history of international relations, geopolitics and geostrategy, security studies, communication in international conflicts.
Distinguished achievements: 2000-2001- member of the Parallel History Project on NATO and Warsaw Pact, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C; Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C; Doctor Honorius Causa of “Ovidius” University of Constanta; 2012 – member of editorial board of Science Publishing Group System.

Gabriel-Florin MOISĂ
Associate member
Professor, IOSUD – University of Oradea
Specialization: Contemporary Romanian History, Historiography
Areas of scientific competence: Contemporary Romanian History, Romanian Historiography, Ideology and Propaganda in Communist Romania
Outstanding scientific achievements: member of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI) in Vienna. Important publications: Gabriel Moisa, Istoria Transilvaniei în istoriografia românască 1965-1989, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2003, 374 p.; Gabriel Moisa, Clio în zodia ideologizării, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 304 p.; Gabriel Moisa, Avancronica unei revoluții programte. Anul 1989 în Bihor, Editura Muzeului Țării Crișurilor/Editura Mega, Oradea/Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 520 p.; Gabriel Moisa, Elită locală și identitate națională la frontiera de oeste a României în perioada interbelică. Mihail G. Samarineanu and George A. Petre, Editura Muzeului Țării Crișurilor, Oradea, 2020, 410 p.; Gabriel Moisa, Romanians in Trianonic Hungary (1920-2020). History, national and religious identity, social beliefs and civic behavior, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 334 p.; SYNTHETIC, Books published in national and foreign publishing houses (2); Articles in ISI listed journals (7); International conferences published in volumes (23); National patents (no. if any); International awards: (3).
References: CV

Marius Adrian NICOARĂ
Associate Member
PhD in History, European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
Director of the Historical Sciences Research Centre, Former Commander of the Boboc Training Centre / Air Force Application School
Areas of scientific expertise: author and co-author of numerous books on aviation history: Commanders of the Romanian Wing Schools: a century of military aviation training (1 April 1912 – 1 April 2012), 70 years since Romania’s entry into World War II: the contribution of the Romanian Air Force in the 1941 campaign: doctrine, training and equipment, personalities, military actions, Romanian Air Force in the years of World War II: (22 June 1941 – 12 May 1945)
References: CV

Gabriela PĂSĂRIN
Associate member
PhD Professor at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, specialization Romanian language and literature. Specialization: Philology
Areas of scientific expertise: through original contributions: Romanian traditional mentality – comparative and diachronic approach; Folklore through audiovisual; Valorization of Romanian intangible cultural heritage; Imagology and public discourse; Fundamental research on media communication. She carries out her scientific activity in the fields of press history, literary criticism and history, anthropology, folklore, audiovisual communication, these being also the research axes in the doctoral program “Alexandru Piru”, IOSUD; University of Craiova. He has published over 80 studies and articles in specialized journals Books published in national and foreign publishers – 18; Articles in ISI-listed journals – 1; International conferences published in volumes – 49; International awards: 6 (AWARD “Dr. habil. Maria Danilov” of the Romanian Association of Press History, Basarabia Branch, Republic of Moldova, 2023; DIPLOME D’EXELLENCE pour l’appui constant et genereux accordé a la promotion de la francophonie, accordée par La Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Craiova, 2012 etc.)
References: CV

Associate member
Full University Lecturer PhD History, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Faculty of History and Geography, Department of Human and Social-Political Sciences
Specialization: HISTORY
Fields of scientific expertise: Medieval History, Military History; Geopolitics and Geostrategy; International Relations
Outstanding scientific achievements: 3 monographs as sole author (of which 1 published abroad), 2 monographs in collaboration; coordinator of 1 collective volume in Romania; 1 article indexed ISI (in Romania); other 12 articles indexed BDI (in Romania); 50 articles in collective volumes or dedicated to international and national conferences; presentation of papers at 17 international conferences held abroad and 91 other international and national conferences held in the country and in the Republic of Moldova; organizer of 3 international conferences; member of the editorial board of one (1) ISI-indexed journal; member and manager of 13 research grants. Important publications: books published in national and international publishing houses (3 – as sole author; 2 – co-author, 1 – coordinator); articles in ISI listed journals (1); international conferences published in volumes (17);
References: CV

