Scientific symposium: the significance and importance of May 9 for the history and present of Romania


The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes, on May 9, 2023, from 14.00 to 17.00, the scientific symposium “The significance and importance of May 9th for the history and present of Romania”.

The event will take place online at link Google Meet.


Welcome address by Prof. Adrian Badea, President of A.O.Ș.R.
Moderator Prof. Ion Solcanu, PhD, President of the History and Archaeology Section

1. Prof. Dr. Lascu Stoica Nicolae Iorga – Independence “we paid for it with blood, with the blood of the several thousand dorobantis who fell in the mud of Pleven”
2. Prof. Anatol Petrencu 9 May in Chisinau
3. Prof. Dr. Ion Zainea The contribution of the Romanians from Transylvania to the support of the war for the independence of Romania, reflected in the pages of Familia magazine from Oradea
4. Prof. Dr. Radu Ștefan VergattiBrief data about the deputy lawyer Eliodor I. Vergatti
5. Prof. Mihai DrecinAndrei Silviu and Nicolae Raikovics – defenders of Oradea killed by the Horts on 9 October 1944
6. Prof. Valentin CiorbeaThe Nazi German Captivity: 7 or 9 May 1945?
7. Dr. Marius-Adrian Nicoară The Romanian Royal Air Force on the front, on May 9, 1945
8. Prof. Gheorghe OnișoruMay 1950. In the West – the Schumann declaration, in Romania – “the night of the dignitaries”