Prof. assoc. Dr. Daniel Puiu POENAR, from Nanyang Technological University, EEE School, Singapore, speaks on June 28, 2022 Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Structures for Biochemical Characterization conference
Dear Colleagues,
On June 28, 2022, starting with 17.00, the Department of Information Science and Technology of AOSR organizes the conference “Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Structures, for Biochemical Characterization” held by Prof. assoc. Dr. Daniel Puiu POENAR, Nanyang Technological University, EEE School, Singapore.
The conference presents, in essence, the main activity and achievements obtained by Dr. Daniel Puiu Poenar, in the field of MEMS.
The results of our own multidisciplinary research in the fields of microfluidics, microelectronics and microbiology are highlighted, highlighting the specific phenomena of sensors and microsystems used for the separation and characterization of cells and respectively for access to cellular information. Specific electronic, magnetic and optical methods for the study of biological and chemical microsystems are presented. It also describes modern manufacturing technologies, functional characteristics, as well as the possibilities of use for the latest devices and systems, products of nanosciences and nanotechnologies, from biology, medicine and chemistry.
We are honored by your participation, look forward to seeing you and invite you to join us in this important scientific event.
The conference takes place in online format with the following agenda:
1. Opening remarks by the President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea
2. Presentation of the scientific lecture “Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Structures, for Biochemical Characterization” . Author: Prof. Assoc, Dr. Daniel Puiu Poenar of Nanyang Technological University, EEE School, Singapore.
3. Discussions
Moderator : Prof. Dr. Eng. Cornel Cobianu , Vice President of the Science and Information Technology Department of AOSR
President of the Department of Science and Information Technology of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dumitru Popescu

CV, Associate Professor, Daniel Puiu POENAR
Name: POENAR Daniel Puiu
Position / Title: Associate Professor (T65)
School: EEE
Contact address & details: Nanyang Technological University, EEE School, Block S2, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 , Tel: 6790 4237; Fax: 6793 3318;
Academic Qualifications:
Ph.D .: Technische Universiteit Delft (The Netherlands) – 1996
M.Sc .: Polytechnic University Bucharest, Romania – 1989
Positions & Experience:
2000-present: Assoc.Prof. since Mar.2008; Assist.Prof. in EEE School-NTU between 2000-Mar.2008
1996-2000: Senior Research Engineer – MEMS Dept. of Institute of Microelectronics (IME), Singapore
Current / Previous Subjects Taught:; EE6610 –IC Packaging; NM6604 – Semiconductor Process & Simulation (NTU-TUM M.Sc. course); EE8086 – Astronomy; EE2002- Analog Electronics; FE1073- Introduction to Engineering and Practices laboratory; EE2003 – Fundamental Semiconductor; EE4840 – Biophotonics.
Main research interests: Sensors & actuators; MEMS & micromachining; (Bio) chemical sensors and bio / chemo analytical techniques, eg spectrometry, electrophoresis, chromatography; Optical sensors.
Overall graduate students supervision:
Graduated 6 Ph.D., 2 M.Eng., 1 B.Eng. and 11 M.Sc. students (sole or main supervisor), of which 1 was a TUM M.Sc. Currently supervising 1 M.Sc. + 1 Ph.D. students.
Research staff supervised or currently being supervised:
5 Research Fellows (RFs), 2 Research Assistants (RAs), and 8 Project Officers (POs).
a) Completed:
- PI of the AcRF project “Biochemical Sensing Devices” RG 11/00, 2000-2003 (MoE / NTU; S $ 147,092);
- PI in the A * STAR project “BioMEMS for Cell Characterization”, Budget: S $ 1,850.00, Sept.2002- Aug.2006;
- PI in the collaborative IME-JML project “Integrated micro-optical elements for the detection of biocomponents” (IME, Budget: S $ 15k), 2006-2007;
- PI in the collaborative MERLION project “Colorimetric microfluidic biosensor for early immuno-diagnosis” (NTU & Embassy of France, Budget: 30,000 Euro), together with Prof. M. ben Chouikha, Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie – Paris, France;
- PI in the project “Development of Piezoresistive Accelerometer on Integrated Microsystem Technology Platform”, (DSTA, Budget: S $ 330k), Mar.2008 – Nov. 2012;
- PI in the project “NMR microspectroscopy using microprobe chips”, (MoE, Budget: S $ 886,032), July 2011- July 2014;
- PI in the project “Biochip and protocols for extended viability and simple functional assessment of gastrointestinal tissue biopsies” (MoE Tier 1, Budget: S $ 100,000; Mar. 2018 – Apr. 2020) .
b) On-going:
- PI in the project “Wearable Smart Skin Patch for Continuous Monitoring of Physiological Signals” (Continental + NRF, Budget: S $ 1,642,717; 2019-2023) ;
- PI in the project “Investigation of fundamental aspects for differentiation of airborne particulate matter in miniature MEMS devices” (MoE Tier 1, Budget: S $ 100,000; Dec. 2020 to Dec. 2022 – extended until May 2023) ;
Patents held:
2 U.S. Patents (7,791,440 & 8,093,633 B2) and 3 Singapore Patents (124886, 128064 and 124472).
A total of 51 Journal and 57 Conference papers have been published so far (June 2022), with a total of 1040 citations (Web of Science) – excluding self-citations– and an H-index of 19.

Photo laboratory – cleanroom class 100 of Nanyang NanoFabrication Center (N2FC) in EEE School of Nanyang Technological University NTU Singapore.
For more details see