Sorin-Domițian ȘIPOȘ
Associate member
Professor of History, Director of the Doctoral School of History, Prorector responsible for International Relations, University of Oradea
Specialization: HISTORY
Areas of scientific competence: Specialist in medieval and pre-modern Romanian history. Research directions: political power and imaginary, the image of Romanian society in the accounts of foreign travellers, history of historiography.Outstanding scientific achievements: organizer and co-organizer of 23 international scientific events, Books published in Romanian and foreign publishing houses (no. 72); Articles in ISI listed journals = 26; International conferences published in volumes = 120; International awards = 1
References: CV

Arthur Viorel TULUȘ
Associate member
Specialization: HISTORY
Fields of expertise: modern and contemporary history; international relations
Outstanding scientific achievements: 4 monographs as sole author; coordinator of 5 collective volumes, of which 3 published abroad (Ukraine); 4 ISI indexed articles (of which 2 abroad); other 16 BDI indexed articles (of which 3 abroad); 25 articles in collective volumes or dedicated to international and national conferences; other 15 articles in specialized journals; presentation of papers at 16 international conferences held abroad and 78 other international and national conferences held in the country and in the Republic of Moldova; organiser of 11 international conferences; visiting professor at two universities in Ukraine: Odessa “I.I. Mechnikov” National University and Izmail State University of Humanities; member of the editorial board of two ISI-indexed journals; Bologna Professor for 2012, awarded by the National Alliance of Romanian Student Organizations and other local awards; director of two institutional development grants and member of 6 other research and/or development grants.
Major publications: books published in national and foreign journals (4 – sole author; 5 – co-author or coordinator); articles in ISI-listed journals (4); international conferences published in volumes (21);

Associate member
Dr. Professor, “Spiru Haret” University, Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, Brasov; retired from the Air Force Academy “H. Coandă”.
Fields of scientific expertise: History of Romania and the Romanian Army; Romanian Military History (especially modern, World War I and World War II), valorization of the Brasov archives on the issue of the national struggle for the Great Union; History of Public Administration, Constitutional History of Romania, History of the State and Law; in the field of Political Science, Basics of Political Science, Political Doctrines, Economic Doctrines and in the field of Management: Human Resources Management, Strategic Management, European Project Management
References: CV

Lecturer at the University of Paris – Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Fields of expertise: Contemporary History.
Political and social history of France (1789-1940).
References: CV

Özdemir BÜLENT
Prof. Dr. – Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Arts and Sciences Faculty
History Department.
Major Courses Taught: Historical Method and Thought; 20th Century World History; Modern European History; History of Political Thought; Modern Ottoman History; History of Colonialism
References: CV

Stockholm, SWEDEN
Researcher, publicist, historian and writer, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Oradea, degree in physics-mathematics.
Director of historical documentaries.
References: CV

Héry Jean-Pierre De la MALDAGUE
History of the Arts

Belgrade, SERBIA
Specialization: Early Modern History; History of the Ottoman Empire; History of Serbia (15th-18th centuries); History of Serbia in the Ottoman Empire; History of Serbs in the Republic of Venice
References: CV

Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
PhD in historical sciences, university professor, Director of the Institute of Social History “ProMemoria”.
Specialization: painting, art history.
Fields of scientific expertise: painting, graphics, realization of personal and group exhibitions in the country and abroad.
References: CV

