Dumitru POPESCU – Member, President of the Section
University Professor, PhD in Engineering at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computers
Major: Automation – systems engineering
Areas of scientific competence: System identification and automatic control; Industrial automation, process management; Optimization and decision engineering; Applied automation and computer science with recognized achievements in: digital identification and control, computer-aided design in automation; adaptive and robust control, optimization and decision management; numerical systems for real-time applications; large-scale systems.
, http://acse.pub.ro/person/dumitru-popescu/Cornel COBIANU – Full Member, Vice-President of the Section
Research Scientist grade. 1 doctor engineer, Honeywell Romania S.R.L.
Areas of scientific competence: microelectronics; scientific sensor research; microsystem technology, gas microsensors and specific technological processes for the deposition of piezoelectric thin films in solution, sol-gel type.
References: CV
Neculai ANDREI – Full Member
Research Scientist grade. 1 PhD engineer, National Institute for Research and Development in Computer Science – Bucharest. Institution address. Marshal Averescu 8-10, sector 1, Bucharest.
Areas of scientific competence: automation and remote control; mathematical modelling and optimisation; use of high performance computing through mathematical programming languages, sparse matrix computing techniques and parallel computing.
References: CV Gheorghe BREZEANU – Full Member
PhD Professor of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Department of Electronic Devices, Circuits and Devices.
Address of the institution: 313 Independence Square, sector 6, Bucharest.
Scientific fields of expertise: electronic devices, microelectronics, optoelectronics and nanotechnologies, electronic devices on wide bandgap semiconductors (silicon carbide (SiC) and diamond).
Corneliu BURILEANU – Full Member
Prof. Dr. Ing., Vice President of the UPB Senate, Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, UPB.
Scientific fields of expertise: Microprocessor Architecture, Microcontrollers and Speech Technology; Developing the procedures for parametric representations of Romanian spoken words; Developing a system for automatic recognition of small to medium vocabulary in Romanian; Developing procedures for continuous speech recognition; Projects in speaker verification; Projects in human – computer dialogue.
Professor Corneliu Burileanu was leader or participant in over 40 research and development scientific contracts with several Institutions in Romania. He organised two new editions of International Conference “Speech Technology and Human – Computer Dialogue” “SpeD2003” and “SpeD2005”. “SpeD” is a conference and international forum dedicated to presenting the latest speech technology and man-machine dialogue research as well as offering the opportunity to be connected with the most recent applications for speech processing. He has published 12 books in Microprocessor Architecture, Speech Technology, Digital and Analogue Integrated Circuits and more than 70 articles and reports in journals and conference proceedings.
Ștefan IANCU – Founder Member
University Professor PhD Engineer, Scientific Secretary of the Information Science and Technology Section at the Romanian Academy, Institution address: Calea Victoriei no. 125, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Areas of scientific competence: computing technology, data collection systems, intellectual property, science policy.
References: CV
Cătălin SPULBER – Founder Member
Research Scientist grade. 1 doctor engineer, S.C.Prooptica S.A.,
Areas of scientific competence: fundamental research, disciplinary and interdisciplinary applied research; fine mechanics; calculation and construction of optoelectronic devices.
References: CV
Ștefan TRĂUȘAN-MATU – Full Member
PhD Professor of Engineering, Department of Computers, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
Address of the institution: 313 Independence Square, sector 6, Bucharest.
Areas of scientific expertise: the study of artificial intelligence, interactive and collaborative human-computer systems, e-learning, philosophy, psychology and the orthodoxy-science dialogue.
References: CVCiprian ILIESCU – Honorary Member
Senior Research Scientist [CS 1 dr. engineer] – National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies – IMT Bucharest & Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, SINGAPORE.
Areas of scientific competence: Pressure sensor design and fabrication; integrated circuits; applied physics; analytical chemistry; bioengineering; fine mechanics; nanotechnologies; sensors and transducers; 3 patents: “Biochip for Sorting and Lysing Biological Samples,” 2008; “Ultrasonic enhanced microneedles array for transdermal drug delivery” 2006; “Integrated pressure sensor with silicon diaphragm. Fabrication process and packaging solution” 1993.
, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ciprian_IliescuTudor BARBU – Corresponding Member
CS1 Dr. Habil. Ing., Senior Researcher I at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch; member of the Scientific Council
Areas of scientific competence: algorithms and development methods for image processing (applications in medicine, metallography, etc.), satellite image analysis, 3D reconstruction methods from 2D images, signal processing using fuzzy techniques and neural networks with applications in medicine, facial recognition, video processing, numerical analysis, MATLAB modelling and simulation, Machine Learning, Digital Image Processing
References: CV, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tudor_Barbu, http://iit.academiaromana-is.ro/Mircea Constantin BODEA – Corresponding Member
University Professor PhD Engineer, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Department of Electronic Devices, Circuits and Devices. Iuliu Maniu Boulevard 1-3, Bucharest.
