National Project KNOWING ROMANIA

The Romanian Academy of Scientists launches “ROMANIA OF KNOWLEDGE” PROJECT

The Academy of Romanian Scientists launches a nationwide project under the title: “Romania of Knowledge”.

The initiative of the Romanian Academy of Scientists is conceptually and pragmatically related to the rapid developments and complex transformations at all levels at European and global level, in the Age of Knowledge, Information and Communication Technology and Artificial Intelligence, which marks the 5th Industrial Revolution.

The “Romania of Knowledge” project is dedicated to the development of the country through education, science, research and technology, vectors of progress and evolution of the economy, society and civilization. The project aims to realize a national framework for debate, a think-tank bringing together personalities representative of each field involved, from home and abroad, scientists, researchers, academics, experts and specialists, decision-makers and policy-makers, a synergy of creative and innovative intelligences. Within this elite forum of ideas and solutions, subsumed under the objective of sustainable development, fundamental areas and themes for Romania’s development through knowledge will be addressed.

The thematic areas and coordinates on which the “Romania of Knowledge” project is structured are the following:

  1. Education
  2. Research, Innovation
  3. Computerization, Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence
  4. Efficient and sustainable development
  5. Efficient and organic farming
  6. Energy
  7. Health
  8. Natural resources and new materials
  9. Human Resources, Social Policies
  10. Ecology, Environment, Climate change
  11. Defense and national security

Each field of the Project structure will constitute a panel and a thematically focused working framework, coordinated by a leading scientific personality, emblematic for the field, which will be attended by specialists, experts, professors, researchers, representatives of authorities. Each panel will organize “analysis and reflection groups” on sub-domains which will meet periodically to carry out their work, according to their own agenda, within the general programme of the Project. Within each panel and reflection group, debates, scientific meetings, symposia and conferences will take place, and the most valuable ideas, conclusions and solutions will be disseminated through published materials or volumes. At the overall level of the Project, two annual conferences are planned, the first in May and the second in November, which will summarize the results of the panel work and outline future directions for future work.

The National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest and the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest joined the AOSR Project as initiators.

The “Romania of Knowledge” project was launched in May 2024 at the BCU Carol I in Bucharest.