AOSR, European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Institute for Studies, Research, Development and Innovation – Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest
Prof. Univ. Dr Anamaria Bechir
– The Valences of Femininity –
The conference will take place online on 27 October 2021, 16.00
The human body is a collection of elementary structures arranged in a certain equilibrium and subject to gravitational forces.
At the interface of several medical disciplines a new branch has emerged, called biopostural medicine or posturology (lat. posture = posture and gr. logos = science), which studies the balance of man in an upright position and/or in movement, or corrects functional disorders of the postural system, with the establishment of the necessary adjustments of automated postural actions according to pre-programmed motor schemes.
Posturology refers to the study and treatment of the geospatial and biomechanical regulation and organisation of body segments.
Correct body posture is a sign of an individual’s psychophysical balance. The system that manages these postural and kinetic activities is called the postural system.