Areas of scientific competence: microelectronics; design of analogue and mixed-signal VLSI circuits; simulation and numerical modelling of electronic circuits and devices; design and characterisation of analogue interfaces of data acquisition systems; semiconductor devices and monolithic sensors.
References: CV
Corresponding Member
Research Scientist 1 PhD Engineer
Specialisation: Electronics and telecommunications
Areas of scientific competence: radio engineering and radiocommunications in defence and security; microwave, antennas, signal processing, information and communication technology, management of scientific research and technological development.
References: CV
http://www.roaf.ro/ro/index.htm; www.acttm.ro; www.dpa.ro;
www.rta.nato.int;Mihai DASCĂLU – Corresponding Member
Professor of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Automation and Computers
Areas of scientific expertise: Natural Language Processing, Discourse Analysis and Computer Assisted Collaborative Learning, Educational Data Mining; Object Oriented Programming, Semantic Web Applications and Datamining and Data Warehousing; Holding multiple professional certifications (PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, CBAP, CISA, C|EH, CISSP and OCMJD). Scientific activity: More than 130 papers published at prestigious national and international scientific conferences and events, including top conferences (AAAI, ITS, AIED, CSCL, CogSci) or ISI impact factor journals (Behavior Research Methods, ijCSCL, Computers in Human Behavior); Experience in national and international research projects (POC D HUB-TECH, POC G NETIO, H2020 RAGE, ERASMUS+ ENeA-SEA, FP7 LTfLL, FP7 ERRIC and CNCSIS K-TEAMS).
References: CVRadu DOBRESCU – Corresponding Member
Prof. PhD in Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Areas of interest: signal and message processing: digital signal processing equipment, process data acquisition and primary processing procedures, parallel processing, data transmission and telecommunications: information theory, optimal reception procedures, image processing and transmission, wireless channel communications.
References: CV
Adina-Magda FLOREA – Corresponding Member
Prof. PhD in Engineering, Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Areas of scientific expertise: artificial intelligence, intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, machine learning, semantic-based systems, e-learning and e-content. Previous research in: knowledge representation, symbolic logic, automatic theorem proving, nonmonotonic reasoning, expert systems, neural networks. Development of a new research area in the Department of Computer Science: intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, which led to the formation of the group and then the AI-MAS (Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems) research lab.
References: CV
Sergiu-Stelian ILIESCU – Corresponding Member
Prof. PhD in Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence: systems theory, automation in thermal power plants, computerisation of energy processes, modelling and simulation of technical processes. Theory of automatic regulation, Automation in thermal power plants, Analysis and synthesis of information systems, Computerization of energy processes.
, http://www.shiva.pub.ro/cviliescu.htm
Mircea Valer PUȘCĂ – Corresponding Member
Research Scientist grade. 1 PhD engineer, Scientific Director of the Research Institute “SOFTWARE” ITC Cluj SA, Cluj-Napoca.
Areas of scientific expertise: computer science; teaching activity in the field of computer automation; human resources management; political strategies, institutional development.
Doru Florin CHIPER – Associate Member
Prof. dr. eng., Dep. Applied Electronics and Intelligent Systems of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications – Gh. Asachi Iasi
Areas of scientific competence: parallel structures for digital signal processing; digital signal processing; VLSI implementation of digital signal processing algorithms based on a synergistic treatment of problems at the algorithmic level; systolic architectures for the implementation of DCT, IDCT, DST, IDST, DHT, GDHT transforms.
References: https://www.etti.legacy.tuiasi.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=118:dfchiper&catid=37:cadre-didactice&Itemid=78Mihail-Lucian PASCU – Associate Member
Dr. Senior Researcher in Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy at the National Institute of Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest; PhD internship at the University of Texas at Dallas (USA)
Areas of scientific expertise: laser spectroscopy / inter- and multidisciplinary optics: 1. fundamental research on tunable lasers dedicated to the chaotic properties of laser beams and the extension of chaos theory to human medicine and economic systems; 2. optical and laser spectroscopy studies in micro- and nano-biomedicine and nano-pharmacology to overcome treatment resistance and to develop individual patient treatment procedures; 3. development of methods for monitoring environmental pollutants (air, water, soil, biosphere) using laser spectroscopy methods/techniques (CRDS, FTIR, fluorescence/ luminescence, opto-acoustic measurements). Typical pollutants considered are: NOx, SOx in air, pesticides, oil and petroleum components in water and soil, presence of pollutants in living organisms.
He has published over 120 papers, obtained 10 patents and presented over 350 invited papers or communications at national and international conferences.
References: http://lsg.inflpr.ro/people_mlv.html
Răzvan RUGHINIS – Associate Member
Prof. PhD in Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Areas of scientific expertise: computer network issues, cyber-security, Internet of Things. Databases. Coordinator of the Innovation Labs program to build persuasive, creative and real user validated technology products. innovation ecosystems and tech start-ups.
