Personalities and Events

We include here brief presentations of outstanding scientific personalities and scientific events that marked the first century of Romania’s existence. The subject is vast and it is our aim to bring to the public knowledge information that may also be new. We claim no completeness and we invite colleagues, every interested person to contribute to this rubric with more materials.

Alistar Elena

Antipa Grigore

Averescu Alexandru

Basgan Ion

Berthelot Henri Mathias

Borcea Ion

Damn Iulian

Grigorescu Eremia

Hatieganu Iuliu

Horia Hulubei

Ionescu V. Theodor

Lalescu Traian

Lapedatu I. Alexander

Major George

Mateevici Alexei

Murafa Simion

Palade George Emil

Pastea Eugeniu

Persu Aurel

Pompey Dimitrie

Racoviță Emil

The answer of Emil Racoviță to the Call of the homeland

Rădulescu D. Alexandru

Rădulescu Adrian

Roegen-Georgescu Nicolas

Sandulescu Aureliu

Săvulescu Traian

Sperantia Eugeniu

Tantu Vasile

Teodorescu Paul

Țițeica Gheorghe

Little Serban

Ursu Ioan

Văcărescu Elena

Vladimir Cristi

Vasile Lucaciu and Iuliu Maniu

Romanian Contributions to the Philosophy of History in the Pre-Great Union Period

Marine Sciences

Romanian Mathematicians in WWI
Communication presented at the Humboldt Colleague World War I and Beyond: Human Tragedies,
Social Challenges, Scientific and Cultural Response , organized by Humboldt Club Romania
with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Bucharest, September 17-19, 2018


Record stay underwater

World-Class Romanian Personalities of Universal Science and Medicine

The Founders of modern Physics in Romania