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Rector of the State University of Moldova
Areas of scientific expertise: Modern and contemporary historiography of Bessarabia; Political, social and cultural history of the Republic of Moldova; Imperial policies in the Romanian space; Study of the totalitarian communist regime in Bessarabia, communist repression, memory of communism; Editing sources of modern and contemporary history; Educational and cultural policies, curriculum development, educational management; Evaluation of educational and cultural projects; evaluation of teachers; development and evaluation of teaching materials
References: CV,

Timotei URSU
Areas of expertise: film director, playwright, journalist, scientific researcher, historian and archaeology enthusiast, community activist, Timotei Ursu is a member of the Romanian Filmmakers’ Union, the Romanian Writers’ Union and the Romanian Union of Professional Journalists.
Areas of expertise: film and TV directing; theater directing; playwriting; journalism; scientific research; community activities.
References: CV

Areas of expertise: History, intelligence, diplomacy. Specialist in the history of Soviet and Eastern European secret services. He focused on the institutional and bureaucratic behavior of the Soviet institutions of state coercion – the military and, later, the KGB – with the aim of predicting Soviet behavior and identifying vulnerabilities and problems that could be exploited or otherwise exploited – to the advantage – by the US.
References: CV,

Academician Florin CONSTANTINIU
Honorary Member
born April 8, 1933, Bucharest – d. 14 April 2012
Professional activity: from 1957 to 1999 he carried out his scientific activity at the Institute of History of the Academy of the People’s Republic of Romania (now the N. Iorga Institute of History), passing through all grades, from trainee researcher to senior scientific researcher I. He has participated in colloquia and congresses in the USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia and Mongolia.
Research activity: Between 1957 and 1972 he studied agrarian relations in Wallachia in the 18th century and the reform policy of the Phanariot rulers, particularly Constantin Mavrocordat, in the sphere of relations between landowners and landless peasants; the investigation was carried out within a broad framework of Eastern European agrarian history; since the early 1970s, his professional preoccupations have focused on the Second World War, especially on the act of 23 August 1944, the strategic, political and economic consequences of which he researched on the basis of a wealth of information, supporting the view that Romania’s separation from the Third Reich hastened the end of the Second World War in Europe by about six months. Since 1990, he has been increasingly attracted by the Cold War, particularly by Romania’s entry into the sphere of USSR hegemony and the process of communization/sovietization of Romania. He has conducted research in archives and libraries in France, the USA and Russia.
Publications: Agrarian relations in Wallachia in the 18th century, 1972; Constantin Mavrocordat, 1985; Between Hitler and Stalin. Romania and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, 1991; Two times two makes sixteen. The Cold War began in Romania, 1997; A sincere history of the Romanian people, 1977, 2nd ed. (revised and added), idem, 1999, 3rd ed. (revised and added), idem, 2002; From the Hot War to the Cold War, 1999; PCR, Pătrășcanu and Transylvania, 2001; 1941. Hitler, Stalin and Romania, 2002. Collaborative works: History of Romania, vol. III, 1964; History of the World in Data, 1969; History of the Romanian People, 1970; History of Romania in Data, 1971; Romania in the Years of the Second World War, vol. I-III, 1989; Romania at War, 1995; Crossing the Dniester. 1941. A controversial decision, 1995. References: Encyclopedia of Romanian Historiography, Ed. Științifică și Enciclopedică, București, 1978, p. 107; Dorina N. Rusu, Members of the Romanian Academy 1866 – 1999. Dictionary, 2nd ed., Ed. Academiei Române, Bucharest, 1999, p. 139.

Gheorghe BUZATU
Prof. univ. dr., Istoric, CP I, Membru titular
(6 iunie 1939, Sihlea, judeţul Vrancea – decedat la 20 mai 2013, Bucureşti)
Cercetător ştiinţific principal I, Academia Română – filiala Iaşi; profesor universitar dr., Ovidius University of Constanta, PhD supervisor, director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies
Specialization: modern and contemporary universal and national history.
Areas of scientific expertise: history of World War II; history of international relations; military history; history of Romanian oil.
References: CV

Full Member, Research Scientist gr.
n. 28 December 1930 – d. 4 July 2014
Research Scientist gr. I, Bucharest History Museum.
Specialization: Archaeology
Fields of scientific expertise: epipalaeolithic; Mesolithic; Bronze Age; cave paintings and engravings; historiography.