References: http://doctorat.acs.pub.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/CV-RR-En.pdfDan ȘTEFĂNOIU – Associate Member
Prof. PhD in Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence: Systems Identification, Signal Processing, Applied Mathematics in Electrical Engineering, Automatic Numerical Control (Discrete Systems), Metaheuristic Optimal Control, Conventional and Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques. Sub-areas: Signal Processing and Systems Identification; signal analysis using non-conventional time-frequency-scalar methods; wavelets and their application to speech coding; Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Multilevel Theory; fault diagnosis using time-frequency-scalar analysis; implemented research projects: ECO-TSFS (analysis and prediction of signals from Ecology), UMAPID (a mobile unit for rapid analysis of ecological conditions, based on identification and processing of ecological signals), TECOGAHI (a new technology to produce hydrogen and high purity iron powder).
References: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dandusus/
Ionel Michael NAVON – Honorary Member, USA
Professor of Mathematics, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, Senior Specialist Researcher. Dual degree: Hebrew University of Jerusalem & The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Areas of scientific competence: applied mathematics, physics, computer science, meteorology; geophysics; astrology. Director of the Applied Mathematics Program; Expert consultant to NASA/GSFC Laboratory for Atmospheres Global Modeling and Simulation Branch – “High-latitude filtering in a global grid-point model, using model normal modes”. Research work carried out in the following areas: 1. Advanced 4-D Var Data-Assimilation Methods; 2. Large-Scale Minimization; 3. Ensemble Kalman filter methods.
References: CVNicolaȉ CHRISTOV – Honorary Member, France
University of Lille
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Lille (UdL) – CRIStAL Lille Research Centre in Computer Science, Signal and Automation – UMR CNRS 9189, Department of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Automation
Current research iterests: Optimal and Robust Control and Filtering, Hybrid Control Systems, Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control, Networked Control Systems, Computational Methods and CAD of control systems.
Fields of scientific competence / Skills and Expertise: Kalman Filtering, Mathematical Computing, Extended Kalman Filters, Control Theory, Mathematical Modelling, MATLAB Simulation, Control Systems Engineering, Control Systems, Robotics, Modeling and Simulation
Adrian RUSU – Founder Member
Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
3 February 1946 – 12 November 2012
University Professor PhD Engineer, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology.
Areas of scientific competence: Microelectronics; Modeling of semiconductor-based electronic devices; simulation of integrated or discrete component electronic circuits; electrical measurements of electronic devices and parameter extraction; a novel Schottky diode with a lateral gradient of impurity concentration; design and modeling of functional MOS integrated circuits with resistive gate; optimization of the breakdown voltage of a gated pn junction; distributed MOS transistor model; breakdown voltage of MOS capacitors; modelling of static induction transistors; a new method for measuring the lifetime of excess charge carriers; characterisation of MOS transistors made in SIMOX technology to measure material parameters; study of non-linear electrical conduction phenomena; compact models of bipolar and submicron MOS transistors, a new category of gated diode-based circuits.
Bogdan MITRICĂ – Associate Member
n. 3 November 1978, Urziceni – d. 8 November 2018, Bucharest
Dr. Habil. Affiliation: scientific researcher gr. 2 (pending confirmation order CS 1), at the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering.
Areas of scientific expertise: nuclear physics, cosmic radiation, high energy physics, Monte-Carlo simulation, hadronic interaction models, aerospace propulsion systems. Research activity in IFIN-HH, astroparticle physics group, cosmic radiation, etc.
Special achievements: design and construction of the mobile cosmic myuon measurement laboratory, design and construction of 2 new high energy cosmic myuon detection systems underground, design and development of an underwater cosmic myuon detector.
Dan-Alexandru IORDACHE – Honorary Member
2 September 1939, Constanta – 15 January 2021, Bucharest
PhD University Professor, Physicist.
Areas of scientific competence: Physics of Materials, Computer Aided Physics, Magnetic and Electrical Measuring Devices; Computer Products for Education; Design of Cryogenic Cable Sections; Study of the Behaviour of Electro-insulating, Magnetic and – respectively – Superconducting Materials in the Temperature Range between Liquid Nitrogen and Room Temperature, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulations of Ultrasound Propagation through Materials, Experimental Implementation of Nonlinear Acoustic Techniques, etc.
Paul E. STERIAN – President of the Section, Full Member
22 November 1946 Râca, GA – 21 October 2021, Bucharest
University Professor PhD Engineer, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Sciences.
Areas of scientific expertise: Quantum Electronics, Physics, Lasers, Optical Information Transmission, Optoelectronics, Quantum Optics, Open Systems, Photonics, Optical Communications, Quantum Information Theory.
www.whoiswho-verlag.ro; www.pub.ro; www.aos.ro