Adrian Badea, Honorary President of AOSR, honored by the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul” of the USA at the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile in Craiova


On Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile in Craiova, prof.univ.dr.eng. Adrian Badea, Honorary President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, participated in the exhibition of medalistics “From New York to the wonderful Citadel of Baniei“, organized in collaboration with the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul” in the United States of America, where he received the Magna Cum Laude Diploma and the gold medal Dorul 120.

Speaking about the collaboration between the Romanian Academy of Scientists and the Dorul Christian Society of New York
Message in the honor book of the Craiova Museum of Books and Exile

The hosts of this event were Mr. Dan Pavel, on behalf of the Romanian Society “Dorul” and Mr. Lucian Dindirică, Deputy Mayor of Craiova, founder of the Museum of Books and Romanian Exile.

The event was attended by exceptional cultural personalities who have made important contributions to the preservation of authentic Romanian values.

After the message of the president of the Romanian Society “Dorul”, Mr. Cristian Pascu, 12 diplomas and medals were handed out in a festive setting to the following laureates: Dan Puric, Rareș Prisacariu, Adrian Badea, Bogdan Cuza, Miron Manega, Lucian Dindirică, Dan Pavel, Filip Mărgărit, Elena Condrei, Daniela Gîfu, Ioan Pavăl, Horia Dumitrescu.

With master Emil Boroghina and the family of the wonderful, gifted child Rareș Prisecariu