G. George POTRA
Full Member
n. 9 Feb 1940 Bucharest – d. 17 December 2015, Bucharest
Reputed historian, political scientist, writer, archivist, editor, director of the European Titulescu Foundation; scientific director of the Association of International Law and International Relations – Romania, George Potra specializes in modern and contemporary, universal and national history.
Areas of scientific expertise: history of international relations and Romanian diplomacy; research of national archives and libraries in various countries on Romanian foreign policy and diplomacy; editing of Romanian diplomatic documents from the interwar and contemporary periods; coordination and moderation of debates within the Center for Strategic Studies of the European Titulescu Foundation.
References: CV

Nicolae BOCȘAN
(September 24, 1947, Bocșa, Caras-Severin – June 19, 2016, Cluj Napoca)
Associate member
Nicolae Bocșan, associate member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, has passed away. He distinguished himself through a wide and deep work, based on archival documents, focusing on the past of Transylvania and Banat, as well as the confrontation of ideas in the modern era, the role of the church, daily life, demographic developments in the two Romanian provinces.
Nicolae Bocșan was a professor with vocation, holder of the Modern History of Romania course at the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj Napoca, he was appreciated and loved by students, master and doctoral students, as well as by the numerous professors to whom he directed the scientific-methodical works for the first teaching degree. Dean of the Faculty of History-Philosophy and rector of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Professor Bocșan has inscribed his name among the most illustrious representatives of the intellectuality of Transylvania, proving to be an excellent organizer and communicator. Nicolae Bocșan has left us, but he left behind a WORK and the memory of a generous and demanding man, a model of a teacher dedicated to education and science.
PhD. Professor at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Modern History.
Fields of scientific expertise: Modern Romanian History; History of Ideas; History of Culture; History of International Relations in the Modern Era; History of the Church; The Revolution of 1848.
References: CV

Associate member
April 4, 1937, Girov, jud. Bacau – 21 July 2017, Bacau
Research Scientist gr. I, Professor Ioan Mitrea, a historian and archaeologist of great prestige, has made an exceptional contribution [in an activity of more than 60 years] to the deciphering on a scientific basis of the data provided by the archaeological excavations on several archaeological sites in Bacau and other counties of the country, of what has been called in history “the dark millennium”.
Professor Ioan Mitrea was celebrated by the Bacauan community, colleagues and friends, on his 80th birthday. He started his archaeological research activity since his student days, under the guidance of prestigious archaeologists, he was a university professor in Iasi and Bacau, teacher at Ferdinad I High School, director of Bacau History Museum.
“He worked all his life, he was passionate about the history of this country, he devoted all his energy, skill and science, spending years on archaeological sites, he discovered unique vestiges that testify to the continuity of this people on these public territories.
Specialization: archaeology.
Fields of scientific competence: archaeology of Moldavia, settlements from the sec.
References: CV

