Prof. univ. Dr. Onuc COZAR, full member of the Physical Sciences Department


The Presidium of the AOSR sadly announces that on 30 January 2022 Prof. univ. Dr. Onuc COZAR, full member of the Physical Sciences Department.

Prof. univ. Dr. Onuc COZAR was born on 29 March 1946 in Sâncraiu-Almașului, Jud. Sălaj. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Physics of Solid Bodies, at the “Babeș – Bolyai2” University of Cluj-Napoca. D. in Science, specializing in Physics, in 1977 with the thesis Molecular structure and adsorption dynamics of Cu
determined by RES spectroscopy.

He has carried out numerous research internships in Dubna, Russia (1990); Padova, Italy
(1993), Madrid, Spain (1996); Lyon, France (1999, 2002, 2005), Aachen, Germany (2003).

He has carried out a wide range of teaching and professional activities, being assistant professor at the Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, “Babeș – Bolyai” University (1972-1983); editorial secretary of Studia Magazine (1983-1990); university lecturer (1990-1996); university professor, head of the Department of Biomedical Physics (1996-2017); secretary of the Department of Physics, “Babeș – Bolyai” University (1996-2017).
Scientific Director of the Faculty of Physics (1998-2006); member of the Research Council of the Senate of “Babeș – Bolyai” University (1998-2005); member of the Commission for Exact Sciences I of the CNEAA (2001-2006); Director of the Research Centre in Biomedical and Environmental Physics, CNCSIS accredited (2006); Dean of the Faculty of Physics (2007-2012); PhD supervisor since 1991 (26 graduates).

He has addressed numerous research areas: molecular structure and dynamics studies, interaction of metal ions with molecules of biomedical interest (drugs, amino acids, nucleotides), solvent effects and molecular association mechanisms, nitroxide radicals and irradiation products in different biomolecules – their kinetics, structure estimation and
molecular properties from theoretical modelling, coupled paramagnetic systems (dimers, trimers, etc.), local structure and interaction between paramagnetic ions in oxide matrices, applications of physical methods in medical diagnosis and treatment, environmental physics. Achieved original results in the above-mentioned fields using the methods
FT-IR, FT-Raman, SERS, RES, NMR, Mossbauer, gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) spectroscopy as well as some theoretical methods for simulation and deconvolution of experimental molecular spectra, computation and molecular modelling (DFT, ab-initio and semi-empirical methods).

As director, he managed 16 projects worth over 2.3 million lei.

He had a rich publishing activity through: Books published: 10 (7 monographs). One of the monographs is Electron spin resonance on metal complexes, Ed. Acad. Române, Bucharest, 2001; Co-editing of 5 volumes with the proceedings of National Symposia and an International Summer School; Scientific papers: 469 of which: 136 in international journals
ISI citations (32 in other international journals, 28 in journals of the Romanian Academy, 122 in Studia Journal of “Babeș – Bolyai” University, 42 in journals of other Universities in the country (Timișoara, Oradea), 40 in volumes of International Conferences and 69 in volumes of national conferences; Citations obtained: over 2000 in ISI cited papers.

He was a reviewer for the international journals J. Molec. Struct., Inter. J. Modern Physics B, Appl. Mag. Resonance and member of the editorial boards of: Studia Univ. “Babeș-Bolyai”, Physica Series; Annals Univ. Oradea; Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Physica Series.

He has received awards and distinctions: the Romanian Academy Award Dragomir Hurmuzescu (1982); AOSR Award Șerban Țiteica (2018); Diploma of Merit of the University “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, for contributions to the University Development; Diploma of Merit “Victor Mercea” of the Faculty of Physics of the University “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca (2006). Diploma for “Scientific Excellence” of “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca (2007).

He was affiliated as a member of: the Romanian Physical Society, the European Physical Society, the Balkan Physical Society, the Romanian Society of Magnetic Materials, the Romanian Society of Scientists, the Romanian Society of Radiation Protection, the Ampere Group, the International Society of Resonance (ISMAR), the American Association of Physicists
Medical (AAPM).

Our Academy loses a valuable member and a colleague we will miss. Sincere condolences to the family! God rest his soul!