National Conference “Digital Transformation of Public Institutions”


The Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Department of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences and the Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” organized on Thursday, April 28, 2022, a conference with a topical topic: “The digital transformation of public institutions ”.

The conference was attended by over 90 people, representatives of public administration, academia and research, business with concerns in the field, people of culture, sociologists. It is worth noting the presence of many academics from the University of Bucharest, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the Academy of Economic Studies, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, the Technical University of Timisoara, the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

The conference was moderated by prof. Univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, vice-president of AOSR, who also gave an intervention during the works. In the opening of the conference, he sent a greeting message to prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, who briefly presented the programs and concern of the institution for debating issues of interest in society.

Presentations were given by Dragoș Cristian Vlad, President of the Romanian Digitization Authority, who was Keynote speaker of the conference, academician Florin Filip, President of the Department of Information Technology, Romanian Academy, prof. Univ. dr. George Grigoriță, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, univ. prof. dr. Virginia Vedinaș, University of Bucharest, prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Dănilă, prof. univ. Dr. Agnes Erich, President of the National Library Commission, Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru Borţun, SNSPA.

Mister. Dragoş Vlad presented the Authority’s projects, insisting on the need to develop a government cloud, legislation to support digital transformation, as well as the need for cooperation and collaboration with renowned specialists in the field. Acad. Florin Filip pointed out that the Romanian Academy has been concerned with the development of the Information Society since the 2000s and has published significant reports and documents which it has sent to both the Parliament and the Government. Mister. Nicolae Dănilă pointed out the essential changes that can appear in the banking system in the context of the digital transformation, but also the challenges that must be taken into account in the financial system. An extremely interesting communication was presented by Mr. George Grigorita, who showed the ways in which the Orthodox Church has adopted new technologies and stressed that the institution is concerned with respect for man and his freedoms. Ms. Agnes Erich pointed out that libraries support the digital transformation through their ongoing actions and will try to obtain the necessary funds through projects funded by PNNR. Ms. Virginia Vedinaș presented the draft Code of Administrative Procedure and mentioned the importance of an appropriate legislative instrument for the digital transformation of the administration. Mr. Dumitru Bortun had a presentation focused on sociological aspects, while showing social issues that hinder the development of digital transformation of the administration.

Ms. Doina Banciu presented the digital transformation of public institutions and issues related to skills, IT infrastructure, management in the context of the European strategy in the field until 2030. In his presentation, he stressed that in order to achieve the digital transformation of society, a systemic management is needed that takes into account education at all levels, the economic environment, public administration, the legislative framework.

During the discussions, several speeches were noted. Prof. univ. dr. Ion Popa, dean of the Faculty of Management, ASE Bucharest, emphasized the role of managerial training of students in the context of the knowledge society, Mr. Dragoș Neagu, director of the Brăila County Library, showed the preparation of librarians to meet the new requirements, Mr. Vasile Dinu, ASE Bucharest, stressed the importance of specialized publications, and Mr. Daniel Fodorean, dean of the Faculty of Baptist Theology, Baptist Theological Institute, the requirements of online teaching and learning in the new context of digital transformation.

The conclusions of the conference stressed the need for further debates on this topic, to be organized together with the Romanian Academy, branch academies and other institutions that can contribute to the digital transformation of society.

The conference papers will be broadcast on Radio Romania channels, AOSR partner.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: )
Bucharest, 29.04.2022