Academician Dinu GIURESCU
Honorary member
February 15, 1927, Bucharest – April 24, 2018, Bucharest
Consultant Professor at the University of Bucharest, reputed specialist in Romanian history, author of valuable synthesis works and monographs, which have been recognized for their rich information and innovative interpretations, of high scientific quality. Exemplary are the volumes devoted to medieval art and the reign of John the Brave, the situation in Romania after the Second World War (the Rădescu government, the 1946 parliamentary elections, the royal strike, foreign policy, etc.).
Dinu C. Giurescu was also a “man of the people”, taking a public stand against the demolition of historical and art monuments under Ceaușescu, as well as against the policy of destroying the national economy after 1989, fighting to defend and promote Romania’s interests.
He has been concerned with both the editing of sources and the elaboration of syntheses of national history: “History of Romanians from the earliest times to today” (1971, in collaboration), “History of Romanians” (1974-1975, in collaboration), “Illustrated History of Romanians (1981-1982).
He has paid particular attention to issues of contemporary history: “Romania’s Communist Takeover: The Radescu Government” (1994), “Romania in the Second World War” (1999), “The Impossible Trial. The Royal Strike 1945” (1999), “Romanians in the Second World War” (1939-1945) (2000), “The Fall of the Iron Curtain. Romania 1947” (2002), “Documents on the 1946 Elections” (2001), “The Usurpers” (2004), “From Sovromconstructions to the Romanian Academy” (2008) and many others. He was the coordinator and co-author of volumes IX (1st ed., 2008; 2nd ed. 2016) and X (2013) of the valuable treatise “The History of Romanians”, a fundamental work elaborated under the aegis of the Romanian Academy.
References: CV

Honorary Member (since 2007)
October 31, 1926, Scobinți, jud. Iași – 27 December 2018, Iași
Romanian painter and graphic artist, in the first part of his creative activity he executed portraits and landscapes in a traditional-realist vision, which he later abandoned in favour of a constructivist formula with figurative rapel and humorous nuances. In 1945 he enrolled at the Institute of Arts in Iasi, where his teachers were Corneliu Baba and Ion Irimescu, and graduated in 1950. He took part in a competition and was awarded the Nicolae Grigorescu Scholarship of the Romanian Academy, which consisted of a year of study in Leningrad and a year in Paris. Thus, he attended advanced courses at the Repindin Leningrad Academy (1962-1963) and the Académie libre in Paris, from where he continued at the International Institute of Pedagogical Studies in Sèvres (1964-1965). Contemporary with Baba and other sacred monsters of painting, Dan Hatmanu has, since his life, his place in the honor gallery of Romanian culture. He made his debut in 1948, took part in many group and collective exhibitions and organised dozens of solo exhibitions at home and abroad. Among the most important participations in exhibitions abroad we can mention 1954 Venice Biennale, 1958 – Prague, Sofia, Teheran, Moscow, 1959 – Budapest, Vienna, 1962 – Cairo, Athens, Paris, Ankara, Istanbul, 1974 – Tokyo, Osaka, 1975 – Scopje, Havana, 1977 – Lisbon, Prague, 1981 – Vienna, 1985 – Stuttgart, Venice, Perugia. He executed book illustrations for works by Ionel Teodoreanu, Anton Bacalbașa, Petru Prânzei and Valentin Ciucă. His works can be found in museums in Romania: the Municipal Museum in Huși, the Art Museum in Iași, the Art Museum in Piatra Neamț, the Art Museum “Casa Simian” in Râmnicu Vâlcea, but also in museums and private collections abroad: Rio de Janeiro, Valletta, Poitiers, Mexico City, Prague, France, Italy, Israel, Greece, Germany, Mexico City, Prague, France, Italy, Israel, Greece, Germany.
References: CV

Constantin BUȘE
Full member
27 September 1939, Bibești (Gorj) – 15 December 2019, Bucharest
Professor, University of Bucharest, PhD supervisor
director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies
Specialization: modern and contemporary history; international relations.
Areas of expertise: modern and contemporary universal and national history; history of international relations; history of Latin America.
References: CV,

Associate Member
MI, May 17, 1950 – 05.11.2021, Bucharest
Professor at the Department of History, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of History in Bucharest. He completed his doctoral studies in 1993, when he was awarded a PhD in history. General Secretary of the “European Forum for History and Culture” in Bucharest, with a branch in Chisinau.
Areas of scientific expertise: Romanian Foreign Policy and International Relations in the 20th century; Military History of the 20th century; Romania after World War II.
References: CV
The Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest announces with deep sadness the death of Prof. Dr. Mihai Retegan. “On the evening of November 5, 2021, Mihai Retegan, a professor of Romanian contemporary history, an important specialist in this field, died. Many of us knew him as a colleague in the Department of Romanian and Southeast European History, which he headed from 2012-2015. Even more, as current and former students, have had the chance to listen to his lectures, discovering both a demanding professor and a man with a lot of verve and humor”, is the message sent by the UB Faculty of History.
After graduating in 1974, Mihai Retegan began his work as a researcher at the “Institute of Military History”, and in 1995 he became a lecturer in the Faculty of History. The research areas were related to the history of Romanians after the First World War until the collapse of communism (foreign policy, the Second World War, the communist regime, the crises of communism and the effects on Romania, Romania’s relations with Great Britain in the Second World War). Mihai Retegan graduated from the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest (1970-1974), and received a PhD in History (1993). His contribution to historical knowledge has been recognised by the award of a number of prizes, orders and medals: Romanian Academy Prize for Contemporary History (1985); Romanian Commission for Military History Prize, for scientific activity (1996); Romanian Commission for Military History Prize, for the volume Romanian Army during the Second World War (1997); Prize of the Historical Magazine Foundation, for the volume 1968 from spring to autumn (1999); Prize of the Historical Magazine Foundation, for the volume SSI-SOE, political diary, 1941-1944 (2008); Medal 50 years after the Hungarian Revolution, awarded by the President of Hungary (2006); Order of Honour, awarded by the President of the Republic of Moldova (2010). Professor Doctor Honoris Causa of “Ovidius” University of Constanta (June 2011).
Among his publications, we mention: Military History of the Romanian People, vol. VI, 1989 (co-author); Romania in the years of World War II, vol. I-III, 1989 (co-author); 23 August 1944. Documents, vol. I-IV, 1984 – 1985 (co-author); 1918, the Making of Greater Romania, 1993 (co-author); Transylvania in the Evolution of Romanian-Hungarian Relations. A New Approach, (co-author) 1993 (and English edition); Romanian Army in World War II, 1995 (co-author); Romania at War, 1941 – 1945. A Destiny in History (co-author), 1995; Explosion. Romanian, Yugoslav and Soviet perceptions of events in Poland and Hungary (co-author), 1996; 1956. The Explosion (co-author), 1996; In the Balance of Forces. Interwar Romanian Military Alliances, 1997; 1968. Spring to Autumn, 1998 (and English and Czech editions). Liberation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, June 22 – July 26, 1941 (co-author), 1999; 1968. In the Shadow of the Prague Spring, 2000; 1968. Ve stinu Prazskeho iara. Crta k rumunske zahranicni politice, Praha, Argo, 2002; 1989. The domino principle. The Collapse of European Communist Regimes, 2000 (co-author); War and Society, 1941 – 1945, vol. I, 1999, (co-author); Romanian History, textbook for grade XII, (coordinator and author), 2000; War and Society: Romania 1941-1945. from Prut to Crimea (22 June-8 November 1941) (co-author), 2000; Political Warfare in the Communist Bloc. Romanian-Soviet Relations in the Sixties, vol. I-II, 2002-2004; History of Romanians, vol. VIII, IX, 2003, 2008 (co-author); Political Structures in Central and South-Eastern Europe, vol. I-II, (co-author); The Communist Regime in Romania. A Political Chronology, 2004 (co-author); SSI – SOE Political Diary, 1941 – 1944, 2007 (co-author); The Story of a Betrayal, 2010; International Relations. Approaches and Studies, 2014 (ed.); 1968 Spring to Autumn. Outline of Romanian Foreign and Military Policy, 2nd edition, revised and added, 2014; Her Majesty’s Ambassadors to Romania, 1964-1970, 2017.

Honorary Member of the AOSR
Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy
April 16, 1928, Arad – September 12, 2022, Bucharest
The members of the Romanian Academy of Scientists express their deep sadness at the passing away of the PhD in History, senior scientific researcher, Radu CIUCEANU, Honorary Member of the AOSR, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy.
Born on 16 April 1928 in Arad, Radu Ciuceanu was a member of the National Resistance Movement of Oltenia, led by General Iancu Carlaonț, according to Agerpres.
The historian Radu Ciuceanu was arrested in 1948, after being active for two years in the National Anti-Communist Resistance Movement of Oltenia. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard prison, as head of a group, together with General Ioan Carlaonț, for having set up “a subversive organisation of a terrorist nature, acquired arms, ammunition and explosives, with the aim of overthrowing the regime and fighting against the Soviet Union, through sabotage and insurrection”. During his imprisonment, Ciuceanu went through the “experiment” in Pitesti and the Gherla demolitions.
“We have escaped death so many times that we can no longer speak of luck or chance, only of God. In June 1950 I was put, for I don’t know how many times, in re-education, in the famous death chamber number 99 in Gherla prison. You couldn’t even kill yourself. Many tried, but they were watched day and night. I too had TB since they once took us out at -15 degrees Celsius. Then, out of 300 people, only 100 escaped,” Ciuceanu recounted in a 2010 interview for Adevărul.
In 1963 he was released, but was constantly harassed by Securitate officers, and was barely able to get a job as a day laborer. Radu Ciuceanu was Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies (1990-1992) and President of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuses of the Chamber of Deputies (2000-2004).
Source: Source:
Graduated in History, 1968-1972, majoring in History of Romania, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, majoring in Archaeology (1972), Radu Ciuceanu worked as an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology and later at the National Museum of History and Archaeology of Bucharest. He studied and obtained a PhD in History (N. Iorga Institute of History, Bucharest, 1998) with a thesis entitled Autocracy and Nationalism. The destiny of a dynasty (1665-1856). 1970-1975 archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest; 1975-1989 archaeologist at the Museum of History and Art of Bucharest; carried out archaeological excavations and archaeological research at Putna, Coșula, Mihăilești, Afumați, Ghica Tei, Pantelimon, Văcărești, Colțea. In 1990 he was one of the founders of the Association of Former Political Prisoners in Romania, and in 1993 he founded the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (INST), which he has since directed for almost three decades. He was editor and founding member of the journal Archives of Totalitarianism. Senior Research Scientist I, Member of the C.P.U.N. Executive Board, February-May 1990. Founding member of the first Parliament of Romania in 1990 and Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies 1990-1992.
Scientific activity focused on Roman and medieval archaeology, studies on anti-communist resistance, concentration regime in Romania.
Publications: he wrote in hiding, together with Daniel Barbu and Octavian Roske, the studies The Condition of the Monument under the Communist Regime and Will Bucharest Survive until 1984?, broadcast on Radio Free Europe in 1981 and 1985.
Books: Entering the Tunnel, Memoirs vol. I, Meridiane, Bucharest, 1991; Horseshoe without luck, Memoirs vol. II, Meridiane, Bucharest, 1994; Autocracy and Nationalism. Destinul unei dinastii (1665-1856), 2001; Misiunile lui A. I. Vișinski în România. From the History of Romanian-Soviet Relations 1944-1946. Secret Documents, 1997 (coordinator); Armed Resistance in Bukovina. 1944-1950, vol. I, 1998 (co-author); Armed Resistance in Bukovina. 1950-1952, vol. II, 2000 (co-author); Beginnings of the Resistance Movement in Romania, 11 April 1945-31 May 1946, vol. I, 1998 (co-author); Beginnings of the Resistance Movement in Romania, 1 June-31 December 1946, vol. II, 2001 (co-author); The Prison Regime in Romania 1940-1962, 2001; The Romanian Orthodox Church under the Communist Regime 1945-1958, vol. I; Armed Resistance in Oltenia 1945-1949, vol. I, Armed Resistance in Oltenia 1949-1952, vol. II; The Devil’s Seal, Memoirs vol. III, I.N.S.T., Memoirs, vol. IV, I.N.S.T., Bucharest, 2002; Too much darkness, Lord!, Memoirs, vol. IV, I.N.S.T., Bucharest, 2012; In silence with the devil, Memoirs, vol. V, I.N.S.T., Bucharest, 2015; Thalassa! Thalassa! Thalassa! Memoirs, Memoirs, vol. VI, I.N.S.T., Bucharest, 2017;
He has published numerous articles and reports on archaeological research and historical monuments; 1994-2001 articles in the journal Archives of Totalitarianism, under the title “History as a ballast”. Awards and distinctions: in 1995 he received the Liviu Rebreanu Prize, awarded by the National Ecumenical Centre for the volume Horseshoe without Luck (“exceptional memoir prose from the literary point of view evoking the universe of political imprisonment under the totalitarian regime, in 2003, November 29, he received the National Order of Faithful Service, in the rank of Knight for his cultural, political and parliamentary activity”).
In 2017, historian Radu Ciuceanu received the highest distinction of the Romanian Patriarchate, the Patriarchal Cross.

Academician Emil Răzvan THEODORESCU
Founding Full Member
24 May 1939 – 06 February 2023
Professor, Rector of the Media University; PhD supervisor, Head of the UNESCO Department of South-East European Studies at the University of Arts; Ambassador of the Alliance of Civilizations for Romania.
Specialization: history, history of culture and history of art.
Fields of scientific expertise: history, Romanian and European art; the genesis of medieval culture in Eastern Europe and the concept of Monumentum Princeps; Classical Corridors in South-East Europe; the beginnings of Romanian modernity.
References: CV

Constantin (Dinu) Grigore SĂRARU
Founding Full Member
30 January 1932 – 2 March 2024
Member of the Honorary Council of AOSR
Writer, publicist, founding director of Clipa magazine.
Specialization: contemporary literature, theater chronicle, research in the field of rural sociology.
Areas of scientific expertise: publicist, theater and theater criticism, culture, radio and television, research in the gustian spirit.
References: CV

Full Member
21 December 1933 – 17.07.2024
Historian, writer, literary critic, Director of Roza Vânturilor Publishing House.
Specialization: medieval history, historiography, history of old Romanian literature.
Fields of scientific expertise: old Romanian literature (1402-1647); old and modern Romanian culture; the place and role of Romanian culture in Europe and in the world; Romanian Orthodox spirituality.
References: CV

Pro-rector, Professor at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and Scientific Researcher at the Center for Transylvanian Studies of the Romanian Academy. Graduated in History and Philosophy from Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (1982-1986). PhD in History with the distinction “Magna cum laudae” with the thesis “The rural population of Transylvania between the Revolution of 1848 and the First World War” (1999).
Fields of scientific expertise: modern and contemporary history, modern history of Transylvania and the history of the population of Romania in the 19th-20th centuries, historical demography
References: CV

He graduated from the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest in 1970. PhD in History of the University “Al. I. Cuza”, Iași (1979). He was a Member of Parliament in the 1990-1992, 1992-1996 and 1996-2000 terms. PhD Professor at the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Faculty of History.
Fields of scientific expertise: museography; personalities of Romanian History – Nicolae Iorga, Ion Antonescu, Carol II, Mihai I; Romanian-Magyar relations in the post-war period; aspects of contemporary political life and political parties.
References: CV

Gheorghe CLIVETI
Corresponding Member, MC-AR
Retired on request February 2, 2022
Prof. Univ. dr, Director of the Institute of History “A.D. Xenopol”
Director of the Center for the History of International Relations at the Faculty of History, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iași.
Fields of scientific expertise: Modern History, History of Romanians and History of Europe; History of International Relations, historiographical concepts, documentary sources, themes; Political History and Institutions, political ideas and trends, state and society; Social History, concepts, methodologies,
References: CV,